MissBonnie’s cross

The room is dark, lit only by a few candles, obscure shadows fall upon the walls. A cross sits by the wall, a bed draped in purple near the other. The silhouette of a man and a women stand in the center of the room. Miss Bonnie kisses him on the neck, tasting him, tasting his apprehension. Slowly she runs her hands over his chest, up and down his body. Softly feeling him, caressing his body.

Grasping Johnny’s hair, MissBonnie pulls him across the room to her cross, pressing him against it, pressing her body against his. Slowly she kisses him on the lips as she holds him there. Breaking the kiss she takes his wrists in her hands and lifts them onto the cross. “Stay bitch!” Miss Bonnie’s command is firm and unwavering.
Moving away for the briefest of moments, MissBonnie reaches towards the nightstand and produces a long slender tube. “Rrrip” The distinctive sound of clingfilm emanates through the room as she meticulously wraps it over and under Johnny’s trembling arm. “Rrrip” another round his arm, “Rrrip” and another, tightly pinning it against the crosses wooden frame.

“Rrrip” Tearing the clingfilm free MissBonnie begins on his next arm. “Rrrip” With his arms bound securely to the cross, she places her foot between his legs, swiftly kicking them apart. Now staring into his eyes, her devious grin widens as she runs her finger up his chin, holding his lustful gaze into her eyes.
With the grace of a cat MissBonnie breaks her gaze, runs her free hand down his body and down his leg. “Rrrip” with a few wraps and a tear, Johnny’s leg is firmly bound. “Rrrip” with another few wraps and another tear, his other leg is secure. “Rrrip” … “Rrrip” again and again, now binding his torso to the cross. One last tear, and he’s helplessly bound and at her mercy.

“Hehehe” an evil giggle escapes her lips as she stands back and watches Johnny struggle against his bindings. A flex of an arm muscle, a twist and tug of a leg, another flexing muscle, Johnny’s resistance is futile.
“You know your not going to escape my clutches, don’t you. … Of course you do, yet you still try, I wonder why. You know thats what I love about you. You always try to resist, to resist me, yet I always win. We both know that deep down you desire to be mine.” Bonnie says with a wry tone in her voice as she walks back and forth in front of Johnny, teasing his eyes with her elegant and refined body. Stopping in her tracks, Miss Bonnie turns and looks at him, at his erect cock; “Awww, poor baby, you have a problem there don’t you? Hehehe.” Her sweetly diabolical tone betrays her real feelings.

Reclining in the chair opposite of her new found toy, MissBonnie spreads her legs. Looking onward at her toy’s hard and bobbing cock, she reaches into her thong, gently she begins caressing and fingering her wet sex. Taunting him with her gaze, with her moans of pleasure, teasing him with what he can’t have. Her moans become louder as her pace quickens.

Watching from across the room, Johnny longingly watches her every move. His cock yearning for Miss Bonnie’s touch. His sweaty muscles flexing against his plastic bonds. Begging her with his eyes, for a touch, a stroke, anything, but to no avail. “Aahhh, aahhh, aahhh!” As MissBonnie’s moans become louder, his cock aches harder, and harder for attention. With her final moan, his begging becomes null. Leaving her seat, she walks over to Johnny – her toy – hers alone. Taking his cock in hand, she slowly strokes it up and down as she watches his frustration build. Sensing he’s near the edge she releases his cock, and begins to run her finger over the head, collecting his precum. “Hehehe” MissBonnie’s laughter is delightfully evil. “You want to cum, don’t you? Hehehe.” running her finger over his lips she finishes; “It’s going to be a long night for you my toy. A long night.” …

Story by James © Art by Sardax © CollarNcuffs.com Sardax.com

Friday night

The bar is crowded, even for a Friday. The blue-collar crowd is out in force; the band is loud; and the pool tables and dance floor are both packed. Most of them are celebrating the end of another work week, and well on their way to beginning the weekend in style. Southern style. Beer, booze, music, and having a good time.

He is sitting at the bar, nursing his second beer. He has to nurse it; She has set his limit at three, and things are just starting to get interesting behind him. She is fifty feet away, on the dance floor, doing an almost obscene bump and grind, to the music of Brooks & Dunn, with a complete stranger. The stranger has no idea that he is simply a role player in an elaborate relationship. He just wants to get drunk, and laid. In that order. He doesn’t know it yet, but tonight will be his lucky night.

But for him, sitting at the bar, on beer number 2…not so much.

She had warned him not to cross the line. Not to dare Her. Not to push Her past a certain point. He had listened to Her words, but he didn’t catch the tone in Her voice, the tone intended to warn him that She was not kidding. She would do it, if only to put him in his place. Unfortunately for him, as had happened before, he had missed, or ignored, the warning signs. He had made the critical mistake, crossed that invisible line, and now it was too late. She had made the decision…Her decision…and now he would pay for his error. Big time.

So he sits, nurses his beer, and watches. He knows how this will end, and he knows there is absolutely nothing he can do about it. All he can do at this point is watch, and wait, for what he knows is coming.

Midway through his third beer, and three “way too close” dances for Her, it is clear that She has made Her choice. Via the mirror behind the bar, he sees Her when She rises from the table, excuses Herself, and goes to the ladies room. He knows what this means, and when the text message arrives, he reads it with a mixture of anticipation, and resignation, to what he knows is about to happen.

“I have made My selection. Go home. Be in the closet, in the Stockade, plugged, gagged, and blindfolded. Secure both ankles, your neck, and one wrist. I will secure your last wrist when I get there. Then enjoy the show, My bitch. I am going to let him fuck My brains out. You will listen, and then you will clean up the mess.”

He reads the message; finishes his beer; and leaves. He knows the clock is ticking. Thirty minutes later, he is positioned as She has instructed. The wait is not long. Ten minutes after that, he hears the sounds of them entering the house. She is home, with Mr. Right Now. Five minutes after that, She has locked the last metal cuff around his wrist, closed the closet door, and brought the lucky stranger to Her bed.

She knows he is there, and knows that he is listening, so She goes into full-blown “porn star” mode for Her lover. The sex is loud, long, and no-holds-barred. By the time it is over, the stranger believes he has met his queen. She is polite, but firm. He has to go. Her boyfriend will be home soon from his late-night job, and he has no sense of humor about strange males in his house. Reluctantly, the stranger leaves, with memories that will keep him awake for many nights yet to come.

Much the same as the one in the closet.

She opens the closet door, smiles at his form beneath Her, and spends the next five minutes rehashing, in very explicit detail, every moment that he has already listened to. How much She enjoyed taking a strange cock inside Her; wrapping Her flesh around a hot, hard, willing cock; the hard fucking She got; and feeling the hot jet of semen as Her lover exploded inside Her. She tells him what he already knows is coming; then releases him from the Stockade; leads him to the side of Her bed; places him on his knees; then lies back on Her bed and enjoys the feel of his tongue inside Her, as he cleans Her flesh of the residue of the reckless fucking he has spent the last hour listening to. Despite the fact that the sex was good, this is by far Her favorite, and most enjoyable part of what has been…for Her…a very enjoyable evening.

She saves Her final insult until he is secured for the night in the Bitch Closet; chained, hooded, and collared, and with the scent of Her sex still fresh on his face. Only then does She tell him. Just to make sure he understands that She is serious, and that She will make him pay dearly for another mistake of this nature, they will be going back to the same bar tomorrow night. She will take another lover. The cycle will repeat, with one minor change.

Tomorrow night, She intends to allow Her lover to take Her in the ass.

The Guardians

There is a place that exists inside of me. It is a domain of euphoric bliss and boundless freedom where I am unfettered by doubt or fear or shame. A place where I can leave behind my inadequacies and failings, where I can lay down the armour that I wrap around my fragile self, and be safe, calm and at peace. I have explored the borders of this uncharted land but always with the knowledge that I cannot stay. Time will eventually discover me there and with grim inevitability return me to the place where I shed my skin, where I must again don the masks and guises of strength and courage and return to the world where I am bound to remain.

This place haunts my dreams. In every room and in every moment I catch glimpses of the doorways that may lead me back to that far distant land. These doors are invisible to all but me, yet they remain, all around me, every day. The sound of high heels striding with confident purpose, the scent of certain perfumes, a precise shade of lipstick on an elegant woman’s mouth, the glimpse of a seamed stocking beneath the hem of a skirt…the soft music of leather and steel. All of these things whisper to me of possibilities…a distinct and precise combination of sensory input like the ingredients of a spell – an incantation that must be spoken just so…and the doorway may open to me once more.
No amount of longing can lead me back there, because I know that I am forbidden to open this door alone. I may stand before it and wonder at what lies beyond, but I cannot – nor can any other man open it. The guardians of this door are exclusively female. They hold the only key and they keep it jealously hidden. No pleading, no manipulation, no demonstration of masculine strength, no threats nor any amount of posturing will force them to unlock the threshold unless they so choose. Then, if I am so honoured, they will lead me by the hand down dark and winding paths to the place that lies behind my eyes. They will leave me there for a time…but all things come at a price and the cost of this can be a heavy burden to carry.

My passage is bought with humiliation and pain.

My Mistresses strip me of all my presences and bring me to my knees. They bare my body and my soul is laid naked before them. They observe every nuance of thought, word and deed and they discover the things inside me that I have hidden even from myself. I cannot hide from their scrutiny, as painful as it is to me – I writhe before them as they exorcise the spirits of my self doubt. They hold my minds eye open and they force me to look here, and here, and here. And if they perform the ritual with skill, the venom that I cling to, the poison inside me that I will never willingly release is torn away from me with a scream like silence.

Humiliation is the first lock on the door…shame upon shame upon shame and the key slides into place. And then suddenly I find myself without transition in a place where shame has no meaning, like a word repeated over and over again until it becomes senseless. My sense of self is dissolved and as it falls away from me in tattered shreds I become nothing. I can no longer be humiliated because I no longer exist. I am weightless and utterly without substance and liberation explodes in my mind like an epiphany. The key turns and the first lock falls open.
Yet the second lock awaits and its name is pain.

Once again I am led to a dark place within my mind. Anticipation builds. I am to be bound – but not only by ropes and leather…the will of the Guardians holds me in place like cold steel chains. I have made the choice to abandon choice, by my own free will, my will is stripped from me and I meekly submit to the ritual. The bonds are placed on me and it is a sensation as intimate as a lovers caress. My Mistresses are not unkind; yet. They show no desire to cause me discomfort and I revel in the glory of their proximity. I drink in the flood of sensation, the scent of leather, the soft swish of long flowing skirts. I feel the warmth of their fingers as they touch my naked skin, even if only to ensure the restraints are securely fastened, that the blindfold has wrapped me in darkness, and that the gag will muffle my inevitable screams.

Despite what I know is surely to come, I have a moment to pause, to feel safe and secure. For a short time the burden of responsibility has been taken from me. I have no need to pretend that I am brave or strong; all that is required of me is that I can suffer. It is all that I have to offer them and I pledge myself to pay my debt.
With the first instant that the first stroke arcs through the air to lash across my helpless flesh, I begin the journey to the doorway that leads to my secret world. I climb the mountains in my mind and every peak proves to be a false crest with a new peak behind it. Every time I think I have reached the summit, the mists clear to reveal the majesty of the hills yet to be climbed and every step of the way, my Guardian Mistresses are guiding me, pushing me onwards with stern application of the lash. Without them I would wander aimlessly and founder but they will not let me fail. They show me the way with patience, empathy…. understanding.

They have an almost preternatural perception of my state of mind. When the pain becomes more than I can bear, they show me that I am wrong; that I can and will bear more pain. They take me beyond my limits and expand my horizons. They give me a moment to collect myself then they take me beyond those horizons too.
I forget myself. The distance between what I am and what I could be becomes insignificant. The doorway beckons, it shines like redemption as the second lock falls open and I pass through to what lies beyond.

And later, I know I have been there but the memory washes away like tears in rain. I struggle to hold the moment but it feels as if I am remembering a story about someone else’s dream. It passes and recedes into the shadows at the corners of my mind, leaving me with an aching hollow longing, and a crushing sense of debt to the Guardian Mistresses that took me on the journey. I am left with the knowledge that I will never have the words to thank them for the gift that they have given me. I am humbled before them and I wonder once again why they do what they have done. Could it be that they too travel to that place but by a different path? Could it be that they too lose themselves in that perfect moment that peaks and fades too soon? I will never know because they will not, ever give up their secrets to me. Perhaps to gain that knowledge would mean to see the doorway close forever.

I must wait. I must wait and know that there is another world hidden just behind the thin walls of this one. A world that hides behind every closed door and every drawn curtain… The ritual continues and the guardians are waiting.


She passed down the hallway in her fetish gear, diddy bag in hand. Completely out of uniform, but not completely out of the ordinary for starship occupants who saunter towards the much coveted holodecks. She’d been working on this program for months on end, picking at each detail, preening over the finer points that would make this the ultimate fantasy scene of her dreams. Months ago, she’d reserved her vacation time, and now her mind raced and her body tingled at the possibilities of what was about to unfold before her, precisely according to plan. She passed many others in their own garish costuming, so her latex unidress, garters and platform shoes really weren’t all that out of place on this part of the ship, and no one really gave her much of a second glance as she finally arrived at her destination…Holodeck AL-9.

She stepped towards the door as it opened with that familiar swooshing sound, stepped onto the holodeck, and sets her bag into the shelving unit for future use.

“Computer. Load programming for Sarah Linde, group #6.” “Loading data, one moment, please. Would you like to invoke the wardrobe change at this time?” “Yes, computer, load wardrobe change,” she replies. “Program loading, one moment please”.

Suddenly her form changed from a classic fetish ensemble to a mild-mannered sweater, a pair of low-hung hip hugger jeans which outlined her shapely figure quite beautifully. She suddenly seemed to fit in as the auto load unfolded the opening scene in a semi crowded bar. She scanned around the room, recognizing the details she’d so carefully laid out…the girls giggling and laughing in the corner. Couples passing around, looking for an empty table. Single guys hovering at the bar, some sitting on the barstools, others sort of half on, half off as they work to make conversation with the other girls that have taken a spot within the same vicinity. As she walked confidently about the space, she projected an air about her, a wave that inexplicably causes random eyes to turn in her direction. She felt this shared attraction, this vibrance with the universe, toyed a bit with it, and quickly flicked a return glance to the roving eyes in recognition of the signal she’d sent out. A knowing smile curled on her lips as she struck up a conversation with a random stranger about some innocuous topic.

Then she spied him. Beautiful creature that he was—tall, precisely 6’1, short mop of curly brown hair, lean, yet muscular, triangular body, almost a swimmer’s look, and those piercing, deep blue eyes. As she gazed in his direction, he flashed her that infectious smile that made her heart skip a beat. He was precisely what she’d ordered, she sensed a wave deep in her belly and marveled at the feelings that were invoked by a mere computer program. As she gravitated closer to him, she could see his eyes light up at the undivided attention she’s suddenly chosen to pay him. He felt lucky, grateful even, as she opened her mouth to speak.

“Whatcha drinkin there, baby?” It felt SO very good to her to play this role, the aggressor in a game that usually remains reserved for males in hot pursuit of a convenient, quick roll in the sack for the evening. He stammered a bit and almost knockrf over the bottle as he clumsily revolved it around to reveal the label. She snapped her fingers and a waitress came breezing over with fresh bottle. As he gestured toward his wallet, she laid a hand on his arm and gazed deeply into his eyes. With an almost sneer curling off the corner of her mouth, she retorted,

“Don’t worry about it, baby. You can pay me back for it in other ways.” “Oh, really?” was all he could manage to fumble from his lips. She could clearly see at this point he was completely and utterly mesmerized, enthralled with her, and like a skilled hypnotist, she sensed that she already had him totally under her spell. “Drink, baby”. She handed him the bottle, gesturing for him to drink. Upon that command, he nervously took the bottle to his lips and drank down almost the entire bottle. “Whoa there baby, slow down!”, she grinned. Even though she programmed precisely to react this way, she still marveled and giggled as the veracity in which he was inclined to react to orders. She was clearly in control of her scene and ultimately his reaction, which was the thing she most craved and desired.

She leaned in very slowly, drinking in the sweet aroma of the delicious combination of cologne and testosterone. She ever so slightly grazed his ear with her nose, then softly whispered in his ear, “you’d really like to serve me, wouldn’t you?”. The utter forwardness of the statement instantly unnerved him. It wouldn’t have mattered what she said at that moment. She could have told him that he had something stuck in his teeth, or that there was a fire in his pants, the reaction would have been precisely the same. She drew back to observe the fruits of her labor, and the look of shock, embarrassment and total surrender all the wrapped up on that beautiful, flawless face of his. At that point, she knew she had him hooked, and she was totally and utterly pleased with his reaction.

“Shall we?” He managed to dumbly shake his head as she again snapped her fingers. And right on cue, the computer chimed and shifted the background to a dark, candle sconce lit, dungeon-looking room, and shifted her back into her gorgeous fetishwear. Startled, he very quickly jumped up and slowly backed up away from her in fear. “Wh..wh..what are you doing? Where are we, and how the HELL did you do that?”

“Admit it, boy. You’re intrigued, aren’t you?” She followed him forwards as he backed himself into a wall, and the look of shock on his countenance suddenly turned downward and slightly recoiled, as she’d rather abruptly grabbed his crotch. He gasped and quickly realized, to his utter embarrassment, that his cock was completely hard under her firm grasp. “Oh! I see you’re LIKING this, aren’t you boy? His eyes rolled back in his head in ecstasy. He couldn’t answer, all he could do was groan. She leaned in ever closer, like that she was about “What would you think about my strapping you to that cross over there?” She could see the myriad of emotions flashing across his face, from shock, to fear, to eagerness, to wantonness, back to fear. He was looping in a vicious cycle as his brain and emotions started to spiral out of control. His heart jumped up into his throat. It was a reaction that she was finding amazingly intoxicating.

“Strip, boy.” With that simple command, he damned near literally ripped his clothes off in a frenzy. She then observed and delighted in her holographic masterpiece. A simple command of kneel and he was down on his knees in a second. She then proceeded to subject him to a complete and humiliating inspection. His whole body flushed a light rosy color as he blushed from the utter embarrassment. His cock strained upward, aching for her touch, yet she pointedly avoided it and proceeded to stroke and caress every square inch of his bare flesh. He felt so amazingly warm, so vibrant, so…alive. She was getting drunk on his scent, his electricity, his reaction. He seemed so amazingly real, she could feel her desire building and climbing, ever so slowly.

“Ok, we’re moving over here” she said rather summarily. He dopishly moved over to the X cross and just stood there patiently, while she pulled out her diddybag and dug around for the cuffs she knew were there. She quickly strapped a cuff onto one wrist and snapped it up to the right arm of the cross, then quickly did the same to the other. At this point, he was already in a trancelike state, and stayed that way as she lightly raked her fingernails down and back up his bare flesh. He shuddered as the galvanic skin response brought goosebumps all over his entire body. He groaned slightly as his breathing got heavier. “And now, you’re going to get a back massage from me. It’s a special kind of back massage, but I’ll make sure that you’ll be able to bear it. Are you ready?”


“The proper response to any direct question or statement from me would be “yes, Ma’am! Understood, boy?”

She raked dug her fingernails into his back and raked, HARD, down to and beyond his tight little ass. The sudden shock of searing pain caused him to cry out in shock and agony, which only further fueled her desire to create some impressive marks on this beautiful canvas.

“I need you to bear this for me, to take this sensation and learn to channel this into pleasure, understood?”

“Yes, Ma’am!”

“Oh, well DONE!” she purred. She then pulled out a light flogger and explain what she was about to do. “I’m going to be using a sweet little toy called a flogger, are you familiar with a flogger?”

“No, Ma’am”.

She held the flogger up to his face, showed him the falls, made him sniff the leather under his nose and kiss the toy in gratitude. She then started him with a warm up, placing blows on his back hindquarters with the utmost precision. He resumed his place back in subspace, and he was soaring. Then she switched out with a heavier flogger, then an even heavier one. Each blow made that skin a little rosier, then red. With each blow his breathing became a little more labored until he started moaning, then almost to the point of screaming. And his agony was quickly becoming her ecstasy, his moans were invoking a very powerful drive deep within her loins. She stopped the blows, laid the flogger down and squeezed the violated, fevered flesh, which made him yell out in agony, then she rubbed it all better. “There, there my dear boy. You’re almost done. I promise though that what you endure right now, I will make it up to you.”

“Ok, Ma’am”.

“Good boy!”. She then pulled out a cane, and tap tap tapped it on his flaming red ass, then brought it forward into full view as he focused on the evil looking object and shuddered at his fate that was about to befall him. “Ok, we’re going to do 10 blows with this wicked little tool, then we’re going to stretch you out on my bed for more play, understood?”

“Understood, Ma’am”.

“Now, I’m not going to lie, this is going to hurt. A lot. I just need you to channel this pain for me and take 10 blows for me, now that I have you warmed up, ok? Count for me.” They both were reacting to what lie ahead in the very near future. He was showing visible, almost audible signs of panic, she was demonstrating an almost bloodlust for his response to what will undoubtedly be a total shock to his body and panicked the panicked fear that will undoubtedly accompany it.

“Yes, Ma’am.”

Whack! *gasp* “ONE!”

The searing pain, as predicted, made him lurch up and outward as he gasped, screamed and shook the moorings on the cross . Immediately, a beautiful stripe bubbled to the surface, as she squealed in delight. He was visibly shaken and losing his bearings, so she very lightly whispered in his ear, had him concentrate on his breathing until he was able to ground himself again. “Ma’am, I don’t know if I can take any more of those.”

“Oh, but my darling, I really, really need this”, she hissed into his ear. “I promise that I will make it worth your while if you’ll just take this for me. It’s something I truly crave, my dear, and I will not cause you any lasting harm. It will get easier after the first three more blows, I’ll make it quick.”

“Ok, Ma’am. I’ll try.”


He screams yet again, as his legs buckle under the shock to his system. Three more perfectly formed marks rise up like an angry leviathan off his posterior. She scoops him up, holds him around the waist while he gets a chance to get his breathing and his bearings under control. Beads of sweat start to glisten across his face, upper chest and shoulders. He’s clearly shaken and at the end of his threshhold, yet she’s so turned on right now, she just can’t allow him to stop at this point.

“Ma’am, I dunno. Please, I don’t think I can go any further.”

“Oh, but are you sure?” She purrs again, hypnotically. “You’re almost halfway there now! I’ll rub you here. See? Not so bad, is it?”

He shakes his head no, and whimpers softly. “Three more blows, ok? You’ll do this for me, right?”

He takes a deep breath, contemplates, gets his bearings and shakes a quick yes nod.


Strangely, he started to relax and the screams started regressing to loud moans, as he’d slipped back into that trance-like state. She continues with the final three blows, which he takes is like a champ. She releases the cuffs off the cross, grabs a towel, a bottle of water, some chocolate and she proceeds to sit down with him wrapped in the towel. She unpeels and feeds him the chocolate, gives him the water bottle and he drinks very deeply. They stay there for about 15 minutes while she consoles and comforts him, telling him how proud she is of him. She snapped her fingers yet again and the dungeon suddenly became a very comfy, dimly lit room, complete with a king-size four post bed, which at this point he barely notices. They get up off the floor and proceed to the bed, where she again snaps both of his cuffed hands to either corner post, rendering him spread eagle on the bed.

“Boy, I need you to get this hard for me again, can you do that?” He nods vociferously as she starts stroking his 7” member, playing and toying with it, stroking a teasing the frenum, sticking her finger in his precum and rubbing it all over the head of his penis. Within minutes, he’s rock hard and ready to roll. A wicked smile erupts across her face. “I need you to pleasure me, first”, as she moves up towards his head and pushes her g-string to the side, slowly lowering her mound against his bare face. She snaps her fingers, points to her crotch and says demurely “And you better do a good job of it too, boy. If I don’t get off, YOU don’t get off, either. Now lick it, boy.” He goes to the task with ardent furor, knowing that his “reward” now hinges upon how well he performs this task. She starts to moan in response to his tongue, because she’s programmed this one with great care. He knows how to suck that clit out from under the hood, how to “grasp” it between the tongue and upper teeth and roll it around like a marble. She starts to writhe on his face, her gasps getting more audible, more frequent, until she finally takes a deep breath, holds it, and a guttural orgasmic groan, followed by a surprise gush from her nether regions, splashing it on his face. “My GOD boy, I programmed you well, now didn’t I?” she giggled and sighed as the aftershivers washed over her body. Very well, indeed.

Seems that she still had some unfinished business, though. That enormous cock of his was all but ready to BURST, and so very aching to be relieved of the enormous pressure of his impending orgasm. “I’m not quite ready to relieve you just yet, so I think I’ll spend a little time tormenting that dirty little cock of yours. I think you’ll be ok with that, won’t you boy?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Would you like to be my filthy little sex slave, boy?”

Momentary hesitation, that look of fear washing across his face, then total surrender. “It would be my pleasure to service you every day, in whatever manner you choose.”

“Is THAT right, boy?” she retorted menacingly. Taking took his cock firmly in hand, she commenced to jerking him off. “Do NOT cum without permission, understood?”

“Absolutely, Ma’am.”

She proceeded to vigorous stroking, as he lay there, completely helpless and unable to stop what is happening to him and his wanton, needy cock. He started rolling his hips around on the mattress as her stroke became tighter, faster and more forceful. She kept the pressure up and moved in closer to his face, capturing and locking onto his eyes with a deliciously wicked smile crossing her lips.

“Think about what I’m doing to you, boy. I’m the complete stranger that walked into the bar, bought you a drink and seduced you to the helpless state you’re in right now. Do you understand how much of a slut that makes you?”

She recognized that flash of humiliation, and it caused an immensely overwhelming stirring that started in her extremities and culminated into a firestorm of aching between her legs. She had to have him, right there. She straddled his hips, reached down into her nether regions and bathed her hands in her dripping hot sex. She then rubbed her own wetness all over his cock. “Feels nice, doesn’t it, you fucking filthy boy?” He started writhing in agony, trying desperately NOT to cum without permission. She recognized that familiar skin flush and immediately backed off. In a tone of disgust, she utters “You were about to cum there, weren’t you?” His registered disappointment at her stopping the play and under the breath whimpering were completely delightful to her, and made her feel completely in control of the entire scene.

“Yes Ma’am, I was. You got me so excited, I just couldn’t help myself.” “I bet you’d like to feel what it feels like to be inside of me, wouldn’t you?” “More than anything, Ma’am!” “Well, that didn’t sound so terribly convincing to me.” She started stroking yet again, in earnest. “Ma’am, please! I’d really like to cum, please let me cum!” “NOT good enough. You’re not anywhere near close to cumming right now, anyway.” “Oh, but I am! I promise!” “Nope, don’t believe you.” Out of the blue, her face rolls down to his enormously swollen cock and proceeds to take the head of into her mouth, rolling the head round and round with her tongue, gently scraping the swollen glans with her teeth. A wave suddenly washes over his body, and he flushes again. She quickly backs off of him and delivers a few quick, sharp thumps to his member, causing him to damned near LEAP out of the bed, were it not for the shackles that had him attached to the bed’s moorings.

“Oh, my god! WHY did you do that?” he said, trying desperately to catch his breath. “You were about to cum, and I’m not even close to finished with you, yet!” “Uuuugggghhhhhh!!!!!!!” he throws his head back in despair. “Aw! Poor dear!” she sneers with a wry little smile on her face. She quickly mounts his hips and starts to work on his cock again, picking up precisely where she’d left off. “Let’s get something straight here, boy. You WILL cum ONLY when I tell you that you can, understood?” “I’ll try, Ma’am!” “That is NOT what I want to hear!” her eyes piercing into his eyes, seemingly deep into his very soul. “ You can do BETTER than that! Wouldn’t you like to feel how warm I am inside?” “More than anything, Ma’am” he says, almost tearfully. “Or would you like to be replaced with program #5?” That familiar face of fear glazed over his countenance. The thought of being replaced made him scramble in his overly distracted brain for better words. “I want to feel inside you, more than life itself, Ma’am.” “Oh, really now?” She scoots her hips up to where her lips were barely hovering over his cock, he could feel the warmth and the dripping wetness of her eagerly awaiting vagina. She was high up enough though, that he just couldn’t make the connection with the head of his penis to her vulva. She leaned forward gazed again into those stunning, made-to-order eyes, and capturing them again with her own, as she swabbed that throbbing penis around in her inner juices. Feeling the warm wetness, he tried to thrust upward and take her onto himself, but she suddenly jumped up.

“INSOLENT boy! Trying to take me before I’m ready, eh? Well you’re about to get an exercise in patience!”. She pushed his flaming dick against his belly and rubbed her pussy lips up and down the backside of his penis, effectively dry humping him to frustration. “There! Now you know what I feel like inside, right?” “Not really, no” he said, sulkily, traces of a booboo lip sticking out, which almost makes her giggle. She lets up on his cock and he springs into an “upward stance” again, and they were suddenly back to the last position, again. “Ok boy, are you going to let ME drive, now?” “Yes, yes Ma’am” he manages to stutter out. “Now, tell me again, boy. How BADLY do you want it?” The thought of finally getting his reward caused his heart to jump in his throat. “Oh, so badly, Ma’am, more than life itself.” “Come on, you can beg better than that!” “Oh, Ma’am! My every sinew, tendon and bone in my body craves for your touch!” “Oo! That’s nice, keep going …” “I so very much crave the feel of your warm softness. I beg of you, please allow me such privilege.” “Getting there….” He scrambled in his own head for a logical one up to that. He’s clearly frustrated, and doesn’t know what to say, but the prospects of being so very close as to allow is release, he plodded onto try to think of what he can say so that she’ll be pleased enough to allow him into her. “Ma’am, I’ll do everything you ask. I’m very serious about that.” “So, you’re consenting to allowing me to take you over as my love slave?” “Yes, yes Ma’am, as I said, I’ll do anything you want, just please let me feel you inside. Please! I want you so very badly!” “You’ll agree to further beatings to satisfy my sadistic urges?” “Yes.” “You’ll agree to wearing a chastity device so that you cave yourself only for me?” “If that would make you happy, then yes I would.” “You’ll allow me to milk your prostate dry every time we meet, and you’ll always satisfy me, first and foremost? “You can count on it, Ma’am.” With that, she got his cock all wet with her sex, and she slid him right into her, very slowly at first, until she had completely absorbed him and was and sitting with her pubic bone at the base of his cock. “Very slowly, my boy. VERY slowly.” He was too afraid to move anyway, out of fear that he was going to lose all sense of self control and cum without her explicit permission. He was concentrating so hard on NOT cumming, it was hindering his ability to feel and relish in the moment of finally being allowed to enter into her shrine. At that precise moment, he’d truly surrendered every bit of his baser instincts strictly for HER enjoyment, not his.

SMACK! across the face…

“Snap out of it boy, and LOOK AT ME! What am I doing to you now?” She leaned forward, forcibly grabbing that mop of hair and locked onto his eyes again. The act of violence sent a shudder through his brain, and he momentarily felt like he’d had the wind knocked out of him. He then realized where he was, what he’d become and what was happening to him, he could feel himself spring to attention and harden up again instantaneously whilst she had him mounted from up top. He realized he’d been holding his breath in an effort to control his primal instincts. He started bucking his hips in response to her gyrations and felt his feeble attempts at control feverishly slip away again.

“That’s it, boy. Give yourself to me, now. We’re going to cum together, ok?” “Yes, Ma’am” He was afraid to say anything else… She thrust him into her so deeply, he could feel the end of his penis scraping up against the base of her cervix. A sudden wave overcame him, and he was about to go careening over the edge–the point of no return.

“Oh, GOD! May I please cum, Ma’am? Please may I cum?” The desperation in his voice, she finally came to the conclusion that she’d pushed him far enough. He’d been such a complaint little test subject, and he really had proven his worth. She hopped off him and proceeded to jerk him off again, bringing him back to that edge, his face and torso now visibly flushing with impending orgasm. “Cum for me, all over my hand. Right now. DO IT BOY, DON’T DISAPPOINT ME!”

An almost inaudible “yes, Ma’am, thank you, Ma’am” was barely uttered from his lips in time before he completely blew his load right in her hand, sending spasmic shudders of complete ecstacy coursing throughout his body. The show, her “grand finale” was nothing short of spectacular, as she grinned from ear to ear and marveled at her ability to control his orgasm from start to finish.

“What a MESS you’ve made of yourself and my hand! Lick it up with your tongue, NOW!” She quickly placed a hand to his face, as that beautiful tongue of his started lapping up the cum, in earnest. She rolled her fingers around and into his mouth, feeling his tongue caressing and accepting her intrusion quite readily. Neither can contain the glow of what’s just transpired. They both finally collapse and utter a sigh of ultimate bliss, in tandem.

“Hold me and lay with me until my time is up”.

“Gladly. As you wish, my Mistress.”

She drifted off to sleep in his arms for what seemed like hours, until the computer timer awoke her with the two minute warning, alerting her that her holodeck time was about to come to the end.

She stretched and arched her back, kissed him lightly on the forehead, stood, then uttered…

“Computer, end program.”

And he vanished into thin air.

Another tease and denial

Another call clicked in. “Hi, you’re through to technical support, Matt speaking, how may I help?”

“Keep looking at your monitor, act normally” said the voice, “This is Caroline.” He almost froze, his line manager. What had he done to warrant a call from Her? Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Her at Her desk in the far corner, watching him.

“I’ve found you online” She said through his headset, “red head boy”. He felt his the blood rush to his face, his IC profile, how embarrassing! No, wait, She couldn’t be sure it was him, his face wasn’t on it.

“Tell me Matt, have you ever had a woman put her strap-on in your bottom?”

“No Ma’am”, he stuttered, randomly tapping a few keys to look as though he was dealing with a regular call. “Fingers and tongues?” She asked. Just deny it he thought, but before he knew what he was doing he had replied “yes”. She had this power, the look, the tone, that could make anyone do anything without question nor hesitation.

“hmmm… and what about anything bigger? Toys, things that happen to be lying around?”

“Yes Ma’am” he replied in his most professional tone, surprising himself with the way he had regained his composure, “although nothing too big”.

“Nothing to stretch you, you mean?” Her voice said in his ear. “That’d be correct Ma’am” was his response, now almost convincing himself it was a normal customer on the other end of the line, not his imposing boss. “Well that will change. This Saturday, tomorrow, you are to come to my house. The usual work time. Bring your overnight things. And two other things besides, are you listening carefully?”

“Yes” he breathed.

“You are to shave yourself smooth around your genitals and between your buttocks. Secondly, you are not to masturbate at all, is that clear?”

“Of course Madam”. There was another click and the line went dead, but he carried on talking, for appearances. “That’s not a problem, I’ll have the packaging delivered to you as soon as possible. Good bye.”

Breathing out, his mind swam. He could feel himself hardening, strange as his foremost memory was of complete shock and terror! Without a glance at Caroline, he finished his shift, though he could almost feel Her eyes on him until he left the office.


Saturday dawned, and as per Her command, he arrived at Her house at 9am. The night before he had shaved himself smooth as She requested, squatting over a mirror so he could both see and reach between his buttocks, marvelling at how his anus looked surrounded only by smooth soft skin. Throughout the temptation to take his constant erection in his hand had been almost impossible to fight off, and although he knew She would not know, he still couldn’t bring himself to disobey Her. The power She held, it was incredible he mused. In the end, he had fallen asleep, his erection remaining until he stepped in to the cold shower as the day dawned.

Her house was large, set back from the road and behind a tall stone wall. Ivy climbed the walls of the house. Beautiful yet imposing, fitting, he smiled to himself. Pushing the doorbell, he stepped back from the door and waited. He had chosen to wear a plain black t-shirt, boxers and jeans. Keep it cool and casual, don’t look nervous he had repeated to himself over and over. It seemed like hours had passed when the door opened and there She was. No less imposing for being removed from the work environment, in fact quite the opposite; Queen of all She surveyed. And right now, that was him.

“Come in” She said in Her sharp business-like tone, turning and walking back in to the house. He stepped inside, closing the door behind him. Nervous now, he knew this was it. He followed Her in to what was a large comfortable drawing room, where She had sat in an old green leather armchair, arms and legs crossed. “Undress” She said. He felt himself blushed, but Her look compelled him to act, and he slowly kicked off his shoes and socks, placing them neatly to the side. Next came his t-shirt, followed by his jeans. Sure he must now be bright red, he took in a deep breath, hooked his thumbs into his boxers, and pushed them to the floor. She didn’t say a word, but beckoned him over with a finger, gesturing for him to stop when he stood directly before Her, legs shoulder width apart. Leaning forwards She reached out and took his penis in Her hand. He was amazed that even now, nervous and embarrassed as he was, it was semi-erect, and the warmth of Her palm caused it to stiffen still further.

Lifting his cock, She reached between his legs with Her other hand, taking his scrotum in to Her hand, squeezing it gently but firmly. Then She took each testicle in turn between thumb and finger and rolled it. Looking up She spoke again, in Her commanding tone; “turn around, and bend over”. He did so, his cheeks red, heart racing. Suddenly, as he felt Her gaze upon him, he felt utterly exposed. She could see every part of him in minute detail, and as the cool air ran over his freshly shaved skin he shivered. He felt the tip of a nail on the small of his back, and She drew it slowly, oh so slowly, down between his buttocks. He couldn’t help but gasp as She crossed his anus, then continued down his perineum.

Abruptly She stood. “Follow me” She commanded, and set off out the room and up a wide staircase. He followed, painfully aware of his nakedness, mind racing; what was going to happen now, what did She want him for?

He followed Her in to a large bedroom, a king-sized oak bed dominating the room. She turned to face him, eyes taking him in, “on the bed, on all fours. Face the headboard and don’t move.”

He climbed nervously on to the large soft bed, and positioned himself, his bottom facing Her. This is it he thought, the fantasy, he couldn’t believe what was happening. Her voice came from behind him, “put a hand back between your legs”. He did so, and felt her apply something cool and slippery to his fingers; lube he realised. “get yourself ready” is all She said, and he flushed again, the humiliation!

Moving his fingers to his anus, he tentatively slid a finger in to himself, exploring the warm soft walls of his rectum. He placed the tip of a second finger against his hole and pushed it firmly in to join the first, feeling the walls of his bowels become slick with the lube. He pushed them in as deep as he could, then withdrew them, and placed his hand back next to the other, his anus closing up again, the light reflecting off the lube smeared around its entrance. Behind him, he heard Her pull down Her jeans and knickers in one movement, then the sound of Her stepping in to the strap-on harness. She moved on to the bed behind him, close up, the material of Her t-shirt brushing his skin.

Placing a hand on each of his buttocks, She pushed them apart, exposing and spreading his small puckered opening. For a brief moment he was struck by doubts; did he really want this?, but as soon as he felt the tip of the dildo push against his opening, he knew. As he felt Her pushing steadily in he moved back against Her, uttering a low moan as he felt the shaft sliding deep in to his rectum.

She didn’t say a word as She began to fuck him. Building up the pace, She expertly, opened up his virgin body, until the full length of the strap-on was disappearing between his smooth buttocks and in to him. She got faster and deeper, holding his hips and encouraging him to move with Her, letting her right inside him. His rigid cock swung to and through as he pushed back to meet her every thrust, and he moaned deeply as he felt Her fill him. Together, their breathing quickened, and her grip on him got tighter, pulling him harder back on to Her, wanting every inch of the shaft in him. Finally She spoke; “yes, yes, yes” She repeated, rolling her hips as she came, grinding her clit into the base of the strap-on, forcing it right up inside of him.

As Her orgasm subsided, She stopped moving, and rested, the shaft lodged deep in his rectum. He uttered a deep moan as She slowly withdrew from him, he felt as though a part of him was being taken away. His rectum felt empty, unnaturally so, as if She belonged in him. He did not move until She instructed him to turn around and face Her

He moved on to his back to face Her. She had put her plain white cotton knickers back on, and was standing by the bed, a small silver dildo in one hand. “Pull your knees up and apart” She instructed him, in Her usual business-like tone. Handing him the dildo, She continued “masturbate for me, one hand on your cock, the other moving this in and out of your bottom”.

He blushed, but her stance and tone had the same effect as during office hours, and he had to obey. He nervously moved the dildo to his exposed anus, pushing it gently inside, surprised at how easily his body accepted it; it’s cool shiny length sliding easily in to his lubed hole. His other hand moved to his cock, and he was surprised again as he took it in his hand, it had never felt so stiff, throbbed so strongly, now he truly meant the meaning of ‘rock hard’. Unable to tear his eyes away from Hers, he slowly began to masturbate, his hand moving steadily up and down his own shaft, while the smaller silver one he moved rhythmically in and out of himself. Her gaze moved to between his spread legs, taking in his genitals, buttocks and anus, and he felt himself hoping fervently that She was not disappointed, that he was pleasing Her, that She would deign to take him again.

The minutes passed by at a crawl, until finally he felt orgasm approach. A small smile played over Her lips as She noticed his balls tighten, his breathing quicken, but no more. “Keep going” She uttered as he looked at Her questioningly, and he obeyed, his hand pumping his cock faster now, the small dildo a blur as he pushed it as deep as he could inside, pulled it out, and pushed it back again. He closed his eyes and tilted his head back and he neared the brink, the waves shooting through him of previously unimagined pleasure making his whole body feel on fire. “Keep your eyes on me” She spoke again, and again as if he had no free will of his own, he looked back at Her, locking eye contact. And so, as he came, his penis spasming in his hand, the muscles in his anus contracting tightly, he felt Her looking right in to his very soul, and he knew he was Hers.

to be continued…?

Tease and denial

Written at MissBonnie’s suggestion, this involves the ‘Seven CUMmandments’ game, in which each week She allows the boys partaking between 1 and 7 orgasms depending on the roll of a die. The game lasts from Monday to Sunday night, and the week in question, the die showed three. Please enjoy!


“What day is it?”

“It’s Saturday Miss Bonnie”

“Correct my darling, and you’ve used all three of your cums already haven’t you?”

“Yes Mistress” the boy replied nervously.

“Oh dear my love, that leaves you in an awkward situation doesn’t it?” said Miss Bonnie, running Her gaze over him. Whilst She was dressed in corset, lace French knickers and knee high leather boots, The boy was naked, strapped to a table that was only long enough to support him to just below his waist, meaning he was forced to bring his knees up and rest his heels upon the table’s edge, giving Miss Bonnie a pleasing view of his young body’s most intimate parts, and of course, perfect access for the teasing and denial She had planned. The boys arms were well tied down, and a strap also lay across his waist, rendering him pretty immobile.

Along one wall ran a workbench, upon which lay all manner of toys, and other implements with which Miss Bonnie liked to reward and torture Her boys. After a moment She selected the ideal dildo; medium sized dildo and made without a strap-on harness, instead having two plugs which fit snugly inside Her own body, allowing Her to more fully experience every thrust as She fucked Her boys, connecting Herself to them on a much deeper level. Knowing that he was watching Her, chuckling inwardly as She knew it would only make what was to come harder for him, She hooked her thumbs in to the waistband of Her knickers and slowly slid them down over Her thighs to the floor. The boy moaned, enraptured by the sight of such a perfect being, every part of Her womanhood as if crafted by the Gods themselves. Facing him, Miss Bonnie took the dildo and lubed the two bulbs, spreading Her legs slightly and pushing them up inside of Herself, feeling them fit snugly into Her tight body, noting as She did so that the boy was already almost fully erect. Smiling inwardly at the fun to come, She carefully lubed the shaft, all the while talking to the boy.

“Now sweetheart, whilst you may be forbidden to cum, it’s also important that you still remain useful to Me as a slave boy. Therefore it is vital that you can still give your body to Me, without the reward of orgasm”.

The boy uttered a nervous murmur that he understood and agreed as She crossed over to the foot of the table. With a purr, Miss Bonnie pushed his legs apart and stepped between them, the lubed head of Her dildo coming to rest against his smooth puckered opening. Taking his cock in one hand, She gently stroked his chest with the other, and whispered, “remember my sweet, it is forbidden to exceed the cum allowance”. With that, a cruel glint in Her eye, Miss Bonnie pushed Her hips forward, driving the dildo deep in to the boy’s rectum, causing him to gasp and arch his hips up towards Her. Settling in to a steady rhythm, Miss Bonnie withdrew almost the entire length of the shaft before pushing deep back in to the boy, fucking him nice and deeply, Her hand masturbating his now rigid cock to the same rhythm.

A few minutes later She felt the beginnings of an orgasm, the familiar tingling sensation creeping out from between Her legs to every part of Her body. With a moan She bucked Her hips, burying the shaft deep inside him, as the climax took a hold of Her body. The incredible pleasure seemed to go on and on, and She continued fucking him deeply as the waves rode over Her. As the orgasm subsided She looked down at the boy, noticing he had his eyes screwed tight shut in concentration, doubtless forcing his mind to more unarousing matters, desperate to keep an orgasm of his own at bay.

For thirty more minutes Miss Bonnie fucked Her boy; never giving his now aching cock or his tight little bottom a moment’s rest, continuing to masturbate him in unison with Her own thrusts. During that half hour, Miss Bonnie came twice more, each time riding the waves of orgasm whilst continuing her ministrations upon the boy, never stopping for even a second. The boy was finding it more difficult now; his groans as She buried the final inches of the dildo into his body becoming more frequent, his breathing louder, and a film of sweat crossed his brow. Eventually She knew he would be able to bear no more, and at that moment he opened his eyes and looked at Her pleadingly. “Please Miss Bonnie, I beg you, stop or let me cum, I can’t hold on”.

Without pausing from either jacking his cock or fucking his tight ass she replied, “no darling, you’ve used all your cums for this week. You must learn a lesson for being greedy. You do not have permission and I will be very angry if you disobey Me”.

“Please Mistress, I can’t stop it!” With a cry he arched his hips, straining against his bonds, as hot cum pumped out of his throbbing cock on to his belly, Miss Bonnie’s hand skillfully working every drop from him. Smiling down at the boy, She stepped back, ever so slowly withdrawing the dildo from him, enjoying his final groan as She left him empty. She took a moment to look approvingly at his delicious hole, still open, glistening with lube. Then looking him directly in the eye She smiled slyly and purred, “that was your fourth cum this week, Lady Luck only allowed you three, and you know what that means”. Ignoring his whimper of protest She went to the bench and selected her implement. Turning back towards him with the paddle She spoke;

“Now, open your legs, and we’ll begin your punishment”.

The Priestess

The boy awoke, the morning light streaming in through the window on to his face, warming his naked body. Already the day was warm, the hot dry desert air causing the small room to be uncomfortably stuffy before the sun had yet fully risen. Today though, there was an electric current upon the air. Today was the day of the grand ceremony, to be performed by the High Priestess herself, in which he had been specially chosen to play a central part. He had been selected at a young age and undergone years of training in the submissive arts in order that the Priestess may join with him upon the high altar, and through him attain the sacred spirit.

The door to the room opened abruptly interrupting his thoughts, and the matriarch put her head around the door to check he was awake. The matriarch was a slave like him technically; an older woman with many years service charged with overseeing the chosen boys. Despite that though, she carried a clear authority and in the warren of corridors that made up the trainees’ living area, her word was law.

Rising from his bed he looked around, knowing this was the last day he would call this small space home. His cell was basic, identical to those inhabited by the monks at the temple; just a simple futon bed, and a small pommel horse, similar to that used by gymnasts. For the past month, he had spent two sessions a day bent over it, naked, whilst the matriarch had used her fingers on him, training his tight hole to readily accept the Priestess when the time came. She used only her fingers, building up from a single digit to three, never a dildo. It was important the boy was kept pure in that way before the ceremony, the Priestess must be the first to take him for the ancient magic to be appeased. For that same reason, the boy was not made to cum whilst her fingers penetrated him, instead he was made to masturbate for the matriarch after she had finished but before leaving his cell; an act she knew he found utterly humiliating.

Like all boys chosen for the ceremony, he had never known the soft embrace of female flesh. Only through the grip of his or another’s hand had he known release. Unlike most males, he had been properly educated, knew of the glory of the Female, knew that every part of his body could be used to serve and honour Her sacred form. He had been chosen at a very young age, and taken from his family and the small village he had been born in to the Great Temple. Here he had undergone many years of training, both mental and physical. He had learnt alongside other boys had to serve, firstly to satisfy a Mistresses’ day-to-day needs and act as part of her household, and then as he became older, had learnt the use of each of his body parts in pleasing her. At some point, he had been marked for the ceremony which was approaching, and his training from then on had differed from the other boys’. Whilst they had been fully in service for some years now, he had taken a different path. Some nights he had been kept awake, listening to their groans of pain and pleasure as the Noblewomen who could afford the bribes visited their cells to fuck the tight young slaves ahead of the completion of their full training and their subsequent sale at the next monthly slave market.

Often as he had lain listening, mind racing with forbidden images, his hand had wandered down his body to his throbbing member, slowly masturbating himself as the sounds passion and lust drifted down the hallway. That had stopped abruptly though when he had been caught by the matriarch one night on her rounds. Flinging his door open and marching in she had ordered him to pull his knees up to his chest; an order he had obeyed instantly out of sheer terror. With the crop she always wielded she had set about his exposed young bottom with gusto, admonishing him without pause. When at last she stopped, and he dared to think it was over, she had simply barked at him to keep his knees up and let his legs fall apart. He had looked up at her through tear-filled eyes, as he obeyed her, the vulnerable flesh of his genitals now exposed. Without mercy however she had brought her arm down a further ten times upon his cock and balls, causing him to cry out in agony. She had noted with satisfaction though, as she left him curled up sobbing in a ball, that despite the pain he had kept his legs open for her as commanded.

The boy snapped out of his daydreaming as the matriarch re-entered the room to place a jug and bowl of water and a bar of soap on the floor before bustling out again. Quickly, he washed himself, squatting to clean his genitals and anus, knowing full well she would return shortly and expect him to be particularly clean in those areas. Minutes later she reappeared, passing him a towel, leaving again without a word. Indeed, she barely spoke to him at all, other than to snap orders at him. Even as she worked on his body with her fingers, skillfully opening him up, she didn’t utter a thing, the boy’s heavy breathing as she worked, and the sound of her lubricated fingers sliding in and out of him the only things breaking the silence.

He toweled himself dry quickly, before the matriarch again returned to the cell, taking the towel from him. Pausing for a moment, she had him turn slowly in a circle, appraising his form. Other than his black leather collar, his body was naked and unblemished. Yes, she had done a fine job with him, he was going to do wonderfully. Not for the first time, as she passed him the simple white robe slaves wore, she felt a surge of jealousy run through her, lighting up her genitals. She wanted more than anything to have him on his back, his anus bared for her, begging her to enter him, to own him. Yet, she knew it was above her station to have such things, and she had more than most in that she had access to the whole harem of boys’ delightful bottoms with her fingers.

With a curt “get dressed”, she turned and left the room, closing the door behind her. Once more alone, the boy pulled the robe around him and fastened the front, then sat patiently awaiting his summons. An hour later the door opened again, though this time two strangers entered; two adolescent girls, dressed simply in short white cotton dresses, the hems barely reaching below their young buttocks, the growing contours of their bodies visible through the soft fabric. They looked so similar they could have been twins, except for their hair: one was redheaded, the other blonde, almost platinum. Both girls were obviously from the northern lands, their pale skin and delicate features unmarred.

“You are to come with us” said the blonde girl, “we will take you to be prepared”. The red head stepped forward and attached a thin silver chain to his collar, and wordlessly led him from the room. Passing out of the accommodation block into the bright sunlight he squinted, blinded momentarily, but they soon passed inside once more. For some time they marched quickly down an endless series of corridors, each decorated with hieroglyphs and tapestries depicting stories of the great empire in which they dwelt. The boy wished he could take more time to examine his new surroundings, having not left the harem compound since he was a small boy, but the girls kept up a quick pace.

After some time they came to a halt abruptly before a heavy wooden door. “We are here” spoke the blonde in her lilting voice, opening the door for the redhead to lead him through with a gentle tug on the chain. ‘Here’ was a small anteroom, on the opposite wall of which was another door, this one larger and more ornate, that the boy assumed must lead to the sacred chamber. He had been led to the middle of the room, and made to halt at a word from the girls. He looked around, and saw only a small table upon which sat a pot of warmed and fragranced oil, and a pestle and mortar beside which lay some blue capsules. Stepping close, the redheaded girl stood upon her tiptoes to reach the clasp that fastened the collar about his neck. Undoing it and taking the collar and chain from his neck she smiled slyly up and at him and spoke a single word; “undress”. For a second the boy’s training failed him and he didn’t immediately respond. Frowning, her pretty features becoming stern she spoke again, “undress”. Blushing furiously, the boy hesitated, mortified at being ordered to disrobe by this young girl. Her look though jolted him in to action, and he reminded himself that even at such a young age, she was still a female, and was to be treasured, worshiped, but above all obeyed. Still flushed, he untied the robe and passed it to the blonde girl, who giggled at his discomfort. Folding and placing the robe upon the table, she lifted the pot of oil and brought it back to the boy, kneeling before him. The other girl poured a little of the oil in to the hands and moved behind the boy, whilst the blonde likewise covered her hands in the sweet smelling oil. Working as one, the girls began massaging the oil into the boy’s skin, their hands soothing his tensions as they worked, and he found himself relaxing. He blushed again slightly, as the girl kneeling before him took his genitals in her small hands and coated them in the oil, cupping his balls, running her hands up and down the shaft of his cock, all the while looking directly in to his eyes and smiling slyly. He felt pressure at his back, and realized the redheaded girl behind him wanted him to lean forwards. She gently pushed until he was bent at the waist, his hands on the floor, his face an inch from the kneeling blonde’s. Leaning forward, she placed her lips against his ear and whispered quietly, so that he almost didn’t hear, “now, we prepare your most sacred part, the portal through which you will submit yourself to the sacred feminine”. As she finished, he felt the oiled fingertips of the redhead between his buttocks, gently tracing the rim of his anus. He let out an involuntary moan as she slipped a finger inside him, her gentle touch so different from the rough lustful probings of the matriarch. The blonde girl took his face in her hands, smiling sweetly at him, as her partner slipped a second, and then a third oil coated finger inside of him. The boy moaned again as she twisted her fingers inside of him, pushing them deeply inside, thoroughly coating the walls of his rectum with the fragranced lubricating fluid. He grunted softly as her fingers left him, the familiar aching feel of emptiness he felt after the matriarch’s visits returning.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw the redhead walk to the table, and pick up the small tray of capsules. Moving back behind him she spoke, “we have prepared these for you. They will permit you to recover your energies faster than normal. Three or four of the suppositories should suffice”. Once again he felt her fingertips gently teasing his opening, then the cool feel of the suppository as she pushed it deep within him with her finger. She repeated the action three more times, the final time, leaving her finger inside him, ensuring that the medicine was properly absorbed. Satisfied, she slowly withdrew her finger, his wrinkled anus closing up behind her, and the blonde girl motioned for him to stand upright. Both moved to stand before him, admiring their work, the body of the boy now glistening with the oil, the fragrance filling the small room. “Follow us” they spoke together, and turned to the ornate door behind them. As one pulled the door open, the other motioned the boy forward, and he stepped through the doorway.

He found himself in a large chamber, the high ceilings supported by ornate granite columns, themselves creating shadowy recesses around the edges of the room. Lit by torches fastened to the columns, the room itself was empty save for a large rectangular stone altar in the center. Around the edges of the room, spilling from the shadows came robed and hooded figures, chanting a hypnotic and solemn tune. Each of the girls took one of his hands, and led him forward to the altar. “Lie down” smiled one, “lift your knees to your chest, expose your wondrous gifts for her” said the other. Obeying, he lay upon the altar on his back, the stone unnaturally warm to the touch, and he swore it vibrated gently. Lifting his knees to his chest, he let his legs fall open, feeling the cold air caress over his now exposed penis and anus. Laying his head back against the stone, he looked up into the dark depths of the ceiling above, the pillars disappearing into the blackness.

He noticed then that the chanting, which until then had been a quiet drone had risen to a higher tempo, and a sudden energy had filled the chamber. He lifted his head as much as he was able, and was momentarily stunned, final able to admit only a quiet gasp. He had seen many women throughout his young life, many of them beautiful, but the woman before him eclipsed all others. Tall, with flawless dark skin, sensual curves glistening in the light of the torches, the High Priestess stood before the altar upon which he lay. Naked, but for an ornate headdress in the form of the Goddess which masked her face, she was an image of perfection. Magnificent breasts rode high on her chest, tipped by dark brown nipples already hardening in the electric air, taught belly, a thoroughly womanly curve to her hips and waist, oiled hairless vulva, inner labia bursting forth, as if petals of the most exquisite desert orchid, the lips a shade darker than the large full outer labia that enclosed them.

A movement distracted him out of the corner of his eye, as one of the mysterious figures stepped forwards holding up a plush cushion, upon which lay an object the boy had not seen before. It glistened in the torchlight, and as the Priestess took it in her hands and held it aloft, he was able to see its shape, and with a jolt he realized that this was the tool by which she would take him. Black and shiny, it had a long slightly curved shaft, similar in appearance to his own erection, at the base of which was a series of small ridges. Curving up from the bottom of the shaft were two smaller probes, the first slightly larger than the other. From the way it shone the boy guessed correctly that it was coated in the same oil that covered his skin and moistened his rectum. Parting her legs slightly, the Priestess reached between them with the object, and as the boy, and all others present, watched she pushed the two probes firmly inside her two holes, their shape ensuring that they fitted perfectly inside of her, the shaft then protruding out from between her legs, now fully resembling his own aroused cock.

The boy was barely aware of his own penis hardening against his belly, all he was aware of was an incredible desire to submit to her. More than breath itself, he wanted her, wanted her to fill him, wanted her to become one with him. As she approached he let his head fall back, his breathing quick now, his reason for being at hand. He felt his body tense, and forced himself to relax, taking deeper breaths. His eyes closed, he felt her hands on his spread thighs, and suddenly became conscious of his erection, his exposed anus, the many pairs of eyes upon him, and blushed deeply.

A comforting squeeze upon his open thighs, and a moment later he felt the oiled tip of the dildo against his opening. Then, for the first time since entering the chamber, the Priestess spoke. Her voice was as spellbinding as her appearance, as sweet as honey, but with an undercurrent of power. “Behold! Before me lies one half of the perfect form. A male, submissive, willing, aroused and ready to give himself utterly in to the service of the sacred female”. With that, she pushed her hips forward, gently but firmly entering his virgin body, stopping only when she had filled him, and her taught belly pressed against his tight balls.

The boy uttered a low groan. Despite months of training with the matriarch’s rough fingers invading him, the feel of the thick shaft pushing through the tight ring of his anus in to his hot wanting rectum took him by surprise. Despite some discomfort, he soon felt his body relax around her dildo, and he began to lightly buck his hips in time with her thrusts, wanting every inch of her inside of him. As he relaxed a tremendous feeling of completeness came over him; his purpose as a submissive realized. Together, he and the Priestess rocked their hips, enabling her to open him up fully, the shaft sliding easily in and out of his oiled anus.

After a few minutes of gently fucking the boy, the Priestess began to speed up her thrusts, making sure to use the full length of the shaft, watching it disappear deep into his well oiled bottom. Taking his erection in her hand, the lubricated shaft already leaking pre-cum, she began masturbating the boy in time with her own rhythm. Whilst the onlookers continued their chanting, the Priestess worked his virgin hole and pumped his cock, expertly keeping him at the brink of orgasm until she herself was ready. When she herself felt the familiar tingle between her legs that signaled the approach of her own climax she squeezed more firmly upon his cock, pumping it faster as she pushed as deeply as she could inside his body. Both boy and Priestess gave out a deep moan as they came in unison, the chanting reaching a crescendo. As the Priestess gave one last final thrust deep inside the boy, his body clenched tight around the dildo, and his cock spasmed in her hand, shooting hot cum over his belly.

She continued to masturbate him for a few seconds more, milking every last drop from him. When satisfied, She stepped back, the long thick black shaft slowly sliding out of the boy, leaving him empty, his hole remaining open, as if begging Her to re-enter him. It escaped neither Her nor the boy’s attention, that despite his orgasm, his cock remained full erect as a result of the powerful medicines administered to him by the young girls earlier.

At a signal, the two girls ran forward. The redhead stepped forward and with reverential care knelt to remove the phallus from the Priestess’ body. Holding the object aloft, the two bulbs and the shaft all shining with lube and juices, the watchers broke once more into a frantic chanting, increasing in fervor as the girl circled the room with the dildo, presenting it to each hidden figure.

Deftly leaping onto the altar, the Priestess knelt with a leg either side of the boy’s waist so as to straddle him, enabling Her to begin the final part of the ceremony, to complete the union which would bind them. Her voice rang out again “Behold my people. Behold, as the sacred female consumes his submissive flesh”. As She spoke, She slowly lowered himself on to his throbbing erection, his thick shaft gliding easily into Her hot velvety depths. The boy stared up at Her, transfixed, at the surreal sight of this creature with the head of a mythical bird, and the body of a Goddess, Her nipples proudly erect above him, Her puffy vulva split around his shaft, the large inner labia framing his cock as She moved up and down on him. If he thought he had known pure pleasure before, he was wrong. The feel of Her hot, moist body was beyond anything he had ever experienced, and he felt waves of pleasure rush through him.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw the redhead return to the altar, but instead of the black phallus she held a smaller object, cylindrical in nature, and a bright white, narrower than his own girth, but thicker than his thumb. He had no time to ponder it, his mind fully enraptured by the Woman astride him, but at that moment She leant forwards, Her breasts lowering towards him, the perfect orbs tantalizingly close to his hungry mouth. He knew instinctively that She would be pleased if he were to take Her stiff nipples into his mouth, but they swayed just out of reach. Behind the Priestess the girl’s took up positions either side of Her, watching for a moment the Woman’s perfect full vulva as it rode up and down the throbbing shining shaft of the boy, framed by Her thighs. Then stepping forwards, they each took one of the Priestess’ buttocks in hand, and gently spread Her, exposing Her beautiful puckered anus, still glistening with lubricant. Softly, the redhead placed the small shining white, smooth dildo against the hold, and slid it gently inside. At a soft moan from the Priestess, she began to slide it in and out of Her to the same rhythm as She rode the boy.

Carefully the Priestess observed the boy beneath Her, adjusting Her speed and rhythm to ensure that they would come together a second time. The boy’s perfect thick shaft, and the small dildo expertly wielded by small hands between Her spread buttocks combined to bring Her ever closer to climax. The boy too, was close to another orgasm; the sensations of Her female flesh enclosing him, and the added tightness caused by Her double penetration too much for him to resist for long. She wanted him to empty himself into Her, to give Her every ounce of his soul. Rocking faster, She squeezed Her muscles around him, and both Priestess and boy went over the edge into rapturous bliss, sealing their connection, giving birth to the sacred spirit, the perfect form, the power of the sacred female over the submissive male.

The first night

They walked in to the room and let the door close behind them, finally alone. Instantly they were in each other’s arms, kissing hungrily. Suddenly she broke the kiss, “easy now pet, plenty of time for that. I’m going to go and change, why don’t you undress for me”. With a smile she walked in the bathroom.

When she came out the boy was naked, blushing as she saw him in the flesh for the first time. She was wearing an almost sheer lace top, her breasts straining at the fabric, and a pair of lacy knickers, the material clinging to the shape of her womanhood. They both gazed at each other lustfully for a moment, his cock already twitching, her lips slowly moistening.

“On the bed, and assume karta for me pet” she commanded. He climbed on to the mattress, and took the position, leaning forward on to his arms, arching his bottom up. His legs nicely spread, his most intimate parts were left open to her gaze. “There’s a good obedient pet” she said, resting her had on his head, running it up his spine, and pausing at the cleft of his buttocks. “We’re going to start with an inspection. You’re offering me your body, and we have to make sure it is worthy. You certainly look fit and healthy. Good firm buttocks” she continued as she squeezed his bottom in her hand, before placing her fingertips between the firm globes. “What a pretty anus you have pet” she said, tracing a finger around the rim of the crinkled opening, causing him to moan softly. She ran the finger down over his perineum, noticing how sensitive both it and his anus were to her touch.

She took his scrotum in her hand, squeezing gently, rolling his testicles between her thumb and finger, stretching the sac out. “All seems very healthy pet” she said to him, as her hand continued its downward journey, fingertips running down the underside of his already stiffening cock. She smiled to herself, pleased that this young subbie’s near constant arousal was entirely down to her. Wrapping her hand around his shaft she expertly began to masturbate him, leaving him fully erect in seconds. “mmm… you are a nice size pet, Mistress is very pleased.”

“Thank you Mistress” the boy replied, blushing at the praise, and his exposure.

“Later you’ll show me how tight your body gets as you cum” she told him, continuing to slowly stroke his stiff cock, “but you can’t cum just yet pet. You must earn your cums by being a good little boy, and pleasing your Mistress. You do want to please your Mistress don’t you?”

“Yes Mistress” he breathed, “I live to serve and please you”.

“Good boy, such a good boy” she praised him, slowly masturbating him until she could hear his breathing become heavier and little whimpers of pleasure could be heard, before abruptly stopping, leaving his erection hanging between his spread thighs, the tip shiny with pre-cum. Rising up from the bed and walking to the dresser she spoke back over her shoulder; “Reach behind yourself for me my love, and spread that beautiful bottom of yours nice and wide. I want to see your hole open for me”.

At the dresser, she opened a pot of her favourite lube, liberally coating two fingers with it. Turning back to the boy, she observed with a smile that he had done as she commanded, his hands pulling his buttocks apart, with the result that the crinkled pink opening between them was wide open on display.

Returning to the bed, she knelt behind him, admiring him for a second. Grinning to herself wickedly, she leant down and kissed him between his spread cheeks, her tongue darting out to press past the rim of his anus. “Oh Mistress” he cried out. Chuckling, she ran her tongue up his perineum across his hole. “Like that do you boy? If you’re good maybe you can have more as a treat later”. He made to answer, but groaned deeply as her lubed fingertips found his anus for the first time. Rubbing lube against the outside of his hole, she pressed one finger inside, slowly sliding it in to the knuckle. Withdrawing it she pressed two against him this time, and smiled down at him, pleased, as his body easily took both inside. “What a good boy, so tight and warm” she purred, “though I think we’ll need to stretch you before you’re ready to be used properly”.

She slid her fingers in and out of him slowly for a few minutes, twisting them as she did, massaging his prostate, enjoying the feel of him, and the sight of his nicely stretched rim. Then she withdrew her fingers, causing him to whimper slightly in disappointment, his hole closing up tightly.

“Right, where is it, ah this one should do” she declared, pulling a medium sized butt plug from her bag. Turning back to him she commanded “keep those buttocks nice and spread for me sweetie, I need your hole open for this”. Kneeling behind him again, he shuddered slightly as she placed the tip of the plug against him. Pressing gently but firmly, the tip slid in to him, his tight ring stretching around it. She reached around and stroked his cock lightly, offering encouragement, whilst he grunted as she pressed the plug firmly in to him. “Good boy, relax, press back against me, there you go” she cooed as the plug’s widest point slipped past his sphincter and he closed up around it, with only the flared end left outside.

“Now we’ll leave that there for a bit whilst we warm you up some more, externally” she chuckled. “Put your arms beneath your head again and raise your bottom up”.

As he did as commanded, she continued to talk to him. “Learning to take punishment is a vital part of any sub’s training pet. Your backside is not just for fucking, it will be for spanking and flogging if you displease me. Punishment for both boys and girls in my stable is a bare bottomed spanking, with either hand, flogger, or cane, of ten smacks per buttock. More serious transgressions will result in a double spanking on the bottom, or the usual twenty but between the legs. Understood?”

“Yes Mistress” the boy gulped.

“Good” she replied, picking a small leather flogger from her suitcase, “now, as you’ve actually been a very good boy, and this is your training, you will have only ten in total. You will count each one before receiving the next”.

With that she swung her arm and the flogger landed on his firm backside, causing him to rock forward in surprise. Despite that, he still remembered the count; “one Mistress” he panted.

Nine later, his bottom was a pleasing shade of red, the crimson hue broken only by the black handle of the plug peeking out from between his two round buttocks. “I think you’re ready” she declared, grinning deviously as she reached out, took the plug firmly in her hand, and without warning, pulled it out of him in one movement. The boy cried out as his anus suddenly stretched wide, and she was pleased to see as she moved closer, that it did not close up entirely; he was ready for her.

She opened her suitcase again and took out a blindfold she had bought especially for his moment. She moved to sit beside his head, her lace covered crotch inches from his face. He moaned softly, he could smell her arousal, see how the soft fabric followed the contours of her soft lips.

As she slipped the blindfold on she whispered in his ear, “the sensations will be heightened my pet. Besides, you haven’t yet earned the honour of gazing upon my full naked splendour”.

Encased in darkness, he strained his ears, hearing only the soft whisper of lace and she slid her knickers off. Oh how desperately he wanted to see what lay between her legs, to worship her perfect womanhood! He heard her rummaging in her suitcase, searching for what he knew would be her strap-on. He wondered silently how big it would be. He so hoped he would be able to take her. The boy felt the bed move as she climbed up behind him, suddenly very aware of how exposed his private parts were.

Gripping one of his buttocks in each of her hands, she spread him open, moving forwards so the very tip of the strap-on rested against his opening, causing him to moan in anticipation. “Is this what you want my darling little boy? For your Mistress to slide her nice big cock in to your smooth, tight little bottom? To use that greedy little hole for its true purpose?”

He pleaded, wanting her, “yes, please Mistress, take me, fill my bottom, I beg you to fuck me”.

“Such a good boy” she purred as she pressed forwards firmly but slowly with her hips, watching as the head of the shaft stretched his young anus, the rim expanding as she pressed deeper in to him.

Watching as the smooth rim of his anus stretched out as she withdrew the length of the cock, gripping tightly around the shaft, she began to expertly use the full length of her cock to open up his tight young rectum. Skillfully using her hips, she thrust deep inside his body, penetrating him with every inch of the shaft.

“Oh God, you’re so tight” she grunted as she drove in to him ever deeper, his body gripping the shaft tightly, causing it to press hard against her clit. Within a few minutes she felt her orgasm approach; she had meant to be slow and gentle the first time, but he was so tight, and his hole looked so perfect stretched around her shaft, that she couldn’t help but fuck him hard. For a moment the only sounds were his cries every time she thrust fully in to him, the head of her dildo hitting his prostate, and the smack of her belly and thighs as they slapped against his body. His throbbing cock and balls swung to and fro as she fucked him, pre-cum oozing from the tip of his penis. As she felt that familiar tingle building between her legs, she forced his buttocks as far apart as she could, not wanting to waste a fraction of an inch of the strap-on, wanting him to feel utterly full. With a cry she thrust deep in to him one last time, cumming hard, grabbing his hips and pulling his body back to meet the invading shaft; spearing his tender young form.

Breathing heavily, she lay forward, resting upon his back, strap-on buried to the hilt inside his hot bowels. “Oh darling, you were perfect, absolutely wonderful” she praised him as she recovered, planting soft kisses on his back. He was breathing just as heavily and could only murmur platitudes to her, basking in the warm glow of having pleased her, having become one with her.

After a few moments, she kissed his neck, around to his ear, and whispered, “on your back now my darling”. Holding his hips to keep him still, she very slowly started to withdraw herself from him, until finally the head of the strap-on appeared from between his rosy cheeks, his slightly red anus glistening with lube between them, open, as if begging for more. He groaned in disappointment, knowing that for ever more, any moment that she was not inside him would be one where he would feel empty, and less than whole.

As he turned to lie on his back, she took the hem of her top in her hands, and lifted it off above her head, revealing her breasts to him for the first time. “Wow” is all he could muster, dumbstruck by the vision of beauty before him. She was now completely naked, only the thick shaft protruding from between her thighs hiding her vulva from him. “Mistress, you are perfect” he murmured. She glanced between his own thighs, to his long hard cock, and knew that he meant every word.

Wordlessly she moved back towards him. As she knelt between his legs, he pulled them up his chest, giving her easier access to his opening. She stared deep in to his eyes, caressing his cheek with one hand whilst she placed the tip of the strap-on against his anus. “You know you belong to me, don’t you my pet?” she asked him. He could only nod, unable to look away from her eyes. Slowly, she sank down on to him, the shaft of her strap-on sliding easily in to his well used bottom, until her belly pressed against his, his hard cock pressed between them, her breasts against his chest. She lay still for a moment, as they kissed softly, tongues finding each other, and he wrapped his legs tightly around her back.

Gently, lovingly, she began to rock her hips, making love to him. He cried out with pleasure as her cock curved in to him, filling his bowel. Pulling her hard against him, he whispered in her ear “cum in me my Queen, my Goddess. Cum in my hole. Fill me, make me yours. I love you. I worship you”.

Smiling down at her wonderful boy, she lifted a breast to his mouth, sighing with pleasure as he began to suck at her nipple, the tightness of his body already causing the dildo to press pleasurably against her clit. Her perfect boy would be well used by morning she knew, and she would be well satisfied. She closed her eyes, thinking about how she would get him to go down on her with his wonderful tongue for an hour or so later to give his hole time to recover. This would be a night to remember…

Her Good Little Boy

She sat back in the chair, naked save for the thick strap-on dildo protruding from between Her legs. Beckoning to the boy, She gestured him over, Her eyes running over his smooth naked body as he crossed the room towards Her. She loved to watch his slim naked form; every inch of him was so delicious, and She knew that every inch of him was Hers alone.

Taking his hands, She guided him so that he stood with his legs either side of Her own. “Spread your pretty little hole for me pet” She purred, dipping two fingers of Her right hand in the pot of lubrication on the table beside Her. Obeying Her, the boy reached behind himself and grasped his buttocks, spreading them apart, exposing his puckered anus to the cool air. Reaching behind him with one hand, She pressed the pads of her lubed fingers against his hole, running them around the entrance, before slowly sliding them in to him, past the tight muscles at his opening. With Her other hand She cupped and fondled his testicles. He had not cum since their arrival at the hotel two days before, and they were hot and heavy, full of his seed.

Satisfied that his bottom was thoroughly lubricated, she withdrew Her fingers with a twist, causing Her pet to moan softly. Tugging softly on his balls, She guided him downwards, lowering his pussy to Her waiting cock. His anus, well used by Her that weekend, opened easily around the head of the dildo, and the slick shaft slid smoothly inside him. He groaned deeply as he took the entire length in to his body, hungrily kissing Her, their tongues intertwining.

Her fingers found where Her strap-on entered him, tracing the rim of his stretched anus. “My wonderful pet” She breathed, “what a good boy you are”. Cupping his firm young buttocks, She lifted him, encouraging him to move up and down the thick glistening shaft. “That’s it my darling, use the entire length” She complimented him, moving Her hands to his hips, helping him rock on Her. His hard cock pressed against Her belly, pre-cum leaking on to Her skin as his young body rode Her, his full and heavy sac resting against Her flesh.

“When you’ve made me cum my love”, She whispered in his ear, “then you may cum also”.

“Yes Mistress, thank you Mistress” he panted, as he increased his rhythm, rocking his hips, his tight bottom gripping tightly around the dildo, causing pressure on Her clit as he moved. As he rode Her, he continued their kiss, his hands rising to cup Her full firm breasts, massaging and stroking them. “I live to make you happy my Queen” he sighed as She raised Her hips, driving the strap-on deeper in to him.

“oh you wonderful, wonderful little boy” She cried out as the sensations began to build between Her legs, “that’s it, use your bottom to please Mistress, make Her cum”. As She felt Her orgasm build, She grabbed his hips tightly, and began pulling him hard on to Her with every thrust, feeling her pelvis slamming in to him as She filled him hungry rectum. In that moment, Her world was Her clitoris, and his anus, nothing else mattered. With a cry She came, hard, the spasming pleasure emanating out from between Her thighs. The boy rode Her through Her orgasm, grinding down on Her cock, pressing against Her erect clit. Eventually, both were still, panting, exchanging hungry kisses between gasps of air.

She caressed his cheek, “you are such a good boy pet, you have earned your reward”. Gently lifting him off her dildo, She motioned towards the bed. “Assume Karta position my darling, with your bottom nice and high for me”. The boy quickly complied, arching his young backside up to her gaze. She licked Her lips, looking down lovingly at his body, at the nicely spread buttocks, at his beautiful anus, still spread open from their coupling. She traced a fingertip around the edge, causing him to moan against the bed. Kneeling down, She darted out Her tongue against his rim, causing him to buck back against Her. With a smile to Herself, She reached between his legs, grasping his throbbing cock tightly, and skillfully beginning to masturbate him. As She did, She went to work on his most intimate place with her lips and tongue, working him up in to a frenzy, as She alternated between kissing and licking the sensitive outside of his anus, to probing inside with Her pointed tongue.

His breathing quickened, and he began to rock back and forth to meet Her hungry tongue, crying out all manner of love and praise for Her, his cock painfully stiff in Her hand and she manipulated him like no other could. As She sensed he was about to cum, his hole contracting around her tongue, She stood up, and pressed forwards with Her hips, the strap-on sinking deep in to his wanting hole. Fucking him deep and hard, She felt his penis spasm in Her hand, days of his youthful semen spurting out on to the bed below his belly, his tight balls swinging back and forth.

“There’s my good boy, cum for me, cum for Your Mistress” She praised him as She emptied him, continuing to massage his cock until every last drop had come. He whimpered as She began to slide her strap-on out of him, “please Mistress, stay in me a little longer, I love how full you make me feel” he begged. With a chuckle, She stepped back, leaving his rectum empty, his anus gaping wide, glistening between his round buttocks. “Don’t worry my pet, I have plenty of toys to fill you back up. Now, on your back, knees to your chest, and let’s see what else we can use that wonderful hole of yours for”…

Nathan Goes To Philly

As Nathan stood at the side of the train waiting to board, clouds of cold air and steam drifted into sight at the end of the platform reminding him of an old movie. He raised his coat collar and braced himself against the cold while the riders ahead of him shuffled up the stairs. Finally settling into his seat he drew out the Times from his brief case and relaxed for the hour and half trip to Philadelphia. By the time the train lurched into motion his mind was already wandering. Through the fogged window the illusion of sentimental train journeys of the past returned to him and he began to day dream about his old friend Harry- Harry who had been his patient for 10 years and his best friend for another 15 years- Harry who had died and left him with this final task of friendship, to carry a check for $100,000 to be delivered to Harry’s mistress and long time confidant, Pamela Brown.

As a psychiatrist Nathan Bromberg had seen many patients like Harold Feinstein. Marital issues, feelings of guilt, unrealized aspirations, tyrannical fathers and on and on. It was only slightly unusual for Nathan to hear about his desire to be whipped and humiliated by a strong woman, a woman of sexual mystery wearing seductive lingerie and sporting a horse whip held tightly to her hip. But over the years Nathan came to realize that Harry wasn’t embarrassed about his fantasies and had actually realized them by forming an enduring relationship with a Philadelphia dominatrix he called Dr. Pam. Indeed, most of their psychiatric sessions consisted of Nathan listening thoughtfully to Harry’s intricate explanations of his activities with Dr. Pam. At first Nathan had thought that she was a clinical psychologist who was some kind of sexual surrogate because Harry had been so full of praise for her healing powers.

Gradually it became apparent to Nathan that Harry was really in no need of psychiatric help and was more interested in being able to tell someone about his eccentric lifestyle, spending several days a month away from his wife and children with his mistress in Philly. It was at that point that Nathan told Harry to stop coming to the office and paying for his friendship and start meeting him for drinks or perhaps going to the race track with him on weekends. In that way the two became friends, sharing confidences as friends would normally do. Harry, being 10 years older was naturally sagacious and within a few years it was obvious to both of them that he was the more confident and assured man. Nathan gradually came to see Harry as an older brother type and shared is doubts and worries with him until, by the time that Harry died (of cancer at 65) Nathan was devastated at the loss and was willing and even anxious to carry out the last wishes Harry had mailed to him from his death bed. It was a short list, helping Harry’s wife with a few financial details, finding a decent accountant to help her through the maze of investments Harry had left her; negotiating an endowment at Harry’s alma mater and helping the children (now in their thirties) to cope with his death. Only one of the tasks was out of the ordinary: being the “bag man” for Harry- delivering the money to his mistress while staying beneath his wife’s radar. This would be easy enough and Nathan had no concern about continuing Mildred’s deception. He knew enough about the couple by then to realize that she had no interest whatsoever in knowing about Harry’s sex life (or anyone else’s for that matter).

By the time that Nathan passed the Trenton station he was thinking very hard about what to say to Pamela. He had known that it would be awkward but as the time approached he became more worried about the details of the encounter. The memories of Harry’s sessions with her were particularly vivid in Nathan’s mind. In fact over the years they had invaded his dreams both during the night and during the day. It was at night that they became most intensive. When the two had started the clinical sessions Nathan knew very little about Dominance and Submission, only what he had learned in a single course on abnormal psychology (a course with a text that had long since been discarded). But eventually, after many sessions and years of friendly swapping of lurid details Nathan realized that he was living Harry’s adventurous sex life vicariously through the delicious episodes Harry provided him during conversations which at first seemed nasty and prurient but soon became comfortably familiar- though still, extremely exciting.

As Nathan stood on the sidewalk waiting for a taxi, he searched his pocket for Pamela’s address and within a few minutes was leaning forward and handing the slip of paper to the Pakistani driver. At this point it would be an understatement to say that he was becoming very nervous. It was unsettling for him to realize that Harry’s salacious stories had become his own. The stories had become dreams which had turned into his own fantasies and now a fantasy awaited him that could not be described or anticipated. In a few minutes he would be standing outside Pamela’s door with an envelope containing one hundred thousand dollars. What would he say to her?

By the time that Harry had stepped out of the elevator and found himself actually standing outside of her door he was no longer wondering what he would say, but instead, what would she be wearing. He knew that she would be over fifty years old by now and would probably appear nothing like Harry had describer her. Nathan would probably be nothing more than a messenger in her eyes and dismiss him after a polite conversation and a preemptive and brief goodbye- and, of course, that would be fine. He would be relieved to have performed his duty to his old friend.

Standing before her door, Nathan hesitated. He felt a clammy nervous sweat covering his palms and clearing his throat tentatively, he knocked on the door. What he saw was a surprise to his overheated senses. Pamela was not what he expected. At 5 feet 10 inches she was only slightly taller than he and her casual friendliness took him in immediately. “Nate,” she said, “Harry’s wonderful friend. Welcome, welcome and please come in.” In a few moments they were sitting together on her couch chatting amiably. Because Harry had shared so much of his life with Pamela the discussion went as though they were old friends catching up on recent events. Nathan studied her cautiously trying to see what traits might reveal her dark sexual proclivities. She was certainly a woman of stature. She sat erectly and spoke with an easy confidence, her eyes seeming to sense a more distant object suggesting that they found importance in a larger space. You might call them penetrating eyes but they certainly weren’t threatening, they were kind, knowledgeable. Her hair was chestnut and her face very attractive, not young but not pale and lax. Her nose and eyes were her best features, her nose slightly aquiline and perfectly shaped and her eyes brilliantly blue. Her plane black dress was matronly, tasteful and understated but sexy as hell. It was tight enough for Nathan to trace the womanly shape within its confines. He could see that she possessed every feminine principle that deserved respect and devotion. The clammy feeling was returning to his hands when Pamela turned to him and said, “Tea?” and after a silent pause, “Do you drink tea Nate?” Recovering from his reverie Nathan said, “Yes, of course, certainly.” “I hope Oolong is alright.” She picked up a little bell and rung it softly.

It wasn’t that Nathan was surprised to see a maid come into the room. Something about Pamela’s demeanor and the décor of the room made such an accessory to wealth seem natural. The maid was quite ordinary, not a pretty woman but very well dressed or at least somewhat elaborately dressed as though she were wearing a costume – a French maid’s costume to be exact, black with white piping and lace and beneath the hem of her fairly short skirt frilly white crinoline was peaking out. She wore black shear stockings with a black seam down the back, and high heals. Her movements were precise as though serving tea was a much practiced event for her. As she straightened up and left the room Nathan could see that her breasts were a modest size but well formed and jutting forward in a “push up” bra.

Nathan and Pamela continued their conversation and he explained the contents of the envelope. Pamela received the money with no acknowledgement as though talking about money was beneath her and Nathan began to feel like a little kid before this impressive woman. He had been a little distracted by the maid. Even though it seemed quite natural that she should be there, something about her had made Nathan uncomfortable and caused him to lose focus for a while. Pamela noticed his confusion and reached for Nathan placing a comforting hand on his lower arm. “Oh don’t worry about him Nate, he loves to serve me and especially when there is company!” Still confused, Nathan’s face began to color with embarrassment. You’ve just met my husband, Nate. His name is Hyrum but he prefers to be called Suzie. I’m sorry, I thought you knew, but I can see that Harry wanted to play a trick on you.”

Pamela proceeded to explain her relationship with her husband. He had been her client until she decided to feminize him and make him into a permanent servant. “The breasts are quite real Nathan; Suzie has been on female hormones for over ten years. His penis is quite vestigial at this point but I decided to let him keep it because it looks so cute showing its little lump through his panties and sometimes he wears a chastity device (which of course he doesn’t need- but we like the effect it makes, especially when I’m entertaining a lover). Nothing which Pamela said shocked him, he had heard all about such arrangements and even had patients who were cross dressers, trans-gendered and some who were willing cuckolds. What did shock him was that he was actually there in that apartment witnessing a scene of dominance and submission and that he was becoming very excited. At his age an unwanted erection was a rare event but sadly, there he sat quite uncomfortably while a large tent formed in his lap which because of his position and his closeness to Pamela was impossible to conceal.

“I’m afraid I’m not being very kind to you Nate. Please accept my apologies, I really thought you’d know all about my husband and me but I can see that Harry has kept some secrets from you.” Nathan regained his composure, “No, no, not at all. After all, I am a shrink; it’s not like I haven’t seen or at least heard about these things, it’s just that…” After an awkward pause, Pamela filled in his words: “It’s just that….your surprised by how it’s affecting you.” She moved her eyes caressingly to his crotch. “I’m sorry,” she said slyly. “I tend to have that effect on men.” “Some men,” said Nathan cautiously. “Yes, some men, some men like you?”

“Nathan, how long will you be in town? “

“I’m just staying the night, at the Bradbury and then returning to New York in the morning.”

“Would you consider having dinner with me tonight, here, in my apartment?” “I think I would like that very much, Pamela,” Nathan replied timidly. “Well then”, said Pamela, wringing her little bell again, “Suzie will show you out.” At this point Hyrum or Suzie to be more accurate, came into the room quietly and shyly looked at Nate. Suzie face reddened as she realized that Nathan knew her true identity now but quickly recovered as she walked silently over to the door and opened it graciously for Nate. “Shall we say about seven, then.” Nathan answered solemnly, “Yes, of course, I’m looking forward to it.”

As Nathan checked into his hotel he was still nervous from his encounter with Pamela. Why, he asked himself, should he be nervous. There had really been no surprises. Harry may have left out the bit about the husband but Pamela was just the sort of person who could command respect and attention from any man and such relationships were part and parcel among some of his patients. Still he sat back in his chair and fought an almost over whelming desire to go into the bathroom and masturbate. When his wife left him several years ago, he thought that his passion had gone for good. When your wife tells you that you made her into a Lesbian, even a psychiatrist is likely to be crushed emotionally. Of course, Nathan never thought about it like that. He merely accepted her words for what they were, the damaged cry of a confused person. Nevertheless, his desire for a woman had never really come back- at least not like this. What was it that made him react this way? It seemed almost as if he had fallen in love, in love with someone he hardly knew.

Nathan continued to debate with himself but time quickly wore down any remaining resistance. It seemed like an eternity separated him from the 7:00 O’clock assignation with Pamela. He jumped into the shower and washed thoroughly including his hair and especially his private parts, his cock and balls. He remembered from some of Harry’s reminiscences that Pamela was not partial to penetrative sex, but not knowing exactly what to expect he even trimmed his pubic hair to gain a more youthful appearance.

Eventually he found himself standing outside her door where he hesitated for a few moments as a wave of trepidation surprised him with its intensity. Then, steeled with determination he rang the bell at exactly 7:00 O’clock. Time again slowed to a crawl and he was tempted to wring the bell again. A few more minutes passed and he began to feel a plummeting disappointment but still did not ring again. Finally the door opened and Suzie stood there in her costume, her face reddened with humiliation. “Please come in Mr. Bromberg, my mistress would like you to remove you clothes here in the entry.” Nathan’s face immediately drained of color and a feeling of panic spread through his body. Maybe he was in over his head. “Mr. Bromberg? Would you like me to assist you?” “Uh, ah, no, Suzie, I’m ok.” And then as if by magic, Nathan began to disrobe. First his sport coat, then his shirt- slowly at first with a hypnotic pace that gradually eased in to a slow but determined process of undoing buttons and zippers. He handed his clothes to Suzie one piece at a time until he found himself stark naked and exposed completely. Suzie stood before him, his clothes folded cautiously over her arm. “And socks sir?” Hopping on one foot Nathan removed one sock and then the other and Suzie disappeared down the hall with every piece of clothing Nathan had been wearing along with his watch and his wallet.

Again time seemed to fall into a gloomy chasm as Nathan stood there quietly in the lowly lit entry way waiting and waiting. He was sure now, that he had made a huge mistake in coming to Philly, certainly in doing anything more than delivering the envelope and fulfilling his duty to his friend. Suddenly Pamela appeared from the living area dressed in a simple black evening dress, a perfect string of pearls clung to her neck dipping between her breast tops accentuating their fullness. Her dress was not particularly short but it was definitely above the knees, revealing her very nicely shaped legs. Her high heals were moderate (only three or four inches high) but high enough that her eyes looked downward at Nathan’s. Her makeup was perfectly done, so perfect that Nathan saw nothing other than each of her beautiful features in perfect proportion- any indication of her age had been completely erased and Nathan gazed at her in rapt attention- even forgetting for a brief moment that he was standing there naked. An easy smile crossed her face as she gently lifted a wave of lustrous chestnut colored hair away from her cheek and spoke to Nathan. “You have no idea how pleased I am that you have chosen to join me tonight. Suzie will have dinner ready in twenty minutes, would you care for a drink- let’s see, whisky and soda, am I right?” Nathan responded with a grunt that should have been a sentence. Another smile arose from Pamela and a look of passionate understanding that went to his core.

And so, a bell was wrung, drinks were forthcoming and by now Suzie had settled into an efficient routine of cooking and serving that removed any embarrassment that may otherwise have lingered in her mind. Nathan saw that now Suzie’s face was happy and content as she bent solicitously to her task of serving drinks. Pamela settled alluringly into a plush easy chair that dominated the living area and looked questioningly at Nathan. “Would you be comfortable on the floor?” Nathan was confused. What was happening? Another surge of panic jumped in his heart, but before it could spread through his body he found himself bending at the knee and lowering himself onto the thick carpet beneath his bare feet. “Come a little closer dear.” Nathan knee-walked to within a few inches of Pamela’s nylon clad legs and remained there as a shiver of nakedness dashed across his skin. “I believe your nipples are erect, do you know that Nate?” The enigmatic smile returned to his luscious red lips. Reaching down to Nate, Pamela took his left nipple in her hand a squeezed it gently. Then brushing it with the smooth skin of the back of her hand she did the same to the other nipple, increasing the tension between her thumb and forefinger and giving it a playful twist.

Dinner was not what Nathan had expected it to be. Pamela consumed a savory Salmon dish with pesto pasta and the better part of a bottle of Chianti Classico. Nathan, on the other hand remained on the floor beside her chair at the table eating bits of food which she provide him from her plate- deposited in his bowl and drank clear water with no ice from a tumbler. It would difficult to adequately describe his thoughts at this point. Perhaps it would be more realistic to say that he indeed possessed no thoughts at all. Alternately on all fours and on his knees he remained for the duration of the evening, his penis so taughtly erect and perfectly in agreement with the sexual tension that pervaded every part of his body. Between bits of food he managed to place in his mouth and the sips of water required by his dry mouth, he obsessively glanced at the tip of his penis to make sure that he was able to catch any drops of pre-cum that were accumulating and trying to drip onto Pamela’s expensive carpet.

There was nothing about that first evening with his new mistress which Nathan was ever likely to forget. Sitting on the train the following day, he remained in a happy trance. A sea change had occurred in his life and a world of happiness and anticipation had blossomed within him that nothing could erase. Suddenly the train jerked forward and Nathan fell wistfully back into his seat, still somewhat numb with sexual exhaustion. No, he had not had sex with Pamela. She had told him not to ever expect that. She would expect him to service her orally and if his talents were appropriate there would be other options as well.

The train reached speed and settled into a swaying rhythm punctuated with the familiar clack of wheels on rails. Nathan reached his hand to his mustache and brushed by his nose as if to relieve an itch. A glorious scent escaped from his skin and whiskers. A look of comfort and certainty crossed his face. The memory was fresh in his mind. Crawling between her legs as she relaxed in her chair after dinner he kissed her upper thighs between the tops of her stockings and the musky softness of her mound. His tongue explored her labia carefully and lifted the veil that covered her clitoris. He could barely contain his excitement as he fastened his lips on the pungent nub and began to lick and suck it worshipfully. He almost didn’t realize the first flick of her crop as it sliced across his buttocks. Another spark flashed across his cheeks got his attention but didn’t cause him to lose his concentration. He continued sucking and licking with even more energy as the punishment mounted. He was flooded with surprised and awe as he felt the pain as something different. It was pleasure, painful pleasure, exciting and full of energy. It fueled his mouth and ran is tongue like a dynamo. Pamela’s response was ecstatic. Her pleasure far exceeded anything he had ever witnessed- building from a gentle entirely feminine passivity gradually to a wonton release. It was the architecture of desire- her soaring ecstasy embraced and supported by the strength of his suffering and pain. But the secret he thought to himself, this foggy morning, resting comfortably on the train ride back to New York, the secret was… that pain was pleasure, a greater pleasure, more potent, more meaningful than any pleasure he had ever known. And pleasing Pamela had become his only goal and hopefully would always be his only goal.

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