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Dominant and Submissive Programs

Domme with arms around Submissive male.

So your interested in Femdom but have no idea how to put your dream into motion? In this interactive program we will discuss what you personally want from BDSM, Understanding Femdom practices.

How to plan your first scene as a Dominant – We will share some the personal and intimate experiences of how we have incorporated Female Domination into our relationships. Of course any Femdom (a female dominant) at the beginning of her being involved in BDSM activities does face some problems which prevent her from getting pleasure of what she is doing. We can help make this better for you.

Actually any dominant can have her own problems as people differ and have their own psychological peculiarities. However, there are some problems common for any Femdom, such as: fear of not being up to stereotypes, lack of self-confidence and lack of skill in scenario planning. Information provided in our interactive program will let you know and learn more about these problems and the ways these problems can be solved.

Expressions of interest can be listed in the community. All programs are 100% free to use

Program Directors: VixenDelicia, RedWench, MissBonnie, MsAbbysynthe And MissBitch

Currently covering such content and ongoing topics such as

what are the steps or phases in Femdom? People are always curious about, what are the steps in BDSM.

How Do I Find A Real Time Domme This one of the most asked questions within Femdom. You can improve your chances. Have you done all you can to increase the odds in your favor?

How can I get my wife to sexually dominate me? We get many questions from married male submissive, masochists or fetishists asking for ideas and information or advise on this topic. Some are just thinking about this activity, unsure of themselves and their lover’s response, a bit worried about the outcome, but ready to take the plunge. Others are just beginning to play Dominant/submissive games with their lover, both parties are open to the concept, and they are seeking more ideas and suggestions on creative D/s play. Your not alone a few are trying to convert an unwilling or uncooperative spouse, and are deeply frustrated. We don’t have the answers but we can help YOU, to help yourself.

Looking for a Cyber domme Looking for a Cyber Partner but had no luck? Is it you or the elusive Femdom female that is hampering your search. Maybe you just haven’t found the right place to chat?

Survival for New Dommes in Chat rooms Internet Chatroom can make or break a new Dominant. While our chatroom supports new Dominants, others do not. HNG and wannabes are riff. How you can make it work for YOU.

How do I get a Mistress to accept my service? Domme receive constant PMs, and Emails to take on a submissives for training. Most of the correspondence we receive are sorry indeed. 🙁 Would you really like to write a introduction that will have a higher chance of standing out for all the right reasons?

My Partner told me he wants this “Your partner has approached you with a request. You know it is important you see it means a great deal to him, but you have no idea what it could be. He is flushed, excited, nervous, and a little tentative to talk to you. Clearly this is very important to him and most likely then, to you! Then he blurts it out. “I want you to be my Mistress” So what now?

Sex and Femdom Many people from and outside BDSM Femdom community question the necessity of sexual intercourse during the session. Indeed, where is a place of sex in BDSM Femdom and is it essential for such sort of relationships?

CNC: where the Femdom knowledge resides for the beginner to Newbie.
An introduction for those new to BDSM Femdom and searching for answers. This is by no means a complete ‘how to BDSM’ or ‘How to become a Domme guide’ or ‘sub guide’. It is meant as a guide to those who seek a greater understanding, or who are interested, but don’t know how, or where to start in Femdom, or Female lead relationship. Or for that matter, if it is even for them.

Basics of Female Dominance This section of CollarNcuffs is for those females wanting to learn more about a type of relationship known as Dominance and submission within BDSM Femdom practices. Designed as a beginners guide to Femdom to exploring Femdom for themselves

Styles of play and equipment uses (how to) ok so you’ve figured out this is, what you want, but your still lacking skills and techniques to continue, you’ve read our Basics of female dominance Then, take a deep breath and consider these suggestions, who knows maybe some will interest you: The following items and techniques are not recommended for beginners, but are included so that when, or if you decide, you have the information at hand to ensure that the play continues to be safe and consensual.

Dealing with cyber stalkers When carried out sensibly and securely, communication through social networks and other online public forums can be beneficial, both socially and professionally. However, if you’re not careful, it can lead to numerous undesirable consequences, one of which is cyberstalking.

Netiquette: The rules of conduct for BDSM world-wide web If your chosen medium for exploring Femdom is the Internet the chances are at one time or another you will be drawn into the world of message boards, chat rooms, and online D/s… being as you are at this site, you already have begun experiencing the latter 😉 . Like any other culture, the online Femdom community has its own protocols and ‘ethics’ that it follows. These rules of conduct are in addition to, not in place of, basic social skills and graces.

Beginning Rope Play 101 Rope bondage, also referred to as rope play, kinbaku, shibari, is bondage involving the use of rope to restrict movement, wrap, suspend, or restrain a person, as part of BDSM Femdom activities.

A Self Bondage Primer 101 Self-bondage refers to the use of restraints on oneself for erotic pleasure. It is a form of erotic bondage which can be practiced alone. Self-bondage is characterized by experimentation and ingenuity, and can be riskier than conventional bondage. Self-bondage requires use of techniques for self-binding as movement becomes increasingly restricted as more restraints are applied, and also requires a reliable release mechanism. Many types of bondage equipment can be applied before the one that restrains the hands. For example, leg irons can be applied, as well as gags, blindfolds, etc. For many of its practitioners, the added challenges and dangers are a part of the appeal of self-bondage, who often devise elaborate self-bondage schemes and release mechanisms, both in practice and in erotic fiction.

A Complete Newbie’s Guide to Safe calls 101 A safecall is an arrangement that you make to check in with a trustworthy person when you’re meeting with an acquaintance or someone new with whom you haven’t yet developed trust. Your trustworthy person should know where you’re going to be (specific addresses), who you’re going to be with (real names), and what time(s) you will be checking in. If you don’t check in, they’ll assume something has gone wrong and will contact the local authorities.

What is subfrenzy? SubFrenzy 101 Subfrenzy: The term sub-frenzy has been around for decades, perhaps as long as Femdom, but in more recent years with advent of the internet the definition has become rather incomplete. The current definition of sub-frenzy around the internet often reads something like this:
A frantic, mania-like state where a sub will desperately attempt to experience every BDSM act they have any interest in, frequently to the point that it affects their decision-making and impairs their judgment. We think this definition is lacking because . A definition is great but understanding and stopping it, is often better. As such, the term sub-frenzy has been limited in its application towards the specific scenario described above, while leaving a void of terminology for other scenarios that involve frenzy. If we are focusing on the source/cause, a better definition of sub-frenzy would read something like this: A state of impaired judgment where a sub will behave abnormally or erratically in pursuit of an altered mental state. sub-frenzy is a phenomenon that affects many new submissives and even older hands. It’s that rush of overwhelming, consuming desire to experience kink, as soon as possible, often to the point of neglecting all other concerns (in some cases even your Domme if you have one or your personal safety). Ma
ny submissives have thought about submission long before they ever have the nerve to go looking for it, and when they do, it’s often like someone dropped a bomb in the middle of your world. You can become consumed by it. Femdom is all you can think about. Hopefully its not to late and you still have a Dominants attentions because you spotted the signs early or some one pointed you to this resource as they noticed the signs.

Erotic Humiliation And Degradation From a technical perspective, erotic humiliation and erotic degradation usually are not quite the same thing, though they are generally talked about interchangeably or lumped together as “humiliation and degradation”. Humiliation is a mental state as in your mental state, and what humiliates one individual submissive may not humiliate another submissive.

14 Things To Try If Your Very New To Femdom And Just Starting Out Femdom is practiced by all kinds of people with all types of backgrounds – and they play a crucial role in the fantasy lives for a large proportion of women and men. You’ll find if you look more, nothing is wrong with being into kinky sex play and it doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you. All this indicates, in the end, is that you’re into kinky sex play, sex play that the health professionals and scientific research all now agree is good for you! but where to start

Female Dominant Programs

Domme with face covered

Does this sound a little like your situation?

“Your partner has approached you with a request. You know it is important you see it means a great deal to him, but you have no idea what it could be. He is flushed, excited, nervous, and a little tentative to talk to you. Clearly this is very important to him and most likely then, to you! Then he blurts it out. “I want you to be my Mistress”.

He wants to serve you as a “slave” forever. The words alone, “Mistress” and “slave”, dominance and submission, maybe ran chills up and down your spine. They conjure up images of dungeons, chains, racks, and whips of weak, pathetic men getting whipped and tortured by a cold-hearted, leather-clad bitch with whips and thigh high boots.

Perhaps you have discussed this sort of thing before, perhaps you have even taken on roles during sex play, or it could even hit you from the blue. Your reaction can range from, I’m repulsed, isn’t this a little weird, your interest maybe piqued for some kinky fun but the hell do you do this? To you’ve always wanted a slave! Chances are, your reaction is somewhere towards the more conservative extreme. In fact, if you’ve always been waiting for a man to be your 24 / 7 slave, this program probably isn’t for you [although it still may shed a little alternative light on your approach]. This program is targeted to the new Domme just starting out on her journey; the woman who would had never considered her partner to be her submissive.

The quest for a fulfilling Femdom relationship is a journey of many stages. At each level, the next steps seem impossible and unattainable. All you have to do is, with no training or preparation; step into role culture has taught you is wrong. You have to deal with his male fantasy. Even though he is the one who wants you to do this, you need to lead him to a place neither of your know exists. When you do that, you will then have to maintain it.

We can understand just how you are feeling, overwhelmed at not knowing where to start out! But you can do it, if you wish to pursue this further, and you can enjoy the process. It is possible to travel together to places of which you may never have dreamed existed when you know the steps. We can help you with the steps in your journey towards a Femdom relationship. Such as planning your first scene and more. What we have tried to present here in this program is a combination of the basic psychological aspects and the basic physical skills and knowledge needed for a Femdom love style in a user-friendly format. We hope that as you finish this program one of the things you have come away with is a stronger sense of the personal power and eroticism you carry inside of you, That power is just waiting to be tapped into and let out.

Expressions of interest can be listed in the Community. Programs are 100% Free to use and join

Program Directors: VixenDelicia, RedWench, MissBonnie, MsAbbysynthe And MissBitch

Containing such contents as:

chapter one preface The purpose of this course is to examine the Female Domination lifestyle. What is Female Domination? Why do men desire Female Domination? How do couples practice Female Domination in today’s society? We will discover that Female Domination is a large tent with many forms, expressions and lifestyles contained therein. Lifestyle Terms and Definitions, what is Femdom. What does submission mean. Understanding what it can do for your relationship, Understanding submissives.

Chapter two Dealing with his kinks Where do you fit into his submission? Who are you to think you could be his goddess and rule the household? Reluctant Goddess Syndrome” when a woman has trouble accepting the fact that her man feels this way about her

chapter three Understanding your submissive partner Why is my partner submissive? So why the heck is your partner submissive? So, who is a submissive? What is a submissive? What do you see as a workable solution to suit both your needs? Learn about ALL the different types of subs. There isn’t just one type of sub out there and how each is defined will determine the type of play you can take part in! You can determine in minutes which type of sub they are ! This will make for less miscommunication, and hurt feelings between the Domme and sub

Chapter four Where are the boundaries? where are the boundaries? Rights And Responsibilities. Learn about safe words and safety calls. This can be the most important and safest part of play, everybody should know about this it could possibly save a life! This part of the program is about the kinds of responsibility you are agreeing to take on when you decide to dominate your partner-and about the kinds of rewards you have a right to expect in return

chapter five contracts and neg establishing your and just what they imply to you and your partner Discover the importance of contracts and negations! Why they are needed and even get an example contract that can be used between you and your partner to create a safer play environment!

chapter six Know your Role Budding femdom unsure of next steps. Know your Role . where do you fit in , Once you understand yourself and your role that is when the true journey begins. Watch as your experiences become far more intense and powerful then you ever imagined. finding your top persona, finding your top persona, do you always have to have a roll ? what’s in a name? Voice your authority: Domme’s have your sub begging at your feet from just the sound of your voice.

Chapter seven Setting the scene Satisfying scenes don’t just happen, any more than the plays of Shakespeare just happened. Great fantasies, like great drama, must be planned, considered, and choreographed before the performance. Lets first delve into setting the stage for your first scene

Chapter eight symbolism and structure who’s fantasy is it? what does it mean to you and your relationship. Discover how to not just have physical control of your slave, but complete emotional control so you have them worshiping the ground you walk on! Its easy to physically control a slave, but its a true art form to control them mentally and emotionally. Its this form of control that will make them WANT to fall to their knees in pleasure.

Chapter nine Mental and rope Bondage introduction, safety Bondage is probably the most risky area of BDSM, but also the most popular, especially with newcomers. Accidents do happen. Many of the most experienced practitioners have had incidents. Shibari, in its original form, was designed not only to restrain, but to torture and kill. Do not underestimate the effects of even relatively simple bondage. Have fun but go slowly and don’t take chances.

chapter ten Rope bondage and scene ideas. This physical act of your lover relinquishing his personal power to you is at the very core of the D/s forbidden fruit, and more simply, one huge turn-on for many. Chances are if you have one kink in your straight rope, this is it. Restraint is the basis of good manners, and nowhere else but in a BDSM relationship does this statement have such literal simplicity. While there are specialty shops and skilled craftsmen galore selling all manner of manacles, a working knowledge of rope and knots is a basic bedroom skill one needs not only to develop, but—pardon the expression—master. The look in his eye when you whip out a perfect bowline without looking, fumbling, or breaking a nail will show that you have cemented his attention faster than Krazy Glue, and you both will definitely get all wrapped up in lovemaking—with strings attached.

Chapter eleven Rope bondage and scene ideas continued…resources include video instruction and downloads.styles of bondage with easy to follow instructions and play time scene ideas

Chapter twelve Other ties that bind Now that you have had a chance to learn the ropes, it is time to think beyond just tying up your partner and enter a whole new world of bondage convenience. For although a knowledge of rope work is an excellent basic skill to have, it is not necessary to use it exclusively. Think of it as learning Latin, a discipline that lays a foundation for further study. There are many other contraptions of confinement, some designed for the job and some adapted from other purposes. An introduction to these can save time on the tying, allowing more time for other, less restrictive endeavors.

Chapter thirteen The Anatomy Lesson The MOST critical things you must NOT do to ensure safety of you and your partner! To this day many medical professionals still view BDSM training as abuse, even though its between consenting adults. Learn what not to do, so you don’t have to go charging to the hospital and explaining what happened !

Chapter fourteen The Elements of a Good Beating Learn all the tips and tricks to spanking and whipping etc! Know the difference between toys, how and when to use them. Sometimes your hand can be the best weapon find out when. Practical scene hints, tips and ideas. As you have guessed by now; there is a lot more to a beating than just waling away at his bottom

Chapter fifteen How do you train him to do it your way? Discover how to not just have physical control of your slave, but complete emotional control so you have them worshiping the ground you walk on! Its easy to physically control a slave, but its a true art form to control them mentally and emotionally. Its this form of control that will make them WANT to fall to their knees in pleasure. about discipline exercises and humiliation techniques! When performed correctly nothing can be a bigger turn on for you or your submissive Learn how, when and why punishment is needed! Knowing these skills can can a disobedient slave who tries to test your boundaries, and annoying to a slave who understands, honors and respects their place at your fee

Chapter sixteen Training positions So now you know what he is good at, he wants this and he is ready, willing, and eager to obey your every command. How do you go about training him. ~included 10 basic positions you can use to train your willing submissive, what you do, what he does, and there uses. Building structure and furthering your personal experiences

Chapter seventeen first scene Your First Scene~ ideas, hints, tips and guidance. What do you do first? Secrets to setting up a good scene! Something goes wrong it could destroy the scene, learn how to prepare properly, so the mood is never ruined. Problems and Solutions to boundaries and blaming~What do you do when you get stuck?

Chapter eighteen technique out of the way. staying open to new ideas. Paying attention~intuition and where to find it for the future.

Chapter nineteen Emotional glitches dealing with your new found power, Post-Dominance Anxiety. Soaring higher~faster and longer. Building for the future, problems and solutions that may occur. What is subspace, sub drop and aftercare? how do you deal with it when it goes wrong.

Chapter twenty Time to say goodbye! Making sure you have all the tool at your disposal for your scenes

Upon finishing our program, we felt we still hadn’t done enough to answer all your questions in detail. Loving the topic as we do we decided to continue

The subsequent ‘Help’ sections explain, illustrate, and often contain downloads and video reference of different fetish’s or D&S techniques that you can explore with your partner. Cautions are included where needed, but we must remind you of this: Femdom play is rough play and the safety and well-being of your partner is of the utmost importance. You should be expert with all the props you intend to use on him (Practice! Practice! ) no matter what they are: whips, gags, ropes, blindfolds, crops, even butt plugs.

At Present our additional help files contain

Help: Depersonalization / sensory deprivation Depersonalization and sensory deprivation implies an entire range of BDSM Femdom activities often referred to humiliation. Usually depersonalization means that the Domme orders submissive to perform a role which is considerably different from the submissives role in usual life. As a rule depersonalization is fulfilled as turning a person into an object for example into a foot stool or an ash-tray. A person can as well be turned into an animal, let us say into a dog or a pony.

Help: Cock Rings Many folks equate sex toys with vibrators and vibrators with women. But men enjoy all kinds of sex toys (including vibrators) and one of the staples of their toy box is the cock ring in and out of Femdom play scenes. A great toy for solo or partner play, the cock ring (also known as a penis ring) is a strip of material or a continuous ‘O’ ring designed to restrict the blood from flowing out of the penis, which can prolong an erection.

Help: Lube But not every lube is ideal for every person or every situation. Each lube has a main ingredient, and each has pros and cons. Some lubes are better for anal penetration and some are better for jerking her or him off. Some have chemicals that may be hard on sensitive skin, others are more natural. So what is what? We are glad you ask!

Help: Canes Caning is the SM technique of consensually striking someone (most commonly on the buttocks) with a cane for mutual erotic pleasure. Canes are often used in Femdom play. Care should be taken to observe all appropriate safety precautions. Canes have a deserved reputation as The Victorian Terror Weapon. To most submissives, they mean severe punishment; to sensation-seeking S/M bottoms, overload.

Help: Multi-Orgasmic Males Any man can become “multi-orgasmic”. It only requires a basic understanding of male sexuality and certain techniques. Most men’s sexuality is focused on the goal of ejaculating, rather than on the actual process of lovemaking and pleasing his Mistress or partner. Once a man becomes multi-orgasmic he will not only be able to better satisfy himself, but also more effectively satisfy his partner/Mistress.

Help: Punishment Punishment is an inevitable element of relationships between a Mistress and a sub. To speak shortly, punishment is designed for behaviour correction. But all involved in BDSM/Femdom know that punishment is a gift and the Domme’s benefaction as it helps to get free from feeling of guilt and it is a sign of the Top’s care for her sub

Help: Subspace This word we use to describe the psychological (mental) and physical state the submissive can – but does not (always) have to – reach as a result of BDSM interaction. On the Internet especially you will see a lot of stories and articles about “subspace”. Most of these unfortunately got it dead wrong. This leads to a lot of confusion. For example “subspace” and orgasm are often mixed up.

Help: Tease, Humiliate, Punish, Torment: starting out ideas This is a list of suggested ideas and activities for Dominant Women to use on their submissive men. I’ve written this list because I enjoyed compiling it and I hope people will continue to send comments and additions It could be used as a starting point for couples who would like some new ideas or don’t know where to start. This list is not meant as a “how too list” but just meant to spark ideas for the newly dominant woman, as I suggest she finds her own style.

Help: Anal play Taboos about one’s anus are ingrained in us from earliest childhood. The most pervasive negative attitudes are tied to the “uncleanliness” of the area and, for men, anal pleasure is closely associated with homosexual behavior. Because of this many adult men, are alienated from their anuses and the erotic pleasures to be had there. Hidden between the folds of the buttocks, what the Marquis de Sade lovingly described as the “rosebud” opening is, for most people, anything but (excuse the pun).

Help: Wax ~ Liquid Latex Many people have played with a bit of candle wax at one time or another in their lives. Maybe by putting a finger in the pool of wax at the top of a candle. Maybe by catching a drip of wax on their skin by accident. Maybe even by dripping a bit of wax on themselves on purpose. Well, it’s the intentional wax play we’re going to talk about here. So if you’re interested in playing with wax on a partner, or even if you just want to play with some on yourself, we have a few bits of advice we’d like to pass along to get you started on the right path. If it turns you on–or might turn you on–to drip molten wax from a burning candle onto the pink and delicate bits of your partner

Help: Protocols and rituals Life comes with bills, the flu, dishes, and laundry, getting the car serviced, taking the trash out, going to work and so much more. Plus then add in kids if you have them and then you have less time. And everything keeps going no matter if you are in a D/s relationship. It means there is no 24/7 bondage, S&M and sex. It means living life the best we can do and trying to add in things to keep that focus of the power exchange. It is keeping it real within reality, but how do we keep it moving?

Help: Smoking Fetish Smoking fetishism (capnolagnia) is a sexual fetish consisting of the fetishisation of the smoking of tobacco and marijuana.Among heterosexual men, the fetish is often associated with oral fixations and fellatio ~tips hints ideas for play

Help: Anal Beads Beads for his butt? It may sound kind of crazy, but these special beads are designed to take advantage of the pleasant sensations that can occur as your sphincter muscles open and close around a series of small round objects. When withdrawn at the peak of orgasm, your partner may experience an erotic thrill unlike any other. If you’re already discovered the joys of anal play with your Femdom activities you owe it to yourself to give this toy a try, either for your partner to enjoy with self play or or incorporated in your Femdom play.

Help: Strapon play What the hell is a harness? What type is the best for Femdom and pegging? So your partner has said he wants you to use a harness on him? Why does he want this? But I don’t know what to do ? Where to start ? How do I use it?

Help: Mummification Basic mummification is fun, easy and inexpensive, and can be a lot of fun as Femdom activity. We have included a complete guide. It places the submissive/slave in a situation of powerlessness and sensory deprivation which allows him to float off, forget his problems, and offer his complete trust to the Domme. The Dominate gets enjoyment and satisfaction from his sense of total control, from the pleasure she is giving the bottom, and from activity she may initiate after the mummification is complete.

Help: Spanking One of the factors that sets spanking apart from other forms of swatting is the deliberate and sometimes ceremonial positioning of the participants. While some spankings are haphazard, we prefer spankings that include the ritual of positioning. Spanking info covering position & posture, safety plus more

Help: CBT It seems counterintuitive. Why would a man want scary and intense things done to such a delicate part of his body? How could this possibly be pleasurable? How could he ask a lover or a playmate to do these seemingly unloving acts to him? If he’s asked you, how on earth can you do it to a person you care for?

Help: Trampling Before we enter in the area of trampling we would like to additionally add this area of Femdom isn’t without risks. Our advise given here is a simple a reflection of what we use in our practices. This not meant imply safety. Using our methods you do so at your own risk!

Help: Foot fetish Before we enter in the area of trampling we would like to additionally add this area of Femdom isn’t without risks. Our advise given here is a simple a reflection of what we use in our practices. This not meant imply safety. Using our methods you do so at your own risk!

Male Submissive Programs

male submissive in body harness

We all face problems in our search for a BDSM partner. It’s the ultimate irony that at the same time male subs bemoan their single fate in chat rooms, Many female dominant who simply cannot find a good sub. Something is obviously going very wrong, somewhere!
We will discuss what you personally want from Femdom, what dominants want – and you want from a dominant. We will explore where to find dominants, how to get yourself noticed by them, how to initiate contact with them, and ways to deal with the stresses of searching.

Expressions of interest can be listed in the Community. All Programs are 100% FRee to use and join

Program Directors: Program Directors:VixenDelicia, RedWench, MissBonnie, MsAbbysynthe And MissBitch

Covering Contents Such as:

How you present yourself in your profiles and contacting a mistress is perhaps the most crucial part of establishing yourself for a Femdom relationship, attracting a potential partner, and being seen as ~ a worthy submissive for a Domme to own, is a process. Just like any process, this program needs to seen through from beginning to end.

Part One: Establishing Your Presence
Name Choice Choosing A Scene Name What’s Appropriate Why Can’t I Use What I Want?

Part Two: Establishing Your Presence
Dangers Protecting your identity Using a correct Email address Establishing privacy to safely explore the cyber/online world

Part Three: Establishing Your Presence
Avatar choices Slashie speak and Caps What’s appropriate Steps to making yourself known Avatar selection Netiquette Capitalizing Names

There are a number of things that are pretty much exclusive to the online world. Nothing wrong with learning a lot about this lifestyle online before diving into it with your skin bare to the lash. However, it’s good to be aware that there are a lot of things you learn online that you aren’t going to hear much about in real life.

Part Four: Establishing Your Presence
What are you? self recognition Knowing what you want What are you seeking, online or real time Roles of submission, where do you fit in Understanding your own personal desires, needs, and requirements. what are you looking for in partner? What kind of personality are you?

Part Five: Establishing Your Presence
Profile Do’s and dont’s How to create an IRRESISTIBLE online dating profile You have just joined this site and you are excited. There are lots of others like you in this world and suddenly you do not feel quite as alone anymore. You just seen the competition, and maybe panic has set in.

Part Six: Establishing Your Presence
Pictures Do’s and Do Not’s

Exploring the world of online Domination
Finding the right Chatroom Exploring Online Cyber submission Finding The Right Partner What To Expect Exploring Other Online Options

Part One: communicating effectively with the opposite sex
Writing ~ contacting Where to begin / How to communicate effectively with the opposite sex Waiting /she replies what to do /dealing with rejection How to see the RED FLAGS and spot the bad. The signs of an unavailable person, scammer, professional collar collector, money or Pay for play dominant. She replies, what to do and what not to do Where to begin

Part Two: communicating effectively with the opposite sex
Waiting And Dealing With Rejection Why Don’t They Ever Reply? Poor fellow, you’ve emailed countless Dommes and none of them write back. What is wrong with them? You’ve expressed your willingness to do “anything.” What more could they ask? Really the question is what is wrong with you or at least your presentation of yourself

First Meeting Realities And Transitions
First meeting realities How to date SAFELY online What will you give to get it? What You Can Do Or Practice To Improve Your Odds Of Being A Successful Match. The Art of Flirting For The Social Networker: How To Transition From Online To Real Time

Negotiating the relationship
First date Sex Negotiating the relationship Tools for building the relationship you’re seeking Playing with someone new

Desperate Measures: None of this worked?
So everything is failing, you can’t find that Domme of your dreams? You evaluated yourself and find your desires and wants in a partner realistic, you’ve contacted hundreds, if not thousands only to be what now? Do you just give up?

Additional Supporting Articles:

The term teledildonics is usually used when referring to the use of computer-mediated software and hardware to facilitate remote sex between two (or more) people.

Dealing With Stalkers
Cyber stalking can be as terrifying as physical stalking, but often harder to prove and more difficult to control. The anonymity of the Internet works for the stalker, but there are safety procedures to help

The rules of conduct for BDSM world-wide web
Interactions and Netiquette The rules of conduct for BDSM world wide web If your chosen medium for exploring Femdom is the Internet, then the chances are at one time or another you will be drawn into the world of message boards, chat rooms, and online D/s… being as you are at this site, you already have begun experiencing the latter. Like any other culture, the online Femdom community has its own protocols and ‘ethics’ that it follows. These rules of conduct are in addition to, not in place of, basic social skills and graces.

Cyber Entertainment Programs

A Taste of cyber submission for single males

You’ve always wanted to try an online Mistress to submit to. But how do you find one, and what exactly happens when you do?! This two week course will introduce you the world of cyber submission, giving a tantalizing taste of submitting to not one, but two, beautiful and formidable Dommes for two weeks of play and total online ownership. You will also be provided some basic practical skills that will help you in your search. Light educational content

Expressions of interest can be listed in the community. All programs are 100% free to join and use (sorry single men only at present. We need a new Program Director for this program)

Program Directors: MissBonnie and MissBitch

A Taste of cyber submission for partnered males **(TEMP CLOSED)**

You’ve always wanted to try an online Mistress to submit to. What exactly happens when you do?! This two week program will introduce you the world of cyber submission, giving a tantalizing taste of submitting to not one, but two, beautiful and formidable Dommes in a safe non judgmental environment.

Expressions of interest can be listed in the community
Program Directors: MissBonnie and MissBitch

Programs Under development

For many of us real time kinky play is not a possibility, for many reasons. So we must fulfill our kinky needs online. Lucky then, that cyber play is so much fun! But how do you get started without making a total idiot of yourself?! This course explores the realms of cyber kink and equips you with the skills and confidence to become an active player in forums and chatrooms. We will discuss ways find and choose your cyber partners (including ways to avoid online predators), chatroom etiquette and cyber aftercare – a very important subject for cyber submissives.

Want to join us? Expressions of interest can be listed in the community

Program Directors: TBA

For many of us real time kinky play is not a possibility, for many reasons. So we must fulfill our kinky needs online. Lucky then, that cyber play is so much fun! But how do you get started as an online dominant without making a total idiot of yourself?! This interactive course explores the realms of cyber kink and equips you with the skills and confidence to become an active player in forums and chatrooms. We will discuss ways find and choose your cyber partners (including ways to avoid online predators), chatroom etiquette, cyber aftercare (a very important subject for cyber players) and lots of great ideas for dominating subs online.

Expressions of interest can be listed in the community.
Program Directors: MissBonnie and program directors

Sometimes all the fun you have online simply can’t fulfill your personal need for real time BDSM. It’s like an itch you can’t scratch… But how do you actually move into the lifestyle? This program advises you how to locate and contact your local scene, teaches everything you need to know about munches, and provides lots of excellent advice of attending your first BDSM club, workshop or play party. We discuss why all BDSM venues have different rules and etiquette, how to survive and enjoy your first play party, and how to acquire some basic real time skills.

Expressions of interest can be listed in the community.
Program Directors: TBA

one of the questions we are most asked is how do I attract the attentions of a Dominant Female for either online activities or real time adventures?First, the bad news. In the BDSM Femdom scene, the largest demographic is men who want to submit to women, and the smallest is women interested in dominating men. This means that numerically there is a lot of competition. We can help you stand out with some simple changes to your approach.

Why not list your Expressions of interest in the community.
Program Directors: MissBonnie and MissBitch

New Report
