Table of Contents
Many people tend to forget the basics about fire safety when they do fireplay, probably because of the illusion of control we Doms have while we scene…I don’t know about the rest of you out there, but when I am scening, I’m so into control, that I believe nothing can go wrong, ’cause I’m godlike…and nothing is farther from the truth, unfortunately. I’ve known about at least 2 fires that started ’cause of a fireplay scene gone wrong, and about one sub who got 3rd degree burns ’cause of a dumb mistake. (and no, none of those was with me involved 🙂
So…for starters, we need to remember that we have to have the basic firefighting equipment ready…a fire extinguisher or, at the very least, a good couple of buckets of water; sand is also very good at firefighting.
We should also remember not to have any flammable objects near the area were we are playing with fire…be smart enough and don’t try to do fireplay with the subbie tied to the bed, k? Unless you want barbecued subbie, that is 🙂 Mosquito netting is also a hazard in this kind of scene…it burns fast, sticks to other objects (including skin) and it’s very hard to put out the fire on it once it’s started.
Also, make sure that if you are gonna tie your subbie down, you have a pair of surgical scissors (the kind with blunt tips but sharp as knifes) handy, to cut her loose in case you need to…subs are worth more than rope, no matter how expensive the rope is 🙂 I don’t recommend locks being mixed with fireplay, it takes a long time to get the damn things off when you are in a hurry; so, if you like bondage mixed with your fireplay, please only use ropes and keep the scissors handy!
Now, one more thing people tend to forget when doing fireplay….hair doesn’t only smell bad when it burns…it burns FAST as hell…so…be careful with the hair…pull it up and out of the way, cover it with a wet bathcap or something like that, and make sure that whatever you use to start up your fire doesn’t get too near her neck.
Another important thing some of us forget is about the kind of chemicals we use to make the fire. I found once a sub who’s skin was sensitive to something in the alcohol I normally use for fireplay, and she had an ugly rash for a week :/ So, be careful with the stuff you use for your fireplay, make sure you know what allergies your sub has before applying any chemical to her skin that has the potential of triggering an allergy.
The important part of fireplay safety is to always remember that fire IS a very dangerous foe, and if it gets out of your control, it’s better to call the fire station and have to explain what happened than dieing in a charcoal house…this is specially important in places where houses are mostly made out of wood, like in the US…houses burn down fast
Caution: May I please add that the bottom shouldn’t be wearing any body lotions either as they are somewhat flammable and/or cause the skin to get a lot hotter than other non-lotioned areas. Also,deep arch’s in the lower back, above the sacrum, pool liquids (which any other time is quite nice) but in the case of fire play could become a safety issue if allowed to become a reservoir of the liquid used to ignite regards MissBonnie.
This article is only to be used for suggestions and your own resource, use at your own risk.
MISTRESS AS TEMPTING AS SIN (now closed) text MistressAsTemptingAsSin AKA Iamdesire ©
Fire Play: The Submissive’s Beginner Guide
Updated Further texts MissBonnie 2024

Disclaimer and Safety Precautions
Fire play is an advanced and inherently dangerous activity that should under no circumstances be attempted without significant precaution and expertise. Readers should be aware that the information provided in this guide is for educational purposes only and does not qualify as a substitute for professional training or experience. Fire play should always be conducted by individuals possessing substantial knowledge and experience to mitigate the associated risks.
Engaging in fire play carries serious safety concerns, including the potential for severe burns, accidental fires, and other injuries. Even minor negligence can result in catastrophic consequences. Therefore, it is imperative to highlight that fire play should not be attempted merely on the basis of reading guides or viewing media; practical instruction and supervision from an experienced practitioner are necessary to ensure a safer environment.
Before delving into any fire play activities, ensure that the surrounding area is safe and free from flammable materials. Always have fire extinguishing tools readily accessible, such as a fire extinguisher, fire blanket, or water source. Both participants must have a thorough understanding of fire safety protocols and a clear plan for emergency situations.
It is also essential to establish clear communication and consent protocols between all parties involved. The psychological and physical boundaries of each participant must be respected, and everyone must be comfortable with the agreed-upon activities. Continuous monitoring and the ability to immediately cease the activity upon signal are crucial components of maintaining safety during fire play.
Lastly, by choosing to engage in fire play, the reader acknowledges their full responsibility for any outcomes or incidents that may arise. Proper preparation, education, and respect for the risks involved are non-negotiable aspects of safer fire play practices. Engage with utmost care and responsibility.
What is Fire Play?
Fire play is a form of sensation play widely practiced within the BDSM community, where controlled fire is used to produce a range of tactile experiences. Essentially, it entails briefly igniting the skin with a carefully managed flame, creating a momentary rush and a captivating sting. This activity can evoke a variety of emotions, from an exhilarating thrill to a soothing warmth, thrilling both novices and experienced practitioners alike.
The process of fire play starts with a critical and deliberate preparation. A partner, often the dominant or top, swabs the submissive’s skin with a 70% solution of isopropyl alcohol. The concentration must not exceed this percentage, as higher concentrations can introduce significant risks. Once adequately swabbed, the alcohol-coated area is swiftly set alight and just as quickly extinguished. The fluid nature of fire, combined with the brief exposure, ensures the skin is only subjected to the desired level of sensation without causing undue harm.
Participants in fire play often find the controlled, flickering flame and its immediate impact both exhilarating and deeply sensual. The sensation produced by the brief ignition and the controlled application of heat leads to a unique experience, typified by a delicate balance between pleasure and pain. For many, this balance is one of the key attractions of fire play, heightening their sensory awareness and deepening their emotional connection with their partner.
There are several basic terms and concepts critical to understanding fire play. The “Top” is the person administering the fire, while the “bottom” or “submissive” is the one experiencing the sensation. “Extinguishing” involves promptly dousing the flame, typically using a damp cloth or hand, to ensure safety and prevent burns. Familiarity with these foundational terms is essential for a safe and enjoyable fire play experience.
Safety First: Choosing the Play Area and Tools
When engaging in fire play, safety must be the top priority. The first step is to choose an appropriate play area that minimizes risk. Avoid locations that are inherently flammable, such as bedrooms where bedding and curtains can easily catch fire. Instead, opt for a space with non-flammable surfaces, like tiled or concrete floors, and ensure the area is well-ventilated to prevent smoke accumulation.
Next, it is crucial to assemble the right tools and equipment well in advance. Essential items include:
Steel bowl: This is used to hold any flammable liquid, like isopropyl alcohol, which is preferred for its quick evaporation rate, reducing the risk of prolonged burning.
Isopropyl alcohol: Choose a solution with around 70% concentration, as higher concentrations can be too volatile and lower ones might not ignite properly.
Surgical scissors and gauze squares: Surgical scissors are indispensable for quickly removing any clothing that might catch fire, while gauze squares are handy for immediate first aid response to minor burns.
Butane lighter or candles: Use a butane lighter for precise control over the flame. Candles can also be used but require careful handling to prevent wax burns.
Fire extinguisher: A fire extinguisher should be easily accessible. Familiarize yourself with its operation before beginning any fire play session.
First aid kit: Ensure it is stocked with burn gel, bandages, and other supplies necessary for treating burns.
Before starting, take a moment to scan the area and remove any potential flammable items, including loose fabrics, paper products, and electronic devices. Always establish a “safety zone” within the play area that both participants are aware of, ensuring no unexpected movements lead to accidental encounters with the flame. This preparation and mindfulness are key components in maintaining a safe and enjoyable fire play experience.
Preparation and Communication
The realm of fire play, while exhilarating, necessitates meticulous preparation and unambiguous communication. An imperative foundation for any fire play session is the establishment of a pre-agreed safeword. This safeword serves as an unequivocal signal for the submissive to halt the activity instantly if they feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable. Additionally, incorporating a safe signal—preferably a non-verbal gesture—ensures the submissive can communicate without relying solely on verbal cues, which may be challenging during certain activities.
When preparing for a fire play scene, the avoidance of handcuffs or slow-release bondage items is paramount. The use of such restraints can pose significant risks, as the ability to quickly release the submissive in case of an emergency is crucial. Opt for alternatives that guarantee a swift and secure release, ensuring the safety of all participants.
Prior to initiating the scene, the dominant partner must diligently ensure that all tools and materials are assembled and easily accessible. Fire play equipment, such as fire wands, torches, or fuels, should be thoroughly checked for safety and functionality beforehand. Attention to detail in this preparation phase cannot be overstated, as even minor oversights can lead to severe consequences.
Equally important is the removal of all flammable items from the immediate vicinity of the play area. This includes materials like curtains, paper, and even certain types of clothing. By creating a controlled and hazard-free environment, the risk of accidental fires is significantly minimized.
Effective communication throughout the fire play session is non-negotiable. Regular check-ins between the dominant and submissive maintain a constant awareness of the latter’s comfort and safety levels. This ongoing dialogue ensures that adjustments can be made promptly, mitigating any potential discomfort or danger.
In summary, thorough preparation and lucid communication form the bedrock of safe and enjoyable fire play. Establishing clear safewords and signals, avoiding restrictive bondage, ensuring the readiness of tools, and removing flammable materials collectively create an environment where trust and safety are paramount.
Selecting Appropriate Areas for Fire Play
When embarking on the journey of fire play, selecting the appropriate areas of the body is crucial to ensure safety and maximize the enjoyment of the experience. It is highly recommended that beginners limit fire play to hairless regions such as the back and upper shoulders. These areas are not only more accessible but also reduce the risk of accidental burns, making it easier to control the flame and the sensation it provides.
It is imperative to avoid areas with significant body hair. Hair is highly flammable and can lead to unintended injuries if not properly managed. Before starting any fire play session, inspect the chosen area to ensure it is free of hair, dirt, and any flammable substances such as lotions or oils. For participants with long hair, it is essential that it is securely tied up and, ideally, covered with a damp, flame-resistant cloth or cap to prevent any accidental ignitions.
Another consideration is ensuring the play space itself is clear of any flammable materials. This includes removing any nearby clothing, drapes, or decorations that might catch fire. Having a damp towel and a fire extinguisher within reach is also an important safety measure. A well-prepared environment helps create a safe and enjoyable experience for all participants.
Lastly, communication remains key throughout the process. Continuous check-ins with the submissive partner ensure comfort and consent are maintained at all times. If any discomfort or unexpected reactions occur, being prepared to extinguish the flame quickly and safely is paramount.
By paying meticulous attention to these safety guidelines, practitioners can enhance their fire play sessions, creating an experience that is both thrilling and secure for everyone involved.
Step-by-Step Fire Play Process
Fire play is a delicate practice that requires precision, awareness, and adherence to safety protocols. Below is a comprehensive guide outlining the essential steps to ensure a controlled and enjoyable experience.
First, ensure that the play area is free of flammable materials, and have safety equipment such as a fire extinguisher, a bucket of water, and a wet cloth readily available. Establish a clear line of communication with your partner and agree on non-verbal safety signals before starting.
Begin by swabbing the desired skin area with 70% isopropyl alcohol. Alcohol should be applied in a thin, even layer to prevent excess liquid from dripping, which can create uncontrollable flames. Using 70% isopropyl alcohol is essential as it ignites at a lower temperature compared to higher concentrations or other types of alcohol, thus reducing the risk of burns.
Utilize a long-necked lighter or a specialized fire wand to ignite the alcohol carefully. These tools allow for controlled application of flame, keeping your hand at a safe distance. If it’s your first time experiencing fire play, opt for small areas to gauge your sensitivity and tolerance.
As soon as the alcohol is ignited, monitor the flame closely. The alcohol will burn off relatively quickly, usually within a few seconds. Immediately extinguish the flame by applying a wet cloth to the area. This not only cools the skin but also soothes any residual heat, adding to the comfort of the submissive.
To heighten the sensations further, you can incorporate ice. After extinguishing the flame, gently glide an ice cube over the heated area. The contrasting temperatures create an intense, stimulating experience that many find exhilarating.
Throughout the entire process, continuous communication and observation are paramount. Ensure that any sensations experienced by the submissive are within their comfort zone. Stop immediately if any unexpected pain or discomfort occurs.
Proper technique and safety considerations ensure that fire play remains an exciting and controlled experience. By following these steps meticulously, practitioners can enjoy the thrilling dynamics of fire play responsibly.
Handling Emergencies
When engaging in fire play, the paramount priority is always safety. Despite meticulous preparation, emergencies can still occur, and it is crucial to be prepared for any eventuality. Proper handling of emergencies not only ensures the well-being of all participants but also maintains trust and confidence within the practice.
A fire extinguisher should be an indispensable part of any fire play session. Opt for a multi-purpose fire extinguisher that can handle different types of fires, such as those involving ordinary combustibles, flammable liquids, and electrical fires. Familiarize yourself with its operation beforehand, including the PASS technique: Pull the pin, Aim the nozzle, Squeeze the handle, and Sweep from side to side. Position the fire extinguisher in a readily accessible location, ensuring all participants know where it is and how to use it.
In addition to a fire extinguisher, a well-stocked first aid kit is essential. This kit should contain items specific to treating burns, such as sterile gauze, burn ointment, and pain relief spray. Immediate treatment of minor burns involves cooling the affected area with cool running water for at least ten minutes, which helps to reduce pain and prevent further damage to the skin. Follow this with applying a sterile dressing to protect the burn. If blisters form or if the burn covers a significant area, seeking professional medical advice is advised.
Efficient and safe extinguishing of fires also depends on maintaining a calm demeanor. Panicking can exacerbate the situation. Clear communication between all parties is vital. Establish a signal that indicates an emergency, and ensure everyone knows this signal. If a fire does break out, quickly assess the situation: if it’s manageable, proceed with the fire extinguisher; if not, evacuate the area and contact emergency services.
Ultimately, thorough preparation and the presence of essential safety tools are fundamental components of responsible fire play. By prioritizing safety and being ready to address any emergencies, participants can explore this intense form of play with confidence and care.
Relaxation and Trust
When delving into the realm of fire play, relaxation and trust emerge as vital components for a gratifying experience. This powerful form of play, where the element of fire is intimately involved, demands more than just physical preparation; it calls for a deep psychological readiness, rooted in trust and clear communication.
Firstly, it is imperative to participate in fire play solely with an individual who is highly experienced and skilled in this domain. The expertise of the dominator ensures not only the technical proficiency required for safe execution but also a comprehensive understanding of managing the play’s intensity and potential risks. Gauge their experience level through honest discussions and do not hesitate to ask for demonstrations or testimonials.
Mutual trust between the submissive and the dominator cannot be overemphasized. This trust encompasses a willingness to communicate openly about boundaries, expectations, and safe words, facilitating a secure environment wherein both parties feel confident and willing. A thorough conversation before the session about comfort levels and any prior concerns goes a long way in fortifying this trust. Furthermore, consistent check-ins during the experience can greatly enhance the feeling of safety and relaxation.
Another crucial aspect is the state of relaxation that the submissive must achieve for a fully immersive experience. The submissive should engage in relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises or mindfulness practices to calm the mind and body before the session begins. Partnered relaxation rituals, such as a calming pre-session discussion or meditation, can also help in settling any nerves, thus preparing the submissive for the intensity of the play.
Overall, the intertwining elements of relaxation and trust create the bedrock for a safe, enjoyable, and transformative journey into fire play. Each session is unique, requiring a foundation built on profound mutual respect, clear communication, and unwavering trust.
Resource Article : MissBonnie 2024