Double Coin 

Decorative Techniques for Tying a Compound Double Coin Knot in Bondage

Introduction to Compound Double Coin Knot

The compound double coin knot is not only a functional knot in the world of bondage but also has an aesthetic appeal. This decorative method of attaching two strands of rope provides security while adding a visual element to your practice. In this blog post, we will explore how to achieve this intricate knot.

Materials Needed

To start, you’ll need two ropes of equal length. The type of rope can vary, but softer ropes like cotton or hemp are often preferred in bondage due to their gentleness on the skin and ease of manipulation. Ensure your ropes are smooth and free of frays for a neat finish.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Begin by laying the two ropes parallel to one another. Create a loop with the first rope, ensuring the working end goes over the standing end. Take the second rope and pass it through the loop you just created from behind.

Next, pull the ends of the second rope over and through the loop of the first rope. Tighten both loops and adjust as necessary to keep the knot symmetrical. Alternate sides and repeat the process multiple times until you achieve the desired length. The result should be a visually striking compound double coin knot.

Practical and Aesthetic Uses

This knot is practical in bondage as it secures two ropes together effectively while maintaining flexibility. It’s important to practice knot tying under safe and consensual conditions. The compound double coin knot is ideal for those who appreciate the artistry in bondage and wish to add a decorative touch to their techniques.


The compound double coin knot is a perfect blend of form and function. Whether you are new to bondage or an experienced enthusiast, mastering this knot can enhance both the aesthetic and practical aspects of your practice.

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