This site promotes the concept of “BDSM Rights”

We hold the belief that people who’s sexuality or relationship preferences include Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission, or Sadism and Masochism (“BDSM”) deserve the same human rights as everyone else, and should not be discriminated against for pursuing BDSM with consenting adults.

This page links to off site ongoing campaigns, BDSM-specific organizations, other human rights groups, and documents.

Campaigns related to specific abuses of the human rights of BDSM people.


The Home Office has begun a process to make it illegal to possess extreme adult images. … Backlash is the campaigning organisation bringing together individuals and activist groups to oppose this legislation.”


On Wednesday 26th July 2000 in the UK began the start of a violation of human rights by an employer. So far it has resulted in the dismissal of someone because of so called ‘inappropriate activities’, that is involvement in BDSM. This list was set up as a place where people can be kept up to date with the progress of that case, find out how they can help with the ‘fight’ and as a general resource for others, in both the UK and other parts of the world, that find themselves in similar positions.”

Revise F65

A European network built to work towards the removal of Fetishism and SM as psychiatric diagnoses from the ICD, the International Classification of Diseases published by the World Health Organization (WHO). The initiative was started by the Norwegian National Association for Lesbian and Gay Liberation (LLH) and is supported by the European region of the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) and the European Confereration of Motorcycle Clubs (ECMC.)”

BDSM Organisations

Organizations with an ongoing role in promoting the rights or civil liberties of BDSM people. National Leather Association

Resource Article : MissBonnie copyright (c)

Further reading:
D/s Contracts – What are D/s contracts? and how do D/s contracts work?
Contract Sample 1 – An example of a simple D/s contract.
Contract Sample 2 – A more complicated example of a M/s contract
Contract Sample 3 – An example of a temporary BDSM poly contract.
Safewords – Do you know your safe word with your Mistress/submissive?
SSC v’s RACK – Safe, sane and consensual V’s Risk-Aware Consensual Kink
Limits & negotiations – Both Dominants and submissives can express limits. What are your partners?
Partner check list – A list a great place to start to get to know your partner or open up communication channel.
Abuse and P.E – Abuse and erotic power exchange, know the dangers.
Explicit Implicit – Explicit Consent / Implicit consent Play considerately and consensually.

Sample 3


UPDATE 2024: please note there plenty more downloadable contacts contained within our Free Community under Free PDFs, Downloads and printables

The purpose of this instrument is to:

State the full mutual consent of the undersigned in regards to this relationship.

Explain the responsibilities and duties of both [Master/Mistress] and slave.

Define safewords and their use.

Explain the use of punishment.

Foster a greater sense of communication between the respective parties.

This contract is in no way legally binding, and is meant only as an aid to better understanding of the needs, duties and responsibilities of [Master/Mistress] and slave.

I …………….. , hereinafter referred to as slave, do of my own free will, and being of sound mind and body, do hereby offer myself in consensual slavery to…………….. , hereinafter referred to as [Master/Mistress], for the period beginning at midnight on and ending at midnight on…………….. .
This agreement may be terminated at any time before the above named date by either party only in the event of breach of contract. On the above named date this agreement will be reviewed, renegotiated and rewritten, or terminated.

Provisions of Contract

1.) Slave agrees to obey to the best of [his/her] ability, and to devote [him/her]self entirely to the pleasure and desires of [Master/Mistress]. Slave also renounces all rights to [his/her] own pleasure, comfort, or gratification except insofar as permitted by [Master/Mistress]. [Master/Mistress] agrees to learn what excites slave through exploration and communication and try to incorporate this into the relationship.

2.) [Master/Mistress] accepts full responsibility of slave. This includes but is not limited to: slave’s survival, health, physical well being, and mental well being. Slave accepts full responsibility for informing [Master/Mistress] of any real or perceived dangers or safety concerns, but also agrees that [Master/Mistress]’s decision will be final regarding these issues. [Master/Mistress] agrees that slave will not be punished for respectfully stating these concerns. [Master/Mistress] further agrees to listen to slave’s concerns with a clear and open mind. [Master/Mistress] shall endeavor not to inflict physical harm upon slave which might require the attention of someone outside the relationship.

3.) Slave agrees at all times to make [his/her] body readily available to [Master/Mistress] for [his/her] use. Slave will have hair washed and brushed in the style [Master/Mistress] prefers at all times. Slave agrees to wear any and all clothing, makeup, jewelry, etc. that [Master/Mistress] chooses.

4.) Slave agrees to accept the responsibility of using a safeword or safe gesture when necessary. Slave acknowledges that safeword is “…………….. ” and safe gesture is……………… [Master/Mistress] accepts the responsibility of stopping activities in progress to assess situations where slave safewords and will, to the best of [his/her] ability, make judgment on whether to modify the activity or stop activity entirely. Slave agrees to hold no ill will due to [Master/Mistress]’s decision. [Master/Mistress] agrees not to punish slave for the use of a safeword or safe gesture.

5.) Slave agrees to answer any and all questions asked by [Master/Mistress] freely, promptly, and to the best of [his/her] knowledge. Slave further agrees to volunteer any information that [Master/Mistress] should know regarding slave’s physical or emotional state. [Master/Mistress] agrees to never use this information to harm slave in any way.

6.) [Master/Mistress] agrees to furnish all toys such as vibrators, etc. and punishment implements such as crops and whips. Slave agrees to clean and maintain all toys and implements, have them available for [Master/Mistress]’s use at all times, and inform [Master/Mistress] of any needed repairs or replacements.

7.) Slave states that [his/her] limits are, but are not limited to: . [Master/Mistress] agrees to never violate these limits without prior negotiation of, and consent by, slave.

8.) Slave agrees to address [Master/Mistress] as [Sir/Ma’am] or [Master/Mistress] unless otherwise directed. Slave agrees to speak respectfully to [Master/Mistress] at all times, including times not spent in a scene. [Master/Mistress] may address slave in any way [he/she] so chooses.

9.) [Master/Mistress] agrees to furnish slave with a symbolic token of ownership. Slave agrees to wear this symbol at all times, except when [Master/Mistress] states to do so would be inappropriate or would non-consensually involve others.

10.) Slave agrees and understands that any infractions of this agreement, or any act slave commits which displeases [Master/Mistress], will result in punishment. Slave will gracefully accept punishment and try to learn from it. Slave agrees to assemble the punishment materials as ordered by [Master/Mistress] and assume any position needed to accept the punishment. Slave understands that failure to comply with [Master/Mistress]’s orders will result in a more severe punishment. [Master/Mistress] will inform slave that [he/she] is being punished when punishment occurs, and will explain the reason for punishment either before, during, or following punishment. [Master/Mistress] agrees to discipline only out of a desire to better the slave and [his/her] servitude, and further agrees to never punish out of, or during, feelings of anger.

Accepted, understood and agreed to

this…………….. day of…………….. , ……………..:

By: …………….. , [Master/Mistress]

…………….. , slave

Resource Article: MissBonnie ©

Further reading:
D/s Contracts – What are D/s contracts? and how do D/s contracts work?
Contract Sample 1 – An example of a simple D/s contract.
Contract Sample 2 – A more complicated example of a M/s contract
BDSM Rights – Know your rights with a Femdom relationship
Safewords – Do you know your safe word with your Mistress/submissive?
SSC v’s RACK – Safe, sane and consensual V’s Risk-Aware Consensual Kink
Limits & negotiations – Both Dominants and submissives can express limits. What are your partners?
Partner check list – A list a great place to start to get to know your partner or open up communication channel.
Abuse and P.E – Abuse and erotic power exchange, know the dangers.
Explicit Implicit – Explicit Consent / Implicit consent Play considerately and consensually.


UPDATE 2024: please note there plenty more downloadable contacts contained within our Free Community under Free PDFs, Downloads and printables

1. I agree and accept willingly that, once I enter into the this Contract, I agree to please my Master to the best of my ability, and I understand and accept that I now exist solely for the pleasure of my Master, to be trained, disciplined and punished if and when my Master deems it necessary.

2. My Master has agreed to not inflict any physical harm upon my body that would require the attention of anyone outside of our relationship, and has thoughtfully agreed that no discipline, training or punishment shall take place if he has consumed any alcohol or any drug which would thus impair his ability to keep me from any physical or mental or emotional harm.

3. My Master and I understand and agree that I hold veto power over any command given by my Master, at which time I may rightfully refuse to obey that command, but only under these specific circumstances which my Master and I have agreed upon:

  • a. Where a command conflicts with any existing laws and may lead to fines, arrest, or prosecution.
  • b. Where said command may cause extreme damage to my life, such as losing my job, causing family stress, etc.
  • c. Where said command may cause permanent bodily harm.
  • d. Where said command may cause psychological trauma.
  • e. Where said command is issued in a public place that was not agreed upon beforehand, and reveals to anyone else our relationship.
  • f. Where said command is issued during a time that my Master has consumed any drug or alcohol, thus impairing his ability to keep me from harm.

4. I agree to accept any punishment, discipline or training regimen my master decides to inflict upon me, whether earned or not, whether physical or mental or emotional, without hesitation.

5. My Master and I have agreed beforehand that punishment, discipline, and/or training, shall not involve any of the following, defined hereby as “Abuse”:

  • a. Drawing or release of blood.
  • b. Burning or mutilation of my body in any way.
  • c. Drastic loss of circulation.
  • d. Internal bleeding or complications.
  • e. Loss of consciousness, hearing, sight, smell, touch or taste.
  • f. Withholding of any necessary materials, such as food, water, sunlight and/or warmth, for extended periods of time.
  • g. Forcing the consumption of any illegal drug in any form at any time.

6. My Master and I have also agreed that because my body now belongs to my Master, he shall immediately undertake the responsibility of protecting my body not only from temporary harm as stated directly above, but also permanent bodily harm.

7. My Master and I have agreed beforehand that punishment, discipline and/or training shall not involve any of the following, hereby defined as “Permanent Bodily Harm”:

  • a. Death
  • b. Any damage that involves loss of mobility or function, including broken bones.
  • c. Any permanent marks on the skin, including scars, burns, or tattoos, unless accepted by the slave.
  • d. Any loss of hair, unless accepted by the slave.
  • e. Any piercing of the flesh which leaves a permanent hole, unless accepted by the slave.
  • f. Any diseases that could result in any of the above results, including sexually transmitted diseases.

8. My Master and I have also agreed that because my mind now belongs to my Master, he shall immediately undertake the responsibility of protecting my mind from permanent harm.

9. My Master and I have agreed beforehand that punishment, discipline, and/or training, shall not involve any of the following, hereby defined as “Permanent Mental Harm”:

  • a. Formal brainwashing or hypnosis sessions, unless expressly agreed upon by the slave, and then only by a third party trained professional.
  • b. Electric shock to temples or any other mind altering application of force or energy.
  • c. Any mind altering drugs of any kind.
  • d. Sleep, food, sunlight or other forms of deprivation or neglect specifically designed to break down my mental capacity in any way.

10. I am aware that as a slave, I will be required to maintain a positive outlook and have correct thinking as such, and my Master may assist me with that in any way he sees fit.

11. My Master and I have agreed that at any time I may utilize a “Safe Word”, and that whatever punishment, discipline, or training that is happening at that time shall immediately and without hesitation cease, and that time shall be called a “Safe Period”, wherein the following rules shall apply:

  • a. During any Safe Period, my Master and I shall resolve any issues before continuing any punishment, discipline or training.
  • b. I cannot use a Safe Word for no reason, and must supply a specific reason each time.
  • c. No punishments, discipline or training will take place during a Safe Period and I shall be free to express my concerns, and speak freely without fear of harm or punishment.
  • d. I understand and willingly accept, however, that the I will continue to address my Master with respect and love at all times and that deviations from this rule are subject to punishment at a later time.
  • e. There is no limit to the amount of times during any given period the Safe Word may be utilized, and thusly, Safe Periods.

12. My Master and I have agreed that I may ask for a “Free Period” to express my concerns, to speak freely and without fear of harm or punishment. The following rules shall apply at all times:

  • a. These shall occur only once per day, and only if requested by Master or I.
  • b. They shall never last more than one hour, unless my Master wishes it to continue past that time.
  • c. They are not cumulative.
  • d. My Master has complete control over when these Free Periods shall take place, but has agreed that they shall take place on the same day that I request it.
  • e. There will be no punishment, discipline or training applied during Free Periods.

13. I understand and willingly accept, however, that I will continue to address my Master with respect and love at all times and that deviations from this rule are subject to punishment at a later time.

14. For clarification purposes only, the Safe Period is a time that I request to cease all actions immediately, and the Free Period is a time that I request that my Master schedules when he sees fit at some point at his discretion during that same day.

15. I accept and agree to not take any other Master or lover, or to be sexual or submissive to any other person, without the express and explicit direction and command of my Master, and I understand to do so would result in extreme punishment and possible termination of this contract.

16. My Master has agreed that he shall take no other slave, without considering my emotional response to such actions first, and acting accordingly.

17. My Master has agreed that he will not upset my emotional balance or ignore me over another slave at any time.

18. My Master and I have agreed that he shall never under any circumstances, give me to another master, for any reason whatsoever, unless the guidelines of this contract are wholeheartedly followed by that master at all times and without exception, and it will be my Master’s sole responsibility to determine if this is the case, and I agree and will accept my Master’s decision in all respects to this and trust his decisions unwaveringly, as my Master has agreed that a breach in contract of any other master would also be considered a breach in contract of my Master as well.

19. My Master and I have agreed that all physical evidence of my slavery to my Master shall be kept in strictest secrecy, except where my Master and I have agreed otherwise.

20. My Master and I have agreed that any alterations to this contract will be printed and signed and attached as addendum to this original contract before said addendum is enforced, and that it will not be necessary to include any edicts or commands or rules, etc, put forth by my Master into this contract.

21. I agree to give all of my worldly possessions to my Master, to give my physical body to my Master completely and without exception, and to pleasure my Master as he requests and as often as he requests.

22. I understand and accept willingly that my Master may punish me, command me, train me, and love me how my Master sees fit, at any time, any place, under any circumstance.

23. My Master and I have agreed that Private Rules of Conduct shall be created and posted in the house which we reside, in a private place not for display to the public or unannounced visitors, and that it will be my responsibility to always know any changes to any rules of conduct set forth and follow them explicitly and without exception, that my Master may change these rules of conduct at any time, without notice, and does not need to post them in order for me to follow them, and that these rules are to govern my actions within the confines of my Master’s house.

24. My Master and I have agreed that publicly, we shall both conduct ourselves in such a manner as to not call attention to our Master and slave relationship, that I will defer to my Master at all times in public, and shall call him by his proper name when appropriate, and that my Master has agreed that only persons we have both agreed upon shall know about our relationship and/or contract.

25. Parties or gatherings specifically created for other Masters and slaves shall not be considered public places, our participation in such parties will be voluntary to both parties beforehand, during these gatherings I shall abide by all rules, edicts, and commands of my Master, just as if we were in private, with no exceptions.

26. If, during a party or gathering specifically created for other Masters and slaves, my Master wishes me to participate in any way, with another slave or Master, he has graciously agreed to discuss this with me beforehand and make such requests in these situations with my acceptance beforehand.

27. I agree and willingly accept my duties as slave.

28. I shall speak of my Master in terms of love, respect, and adoration at all times, I will address him at all times as “Sir” or “Master”, or however else he sees fit, and I shall abide by all items set forth in this contract, as well as any future edicts, commands or orders to the best of my ability, and understand there may be adverse consequences should I not carry out my Master’s requests or follow his rules to his satisfaction.

29. My Master has granted me the freedom to to engage in any and all activities not actively forbidden by this contract, or by later edict of my Master, and all rights and privileges not otherwise noted in this contract belong to my Master, and He may exercise them as He chooses.

30. My Master and I have agreed that no part of this contract is intended to interfere with my career, my Master wishes me to work hard and honestly, in general, and to conduct myself in a manner calculated to bring honor and respect to both of us.

31. My Master has graciously agreed, during periods of work, that I am permitted to schedule appointments, to dress in a manner appropriate to work, and to leave the house when necessary for work, and during periods of work, or if at home, I may answer the telephone, if necessary, and discuss business without the express permission of my Master.

32. My Master and I have agreed that for these reasons only do I have the right to terminate this contract immediately, and with no recourse to myself:

  • a. Abuse, as outlined above in section 5a-g, either intentional or accidental, or as a direct result from consuming alcohol or drugs.
  • b. Permanent bodily harm, either intentional or accidental, or as a direct result from consuming alcohol or drugs, as outlined above in section 7a-f.
  • c. Permanent mental harm, either intentional or accidental, or as a direct result from consuming alcohol or drugs, as outlined above in section 9a-d.
  • d. Breach of this contract by another Master, by charge of my Master, or as a direct result from consuming alcohol or drugs, as outlined above in section 18.
  • e. Exposed evidence of my slavery as outlined above in section 19.
  • f. Any addendums further agreed upon by my Master and I that are attached to this contract and signed by both parties will be considered as part of this contract as well.

33. Should any situations occur as outlined in section 32a-f, and I should still continue to want to uphold this contract in full, my Master and I shall put in writing what occurred as well as my decision to continue this contract, and that will be attached to this contract and signed by both of us, unless my Master wishes the contract ended at that time, because of said situation.

34. My Master and I have agreed that my Master may choose to end this contract at any time, and for any reason, without explanation.

35. This contract has no preset time limit and shall not end, except due to a specific reason noted in Section

36. I have read and fully understand this contract, and am entering into this contract under my own free will.

37. I have not been coerced in any way to enter into this contract.

38. By signing below, I agree to accept and obey all preceding rules without question, as well as any rules my Master may choose to issue at a later date, and I gratefully and willingly consign my body, mind, soul and worldly possesions to my Master, for His pleasure and use any way he sees fit.

I humbly request his acceptance of this contract in full.
I have read and fully understand this contract in its entirety. I agree to accept this slave as my property, including her body, mind, soul, and worldly possessions, and to care for her to the best of my ability. I shall provide for her security and well-being and command her, train her, and punish her as a slave, soberly, and as I see fit. I understand the responsibility implicit in this arrangement, and agree that no harm shall ever come to her as long as she is mine, and this contract is in effect. I accept My slave’s desire to serve Me more fully, and take responsibility for her well-being, training, and discipline, to more perfectly serve My will.

I hereby witness this contract, that both parties have entered into such contract willingly and lovingly, and free of coercion or fear.

Example of an Extremely Simple Contract

Where partners are very trusting of each other, or very experienced in BDSM a simplified contract may work better.


This contract between , the slave, and , the Master is as follows:

1. Nothing that will permanently harm the slave shall ever exist, either physically, mentally or emotionally, from anything Master does within the lifestyle.

2. Neither partner will share other partners without consent.

3. slave will do everything Master says, without limits EXCEPT FOR scat, watersports, necrophilia, pedophilia, and anything illegal, so long as these first two rules are followed.




Once a slave contract has gone through it’s various drafts and is finally agreed upon, some celebrate the event with a “collaring ceremony”, in which the local D/s community is invited to witness the commitment made in the document. Some ceremonies become quite elaborate, and can be as involved as a wedding or any similar ritual.

Resource Article : MissBonnie © 2006

Further reading:
D/s Contracts – What are D/s contracts? and how do D/s contracts work?
Contract Sample 1 – An example of a simple D/s contract.
Contract Sample 3 – An example of a temporary BDSM poly contract.
BDSM Rights – Know your rights with a Femdom relationship
Safewords – Do you know your safe word with your Mistress/submissive?
SSC v’s RACK – Safe, sane and consensual V’s Risk-Aware Consensual Kink
Limits & negotiations – Both Dominants and submissives can express limits. What are your partners?
Partner check list – A list a great place to start to get to know your partner or open up communication channel.
Abuse and P.E – Abuse and erotic power exchange, know the dangers.
Explicit Implicit – Explicit Consent / Implicit consent Play considerately and consensually.

Sample Contract 1

UPDATE: please note there plenty more downloadable contacts contained within our Free Community under Free PDFs, Downloads and printables

This contract is provided as a secure and binding agreement which defines in specific terms the relationship and interaction between two individuals, hereafter termed the slave and the master (both terms are intended to be independent of sex). This agreement is legal and binding between said couple. This agreement must be entered voluntarily, but cannot be broken except under the conditions stated herein, after which certain precautions shall be taken to protect those involved. (See section 7.0.0)

1.0.0 Slave’s Role

The slave agrees to submit completely to the master in all ways. There are no boundaries of place, time, or situation in which the slave may willfully refuse to obey the directive of the master without risking punishment, except in situations where the slave’s veto (see section 1.0.1) applies. The slave also agrees that, once entered into the Slavery Contract, their body belongs to their master ,, to be used as seen fit, within the guidelines defined herein. All of the slave’s possessions likewise belong to the master , including all assets, finances, and material goods, to do with as they see fit. The slave agrees to please the master to the best of their ability, in that they now exist solely for the pleasure of said master .

1.0.1 Slave’s Veto

The slave, where appropriate, holds veto power over any command given by the master , at which time they may rightfully refuse to obey that command. This power may only be invoked under the following circumstances, or where agreed by both master and slave: a.Where said command conflicts with any existing laws and may lead to fines, arrest, or prosecution of the slave . b.Where said command may cause extreme damage to slave’s life, such as losing their job, causing family stress,etc. c.Where said command may cause permanent bodily harm (see 4.0.0) to the slave . d.Where said command may cause psychological trauma to the slave, such as a rape scene for a slave that has been raped in the past.

2.0.0 Mistress Role

The Mistress accepts the responsibility of the slave’s body and worldly possessions, to do with as they see fit, under the provisions determined in this contract. The master agrees to care for the slave , to arrange for the safety and well-being o f the slave , as long as they own the slave . The Mistress also accepts the commitment to treat the slave properly, to train the slave, punish the slave, love the slave, and use the slave as they see fit.

3.0.0 Punishment

The slave agrees to accept any punishment the master decides to inflict, whether earned or not.

3.0.1 Rules of Punishment

Punishment of the slave is subject to certain rules designed to protect the slave from intentional abuse or permanent bodily harm (see 4.0.0). Punishment must not incur permanent bodily harm, or the following forms of abuse: a.Blood may not be drawn at any time. Punishment must stop immediately if blood is drawn b.Burning the body c.Drastic loss of circulation d.Causing internal bleeding e.Loss of consciousness f.Withholding of any necessary materials, such as food, water, or sunlight for extended periods of time

4.0.0 Permanent Bodily Harm

Since the body of the slave now belongs to the master , it is the master’s responsibility to protect that body from permanent bodily harm. Should the slave ever come to permanent bodily harm during the course of punishment or in any other slavery related activity, whether by intention or accident, it will be grounds for immediate termination of this contract, should the slave so desire. Permanent bodily harm shall be determined as: a.Death b.Any damage that involves loss of mobility or function, including broken bones. c.Any permanent marks on the skin, including scars, burns, or tattoos, unless accepted by the slave . d.Any loss of hair, unless accepted by the slave . e.Any piercing of the flesh which leaves a permanent hole, unless accepted by the slave . f.Any diseases that could result in any of the above results, including sexually transmitted diseases.

5.0.0 Others

The slave may not seek any other master or lover or relate to others in any sexual or submissive way without the master’s permission. To do so will be considered a breach of contract, and will result in extreme punishment. The master may accept other slaves or lovers, but must consider the slave’s emotional response to such actions and act accordingly. Under no circumstance should the master allow such actions to unbalance the slave emotionally, or allow such actions to result in ignoring the slave . The master may give the slave to other masters, provided the rules of this contract are upheld. In such a situation, the master will inform the new master of the provisions stated herein, and any breach by the new master will be considered a breach by the master as well, subject to all rules stated in this contract.

6.0.0 Secrecy

All physical evidence of the slavery will be kept in total secrecy, except where both master and slave agree. Any violation of this clause shall be cause to terminate this contract, should the injured party wish it. The materials and physical evidence shall be kept under lock and key in a place acceptable to both parties.

7.0.0 Alteration of Contract

This contract may not be altered, except when both master and slave agree. If the contract is altered, the new contract shall be printed and signed, and then the old contract must be destroyed.

8.0.0 Termination of Contract

This contract may be terminated at any time by the master , but never by the slave, except under special conditions explained within this contract. Upon termination, all physical evidence of the slavery, including this contract, will be destroyed, and all materials and belongings shall belong to the master , to be shared or kept as they see fit. The slave , owning nothing and having agreed to give up all worldly possessions and body to the master , shall once again own their body, but nothing else, unless the master decides to give back their possessions.

9.0.0 Slave’s Signature

I have read and fully understand this contract in its entirety. I agree to give everything I own to my master, and further accept their claim of ownership over my physical body. I understand tha I will be commanded and trained and punished as a slave, and I promise to be true and to fulfill the pleasures and desires of my master to the best of my abilities. I understand that I cannot withdraw from this contract except as stated in this contract.


9.0.1 Mistress Signature

I have read and fully understand this contract in its entirety. I agree to accept this slave as my property, body and possessions, and to care for them to the best of my ability. I shall provide for their security and well-being and command them, train them, and punish them as a slave. I understand the responsibility implicit in this arrangement, and agree that no harm shall come to the slave as long as they are mine. I further understand that I can withdraw from this contract at any time. Signature:

Resource Article: MissBonnie ©

Further reading:
D/s Contracts – What are D/s contracts? and how do D/s contracts work?
Contract Sample 2 – A more complicated example of a M/s contract
Contract Sample 3 – An example of a temporary BDSM poly contract.
BDSM Rights – Know your rights with a Femdom relationship
Safewords – Do you know your safe word with your Mistress/submissive?
SSC v’s RACK – Safe, sane and consensual V’s Risk-Aware Consensual Kink
Limits & negotiations – Both Dominants and submissives can express limits. What are your partners?
Partner check list – A list a great place to start to get to know your partner or open up communication channel.
Abuse and P.E – Abuse and erotic power exchange, know the dangers.
Explicit Implicit – Explicit Consent / Implicit consent Play considerately and consensually.

D/s Contracts

UPDATE: please note there plenty more downloadable contacts contained within our Free Community under Free PDFs, Downloads and printable PDFs

contracts are a controversial area of the D/s lifestyle. Some like the additional structure and surety it provides, some feel it is too cold and restrictive.

In general, a contract is a binding agreement (not necessarily legally) between two consenting adults who have negotiated between themselves a list of wants or desires in their lifestyle as it pertains to BDSM. This is usually done between a Mistress and their slave and is often compared to a vanilla pre nuptial agreement.

It is important to point out that having a contract does not create the legal assumption of consent, but is used as a tool between two consenting individuals agreeing to be bound personally via a contract. You should always investigate whether your local government accepts these types of contracts or not.

The possible topics negotiated in contracts are endless, and are based upon the limits of both the Dominant and the submissive.


Note that the kind of contract discussed here has no legal standing: they are only an agreement between consenting people. Slave contracts are rarely legally binding and in some countries, the possession of a Mistress/slave contract may be illegal. For this reason, it is advisable to either start such a contract with a statement that no legal intent is implied or intended, or to have the contract checked out by a qualified legal adviser.

There are some contracts that may assist in formalizing, enacting or enabling of a Mistress/slave relationship which might, individually, be legal but they are not discussed here.


Slave contracts are sometimes negotiated for a specific period of time – such as one year but longer and shorter terms are possible – while others are lifetime contracts. Where the contract is in effect continuously, the relationship may be referred to as “24/7”. The limits of the slave contract can vary widely and extend into various areas of BDSM and otherwise vanilla life.

People usually only enter into a Mistress/slave contract after they have known and played with each other for some time, often several years. Sometimes a contract is used to initiate a relationship.

Styles of contract

For those who feel that writing down the contractual obligations of the partners can help their power exchange relationship, there are three main ways to consider doing this that have worked for other people. There are other ways to do it of course but none that have proven themselves over a long period of time.

Single stage (simple) contract

Laying out the obligations and duties on both sides. This defines the balance of power exchange at the time and leaves open any decrease or increase in power exchange, though it might refer to an intent.

Time-controlled, or staged, contract

This defines the obligations and duties each will assume at certain points along their agreed path. Normally, the defined level of power exchange starts as a simple structured definition of the relationship at the time. The contract specifies the furthest level of power exchange the parties think they could ever be comfortable with and what the duties and obligations shall be at that time. In between are a number of stages, normally between two and four, with each step mapped out. The level of power exchange is normally increased over time, though I am aware of one where the final stage was a required dissolution of the relationship. The timing of when the contractual stages come into force are not usually in the contract. Instead, it is up to the submissive(s) to state to the dominant that they are ready for the next stage (thus giving consent) and for the dominant to then inform the submissive when the next stage will come into effect (thus retaining control).

Several contracts used in stages

Defining stages of power exchange over time. The series of staged contracts can be written out in a similar way to having a single, time-controlled contract but normally the final stage is not so well defined, if at all. Each time a contract is agreed, the NEXT contract is prepared, so that both parties not only know the level of power exchange they must meet now, at a minimum, but (as with the single time-controlled contract) understand the objective for the next stage and so will strive to meet it. Normally, only when the parties are happy they are actually living the contract for the next stage, will they both then adopt it, after discussion and drawing up a further contract or deciding that they have gone as far as they wish down the path of power exchange.

Common Clauses

There are many sample contracts available on the Internet. There is probably not one of them that should be used as-is for a long-term, real-life relationship. When drawing up a personal contact, a couple might want to consider:

Health The obligations to ensure, or improve, the health of oneself and of the partner. Safety What safeguards are put in place for the slave, both during the relationship and upon demise of the relationship or of the owner. Sexuality To who or what, as well as when and how, is the slave to be available. Openness Is the nature of the relationship to be discreet or open and obvious to the public, work colleagues, family etc. Dependants What provisions are made for any dependants, either existing or created. Discipline The nature and extent of control and the means (if restricted in any way) for the owner to enforce the control. Finance How pre-existing wealth, as well as income subsequent to the contract, are to be handled. We have included on this site a few ‘reference contracts’ but urge you to form and write your own, set out to your personal guide lines and limits.

Resource Article : MissBonnie ©

Further reading:
Contract Sample 1 – An example of a simple D/s contract.
Contract Sample 2 – A more complicated example of a M/s contract
Contract Sample 3 – An example of a temporary BDSM poly contract.
BDSM Rights – Know your rights with a Femdom relationship
Safewords – Do you know your safe word with your Mistress/submissive?
SSC v’s RACK – Safe, sane and consensual V’s Risk-Aware Consensual Kink
Limits & negotiations – Both Dominants and submissives can express limits. What are your partners?
Partner check list – A list a great place to start to get to know your partner or open up communication channel.
Abuse and P.E – Abuse and erotic power exchange, know the dangers.
Explicit Implicit – Explicit Consent / Implicit consent Play considerately and consensually.

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