What image comes to mind when you hear the word “male submissive”? When you hear Female Domination, what is the first image that comes to mind? For me, even now, the first thing that comes to mind is a weak, pathetic man down on his knees being whipped by a leather clad Dominatrix. Even though I am living a 24/7 FemDom marriage, I still have that image that comes to mind when I hear male submissive. Why do so many people think that the male submissive is weak and pathetic? Is it because that is what most are exposed to, whether it is in main stream films or pornography on the internet? This preconceived notion is what hindered me from fully embracing D/s and FemDom in the beginning. So, could this image that has been burned into our brains effect the way women view FemDom? Of course. In my previous post I expressed my opinion on introducing your wife to FemDom. The reason I chose the route of seducing her Dominant nature was for this reason. Most women will automatically think of that pathetic weak man crawling on all fours. Yuck!!!

So, is the modern day male submissive really a knight in shinning armour? Or weak and pathetic? In my opinion they are knights in shinning armour.
Let’s take a moment to think about the modern man. For some reason they think that since women are wanting to be seen as equals in the work place, that they also want to be seen as equals outside the workplace. Now don’t get me wrong, I am all for the feminist movement. I think women should have the right to vote, drive and make the same wage as a man. Just because women won this right does not mean they want to be treated as men. Women should be respected, cherished and adored. Bottom line is women should be treated like women. There have been so many times I have had a door not held open for me by a man. Or when in the grocery store and man not pulling his cart aside to let me pass first. The only thing that comes to mind when I encounter these men is how totally pathetic and idiotic they are. Nothing is more unattractive then a selfish, macho, egocentric man. A man with the attitude that women should be treated like men.
So, how are submissive men different from these other men? Submissive men adore and honor women. They hold doors open for complete strangers. They offer to let a woman pass first in a crowded isle at the grocery store. They offer to help. They don’t see women as the same as men, they see women as special.
Just this past weekend we attended a surprise birthday party. In our group there are very few FemDom couples. The surprise party was for one of the submissive men, which left two other sub men at the party. One of them was my husband and the other was the husband of a good friend. I had already told my husband he was to assist the hostess in any way she needed. She is a female submissive and is not accustomed to asking for help. My husband obeyed and helped her all night long, along with the other submissive male. It was unbelievable how attentive they both were. Instead of having to be asked to help they both jumped right in. What I think really shocked me is when my husband told me that he thoroughly enjoyed helping the hostess. The immediate gratification he got from helping was obeying my instructions. The second he got was from serving. Even though the hostess is a submissive herself she is still a woman. My husband made sure he carried heavy items for her, took care of the trash and basically did anything she needed.
At the end of the night I received one of the greatest compliments I have ever gotten. Oh, I had received compliments all night on how beautiful and hot I looked, which was great. But these last two comments I will keep in my heart forever. The hostess and one of my good FemDom friends pulled me aside and told me how amazing they thought my husband was. They were so impressed by his attentiveness. And then, there was the cherry on the top of my cake – they both, almost in unison, told me how lucky I was to have such a caring and attentive husband and submissive. What floored me is they have no idea how true their words are.
It is amazing how far my husband has come in the past 5 months. He is like night and day. He lives to please me. He is, day by day, becoming a better man, husband, father and submissive. He finally understands that I am to be cherished, and he is to be grateful to have me. He is so good to me. Even though I stay home, if at the end of the day I haven’t gotten a chance to put the clothes away, he will do it. Even though he works all day, when he gets home he will cook because he knows I hate it. Just 5 months ago he was a selfish, fantasy driven, sub-centric man. He wouldn’t open the car door for me, wait for me to walk by my side, make dinner. He might have done some of those things but you can bet he would have let me know he wasn’t happy about having to do them. 5 months ago my husband was not a submissive man by any stretch of the imagination. He thought he was, but he wasn’t. He was a pathetic, macho man that most women look at and want to throw up.
Oh, but now, he is a submissive man who is also a knight in shinning armour. When submission is truly brought out in a man they become modern day knights. They lose their resentment and stop taking life for granted. I do not know if I would feel this way today if it weren’t for the transformation I have seen in my husband. But then I guess there is nothing like a dose of reality amidts the fantasy world of movies and the internet. I am the luckiest woman in the world to be blessed by having a submissive who is not only strong and loving but who cherishes and adores me. I wish there were more truly submissive men in this world.
The bottom line is, in my opinion, the modern day male submissive is the woman’s answer to that long, lost knight. Complete with chivalry and adoration. The macho man who treats women like dirt is actually the pathetic, weak man. Maybe as our society continues to decline, more women will wake up a replace that weak image of the male submissive with one like the picture I chose to start this post with. Hopefully!!! Mrs. Claudia keeps a journal detailing the transition from a traditional marriage to a Femdom marriage. She has graciously allowed us to repost her entries. If you wish to read more of MrsClaudias wise and insightful words pay a visit to her Blog
Article: Text taken from MissClaudias blog All permissions granted.
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