A Shrew’s fiddle can be a wonderful addition to your Femdom scenes

Tools Needed to build a Shrew’s fiddle:
- Jigsaw
- Drill
- Sandpaper
- PVA wood glue
- Paintbrush
- Hacksaw
- Staple Gun
Materials Required:
- Small padlock
- Eccentric latch
- 1“x12” Planed Pine
- 3/4“ screws
- Small can Dark Oak Stain
- 1 Pair of Barrel Hinges
- 1” Steel backflap hinge
- Strips of leather
To make your Shrew’s fiddle: Cut out two identical panels from the pine – see fig 1. for pattern. Finish the board with sandpaper. Be sure to remove any snags and splinters. Take extra time on the edges which the saw may leave jaggered.( Remember you will have a person in this shrew.)
Next, cut out the ‘chin rest’ and ‘machine head’ from the pine and sand smooth. You will need two identical ‘machine heads’ and two identical ‘chin rest’ pieces – see fig 2. for the ‘machine head’ pattern. Look at the picture to see how the ‘chin rest’ is shaped, and use your main body as a pattern for it.
Screw the ‘chin rest’s onto the main body of the fiddle (do this from below to hide the screw heads), this should bulk up the width on the bottom edge of the fiddle enough to easily accept the 1“ (25mm) Flapback Hinge.
Drill two holes into each ‘machine head’ (as shown in fig 2.) and screw two parts of the barrel hinges into the holes on each ‘machine head’. This will give the tuning key look. Now attach the two ‘machine heads’ into the cut outs on the main body. When you put the two halves together you should now have something that reasembles the end product. Varnish the two halves and allow to dry.
Cut some leather off cuts into squares and roll them up into cigar size tubes. Using the staple gun, line the wrist holes and neck hole with rolled up leather. This will make the wearing of the fiddle easier over prolonged periods.
Finally, fix the hinge to the back and attach the eccentric clasp to the front. I used a nice little brass padlock to secure it shut, this has the bonus of making a great clattering noise when the fiddle is moved on the wearer.

Resource Article : MissBonnie © CollarNcuffs.com