Sell Yourself – How To Write An Attractive Online Dating Profile for a Femdom site
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One of the most important tasks in online dating is actually one of the tasks that singles put far too little effort into – writing an online dating profile. Think about it – your online dating profile is your face, it is your announcement into the online dating world that, “Hey! I’m here, pick me!” When you want to be chosen for something, do you sit there in a hum-drum way and just kind of wait to be called on – or were you one of those kids in the back of the class squirming around and stretching their arm higher and higher, making those “OH OH OH I KNOW!” noises so your teacher would pick you? Hopefully, you were the squirmy kid in the back of the class begging for attention. The same kind of effort needs to be put into your online profile when you are trying out online dating. Your profile needs to grab your prospective date’s attention – and then keep it. How does one accomplish this in the over-abundance of pick-me profiles at any online dating site? Sell yourself. Sell yourself in your profile by using a few (somewhat sneaky) little techniques I am about to share with you here.
Number one online dating profile tip: USE A HEADLINE!
Do not, and I repeat, do NOT put in your headline “Lonely White Fe/male Looking for Love”. Gag me. Who isn’t? This is not going to get anyone’s attention. Try a little humor. Here are some great ones: 74 Model for Lease with Option to Buy, The odds are good, but the goods are odd, Imitation Free, Short Sweet and Likes to Point, Looking for a great e-male!
Next, when you are trying to create an attractive online dating profile is to show them your stuff!
(And I do not mean with the glamour Shot cheesecake kissy face, either). You need to tell all the other singles out here what you are made of and why they should choose you. And don’t tell them in blaze terms, either. Don’t say “I’m funny, smart, attractive and nice”. BLAH BLAH BLAH. That’s boring. Tell them a story about you! Tell them an anecdote, tell them you love to read books about swashbuckling pirates and occasionally leap from a balcony. Tell the other singles that you love to dance, but you promise you don’t look like the guy from Hitch. Tell them you are dangerously intelligent with a penchant for world domination. Keep it spicy, keep it fun and keep it attractive. Make them want to know more – but don’t tell them everything.
Online Dating Profile tip number three – use up to date pictures
– of how you REALLY look. Don’t put your senior picture in your online profile if you are 32 years old. Don’t tell them you are thin and fit if you are not. Be honest and the other singles will appreciate that.
A fourth tip for writing your online dating profile is to tell the other singles exactly what YOU are looking for.
Don’t say, “I’m looking for someone to start a relationship with.” Well no kidding! Tell them you need someone who is energetic and on the go, who likes to go out every weekend and party till the break of dawn or you want someone who loves to sit at home in their PJs and watch old reruns of I Love Lucy. Be specific and be honest. Your online dating profile is your storefront – so advertise yourself well. Keep in mind though, that the goods you ARE selling are precious, and the right buyer has to come along before you open that cash register drawer!
Resource Article : MissBonnie © collarncuffs.com