The games we play

Author : dejahcd

I first noticed something odd about three years ago, but for you to understand why it was odd, I’m going to have to start my story a bit before that.

After college, I found a job working as a tutor and advisor at a good-sized state university. It was a nice job–I liked helping the kids (who were of course only 5-6 years younger than I was) navigate the college experience and seeing their excitement and naivety. While I did some actual tutoring–freshmen chemistry usually–my real role was as a councilor, house mother and general life coach. It was actually surprising how much they needed this–just some one to tell them to keep a calendar, to get up for class, and to keep the alcoholism below the onset of early liver disease.

Outside of work, my life was a trifle routine. I had a good set of friends but going out in a college town is always a bit awkward, as you’re certain to run into at least one undergraduate that you’d prefer to have avoided. Dating, assuming you aren’t mad enough to date undergraduates, is similarly limited. For the first couple of years, I tried various weedy doctoral students with beards and ill-fitting tweed, usually studying some useful field like philosophy or medieval history. But I eventually decided that neither the emotional work of diagnosing their various psychoses nor their tendency to disappear pre or post-graduation, was worth the effort.

My undergraduates, on the whole, were easier to deal with, because their problems and their psych profiles were simpler.

Tyler was a fairly typical case. He was tall and fit, with a pleasant, but rather vacant face. He was no genius, but could muddle through he classes when he put in the effort. I’d known him for two years or so, and he usually found a reason to come and talk to me about twice a semester.

Unlike many of his peers, partying and romantic difficulties didn’t cause him too many problems. His main difficulty was, in fact, computer gaming.

I had never found much appeal in gaming, as gender stereotyped as that sounds. Tyler usually tried to get me interested in whatever game he was deep into at that moment, but by and large I would steer the conversation back to statistics, or physics or whatever exam he wasn’t studying for that semester.

The particular meeting that started it all began badly. It was the end of the day on a Friday, and frankly my emotional patience for young adult problems had worn a bit thin. I had a slight cold and really wanted just to go home and lie in bed with a bad rom-com and some tea.

Tyler was droning on about some new game: “Triumph of the Gods” or some-such ridiculous name. I had been tuning him out while trying to redirect the conversion toward organic chemistry homework, but without much success. Finally, for whatever reason, I snapped and said in an exasperated voice:

“For heaven’s sake Tyler: just go back to your room and learn your acid-base reactions and stop wasting time staring at your computer screen!!”

The effect was almost extraordinary. He stopped talking, looked straight at me, and without a word of complaint or even an offended look, stood up and said,

“Oh–of course you are right, Ms. Kepler. I should really try to get that done.”

And he gave me an odd half-smile and left.

I wouldn’t have thought any more about it, except that Monday morning I received an email.

Ms. Kepler, Thank you for your guidance on Friday. I have studied all of the reactions and given myself the self-test in the textbook. I know it is a lot to ask, but could you give me some more instructions for the week so that I don’t waste my time on other things? Tyler.

This message was by far the most organized and formal email he had ever sent me–usually “Could we meet up 2morrow?” was about his limit.

I actually pulled up his schedule and gave him a few study projects for his genetics class as well as another organic chemistry assignment.

Wednesday morning I got the reply:
Ms. Kepler,
Thank you so much for troubling yourself with my problems.
I have completed all of the back work for my classes. Do
you think I should also have a schedule for exercise and meals?
Do you have tools to help with these?

I actually found myself setting up calendar tasks for a 20 year old and checking up on him every few days. Whatever was going on, it didn’t seem to be temporary–Tyler finished the semester with his highest grades ever. The exercise regime was also paying off, but I kept reminding myself that I should be very careful admiring his increasingly toned form.

The whole affair was odd enough that I actually did some subtle testing of a few other Tyler-like students. With the young women, it was uniformly unsuccessful, and I got more than one odd look. Most of the males was similarly unaffected (though usually they were not emotionally tuned in enough to even notice my tone). But Charlie, who was also a junior, had a remarkably similar reaction to that of Tyler. By the end of the semester, I was setting calendar tasks for both, with very consistent results.

I almost forgot about these strange events over the summer, but sure enough, the first day of classes I had emails from both Tyler and Charlie asking for scheduling guidance.

The whole thing still probably would have stopped there except for something I overheard as Charlie left my office one day:

“Nate–up for a Triumph marathon this weekend?”

“Hey man–you know that AI girl is messed up–I’m switching to Dark Skies…”

For whatever reason, the name of the game clicked. I did some quick searches on my computer.

Triumph of the Gods was a multi-player game set in the Greek dark ages and involved the usual quests, relic-collecting and battles. The only slightly unusual thing about it was that each player could select a “muse” who was usually a young woman and could provide background and details about the play. The selling point of the game was that these muses were run through an adaptive, networked AI engine that supposed “learned” to adapt to each player’s skills and interests so that they could guide the game play in the right directions.

Most of the reviews were fairly dismissive of this system, saying that it worked a bit but didn’t really add to the game play. But some of the more recent reviews suggested that the AI had refined itself enough to be more useful. Since it was essentially an autonomous system running on the company’s servers but connected to all the live copies of the game, it could apparently improve itself over time using the players’ reactions to it.

With my curiosity peaked, I bought a copy and tried to get into it. I couldn’t really make myself care too much about defeating the other players–as a girl player the attention I attracted was of a different sort. My muse was very helpful and actually figured out rather quickly that I was enjoying exploring the game world more than interacting with other players and guided me on a tour of the exotic locales programmed into it.

Meanwhile, I was guiding Tyler and Charlie through senior year fairly successfully. Tyler in particular, though, was beginning to depend on me for advice I wasn’t really comfortable with–whether he should date certain women, what kind of job he should look for after college and even what clothes to buy.

The problem was that it was rather fun doing all of this. Steering him into a nice tight Boss dress shirt for a job interview (his family had money), was, well, exciting. But that wasn’t who I was–not with students at my school.

One day in November, I was trying to leave campus to go home when my car wouldn’t start. I was standing outside it about to call the towing service when Charlie walked by.

“Do you need some help, Ms. Kepler?”

“I don’t think there’s much you can do–I should have had a new battery put in in the summer, but I forgot.”

“I think I can get you home,” he said, with a surprising smile.

His car was, of course, a big pickup. He was quite expert at connecting the jumper cables and soon had my car (which was old enough that jumping it was not a new experience) running.

“Should I follow you home to make sure you are safe?”

Not the best thing, showing your home and address to the undergraduates, but I was genuinely a bit worried about the car, so I agreed.

When we arrived, I expected to have to be pretty firm about not inviting him in, which was awkward because of how kind he had been. Instead, he rolled down his window in the driveway.

“Is it a 02 or and 03?”


“Sorry, miss. Your car.”

“Oh,” I answered. “An 03–LX.”

“Let me run and grab you a new battery so you don’t have to worry about it tomorrow.”

“I really couldn’t let you do that,” I replied, even though secretly I was dying for him to do it.

“Please, Ms. Kepler? You’ve been such a help this year.”

“Ok–here’s $150–that should cover it.”

Twenty minutes later Charlie was back with the battery and 20 minutes after that it was installed.

I couldn’t not invite him in now.

I offered him ice tea, despite my strong inclination to make it a beer.

“Oh–no thank you miss. I just wanted to be sure everything was all right. Your house is so beautiful. But you should have someone fix that broken fan on the porch. I could do it this weekend if you like.”

“Charlie, that’s really sweet. But you’ve done your good deed for the semester. Just head on home and get a good nights sleep.”

“Ok miss! He smiled, waved goodbye, and left.

Oh dear. The weedy graduate students struggled to open a bottle of wine. I needed to be careful around this one.

More seriously, I was worried about them. I watched all the web forums I could find, but there didn’t seem to be any comments on this effect. Charlie told me a couple of times that he was feeling lethargic and depressed, so I fast tracked him into the campus counseling service. But irritatingly, they told him that he was just working too hard and was otherwise in perfect health.

I even broke my own rule about involving myself in students’ romantic lives by trying to set each of them up with girlfriends, in hopes of snapping them out of their funk. The first dates always went well, but neither Charlie nor Tyler would pursue the girls.

“I wasn’t sure you’d approve, Ms. Kepler,” Tyler told me once.

I’d set up the date, of course.

I even went to the length of talking to one of the girls.

“Oh–he’s super sweet. And that body is hot. But he’s too agreeable–doesn’t push enough.”

In case that anyone thought that only college men had imbibed the cultural stereotypes.

Graduation rolled around, and both Tyler and Charlie ended up much higher in their class rankings than anyone would have predicted. Despite all my efforts to the contrary, both found jobs nearby, and I couldn’t really even fake grounds to complain, since the jobs were well-paid and rewarding.

Tyler texted me over the summer inviting me to a “thank-you dinner.”

Against my better judgment, I agreed.

It was a very nice evening. He was cheerful and kind, though not what some of my years would class as charming. The waitress gave me what I interpreted as a dirty look for being a cradle-robber. Small towns.

He clearly hoped I would invite him back to my house for a drink, but as tempting as that was, I resisted and sent him on his way, trying to convince myself he wasn’t my responsibility any more.

My next encounter with Charlie was more memorable.

I was weeding my garden on a very hot day when he drove by. He stopped and came to ask if he could help.


It was a bit hard to think with the heat and his smiling face and tight t-shirt.

“I guess you could have a go at the grass…”

“Sure thing, Ms. Kepler.”

We worked together in the garden for an hour or so, both getting rather sweaty. After he had stowed the mower, I invited him in for an iced tea.

“Thanks Ms. Kepler–this is just what I needed…”

“I feel terrible–I’m happy to pay for your help…”

“Oh no–I still owe you big time for getting me through college. I never would have done it without you.”

“Well, at least I hope I didn’t interrupt your weekend.”

“Oh nothing big–I was headed over to meet some of the guys for a BBQ out in the state park. Doesn’t matter when I show up.”

“But–don’t you need to go home and change? I shouldn’t have bothered you.”

I took a deep breath.

“Want to grab a shower? I can run your clothes through the machine real quick…”

“Thanks MS. Kepler–that’s real sweet of you.”

I found him a towel and told him to toss the clothes on the floor before heading in the shower.

My heart was beating so hard it felt hard to breathe. He really shouldn’t be here, I thought. I’m taking advantage–he’ll never say no.

I was so flustered I walked back into the bedroom without thinking about 15 minutes later. He was running his hands through his hair with the towel around his waist. The muscles of his shoulders and upper arms rippled. I could see each of the muscles of his abdomen in individual detail. Gosh.

“Oh sorry Ms. Kepler–I can wait in another room for the clothes…”

He turned and walked into the guest room. I locked the door and slipped under the delightfully warm, clean water in the shower. Moments later, I was clean, with a thigh-length silk robe tied about me. Time to check the clothes, wasn’t it?

I walked into the kitchen and nearly bumped into Charlie. He gazed at me, not lecherously or even in an aroused way, but calmly and seemingly pleased.

I bit my lip.

“Do you really want to thank me?” I asked, my voice husky with excitement and anxiety.

“Sure, Ms. Kepler.” He shrugged those lovely shoulders.

I beckoned him to follow me into the bedroom. I sat down on the bed, letting the robe fall open. Despite the shower, I suddenly felt dirty.

Without me saying another word, he read my mind. The towel slipped as he moved on hands and knees to be next to me at the bed. He kissed up my bare legs, slowly reaching the inner thighs, where he rested his head for a moment.

His experience was, not surprisingly, limited, but his enthusiasm was amazing. I lay back and let him continue, expecting him to stop at every moment. Slowly, my body relaxed and then waves of pleasure, each one more intense than the last, washed over me. Finally, my legs convulsed without my controlling them, trapping his head as my body went rigid with a shuddering moan. I lay back limp.

And he stood up, kissed my hand gently.

“Thank you so much–it was wonderful to be so close to you.”

He walked out of the room in search of his clothes. I almost forgot to close the robe as I went in pursuit.

“Wouldn’t you like to stay for a bit?” I asked.

“Oh no–I really should get to my BBQ. Thank you again, Ms. Kepler–you are just the best person in my life.”

Since I couldn’t think of anything else to do, I let him leave.

I worked through my guilt in a few days–we were both adults, he was no longer a student at the university, and so I talked myself into being ok with what had happened. But I was still bothered by the larger picture. Was he really conditioned by this game? Was it something he could control?

I invited him for a evening meal to see if I could figure it out. Grilled ribeyes with asparagus and roast potatoes and a nice Cabernet with an unexpected 14.5% alcohol content. Sometimes things were easier to talk about a bit tipsy. Unbeknownst to him, my glass was filled with cranberry juice.

He was very happy to come and increasingly chatty as the wine took hold. We didn’t have that much in common and his best friend wouldn’t have called him a wit, but he had excellent manners and was terribly interested in everything I told him about myself.

I edged the conversation round to gaming.

“That game you told me about, something of the Gods? Do you still play?”

“Oh yeah–it has this cool adaptive setup so it never really ends–plus the muse is always taking you new places…”

“How does that work? Do you tell her what things you like?”

“Well, at first–but then she gets the hang of you and really guides you along. I mostly let her direct things now, actually.”

“Really. That’s cool. Does she ever, like, break character?”

“Yeah–it’s kind of weird, but sometimes she’ll tell you to save the game and go to bed or to the gym. And she knows–totally helps me not spend all my time in front of the screen…”

I let him talk a bit more without really listening. How did I ask the next question?

“So, not to change the subject, but everything going ok otherwise? Job? Any hot new girls in your life?

“The job’s great–you’re really sweet to keep sending me schedules for the week and all. Do you think I should date more? I feel really bad asking women out without checking with you first.”

“Checking with me? I know we had that one (wonderful) day, but really you should find someone more your own age. I promise I won’t be jealous or mean.”

“Oh Ms. Kepler–but the other women–they don’t understand me–they are always wanting me to make all the choices. It’s really stressful. I feel much more calm around you.”

He actually sounded frightened. I backed up.

“Oh, of course Charlie–I’m not going any where. But you aren’t lonely–don’t you need a release?”

“I think you know best there, Ms. Kepler. That time here was so amazing, but I know you don’t need a basic guy like me in your life.”

Those puppy-dog eyes and half-smile. Dammit.

I leaned in and kissed him, hard. I let my tongue trace over his lips, then thrust it between them. I ran my hands over his firm chest, pulling the t-shirt off as I did. Next came the trousers and (pink) boxers. His cock was hard and more impressive than I had expected. Still fully dressed, I led him by the cock to my bedroom. I half expected him to come just from watching me undress, but he watched avidly and without any movement.

I was turned on enough by the situation to slide right onto him, riding above him with my hands clawing down his chest. He seemed almost in a daze, but drove his hips into me to match my motion. I grabbed both nipples and pulled hard. That was too much for him and he came with a soft moan and a shudder. Boys.

But to my surprise, as I climbed off, he leaned in to kiss me. I felt his fingers caress my clit with surprising gentleness. We stayed cuddling like that for some time until he finally pushed me over the edge. My orgasm was gentle but prolonged, and I lay back at the end with a soft moan. I let him spend the night.

With this turn of events, I started looking harder than even into the game and its effects, and finally began to find something.

In some of the darker corners of the Internet there were hints, mostly from girlfriends, about changes in their men after playing “the game,” which was rarely named. Almost invariably, those that had tried to “fix” things or sought counseling had failed. But there was another group, whom you might call the “quietly ecstatic” group. They had instead leaned into the situation, following where the men seemed to be leading them. There were some pretty diverse results, including some rather extreme choices. But the odd part seemed to be that there was not only no resistance, but that the relationship improved, the men were happier, when their girlfriends or wives took more control.

An interesting thought.

Meanwhile, it had been a month or so since I had heard from Tyler. Then, late one evening, I got an odd, almost desperate text from him:

“I really screwed up–I need your help. Can I come over?”

Hoping I wasn’t about to shelter a fugitive from justice, I hesitantly agreed.

He arrived dressed in such a way that it was obvious he had just come from a club.

“Ms. Kepler, I did a terrible thing.”

“Oh? what was that?” I answered coldly.

“Well, the boys and I were out at the club and had had a few shots, you know. And I was having fun. There was this girl–probably a bit younger than me–she was really cute. And she walked by me–and–and I brushed my hand over her ass…”

He looked at me, mortified.

“And? Then what did you do?”

“I couldn’t think–I ran out and texted you.”

I successfully avoided laughing.

“You boys–you need to learn that women aren’t your playthings.” My amusement died a little as I put myself in the girl’s place.

He said nothing, but looked a bit abashed.

“And what do you intend to do about this now? Why are you telling me?”

“Well…I mean…I don’t know her. And I don’t think she’d appreciate me trying to track her down. But I thought maybe you could, maybe, help me…I don’t know, come up with some kind of repentance?”

I stared at him.

“You mean that I should do the same to you?”

His face flushed, but there was an avidity in his eyes that I didn’t understand.

What the hell was I doing?

“Let’s make this count. Pull down your pants and underwear and lay across my lap.”

I was sure he would run like a fawn. He didn’t. He calming loosened the belt, slid down the designer jeans he had on, revealing anodyne cotton boxers.

“Those too…”

With pants around his ankles, his progress to my couch was comical, but he placed himself down across my thighs.


My first slap was more playful than sadistic. He exhaled involuntarily, but said nothing. I tried again–harder.


“Count for me, my dear…we’ll start again.”



By ten, I was beginning to enjoy myself, his bottom was rather noticeably red and his voice was a bit hoarse.



“Ok–you can get up. I have two things to tell you. First, this was a one off. If I hear about you disrespecting a woman again, we are through. Do you understand?

“Ye, ma’am.” he sounded both defeated and yet strangely elated.

“Second, I will expect an email tomorrow with a picture of the state of your bottom.”

Christ–what was getting into me?

“Yes–of course, ma’am.” His tone was accepting, even pleased.

“Off with you, then.”

As he left, I tried to ignore the tell-tale dampness I felt in my panties.

Charlie, meanwhile, was spending more and more time at my house. I began to play little games. One day he had cleared up some over-grown sections of the garden. When he came in, he, apparently without thinking, slipped off his sweaty t-shirt.

I paused to admire the washboard abs and broad arms.

“Humm–I like you like this. Maybe you should stay shirtless more when you visit.”

And, from then on, the first thing he did upon walking inside was to remove his shirt.

I began to teach him cooking–just so I could watch those bare arms at work chopping the salad ingredients or grilling the salmon. The addition of the apron over the bare torso–well…

One morning, after he had spent the night, he was getting ready to leave rather early.

“Off to a job?”

“No–my gym gives a discount if you agree to only come before 10am…seems worth it.”

A week later, I had a new treadmill and free weight setup in my garage.

Once Charlie was doing his daily workouts in my gym, it was natural that he wear his spandex workout shorts around the house–and just those shorts.

I had given up trying to have him date women his own age–in fact, I wasn’t keen to share him with any one anymore. And, oddly, those days he wasn’t around me, he seemed tense and unhappy too. One night he’d been at work all day and was having drinks with friends afterward. Since I was tired in any case, we’d agreed he’d sleep at his apartment so we could meet up the next day.

But around 10:30 that night, I got a text:

“Ms. Jenny. Can I swing by for a moment? Just need to chat.”

Well, the chat wasn’t really anything–the friends had wanted to head to burlesque show, and he said to me that he couldn’t imagine doing something like that without asking me first. So I gave him a strip tease instead, and he thanked me with his mouth but without saying a word.

I was seeing a bit more of Tyler too–somehow he had decided that I was his weekly confession and absolution. Except, for him, repentance came with a price. I invested in a little riding crop and applied it to his bottom weekly. The smacking noise was nice, but his gasp afterward was even better. Of course, I felt some guilt at my enjoyment, but I salved my conscience with some blogs by other women who’d discovered the effects of the game and used them to, shall we say, renegotiate their relationships.

One day Charlie was washing up the dishes, and I happened (not at all by accident) to walk into the kitchen in a short silk slip. The sight of his taut form working away turned me on, and I could feel my erect nipples brush against the soft fabric.

He turned, and, as he caught sight of me, I could see his dick grow and thicken in those tight shorts. I stood and watched, frankly and unembarrassed.

“Ms. Jenny–you know it makes me uncomfortable for you to see me when I can’t control myself…”

I kissed him and led him off to bed.

Over the next week, my provocations grew more pronounced. Red lingerie, topless, and finally fully nude as he busied himself with the supper.

“Please, Ms. Jenny–I can’t let you see me like this.”

I smirked. From behind my naked form, I held out a small box.

He opened it without a word.

Inside was a steel cage for his cock.

“Thank you, Ms. Jenny. Will you put it on me?”

Well of course, he was in no state for that. My mouth caressed him and, when he was very, very close, I slid my hand up and down his erection until he shuddered as cum splashed onto my hand.

He was quite well trained, and his tongue obediently lapped the cum up as I lifted my hand to his face. The cage fit beautifully–I couldn’t wait until tomorrow morning to see his reaction to my new latex bodysuit now that he was suitably restrained.

It is difficult to explain how our relationship developed at this point. Charlie never asked to have the cage removed, padding about the house wearing only it and tending to our various needs and wants. I stopped trying to convince him to go out more, as he seemed happiest when we were cuddled up together or when he lay against my bare leg as we watched a movie together.

About twice a month, I released him, slowly teaching him to control his desire so as to give us long bouts of love-making. After climax, he would perch quietly on his knees with legs spread, waiting for me to again attach the cage.

The months past, until one day Tyler was there for a punishment. I don’t remember exactly his crime, but it merited some fairly rough work with the crop. Up until now, I had always had these sessions with Charlie at work, but, perhaps subconsciously, this time I forgot. Tyler cried out after a particularly sharp blow, and Charlie came to check that I was alright.

Everyone stood frozen for what seemed like an age. I was wearing a leather corset top and leather trousers, applying the crop to Tyler’s naked form. Charlie stood, apparently unsurprised, naked, caged and yet unembarrassed.

The only thing I could think of to break the ice was to continue.

“Tyler! Remember they don’t count if you don’t”



Smack! Smack!

“Six, six, Sixteen, seventeen.”

Charlie watched, emotionless.

When I finished, Tyler straightened. My look told him that any comments about Charlie would not be appreciated. But then another, more mischievous, thought, occurred to me.

“Charlie, dear, Tyler has had a rather rough time. Maybe a little oral attention to his dick might improve his mood.”

I held my breath. Was this where it all fell apart? Was it even remotely ok to ask this of Charlie?

Holding me in his gaze the entire time, Charlie walked over to Tyler, knelt down, took Tyler’s cock in one hand, and slowly, sensuously, licked it up and down.

The end.


By Capias

Several years ago I was in a female-led relationship with a woman I shall call Danielle. We decided to hold a small dinner party at my house that was tucked away on 23 acres deep in the forest on the outskirts of town. Danielle invited three of her fem-domme friends, and I served as chef, waiter, bartender, and sommelier. Danielle and I decided that it would be fun if after dinner, I would mess up her drink order, giving her an opportunity to punish her pet in front of the guests

The night of the dinner party came. Our guests arrived wearing attire appropriate for the occasion. We let them know that there was no need to wear normie clothes and then change inside as my house is not visible from the street. They arrived one by one wearing fem-domme clothing, lots of red and black, some leather.

The dinner was a splendid 4 course meal fit for a queen. We started with real Cesar salad with my homemade Cesar salad dressing as good as you will find in any five-star restaurant. Second course was a bowl of lobster bisque. Main course was grilled rack of lamb seasoned with garlic and rosemary served with grilled asparagus and wild rice. Wine glasses were kept full all evening with an exquisite cabernet from Napa valley called – I kid you not – The Sisters. If you like red wine and have not tried The Sisters, you may want to put it on your bucket list. Dessert was crepes Suzette prepared table side.

There were four chairs at the dinner table. I ate my portion standing in the kitchen in between waiting on Goddess Danielle and her three friends.

After dinner, I cleaned off the table except for their wine and water glasses.

“Pet,” said Danielle. “Would you please refill my glass of ice water?”

“Right away,” I said as I picked up her glass. I knew that this was my cue. Instead of bringing back water with ice cubes, I brought back only water, and set it before her.

“PET!” she said, bringing conversation to a stop. “I asked for ICE water!”

“Ooops,” I said. “Let me get some ice right away.” I came back with a tall glass of water filled with ice.

“Come here,” she said, pointing to the floor beside her.

One of the ladies said, “uh oh” and another one said, “he’s going to get it now.”

I stood where she pointed as I marveled at her ability to play the role of aggrieved goddess angry at her pet.

“Did you not hear me?” she said.

“I…I…I…”my voice trailed off.

“Remove your shirt,” she said.

I did as instructed. This was back when I was in my mid-30s and was quite physically fit. Every day I either cycled or went to the gym. I wasn’t exactly a body-builder, but my build was sleek and toned.

To the surprise and delight of her friends, Danielle reached out and yanked my pants down all the way to my ankles. I stood there completely naked as her friends’ eyes roamed across my body. Danielle wrapped her hands around my balls and began to squeeze. It wasn’t enough to hurt me, but it sure did get my attention.

“Look into my eyes, pet,” she said. “And focus on my voice to the exclusion of everything else.”

I realized that she was using a hypnotic induction technique. She had recently been learning erotic hypnosis. She began rhythmically to tighten and relax her grip on my balls in a way that caused tremendous pleasure as her voice lulled me into trance. I totally went with it. It caused my cock to stiffen and precum to ooze from the tip.

“I think you need to focus more attention on your goddess,” she said. “It’s time we put you in chastity.”

She released her grip from my balls, grabbed the glass of ice water, and dunked my balls into the ice-cold water. This caused my cock to revert back to flaccid. She then reached into her bag, pulled out a chastity cage, and fitted it around my cock and balls. All this time, the reaction from our audience showed that they enjoyed this little show.

“Now then,” she said. “One more thing. Bend over the table.” She said this as she dug through her bag of fem-domme toys.

I bent over the table. I knew what was coming. She stood up, riding crop in hand.

“As you know, I am a firm believer in domestic discipline,” she said, the three ladies nodding in approval. I think I heard one of them say, “you go girl.”

She proceed to strike me with the riding crop as she berated me for not following her instructions. Altogether she struck my butt a dozen times. She then told me to get dressed, and bring the ladies glasses of a dessert wine known as Eiswein (literally, “ice wine”).

Later that evening after we bid the guests adieu, we retired to our bedroom where she uncaged me for a while. We ended the evening with incredible bliss.

“Our guests loved the performance,” she said. “Next time we can carry it a step further if you like.”

[Check back for part 2.]


The App

It’s called “jailbreaking:” that’s when you modify your smartphone to accept software that is not intended to be there. What Eileen was doing was beyond that. She had the back off, was looking through a magnifying glass mounted on a stand and had a soldering iron in her hand. She was removing some leads and putting another chip into the phone.

She was not only an electrical engineer, she was also skilled with her hands so she could perform this delicate operation with the skill of a surgeon which was appropriate since she also studied biology and, in particular, human anatomy.

She was dabbling in a new art called, “Biomedical Engineering.” She was already awarded a patent for an actuator used in prosthetic devices. She was now working on another application, which if it worked, would make her a fortune.

It only took her several minutes to complete the job and close the case. There was only one thing left to do. Test the device. She donned her conservative swimsuit and went to the pool that was a part of the country club to which she belonged. Tuesday evenings were wine and cheese night. It was usually populated by young couples and men and women looking to become couples. It was a perfect laboratory for her experiment.

Greg looked over the crowd at the pool. There were some new people there. His main issue was his shyness. He could not come up with a good opening line and was poor at small talk. Once he got to know people and open up, he was good at conversation and people liked what he had to say. Ironically, he had no problem with addressing crowds of even thousands, but one-on-one, he was a social dud.

Eileen spotted Greg and thought, “This one!” It was based partly on his physique: he did keep himself in shape, and she liked the tight style of the bathing suit he was wearing.

She found a lounge chair near where he was sitting. He had noticed her before, and they exchanged smiles as she sat down.

Then she pretended to pay attention to her phone. She brought up the new application and activated it: show time!

Greg was on his phone, too. He was reading up on some of the games that he missed. Then it started happening. He was getting an erection. There was no reason for it. There were some good-looking women at the pool, but he had seen them before, and they never caused this reaction in him.

His mind should have been totally distracted by the sports articles he was reading.

He used to have an issue with unwanted erections at inconvenient times but that was back when he was a teenager. He still got “morning wood” but it usually subsided by the time he got to the bathroom and pissed it away.

He could feel his penis extending against the liner in his swimsuit. It was growing fast. He put his towel over his lap to hide it.

Eileen saw enough, and she looked over in his direction again and smiled. Greg blushed red in response.

Then Eileen went about observing other men at the pool.

Later, in the women’s changing area, the room was abuzz with chatter. “Did you see the lump in the life guard’s suit?” one said. Another woman observed, “I know how to give my husband a hard on, but I wasn’t even trying, and he wasn’t looking at other women.” “My cousin is a member here, too. I could not believe the size of his boner.” “It looked like all the men were sprouting wood. What happened, did they put Viagra in the water?”

Eileen smiled. She knew the reason for the breakout of erections.

Eileen caught up with Greg as they both were leaving the pool. She intercepted him and said, “Hi, I’m Eileen. You’re new here, aren’t you?”

Greg blushed remembering his last encounter with this woman. It took a full half hour for his erection to gradually subside. When he got up he took a quick lunge into the water and then came out. The quick lunge was to wet the suit all over and not just in the front.

“I’m Greg,” he responded, “I’ve been a member for about a month.” Greg was relieved that she took the initiative in starting the conversation with him. He would never have had the nerve to start it on his own.

He continued with, “I’m a math professor at the local university: the one the students don’t like to get.”

“My math teachers were tough on me, too. It paid off in the end.”

“Oh, what do you do for a living?”

“I’m the engineer / owner of a company that makes medical devices.”

Greg felt better even to the point of making a joke, “So do you want to geek out over some calculus sometime?”

“No but I would like to discuss some other things over dessert after you take me out to dinner tomorrow night.”

Greg was stunned into silence. Never had a woman been so bold with him. He was still in shock and not quite getting that he was asked out on a date. He quickly got through the various stages of shock and managed to get his voice working again.

“Is Italian OK?” he finally managed to say.

“It will be perfect. How about 6 PM?”

She took a card out of her purse and scribbled something on the back of it. “This is my business card. My personal information is on the back.

6 PM. Sharp. I don’t like to be kept waiting,” she said as she departed with a laugh.

Greg stood there silently and watched as she disappeared into the parking lot.


Greg spent most of the next day in a fog. He still had some residue of the shock of being almost “kidnapped” by this woman. She had asked him for a date, but it seemed more like a demand for a date.

Because of his embarrassing incident at the pool, he felt that he was in a subordinate position to her. This could be good. He was always awkward around girls and didn’t do much better with women. He could never figure out how to act or what to say or what they liked.

Here was a woman who could potentially show him the way. He decided that he would put his masculinity on hold and let her take the lead. If they wound up dancing, then he’d lead. At least he knew how to do that compliments of a female cousin who also taught him how not to dress like a dork. He was sort of an improvement project for the girl. She’d drag him everywhere and taught him some social skills.

He was trying to remember some of those skills as he drove to her house to pick her up. He even brought along a supermarket bouquet of flowers. Eileen commented as she opened the door, “Oh how gentlemanly of you. I like men with old-fashioned manners. Come in, I’ll put these in water. I have a last-minute thing or two to take care of and then we can go.

Have a seat. Make friends with Cleo, who is obviously my cat. She’s sort of my familiar. I’ll grill her after our date to see if she approves of you.”

Greg looked at the clock, it read 6:01 PM. Considering all the pleasantries, he must have arrived right on time. That made him feel good.

Dinner was fantastic both from a gastronomical standpoint and a relationship point of view. Eileen was clearly intelligent but that did not intimidate Greg. As assertive as she had been with him, he still felt comfortable with her. He knew that she would not harm him.

For her part, Eileen had a great time and discovered Greg’s quirky but funny sense of humor. “I like a man who can make me laugh,” she told him.

All went well until they got to Eileen’s house. There was that awkward moment of the kiss at the door. Eileen preempted that. As they were approaching her house she asked, “Do you have some time to come in. I have something very important to discuss with you.”

Greg was relieved not to have to make a decision on the kiss, but felt a bit ill at ease, wondering what this “something very important” would turn out to be.

“Sure, my first class is late in the morning tomorrow. I’ve given it dozens of times. I could probably do it in my sleep, which is appropriate since that’s also the state in which some of my students attend it.”


“Coffee?” she said.


He was seated in the kitchen as Eileen went about preparing their after-dinner snacks.

As she poured him his cup, she lowered the boom on him.

“That was quite a boner you popped last night.”

“You SAW that?”

“Every woman saw it. Ever since we are little girls, we were taught what to look for. We women have secret signals we give each other to make sure our sisters don’t miss one.”

“I’m sorry. It just happened. I couldn’t control it.”

“No apology necessary. You are right. You could not control it. I was the one who was controlling it.”


“Do you need a demonstration?”

“What are you talking about?”

Eileen got up and plugged her phone into a charger.

“So how do you feel now?” she asked.

“A bit nervous.”

“Are you sexually aroused?”


“You will be.”

At this she poked at her phone.

Within a minute, Greg was feeling his penis beginning to swell.

“What’s happening?” he asked.

“You’re getting an erection.”

“How do you know?”

“I can’t tell with you sitting there, but you won’t be able to get up from that table without my seeing it in your pants.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Do you want me to stop it?”

“How are you going to do that?’’

“I’ll explain in a moment.”

She went back to her phone and poked at it again.

Greg felt more relaxed, and his penis started shrinking again.

“How did you do that?”

“Let’s go into the living room. I promise I won’t do it again tonight if you don’t want me to.”

They got settled down with Cleo in Eileen’s lap.

She started the conversation, “I have a proposition for you and it’s not sex. Well, it’s not exactly sex.

I am working on a special project, and I am looking for a research assistant. You have something I need for this project.”

“What’s that?”

“Your penis.”

“My what?”

“Your penis. You know, prick, dick, cock, phallus …”

“I know what it is, but why?”

“I’ve done a lot of research on acoustic wave therapy. Wave therapy is used to help heal injuries and wounds. It applies an acoustic frequency to stimulate muscles and blood vessels that promote healing.

I’ve taken this technology and adapted it to the male reproductive system. It’s non-invasive and you don’t need to take pills to make it happen.

It’s a male erectile dysfunction cure that could probably be used without a prescription.”

“And what does that have to do with me?”

“I’m still in an exploratory phase. I’m convinced that it is safe, but there is still a lot about how effectively it works that I have to learn.

I don’t have a penis; you do. I could use any penis; I’d prefer to use yours. I like you; I trust you.

I hope you like me and trust me enough to be my partner on this. Financially, I’ll give you a percentage of whatever business evolves. I am thinking of “renting” the devices to couples that need them. You can buy a subscription by the month or year. I figure if the business model works for Microsoft, it can work for me.

However, this is more than just science and business, I think there are a lot of fun things we can do along the way. The process does not have to be boring.”

“So, you turn on your phone and give me an erection. Is that it?”

“Essentially. There are a lot of measurements I’ll have to take. So far, all I’ve had is a subjective evaluation. We’ll need to put some numbers on this.”

“Um … OK.” Greg could not believe he was agreeing to this.

“I’m glad you agree. As I said, I like you. I think we’ll make good partners.

One last thing?”


“Can you show me what I’ll be working with?”

“You want me to … Oh what the heck, you’re going to wind up seeing it anyway.”

Greg stood up and pulled down his pants exposing himself to Eileen and Cleo. The cat did not seem to be impressed.

As he stood there, his penis started stiffening under her gaze. She shook her head and held up her hands in a waving motion and stated, “That’s not me. My phone is in the kitchen. That’s all you and thank you for the compliment.

I’ve put you through enough for one night. Go ahead, get dressed. We’ll work out a schedule for our experiments.”

She was the one who initiated the goodnight kiss at the door. It seemed a bit more passionate than a first date kiss should be to Greg.


Greg was impressed when he visited Eileen on Saturday as they had arranged.

“Wow! You even have a pool.”

“You’re welcome to try it out when we are finished.”

“I didn’t bring a suit.”

“You won’t need one. I don’t use one. As you can see the yard is very private.”

“What’s with the stakes?”

“They mark out 10 meters each. I managed to squeeze in 5 of them. The last of them at the far fence.”

“What are they for?”

“I need to know the effective distance of my device. So I will have you stand at varying distances while I activate it.

Based on your reaction the other night, I recommend that you get naked now so you are used to being that way in front of me and not have a ‘false positive’ when we do our testing.

As you can see, I am all but wearing a burlap sack. Do you have any fetishes that I should know about? I will make sure I will remove those temptations.

If you like feet, I will cover them. If a particular type of shoe sets you off, I’ll put on something else.”

“I don’t see anything here that will set me off.”

“Good. Let’s give you a couple more minutes to get comfortable with your nudity and then we can start the test.”

The couple made some small talk and even talked shop about how to apply a mathematical algorithm to one of the other devices Eileen was working on.

“I think you are ready. Go stand by the first marker.”

Eileen plugged her phone into a charger connected to an extension cord.

“I noticed you did that the other night, too. Why?”

“The application is an energy pig. It drains the battery in about a half hour. That might be good enough for some men to get the job done. But good men take a lot more time than that to satisfy their women.

I had to turbocharge my phone to keep up with the power demands I am making on it. It will probably burn out prematurely. Even plugged into the wall, it can barely keep up with the demand.”

“So that’s why the lights dimmed the other night!”

Eileen laughed and gave him a playful slap on his buttocks, “Silly boy. Go stand by the marker and behave yourself!”

She made some notes on a piece of paper and carefully placed the phone next to a piece of tape on the table.

“Ready?” she said.

Greg nodded.

She tapped the icon on her phone.

Greg could feel a stirring in his groin. His penis stiffened and it raced to full erection.

Eileen turned off the application.

“There is no way to measure the exact moment of erection. But you went from flaccid to hard in about 16 seconds. I don’t know if there is a world’s record for it, but that might be a contender for it.

I have to let both the phone and you cool down. Would you like some lemon aide? I’d offer a you a beer but alcohol may interfere with the tests.”

Greg accepted the beverage. Eileen kept a glance on his penis and waited until it got back down.

“Let’s try the far marker.”

Greg hiked the 50 meters to the marker.

“Put your butt on the fence. I’m actually short a couple of centimeters, but I’m not about to take out the fence for the sake of science.”

She shouted out, “Ready?”

Once again, she got a nod.

Greg stood there. He thought he felt some stirring in his groin but it might have been his mind playing tricks on him. At any rate, his penis remained flaccid.

“Anything?” Eileen shouted out.

“Nothing,” he shouted back.

“Good. So far we have two data points. Let’s get some more. I think we’ll try 30 meters next.”

And so the day went on. Eileen wanted to get at least three measurements at each of the markers. They got two sets, took a break for lunch and then completed the final set.

“Let’s crunch the data, shall we?” she said with scientific enthusiasm.

Greg felt a bit put out. Here she was full of schoolgirl excitement, and he was the one being subject to her tests. Nonetheless, he also awaited the results.

“As I said, there are a lot of variables here, the biggest being time to erection. At least at each of the markers they are more or less in the ballpark with each other.

There are other factors, too, such as wind, temperature, humidity, and background noises. But I think I will get enough information to have a crude measurement.

The next time, we’ll have to find a place with more controlled conditions such as a gymnasium.”

She put the numbers into a spreadsheet. It produced a chart that showed a positive correlation between distance and time to erection.”

“Let me take a shot at it,” Greg announced.

He poked at the computer and did some magical wizardry with a thing called Solver.

“What are you doing?” Eileen asked.

“I’m making an assumption about the equation that describes these data. I put in my best guess about what the coefficients of this equation should look like and then compute the results based on that guess.

I take the sum of the squares of the differences and tell Solver to minimize that value by tweaking the parameters. The results are new parameters.

And there we go!”

Greg pointed to the screen with pride. The equation he produced was a very good fit for the data observed.

“I expected an inverse square relationship,” he went on. “This data doesn’t quite seem to fit that exactly.”

“Maybe that’s because I had the phone pointed at you.” Eileen concluded.

“Or maybe it’s the side of the house. You did say the device uses sound waves, the house could be reflecting them.”

“Can we take more measurements with the phone pointed in the other direction?”

Greg sighed, “Sure, why not?”

Eileen took mercy on Greg and only took a couple of measurements at the closer in markers to see if there was a difference. There was, but it was slight.

“Thank you, Greg. You’re been a real sport about this. I think I am done for the day. This data will help me design further tests.”

“Eileen, can you do me a favor?”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Could you treat me a bit less like a lab rat? You never told me about how the experiment was going to be conducted, you positioned me like a lawn statue all over your yard and I was never asked for my input on the experiment.”

“Oh my god, you’re right. I’m sorry. I got so carried away with my experiment that I lost track of you. Feel free to call me out if I am making you feel uncomfortable.”

“At the moment, I am very uncomfortable.”

“I’m sorry, is there anything I can do?”

“Not unless you want to have sex with me.”

“I’m not ready for that. What are you talking about?”

“You’ve had my penis up and down like a yo-yo dozens of times over the past couple of hours. How much of that do you think a guy can take?”

“I’m sorry again. I don’t have a penis, so I don’t know what that’s like.”

“I can tell you. It’s not fun.”

“What can I do?”

“Well, if you’re not going to have any kind of sex with me, the least you can do is let me jerk off.”

“Of course. Do you want to do it in private, or can I watch?”

It was Greg’s turn to laugh, “After all we’ve been through, sneaking off to the bathroom like a pubescent boy to do it seems anti-climactic.

I can do it right here.”

“That will be great. I’ve never seen a boy or man do it. I have a cousin who explained to me how she gave her boyfriend hand jobs and I’ve seen it on the internet but that’s as close to the real thing as I’ve gotten.”

“You surf porn on the internet?”

“Hey, girls want to have fun, too! We are as interested in sex as men are, although I have to admit most of the stuff out there seems to cater to men.”

After a moment of silence, Eileen asked, “So how do you do this ‘jerk off’ thing?”

“This is your first time. It’s also my first time. I’ve done it hundreds of times before but never with someone watching me: much less a girl or woman.

I can do it a number of ways, but since this is your first time, I’ll do it standing. I’ve done it laying down in bed, sitting at the computer, standing in the shower and even kneeling in front of the toilet.”

“Ohh, kneeling! That sounds kinky.”

“It’s practical: other than flushing, there is no cleanup involved. Here in the yard, standing will probably give the best view of what I am doing.”

“Do you want me to turn on my app to give you a head start?”

“I think I’d like to try it ‘natural’ this time. I have so much stimulation stored up, I’ll probably cum on the first couple of stokes. I don’t want you to think that I am a premature ejaculator, but what you put me through in the past couple of hours constitutes extreme edging.

Edging is exceptionally frustrating for the man, but when ejaculation is finally achieved, it’s extremely intense. So maybe that could be another application for your application, put it on a cycle to bring a man up and down repeatedly.

Greg was good to his word. He had his penis fully erected in just a few strokes. While he still had control over his body and mind, he warned Eileen. “You might want to move to the side. You don’t want to be in front of this thing when it goes off.”

Soon he was paralyzed with his impending orgasm. His sexual pleasure rocketed to the ceiling of his endurance and then crashed through it. He felt like every muscle in his body had been summoned to the task of ejaculation. He could feel the cramp in his stomach and feel the blasts of semen through the shaft of his penis in his hands, his mind was whirling like a tornado and still wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure and pain coursed through his body.

His sight and hearing returned slowly as the final blast came form his penis. He stumbled back and plopped into a chair.

Eileen was up instantly, caressing his head, “Are you alright?”

He nodded and said weakly, “I need some rest.” Indeed, his body slumped so much that Eileen thought he had swooned.

Finally, he sat up and said, “I’m OK. That was something else.

I had been masturbating since I was a kid and it was fun to do it back then. Then when puberty hit and I started to ejaculate the fun doubled. This was a step as large as that one was.

I don’t think I’ve ever cum that hard before. It’s a good thing I don’t have a heart condition.”

“I’m glad you’re ok. It was quite a show on this end too. If that’s the way men cum, no wonder women like watching them do it.

Look at the trail you made. You shot some of it clear across the table! I’m going to need a rag and bucket to get up the huge pools you left on the table.

As I said, I’ve seen men do this on the internet. Some of them are ridiculously endowed, but I’ve never seen any of them shoot it with such force and volume and for so long.

You, sir, are a cum machine. There’s enough cum there to father an entire nation.

I can’t imagine what it would feel like to have all that ejaculated into me.

I do want to see it again, and I hope we can end all our experiments this way.”

Gerg got up and bowed to her, “My pleasure, my lady!”


“How about a dip in the pool before you go?” Eileen suggested.

“That’s not a bad idea, considering the workout you gave me. I’ll have to skinny dip; how about you?”

“I never skinny dip until the third date,” she said laughing in reply. “But I will take my top off.

While I am changing, I suggest you take as shower in the guest bathroom “she said pointing to a door. “It should be unlocked.”

Greg got in and noticed that it was more of a changing room. He tried the other door and saw that it led to a guest bedroom. He concluded that it was an ingenious design.

By the time he got out, Eileen was already in her swimsuit. It revealed a much better figure than the baggy clothes she wore while conducting the experiment. In spite of his organ being overworked it still responded although not the full hardness it had been subjected to in the previous couple of hours.

She was carrying a tray with some wine and a couple of plastic wine glasses. “It’s as much of the pool experience as a towel,” she explained. “I hope you like Merlot.”

“I normally take a Cab, but Merlot is also good.”

She put the tray on the side of the pool, stood up and said, “Ready?”

Greg nodded and she undid her top and casually tossed it on a nearby lounge chair.

Greg looked at her and said, “Very nice. Not too big, not too small. They fit you nice. You have a very nice body, trim and firm: athletic.”

“I do swim a lot and I like to play tennis.

Your body isn’t bad either, too bad it’s lighter than the paint on my ceiling. You’re about as close to an albino as I’ve ever met. You have got to get more sun.

Come on, let’s cool off in the water.

I’m sorry, the water is a bit chilly. I wasn’t intending things to turn out so good, and I didn’t think we’d be using the pool, so I didn’t put on the heat.”

Greg got in about waist deep. Eileen looked at him and laughed, “Wow, what I learned in high school physics is true: things DO get smaller when they get cold!

Come, I’ll show you how to get into a pool when it’s cold. You walk from side to side and when you get to the side, you take a half step towards the deep end, turn around and walk to the other side. This way you ease into the water. Come here and let me show you,” she said extending her hand.

Greg came over to her, but instead of taking his hand, she reached under the water and grabbed his penis.

“Follow me,” she commanded and she then proceeded to lead him around the pool by his organ. Greg didn’t even think about objecting. In fact, he kind of liked being led around like this by a good-looking woman. All they were doing was walking back and forth, but he found the experience erotic.

After easing in, she released him and they swam around a bit. Greg lounged with a couple of pool noodles.

“Why don’t you get us some wine?” Eileen suggested.

Greg bellied up to the side of the pool and went about his task. He had defoiled the top and was reaching for the opener. Unbeknownst to him, Eileen had swam up to him under the water, She grabbed him by the balls and he let out a yelp. She did not grab them hard, but she definitely took him by surprise.

As she emerged from the water laughing, he scolded her, “You almost lost a good bottle of wine. Don’t do that again,” he said with a grin of his own.

“I won’t promise,” she responded. “But I will promise you this, I am full of surprises.”

Greg shook his head, “Why do I believe you’ll keep that promise?”


Eileen called Greg the following day, “How are you doing my cum stud?”

Greg laughed, “I checked this morning: my penis is still attached to my body, I am recovering nicely, I might be able to try that again in a couple of months. Next time have EMS standing by.”

“I hope you can do better than that – I mean timewise. I can’t possibly imagine you surpassing that last performance.

Look, I’ve been going over the results of the tests and I owe you and every man in the pool last week an apology.

The device is far more effective than I ever imagined. It seems that the circuitry in the app is more powerful than the circuitry in men’s reproductive tract.

I was intending for the device to be effective to a range of about 10 meters. It worked out to be a bit over 40 meters. This means, given the inverse square law, that I can cut the power by a factor of 16. So instead of getting 30 minutes of battery, I can get 8 hours.

That’s the science part.

I had no idea how much power I was putting out. Every man in the pool area and some in the adjoining patio overlooking the pool must have had a hard on. As you pointed out, the signal was also probably bouncing off the walls. We all know how we can hear someone on the opposite side of the pool even if they are whispering.

And you were there. Less than a couple of meters away from ground zero. What I meant to go off with the force of a firecracker exploded with a megaton of erectile energy and I kept it going for a full half hour.

It must have been uncomfortable to all the men, especially you.”


Eileen and Greg continued to experiment with her device. She came up with a “docking station” of sorts that could fit in a woman’ purse. The docking station consisted of a parabolic dish that focused the energy in the direction of a specific target. This also decreased the power-hungriness of the device. It could now operate for 16 hours non-stop.

“A 16-hour long erection? I don’t think an adult male could survive that,” Greg observed. “Death by hard-on. That’s probably not on a coroner’s checklist for cause of death.

On the other hand, I had an erection that lasted several years: from the onset of puberty until I was about 20. I might have had a few periods back then where I went 16 hours WITHOUT one.”

Greg pointed out that giving a man an erection and having him maintain one were two different things. He suggested an on/off cycle to maintain the erection. Both of them had a lot of fun figuring out what that cycle should be.

This technique also reduced the amount of power needed. It now fell below the power requirements of most of the apps people have on their phones. Eileen was pleased with that: a regular phone could handle it without special modifications.

Eileen got the patent she wanted for the device and sold it to a major drug company. Greg got a generous cut.

It was marketed as a marital aid, but some women found other uses for the device.

There was a “backdoor” application that allowed the application to be activated from a second phone. So, some women would stealthily download the app to their husband’s or boyfriend’s phone. She could control it anytime, anywhere she wanted at her convenience. She might pick a time that was not so convenient for her man.

Of course, if there were some sort of sex game that the woman wanted to play that required an erected male, then the app became the equivalent of a pitcher warming up in the bull pen, “batter up.”

Another add-on was to cycle the app on and off causing the man to erect and deflate alternately. This relieved women of the chore of edging their men.

Many women used it as an aphrodisiac. Make a boy hard and he will like you.

There were probably a few women who actually used it for its intended purpose: to overcome erectile dysfunction in their partner.

Greg enjoyed his time with Eileen with and without the app. She was pleased that it worked well on him, but even more pleased that he did not need it when he was with her. She eventually did find out what it felt like to have Greg’s “fire hose” ejaculating into her.

Author: Mule 2024

Swords Across the Pontus

“And a fair morning it is indeed, that the gods have smiled upon me! That I, a warrior true, should be presented with both horse and harlot, when I have lacked both for so long, and such comely creatures both! Shapely, ripe, and plump, and fair game for Arvak, Bane of the Western Wood. Yes, ’tis I, fair one, but despair not; resist me not and I shall not leave you on a hard circumstance, except, perhaps, of a certain. Mayhap a well-horsed wench will partake of sword play of another kind?”
What an asshole, Rina thought, glowering down at him from her saddle. He had stepped out from a copse of birch and fir, interrupting her morning ride. With the marsh closely approaching the well-trod sod of the path on the opposite side, it was an ideal spot for an ambush and had doubtless served the purpose for this nitwit many times; one time too many.
She eyed him carefully; he did not appear to be thriving. He wore no jewelry or adornments and his clothes were suitable for stuffing into the cracks of a drafty hovel, or perhaps starting a fire. His weapons, while not of high quality, would have some value. She noted with interest that the great sword and strong bow were prominently in view, but only his short sword, scarcely larger than a dagger, was worn where it could be quickly drawn and wielded. The man himself could be called neither young nor old, handsome nor unsightly. He had the hard look of a woodsman though she suspected that he hadn’t been eating well of late.
In the end it was mercy as much as profit that motivated her. He had the disheveled look of someone who’d been sleeping outdoors for some while; there might be some drawbacks to the change she was about to introduce into his life but he would likely be more comfortable, eventually.
“I will give you what you ask, clansman”, she said, swinging her leg over the horse and dropping gracefully to the ground. She was a good-sized woman, with the heavy breasts and sturdy shoulders of a milkmaid and nothing of the meek or deferential about her. Arvak eyed her body with naked hunger, but he was not so blind as to miss the sword on her hip.
“Why do you call me clansman?”
“You speak the words of a Southron but you have the accent of an Eastlander.”
“So you hail from the fair East as well!”
“Nah. Just making small talk before our sword play.”
“Oh ho, my lady”, he said grinning broadly. She was glad to see his teeth were all there and mostly straight. “I assure you, once skewered by me none other shall -“
His voice and smile died at the same instant, the instant when Rina drew her sword.
“What is this?” he asked in an entirely different tone of voice.
Rina shrugged innocently. “Sword play. How else do you play swords?”
“My lady, I assure you. I intend to treat you quite civilly but I have a temper when crossed.”
She chuckled and deftly drew a cross with her sword tip in the air in front of him.
“Mock me not, I warn you!”
“Draw your sword, pinky.”
His eyes did flare then, and in former times she may have had reason for concern. His smugness gone, she actually found him appealing. He drew the small sword, a good foot shorter than her weapon, and advanced carefully. She circled him in the path, crossing blades, until she was facing the way she’d come, up a slight rise to where the trees opened out into a meadow.
She lunged, forcing him backward up the path. Despite the greater size and weight of her weapon, she wielded it much more nimbly and with greater power, forcing him to constantly parry. She let him tire, then tire some more, and finally flipped his sword out of his hand with a deft twist of her wrist. He licked his lips and looked at her sideways.
“I am unarmed.”
“No, you’re not.”
They both looked at the large sword on his hip. His eyes darted while he thought.
“I will not draw it”, he announced. “It is the sword of the first-born of my family, used only to settle blood feuds. This is not such a contest.”
Bullshit, thought Rina, although she conceded it was a more inventive answer than she was expecting. She sheathed her sword. “Very well”, she said. “A less direct contest, then. We shall use our bows to target shoot at distance. Do you see the broken tree on the far side of the meadow?”
She pointed toward a lightning-struck shred of trunk, well out from the cluster of woods and unmistakable, about 100 yards away. Arvak pursed his lips. “I must confess I have not prospered of late and my weapons are not in a proper state of repair. I fear my string would snap before drawing a target so far as that.”
Rina advanced on him suddenly, striking him in the shoulder.
“No weapons at all, then. Woman to man, as simple and fair as could be.”
“What! Strike a woman! The ghosts of my fathers would -“
SWAT! Rina had slid her hand out of her riding glove and swung it against his cheek. The flare came back into his eyes. Rina drew her arm back.
“I would not were I you -“
SMACK! Arvak could take no more and lunged at her. She grabbed his wrists and held him off, smiling, before abruptly pulling him toward her. Smoothly, she caught him and pressed close to his side, trapping his left arm between their bodies, while reaching behind him and catching his other wrist in her right hand.
Despite his struggles, she held him as easily as she would a child, laughing until he went limp.
“Make sport of me no longer! You guess my shame, though I know not how!”
“Shame? Why Arvak, whatever do you mean?”
He hung his head, and spoke sadly. “Some months ago, while visiting the village of my birth, a plague struck all the men there, making them as weak and mild as babes.”
“And what of the women?”
“Women? What?”
Rina released her grip on him and, taking his belt in one hand and holding the other just below his throat, lifted him bodily off the ground and up over her head.
“By the gods!”
“No, by the goddesses!” she corrected him, putting him back down. “It wasn’t just your village, dolt! There was a revolt in the heavens! Don’t you remember the night of the falling stars?”
Arvak shuddered at the memory of the huge, flaming balls streaking through the sky, as ill an omen as men had ever imagined. “Imir was cast down by Lyta! The goddesses have usurped the power of gods! Freta holds Wootun as a servant, keeping him meek and obedient, and the other gods are as chattel! And as in the heavens, so shall it be on Earth.”
Rina checked herself; in excitement she tended to take on rather florid speech patterns.
“And Lyta’s gift to women, her favored ones, is the ability to rule over our males as she rules over hers. That is your plague, Arvak. The will of the goddess.”
She put her hands in the collar of his shabby tunic and tore it wide open, yanking it down and exposing his shoulder and chest.
“We do love a bit of sword play as well as we ever did, though.”
She reached below his belt and squeezed; as far as she could tell he seemed reasonably well-supplied, before he leapt backward like a scared cat.
“Are you mad, woman? I could no more ‘play at swords’ now than…than -“
“Play at swords? I hope you’re better at the one way than the other.”
He turned and ran. Rina watched him for a moment, irritated, and gave two sharp whistles. Seconds later her horse came trotting up from his grazing. Little in life was more valuable than a good horse at a moment of need.
She mounted up and set off after Arvak, who was making more or less for the remnant of the dead tree in the meadow. She gathered her rope and casually tossed a loop over the fleeing male, pulling him to a halt no more roughly than she needed to.
Dismounting, she reeled him in despite his thrashing around, dodging and catching his blows until she got tired of it and drove her thigh up between his legs, perhaps just a little more roughly than necessary.
“That’s for calling me a harlot, by the way.”
Arvak slumped to his knees and she bound his hands together in front of him with no further difficulty. The tree was just a few yards off now, with one sturdy-looking branch remaining on the shattered trunk. Rina tossed the rope over the branch and pulled, lifting first his arms and then himself, tying it off when he was forced to lift his heels off the ground.
She took the great sword off his hip and examined it.
“Was this really an heirloom?”
“Nae; tis just…my sword.”
She looked at the bow and found it to be of the same middling workmanship as the sword. They might draw enough coin from the broker for a night of debauchery; two, maybe.
She tied the weapons onto her saddle and took a small knife from a saddlebag. Standing behind him, she began to slice apart the remnants of his clothing and pull them off his body.
“By the Vanir! Have you no shame, woman?”
“Not particularly. What’s this big scar?”
“I was gored by a fidont when I was thirteen.”
“You’re lucky to be alive.”
She tore the last shreds away and pushed him forward. Reflexively, he stopped and balanced himself by pointing his toes, flexing the back of his legs. She nodded appreciatively and gave him a long grope, listening to him gasp slightly at the familiarity.
Rina stepped around in front of him; he eyed her with warily but with no fear despite the knife in her hand. The clan feuds were brutal and captives tortured, but she had already denied being a clanswoman. Despite the tenuous nature of his situation, he was curious what her intentions ultimately were.
His chest had a coating of fine, slightly curly hair, a line of it running south across his taut, hard abdomen. His legs were thick and seemed larger than needed to support his narrow hips. His genitals seemed retracted into his body, but that didn’t disturb her. She knew that running about and taking a knee were not the sorts of activity conducive to lengthy displays.
She grabbed him by his pubic patch and yanked him toward her, producing a yelp. With a swift but controlled flick of her wrist, she sliced the tautly pulled hairs and flipped them away into the breeze. She glanced quickly at him; this was an act of humiliation tantamount to castration in many tribes. If that was the case for him, he hid it admirably, looking more puzzled than indignant.
She finished up the chore, carefully sliding the blade across the skin. There was stubble left, but it was as good a job as she could do with the knife. Unfortunately, having its shelter removed seemed to make his cock retract even further into his body.
“Does turtle want to come out to play?” she cooed, tickling the pinkish-brown head. She fondled and squeezed, even kissed and nibbled it to no effect. Not the desired result, obviously, but males handled subjugation in different ways; she wasn’t through yet.
She shed her own clothing now, down to her calf-high riding boots. His eyes widened at her full breasts and pointed nipples, strong thighs framing her own unsheared forest. She nestled herself against him, feeling his body still magnificently hard and full despite having been drained of its power. His skin was smooth and slightly slick with sweat; sniffing him she began to feel slightly slick herself.
Still, there was no salute; he looked at her sheepishly.
“Surely and I do regret; betimes, no amount of coaxing -“
“Yeah, yeah. I’m not done yet.”
She walked back to the horse and took a riding crop and leather strap from her saddlebag, both of them showing signs of use.
“Yet never once have I used either on you,” she murmured to the horse, which held its head just so, allowing her to stroke it.
She announced her return to Arvak with a powerful stroke of the strap across his ass. He started, of course, then rolled his shoulders, bracing the rest of his body. This seemed to be more the sort of thing he had been expecting.
She worked his body deliberately, at times like a painter on a canvas, finding the spots that needed a dab or a stroke, and the ones that needed a stark dash of color. Other moments, she felt in almost a trance, the implement in her hand seeming an extension of herself, able to taste and feel his skin in that instant it made contact. The feeling built and broadened, anticipating before the impact and savoring after, and the contact itself seeming to join their bodies together in an instant of unity.
Breasts heaving as she finished, Rina found that she had still failed to get a rise out of him, despite his sharp breaths and gasps. Miffed, she pinched his penis and pulled until his toes could barely touch the ground before letting it snap back.
“One way or another,” she told him heavily, tying a leather thong around his balls before untying the rope and letting his hands down. “Now get on your back.” She liked how he did as he was told without hesitation. She had found that obedience seemed to come naturally to males, once they got over themselves.
She stood over him, grinning, her foot on his chest, pulling up on the thong and stretching his balls, relishing her power over him. “I could hang you up by these, you know”, she said, giving the thong a hard tug before dropping herself onto his face. “I’d do a good job if I were you.”
She settled herself heavily on his face and looked down at him, obscured by her thighs and bush. She ran her fingers through his hair and leaned forward onto her hands, closing her eyes. He either had some aptitude or some experience because his tongue slithered immediately to the right places. She shimmied with pleasure and he spread his hands across her broad ass cheeks to steady her. A bold act, but not unwelcome.
If Rina had thought to look over her shoulder, she would’ve seen that he was finally sprouting, his serpent uncoiling in spite (or perhaps because) of the sharp pulls on the thong tied to his balls as her pleasure peaked. He kept his hands on her, so overwhelmed by the sexual power of her body he was scarcely aware of his own body’s reaction to it.
She arched her back and pumped her hips hard into his face, eyes clenched and mouth open. Never one for shrieking or screaming, she weathered her orgasm with sharp, forceful exhalations, and her fingers pulled up handful after handful of the tough tangled grass.
Finished, on all fours, she hung her head and let her breathing return to normal while he lapped up the juice from her thighs and the matted hair at her center. After some while, long enough for Arvak’s blossom to wilt, she lifted herself up.
She brushed the grass and dirt off her knees and walked over to her mount, as it calmly chewed a mouthful of grass; he’d seen his mistress do this kind of thing before. She found his currycomb and began to clean his coat. It was already clean, but it was a chore she could do without thinking, and moving her body extended the floaty feeling of well-being she experienced after a good, clean cum. Besides, she wanted to see how Arvak would react to being used in this way.
It didn’t seem to bother him. He had gotten to his knees, hand and balls still bound but not apparently self-conscious now that she was exposed, too. He watched her tend the horse and waited.
“You may have worked your way out of the fields and into the boudoir with that, Eastlander”, she said at length. “Particularly if you can get the rabbit to come out the hole.”
“Only to enter another”, he answered with a grin.
“That’s enough wit.”
He smiled and glanced down. “If I may make so bold to inquire – what of a boudoir?”
“Pretty obvious, isn’t it?”
“To one who already knows.”
“I mean I’ll sell you for sex rather than labor. I get more money and you get an easier life. Happy happy joy joy.”
His eyes widened. “You’re a slaver?”
“Lucky for you. If I were sheriff you’d have hung by your neck, not your hands. I believe that’s what they do with brigands in these parts. Or did; things are changing everywhere these days.”
His eyes darted and his head turned in slight increments while she retied his hands, cut the rope, and coiled the rest to hang on the saddle. Honestly, Rina thought, a snake could hear the wheels grinding.
“It may be,” he said, as she picked up the lead for his balls, “that milady’s advantage would lie in keeping Arvak by her side.”
“Lady, is it? A bit ago, I was a harlot. At this rate, I shall be queen by supper.”
Arvak, quite rightly, chose to let any reference to the harlot comment pass. She tossed a blanket over the saddle and mounted up, still wearing nothing but her cloak and riding boots. She yanked on his lead, nudged the horse much more gently, and the three of them began to amble slowly along.
“I can no longer offer the fearsome power of the warrior, but I possess much knowledge and many skills that could prove of use.”
“Yeah? Like what?”
“I know the woods and marshes hereabouts like the back of my hand.”
“I intend to leave these woods.”
“I know the ways of the trapper, and where to find the Boreal Vole.”
“I trade in cocks, not furs.”
He wouldn’t let himself be put off by the intentional crudity.
“I am an accomplished bard, as fine as any in Coruza.”
Rina looked at him with wide eyes. “You’re a minstrel? A singer of songs and teller of tales?”
“Just so!”
“Have you committed many to memory?”
“Dozens! Nae – hundreds!”
“And do you accompany yourself on the lyre?”
“I sing like a bird in spring whilst I play the lyre, lute, or dulcimer!”
“Tales of knights errant, songs of loves lost and refound?”
“Yes! Oh, yes, milady, yes!”
“I hate that shit”, Rina scowled. “Maybe I will sell you for a field hand.”
His face fell from a fully-furled banner of hope to a limp pennant in dead air. In a way, this was more satisfying than beating him.
They sauntered along. Arvak started to speak several more times, but was cut off by a savage yank on his lead. He proved to be more persistent than bright.
“Milady – AGH! Is-there-not-aught-I-can-do?” He blurted out the words rapidly before she could pull on him again.
“Hmm, let’s see”, she drawled. “It’s proving to be a warm, sticky day. Perhaps if I ride side-saddle you could find a way to…refresh me.”
Rina smirked and at him and slid one leg alongside the other, pointing her big, bare bottom out at him. It was beautifully shaped, bouncing slightly with the clip-clop of the horse, a trail of hair from her pubic area circling around her brown button. Arvak glanced from there to her face, making sure he gauged her meaning correctly.
“Aren’t you going to slow down?”
“I can’t hardly slow down any more, and I’m not going to stop. I thought you wanted me to keep you?”
With that, he dove in and proved the nimbleness of his tongue earlier was no fluke. Rina moved herself around to make sure that he got access to every nook and cranny. Nicely done, but she didn’t have any particular use for him, other than the obvious. She didn’t really hate tales and songs, but she suspected that she would weary of hearing Arvak’s voice long before he did. He’d shut up when she told him to, of course, and seem happy enough about it at first. Eventually, though, he’d get sulky, and that got tiresome very quickly.
If you traveled in a group, of course, sulky could be more easily ignored but Rina was finding that an entourage was its own kind of tiresome.
“So there you are!”
Rina had guided them to the lip of the ridge overlooking her camp. Tridda stood in the clearing, near the string of four slaves they’d already captured, looking something other than entirely happy to see Rina. She was a long-nosed pear of a woman who always seemed to be scratching herself somewhere. Rina had brought her with because she was available and claimed to be knowledgeable with herb lore and woodcraft. So far all she’d done was agitate the slaves and eat as much as all of them combined.
Arvak had finally yanked his head out of her ass at the sound of Tridda’s voice and moaned slightly. It might’ve been at the sight of the other slaves, connected by chains to the cuffs around their genitals, bringing the reality of his predicament home. It might also have been at the sight of Tridda herself, squinting at him with her face scrunched up in a most appalling fashion.
“Found another one, did you? Well done! We’ll have a hard time surpassing this in future forays! Talk of it around the fire, we will!” Tridda’s moods ranged all the way from surly to grouchy, with a dash of horny reserved only for the slaves, thank all the goddesses. This forced cheerfulness was beyond suspicious.
“He found me, more like.”
“Aye, and a fine looking lad he is, to be sure. The two of you got on well, I take it?”
“We reached an agreement.” Rina dismounted and handed Tridda Arvak’s lead. “Put him on the string with the rest.” He gave her a regretful, pleading look, which she did not acknowledge.
Tridda took him away with a twitter. Rina took Arvak’s weapons from the horse. She put the bow over her back and examined the quiver of arrows. She took his sword and hefted it in her hand. It perhaps might’ve been of a bit better quality than she’d first thought.
She patted it against her hand and walked over to where Tridda was shackling Arvak, making five on the string. It was a good haul, although they had to be brought to market flush and active, not listless and pale like these four. Rina clenched her jaw, her suspicions confirmed. “All four of them?”
“What?” Tridda stuttered slightly.
“You had to fuck all four of them into fatigue?”
Tridda twitched, then squirmed, and then twitched some more. “You were gone a long time.”
“I told you leave me one of them.”
“I didn’t know you’d be gone so long!” Whiny; petulant.
“And why would that make any difference, you foul twat!” Rina’s anger didn’t explode; it shot at Tridda in a focused beam. Rina often found herself loathing people after relatively short periods of time, but few deserved it so much as this sow. She advanced with Arvak’s sword in her hand.
“You dare insult me?” Tridda’s bluster was even less convincing than Arvak’s had been; she was a goat facing down a dragon and she knew it. Rina held the tip of the sword under her chin.
“Put the chastities on them and give me the keys”, she hissed.
Sourly, Tridda turned and found the pile of iron chastities. They were crude, uncomfortable, and very effective. She started with Arvak, who winced and squirmed with pain.
“Careful!” barked Rina. “They’re worth something in Coruza. You’re not.”
Tridda’s shoulders hunched as if she’d been struck. She finished with the rest of the slaves and sullenly brought Rina the keys.
“Get them moving. Meet me at the old signal hill by nightfall and you just might last this trip.”
With that, Rina mounted up and galloped away.
She rode off her anger. As richly as Tridda deserved her share of it, Rina knew as much belonged to herself. Rina had spotted Tridda for a selfish, stupid fool from the first; didn’t that make her as great a fool for partnering with her? That slaving was a two-woman job and no one else had been available didn’t make her feel much better. She rode on, looking at the splendor around her.
The landscape was lush in the golden sunshine, although she saw several places where the underbrush needed to be cleared. The ways of the tribes needed to be remembered, even though so much other ‘wisdom’ needed to pass and fade away, as her anger began to do.
At least it was a short trip; only four days march to Coruza and a nice profit even if they didn’t find another male wandering about.
Consoling herself with that and the near-certainty that there would be more suitable confederates in Coruza, she dismounted briefly and dug through her pack for the ivory shaft. She found it at the bottom of the bag, wrapped in soft leather, warm to the touch. Meant to comfort a traveler over long journeys, it had been beautifully carved for her by a village elder when she went forth to make her way in the world.
She handled it briefly, rubbing her fingertips along the flare of the head. When she found herself wondering if Arvak’s was like that when aroused, she shook her head and fastened it to the seat of the saddle, pointing straight up.
Rina mounted carefully, working herself down the length of it, cooing as much to herself as to her mount, keeping them both steady. When she was finally, firmly on the saddle, she urged her mount slowly forward, allowing herself to bounce with his uneven gait.
Soon, it was time to urge him on a bit faster.
Moments after that, her hair flying out behind her and face lifted up, she watched the clouds floating above and imagined herself soaring up to meet them. Beneath, a truth not articulated but known all the same drifted as lazily as the clouds – sometimes, nothing was as valuable as a good horse.

Strange HER in the night

The 17th floor is a hell of a place to watch a storm.
It seems like a living thing. The raindrops spin and swirl in shafts of wind, hesitate slightly in an updraft, each tracing its own unique path to the Earth.
The night is warm, the apartment dark behind me except for a tiny lamp on the end table. I’m standing naked in the balcony doorway, smoking. I don’t think I’ve ever done that before; I didn’t think about it, really, it just seemed like the thing to do. The lightning is frequent, sometimes close. I suppose if anybody was looking they could see my nudity during the strikes, but so what if they do?
I’m thinking about lighting another cigarette when a sudden surge of air hits me. It’s a gust straight out of January, aimed particularly at my genitals.
I stumble backward into the apartment, hunched over slightly by the blast of cold. There’s a sudden change in air pressure; bizarrely, I think of the storm catching its breath in surprise. Then, the thunder – starting quietly and building so quickly to that frightening noise that sounds like the sky being torn open.
The lightning strikes my balcony, inches from where I had just been standing. I’m tossed backward, blinded and stunned.
If I actually lost consciousness, it wasn’t for very long. The storm is still raging outside, my ears are still ringing from the thunder, and the lightning bolt is still seared into my optic nerve, the ghosts of its jagged edges bouncing as I move my eyes.
There’s someone on the balcony.
It isn’t possible, but there she is, and it is most clearly a she, her body silhouetted by the glow of the city. She enters the apartment, gliding with a sleek elegance, and steps into the glow of the lamp, looking down at me sprawled on the floor.
Her skin is the color of cool milky marble, her long straight hair raven black. She looks slightly exotic to me, Mediterranean, entirely nude.
Her breasts are absurd. They are full and large, the buoyant lighter-than-air pair of a comic book super-heroine. The impression is heightened by her slimness, though ‘slimness’ isn’t the right term. She doesn’t look skinny or anorexic, but dehydrated, like her skin is suctioned onto her muscles which are suctioned onto her bones. There seems to be no cushioning to her, no fat or moisture or veins or unnecessary flesh whatever.
Her labia are as freeze-dried as the rest of her, drawn back toward the frame of her body. Her clitoris is a rosy dripping cone, protruding and clearly visible, as she steps over to me, sinuous and fluid, as though her bones are bending as she moves.
She stands over me, her head tilted to one side, looking at me like I’m a curious specimen. For my part, it simply hasn’t occurred to me to move. I feel no fear, only dumb surprise and growing arousal.
She straddles me and drops her cunt onto my mouth, her hands on my belly. Fluid flows from her into my mouth; it seems to come directly through her skin as though it were being squeezed out of a sponge. It’s very much like rainwater, but there’s an odd tingling tang on my skin, like the sensation of touching your tongue to a battery.
She shifts and shimmies as I eagerly lap at her. I feel her hands on me, cool and dry. She’s saying something, a soft sing-song chant in a language I can’t classify at all. She caresses my genitals, my cock already fully erect, but straining to meet her touch. She cups my balls and tugs gently on my scrotum, fondling me exquisitely.
I don’t know how long we long stay like this; time doesn’t seem to mean what it usually does. I become aware of movement within my body, an unsettling sensation of veins and capillaries and vesicles channeling fluids to my groin. There’s a growing sensation of discomfort, as though my genitals are being inflated like water balloons.
She leans over, holding her head over my crotch. The inflated feeling becomes something resembling numbness, though I can still feel the motion of fluids within me. She clutches my penis just behind the head; then she tightens her grip painfully and PULLS. My legs quiver and kick, my hips buck, but my mind is strangely disconnected from the pain. I merely note it rather than truly feel it.
How long this goes on, I couldn’t say; it isn’t brief. Eventually, she lifts herself off me, stretching languidly. She looks down at my crotch, an eyebrow raised, assessing her handiwork. She looks at me, her eyes oblique, inviting me to look.
It’s so ridiculous I have to laugh. My testicles are the size of cantaloupes, the shaft of my penis the breadth of a baseball bat and as long as my forearm, the head a grotesquely distorted lump the size of a doorknob, and all of it a bruised purple.
She seems quite pleased with it. She straddles me again, facing away, gathers my cock in her hand and, pointing it straight up, lowers herself onto it.
If you’ve ever watched a nature special and seen a python devour prey far bigger around than itself, you have an idea what it was like watching her take in my deformed cock. It felt like her cunt was swallowing it; gripping tightly, then loosening and sliding down a little before tightening again.
The inside of her cunt was not the slick heat of a normal woman, but as cool as her hand. My cock slides in but not back out, trapped, feeling like she’ll never give it back. Finally, impossibly, I’m all the way in, her weight fully resting across my hips; I can feel her clit poking into my scrotum.
My bloated testicles are resting on the floor, her hands on top of them, rocking them, positioning them just so. I have a flash of intuition for what she is about to do, but my traumatized body is incapable of acting to protect itself.
When she punches the heels of her hands into my balls the pain is horrific. My body convulses like I’m being electrocuted, but she is entirely undisturbed. She squashes them flat, then releases them, allowing them to expand and refill before crushing them again. Over and over again, she uses them like twin pumps to draw all the cum out of me, but it can’t possibly all be cum. It seems as though she’s taking gallons out of me, and I don’t want to guess what else it might be.
The amount of fluid diminishes each time, my balls growing smaller with each crushing. Before she’s done, they’re just little raisins she squishes between thumb and forefinger.
She lifts herself off my cock, which is still over-inflated and as hard as a tree trunk. As she turns around and kneels by my side, I can see the change in her and it is amazing. Her body isn’t sere but full, literally fleshed out; her skin tone is no longer an unnatural paper-white, but rosy and flush.
Her hands are warm and moist now as she grips my cock and leans forward. I have only the briefest glimpse of her fangs before I feel them, tiny points of freezing heat penetrating the skin on the underside of my cock. The power of the suction of her mouth on me is shocking. My cock stays completely hard for a surprisingly long time before it finally begins to deflate, her head following it down, down, until at last she releases it, a shriveled peanut.
I wasn’t terribly concerned about the humiliating state of my manhood, though, given that I was dying. The only moment I can muster is a slight twitch of my finger; I feel a shadow-self (soul?) begin to sink out of my body.
She was standing over me, a strong, healthy young woman twirling her hair with a finger. Instead of plainly visible ribs, she has a cutely plump belly over a dark wedge of pubic hair, her behind jiggling as strolls around the place, her curiosity apparently restored as well. My vision is starting to spot and cloud when she returns. She kneels next to me, cradling my head, working a stiff pink-brown nipple into my mouth. She starts the sing-song chanting again and gives her enormous torpedo breast a squeeze, squirting sticky wetness into my mouth. Each mouthful brings me further back; when she lays my head down I’m exhausted but firmly connected to life again. She strokes my head and I’m aware that the storm is still raging outside. The lightning flashes again and she’s gone. I try to get up, falter, instead falling hard and fast into unconsciousness.

I wake in bed. The images are sharp and vivid in my mind. Abruptly, I throw the covers back and yank my underwear down. All is well.
Relieved beyond words, I roll my legs out of bed, trying to recall exactly which combination of illicit substances I had abused the previous night. Anything that conjured such a bizarre dream had to be recorded and avoided – or retried.
I shuffle to the bathroom, the familiar pressure down below. I yawn, grateful it’s not a work day, heedlessly draining myself into the toilet. A dream that fucking weird, I decide, should be avoided in the future. It’s just a little much.
I reach to flush and stop short.
The toilet is full of blood.
Skin prickling on the back of my neck, I start giggling, but it doesn’t turn hysterical until I turn my penis and find the two sharp, red dots underneath

Meet The New Army

The auditorium was filled with a hundred nervous soon-to-be-former civilians. They eyed the uniformed women stationed near the exits with a mixture of lust and apprehension; the appearance inspired the former, the attitudes the latter. Like every new batch of recruits throughout history, these were wondering just what the fuck had happened that they found themselves here.
At the front of the auditorium, six men entered, nude, in single file, nude. They marched to a point where the group was centered behind the podium, then turned with military precision (what else?) and stood at attention. Their genitals were tightly bound, penises fully erect; their pubic hair was gone, tattoos reading Property US Army in its place.
The recruits knew well enough to stand and face front without prompting from the uniforms as another woman entered the room. Somewhat tall, she wore the casual working uniform of the New Army – a green cap, a T-shirt of the same shade, and Lycra shorts.
The uniform seemed a size or two too small on her ample proportions. Her breasts tested the simple cotton of the T-shirt and the shorts seemed almost painted on. It was an obvious choice in a society where female sexuality and authority were becoming synonymous.
She stood behind the podium and looked at the group. They didn’t look so very different from the others that had come through since Reorganization. Nervous, a bit disoriented perhaps, primarily in need of someone to show them a way for the world to make sense again.
She had the traditional army plan for that. Tell them loud, tell them crude, tell them simple – do your duty and let your superiors worry about everything else.
“Welcome, gentlemen”, she started amiably enough. “My name is Captain Amy Masterson. I am the commander of this company. As you are no doubt aware, the Army has been re purposed, like every other institution in our society. Therefore, the role of the soldier has been re purposed.
“You will not be called upon to bear arms against the armies of other nations. That era of human history has passed. However, as soldiers always have, you will still be in the service of the CUNT-ree”, deliberate annunciation, “you will be trained, you will learn to obey your superiors. Your superiors…will be anyone with tits.”
She paused. There were some light chuckles, some sounding a little forced That was about normal.
“That is the literal truth, of course. The Officer Corps is by definition female. There are no female enlisted troops.” It was amazing how many of them didn’t realize that. “You will respond to your superiors with enthusiastic deference; you will internalize unthinking obedience to females.” Some of them almost certainly would not; they were the future toilet cleaners and potato peelers, permitted to masturbate once a week under supervision. The best thing about that type was they were identifiable almost immediately and they were becoming steadily fewer in number.
“There is no time like the present to start the habit of obedience to your superiors, gentlemen. At this time, all of you will disrobe completely and I do mean completely. No wristwatches or headgear of any kind. Right down to your bare ass.”
Most of them knew this was coming; hell, it was why some of them were here. There were shocked faces here and there, but the ROTC cadets, college women mostly, were on them quickly.
Capt. Amy noted that this group was a bit older; mostly in their 30’s, so there wasn’t much weeping. Deemed unnecessary, redundant, incompetent, overpaid, or simply in a female’s career path in the outside world, they would become raw material in the New Regime, their minds and bodies molded to suit its purposes. She felt useful, damned useful, to be doing this work; what would be done with these men otherwise?
“You should know it is a myth that you will be punished for unauthorized erections in the Army. I don’t know how some of these urban myths get started. Your officers like hard cocks. We regard them as an expression of the desire to serve.”
Their officers also considered their erections to be playthings, discipline opportunities, clothes hooks, bookmarks, and who knew what all else, but Capt. Amy knew the boys would be finding that out soon enough. No need to get the poor dears all flustered until there was some kind of purpose to it.
Some of the faces were stoic, some clearly embarrassed, a few dazed and disoriented. One alone seemed angry and resentful, staring directly at her. She saw him without looking at him – about six foot, thick-trunked workman’s build, dark hair, striking eyes, and very, very erect. Interesting.
“I will now administer the oath of induction. Raise your right hand and repeat after me.
“I do solemnly swear to serve my country and uphold its laws…to obey the commands of my superiors…to learn and perform my duties to the best of my abilities…and that I will adapt my attitude and behavior to my role in the New Regime, so help me God.”
She paused, waiting for the last arm to drop.
“Congratulations, gentlemen. You are all now members of the US Army. I suggest you obey your officers.”
Capt. Amy left the auditorium, followed by her honor guard of six. There would be some time before she had to address the battalion again; more than enough time for her to have her privates present their privates.

In the auditorium, the ROTC cadets had taken over. A set of double doors had been opened on one side of the auditorium and the recruits were being herded through. The riding crops were also making their first appearance.
“Form two lines! Form two lines out the doors!”
“C’mon, now, which part of two lines don’t you get?”
“Not so close! Keep your dicks out of each other’s asses. If you wanted to do that you should’ve joined the Navy.”
“Hey, you! Yeah, you. What’s your name, honey?”
“Form two lines!”
Through the doors were teams of barbers, working in pairs. The recruits were placed on a contraption which very closely resembled a gynecologist’s examination table. Stirrups held their feet wide apart; their buttocks were completely exposed and available.
The barbers worked at a frightening pace, trimming pubic hair away into piles on the floor, lathering the trimmed pubic area as well as their scrotum’s, perineal area, and buttocks; not the wispiest layer of down was left to cushion the blows they’d receive from their officers. The ‘Property US Army’ stencils were applied front and back in lime green, guaranteed to show up against any skin tone.
From there, they were directed to a room filled with bins of incrementally sized cock harnesses. The cranky woman with the hang-dog expression actually loved her job and was very good at it; there was just no percentage in letting a bunch of raw recruits see how much she enjoyed handling them.
“Lootennit”, she drawled, “they dicks is all hard.”
“So get the test tubes, Calloway,” a cadet answered.
Calloway was perfectly well aware of the test tubes; she just liked talking about dicks. She had a carton of test tubes and some markers.
“Just squirt it in here, boys, and write ya name on the side. Never can have too many samples”, she said with a throaty chuckle.
“I – you want me to do what?” asked a lanky redhead.
“Spank that monkey, soldier!” barked the cadet who left a stripe on his ass.
Calloway, amused, made a jerking motion with her arm. “I know you how, honey. Don’t be shy.”
Blushing furiously, the recruit held the test tube to the end of his cock and began to stroke. The others with erections followed suit; those without stood meekly as Calloway hefted their genitals in her hands appraisingly, then handed them each two harnesses.
“One’s a spare, but don’t lose t’other – those lootennits will smack you if you do.”
Of course, the lieutenants smacked them anyway, as that’s what lieutenants do, but the recruits appreciated even the slightest sympathetic notion.
It took some time for them all to come under Calloway’s gaze; the first recruits through the room cooled their heels for over an hour – the ‘hurry up and wait’ mentality of the army hadn’t changed. At length, they assembled in another auditorium-type of room, this one featuring low benches, spaced well apart.
The men milled about aimlessly, the instinct of waiting for the women to tell them what to do already asserting itself. The cadets checked their clipboards and began writing numbers on the recruits’ chests with red marker.
The time also allowed Capt. Amy to catch up, albeit with just four of her honor guard. Two of them, ravaged and unconscious, lay sprawled where she left them in her quarters. Feeling rather kittenish (ravaging two such brutes in such a short period of time was something of a feat, even for her) she put her game face on and entered the room.
She looked for ‘Blackie’, as she had dubbed him, and spotted him toward the back – just where she’d expect an attitude case to be. He was not openly defiant, but he completely lacked the meek, confused air of the others; this one was clearly in need of a hard hand, she thought. Just her type.
“You have a number written on your chest”, Capt. Amy called out. “If that number is one, come stand behind the bench front left. If it is two, bench front right. Three, the bench behind one. Four, the bench behind two, and so on.”
They managed it relatively easily, only a couple of them needing a cadet to pull them into place. Not bad for a hundred raw recruits.
“Get on your knees on the bench in front of you”, she projected. They obeyed with minimal hesitation. “Now put your hands on the floor in front of you.”
Now the hesitation was not minimal. A few of them simply weren’t well coordinated and almost fell off the bench. Rather more of them seem to sense what was coming and looked around as though they’d find a way out of it. No such luck; the cadets soon had them all positioned. Blackie, she noted, had stayed statue still, ignoring the promptings of his cadet, until every other male was in position. Only then did he comply, placing his hands on the floor smoothly, in complete control of his body. Oh, yes – just her type.
She paused, digging a whistle out of her pocket. This was a delicious moment – two hundred dangling testicles, two hundred quivering buttocks. She liked letting their predicament, the gender subjugation, soak in.
“You are about to receive your first lesson in the Army chain of command. You have been broken down into squads of five. Each squad has a squad leader. Squad leaders, introduce yourselves.”
She held the whistle to her mouth and blew five sharp staccato notes. The squad leaders, paddles in hand, brought down five sharps smacks on the ass of the recruit on one end of their bench.
Five more sharp staccato notes for the next recruit and so forth, until the squad leaders had been introduced to each of their new recruits. “Whenever your squadron leaders have taken the time to address your asses in this way, you are to thank her. You say, ‘Ma’am, thank you, Ma’am!’ Say it now, say it loud!”
The few half-hearted ‘thank you’s she heard were scarcely better than silence.
“That sucked! Squadron leaders, introduce yourselves double time!”
This time it was ten blows of the whistle, the paddles swinging with an intensified vigor. The sound filled the room.
“And now you say -“
“That’s what I like to hear! Now then – each pair of squadron leaders reports to a patrol leader. Her rank is Second Lieutenant. \\Lieutenants, introduce yourselves to your patrols.”
Each Lieutenant introduced herself to her ten-man patrol, ten times each. Their patrols bawled out their thanks in unison, quite enthusiastically. Capt. Amy felt very confident that Blackie was just mouthing the words and not actually making a sound.
Next came the platoon leaders, four First Lieutenants. Each delivered ten each to her twenty -five recruits, some of them whimpering by the time she was finished. Names were taken.
Capt. Amy now stepped away from the podium, taking her small strap from a peg on its side. She motioned to one of her honor guard, the blond, who stepped forward.
“Company ten-HUT!”
The recruits were put back on their feet, a few of them none too steady. Blackie, of course, stood straight and scowling.
“I am your company commander”, Capt. Amy lifted her voice to them. “I will now proceed with the last of our introductions. This is how it’s properly done.”
Her blond, cock as stiff and straight as his spine, saluted smartly.
“Private Loyal Anderson, ma’am!”
He spun and bent over.
“Note the position the private has taken”, Capt. Amy directed the group. “Insides of his feet shoulder-width apart, grasping his shins just above the ankles, knees slightly bent. You will assume this position when I approach. This way, you see, I can get at your balls.”
Pvt. Anderson was wearing the same type of harness as the recruits, forcing his testicles away from his body, dangling and vulnerable. Capt. Amy grasped them and pulled them back between his legs.
“I am charged by the Army to ensure that you have two intact testicles when you enter the Army, and that your testicles are still intact when you leave. I will test first one thusly -“
She brought the end of the strap down smartly on Pvt. Anderson’s left testicle.
“Ma’am, thank you, Ma’am!”
“Then the other.”
“Ma’am, thank you, Ma’am!”
“It is imperative that you acknowledge otherwise I cannot know that your balls are still attached! We commence – now!”
The first recruit, eyes wide in horror at being first, looked at his squad leader. She responded by laying her crop across his ass.
“Obey your orders!”
“Private Harlan Papelu, Ma’am!”
He spun, nearly fell over, then steadied himself. Capt. Amy held her hand over his ass, still radiating heat from meeting his many superiors, before pulling his testicles back and giving each one a healthy swat, his buttocks clenching. Much to his own relief, Pvt. Papelu cried out a ‘Ma’am, thank you, Ma’am!’ at the appropriate time.
“Remain in position.”
She proceeded to greet the other members of his squad, then excused them to their squad leader, eyes watering, reddened buttocks jiggling ever so slightly.
She moved quickly through the company, saving Blackie for last.
He was smart; he calculated his hesitation to within a millisecond of insubordination, then assumed the position.
“Private Monty Briggs, ma’am.”
Spoken rather than yelled. His squad leader laid one across his exposed buttocks and raised her arm for another, but Capt. Amy held up her hand to stop her.
She cupped his balls in one hand, laying the other one over the top. They were spongy and warm and a bit outsized, and she flattened them between her palms, slowly, by degrees.
Pvt. Monty Briggs exhaled after a minute or so, a bit raggedly, but the rest of his body held steady. She released with her top hand, keeping them cupped underneath, and took up her strap.
“Ma’am, thank y-“
“Ma’am, th-“
A pause.
“Ma’am, thank-”, he winced in anticipation of a blow that didn’t come, “ma’am thank you ma’am!” he finished quickly.
Amy struck the other one rapidly, ignored his ‘thank you’ and reached for his cock.
It was fully, completely engorged.
I knew it.
She pulled his erection back between his legs, gave it a very solid swat, then released it to thwack! against his belly She gave the squad leader a meaningful look; the younger woman nodded.
“Be all that you can be, Private”, she said before walking away to gather up her honor guard as the squad leader bellowed at her charges. “I love this fucking job”, she whispered to herself.

What A Difference A Day Makes

Part1- intro

The expensive suite and real tan walked into the secretary pool, a 10 lady team of expert typists doing the bidding of just one man, that man is Tobias Jonathan Dales jr III. He thought he was the business, he had the houses, the cars, the trophy wife and enough after hours special attention to make a pop star jealous. Yes he is the rising prince of the company and in a few years due to be king of Steel-Wade Smith Merchants the third biggest of its kind. He was a impressive really, soon 46 years and already a senior vice chairman, but it had cost him so much, he wouldn’t allow his wife the children that she had wanted (even had a painful op to make sure, but keeped it to himself and blamed her followed by the odd slap) and generally it had turned him into a self obsessed pillock without manners or concern for anyone else Strolling into his department was always a good part of the day for him.

“Morning, sir” said no.2 (had numbered his secretaries he didn’t like them and often would let them know has such)
“Shut your silly looking mouth and get me my coffee, then get back to work you ugly shrek extra” was his only reply which he gave with such relish he would make a personnel note of that put down, it amused him.

Tobias rounded the corner only to be greeted by his Personnel Assistant Richard Andrews, they both hated each other, and Tobias had been trying really hard for some while to get him fired or even moved on, it was so far proving to be very hard to get rid.

Richard was a different type of guy completely, he was famed for his niceness, in fact, never had a bad word for anyone, even had time to send the cards and donate to the office appeal to get the gifts, always personally felt moral was far more important than making himself look good. Oh yes Tobias really hated him, he was however very good at his job which meant he would only have to sign 3 pieces of paper and have a 4 hour company provided lunch break, life was good. And today was going to be very good has he would be receiving a new play thing secretary, he had conducted the prelim interviews and there had been just one who had stood out, she was half his age, blond with electric innocent blue eyes a filly for his amusement, oh life was good.

“So young Mr.Andrews has my secretary turned her rather splendid arse up yet” sneered Tobias, “She will arriving has told in approximately 30 minutes, i will be required to spend a hour briefing Miss Smith on company issues and policy with special…..”,“ shut up you stupid fool delay her has you must but by 1130 we SHALL be going to lunch, remember to book at the club, i shall personally brief her on my expectations, now give me the papers i require to sign, go tell No.2 to hurry with my coffee and do not disturb my working, chop chop”
barked Tobias (he loved to interrupting Richard who was a lot bigger physically than him gave him an extra mental inch or too) before turning and entering a separate office area for his secretary then onto his office, door was always slammed.

Tobias tossed the papers to the marble desk and carried on to the far side by the window, he stood there surveying the pathetic ants that scurried to there pathetic tasks, so unclean he thought to himself, turned and sat at his desk. The marble desk was huge could lay at least 4 people over it and still see the edges, but what was this a finger mark on his desk the cleaner would be feeling his wrathe for this. Then there was a knock on the double doors, he almost jumped with anticipation, “come in, come in Miss Smith”, the door pushed open “erm, sorry sir it is only Paula with the coffee”,Tobias was not happy anymore “well get it in here”. Paula crossed the office placing the coffee on the table and moved back. Quickly and very obviously Tobias lifted the cup and placed it squarely on the designer coaster then said in his normal sinister tone “i wished to speak to you any way Miss Towns, your interview to be my secretary was very good, you are 10 times qualified”,“thank you sir”,he took a small sip from his drink then continued “never interrupted me you stupid girl, you were unsuccessful due to your dismal appearance it offends my eyes and has for that cheap market perfume, well my cats litter tray is less offensive”. A slight pause another sip he then continued “Your coffee making abilities are one of your few redeeming features now if you feel you have to consider your current position with this company by all means, but we both now that the benefits and above average pay is a fair price for such a ugly women has you, so piss off and try not crack any of my mirrors on the way out”. Paula stood for a split second with pure hate in her heart “you are a little tosser and i will be only staying so i will one day see you grovel you ….”, loudly interrupted “Miss Towns i do not tolerate such talk from anyone, least of all a bag lady would be so i think you should clear your desk and remove yourself, unless you would like me to do so, NOW has i said trot on piggie” he stood up quickly, fingered the intercom “Andrews, please come in here”.

Richard entered and instantly read the situation, “Paula, please wait outside”, the broken Paula walked out of the office, “sir”,“that thing is fired, she will be gone at the close of the day…..she was too flirtatious and did not except the knock back reference her failed premonition with the spirit i expected” said Tobias, “But sir she is one of the best and is very popular with the girls” explained Richard. Tobias glared up from his desk,“in life decisions are made by leaders, they aren’t always popular, but i have made my decision which is not your position to question, are we very clear” their was a brief pause each sending a stare of hate “follow my orders,oh, and inform the evening cleaner that if my office is not correctly cleared she will also be finding a new job”. Richard left the office, finding Miss Smith comforting Paula, “i don’t mean to interrupt ,but could you and all your colleges please come into my office i have a brief for you all, please”.

The entire pool and lastly Miss Smith entered into Richards office. About 30minutes later the laughing and smiling group left the office and got back on with there work, even Paula seemed rather pleased!

At 1115 Tobias`s door was again knocked, Miss Smith opened the door and presented herself, “morning sir, you have instruction for me”, Tobias was upset with the entry but knew she would learn. The lady before him was stunning, a young princess of a lady who seemed somewhat familiar, the eyes so young so very beautiful, this play toy would make him very happy. “yes, yes, but let us go for a chat over lunch at a little club i know”, Tobias quickly signed the papers then stood up, instantly thought must stop her wearing heels has she was 4“ taller, but then again those calfs so elegant.

Tobias and Miss Smith left the department via the private lift down to the under ground car park and straight into a Limosine waiting and ready to roll.

The driver was cut off from them instantly, then the charm offensive was used, it was like a different man, the small talk and banter continued all the way to the Club Etiquette. “Hello Mr.Dale your favorite table is already please come through, sir” said by the slightly crawly matree dee with a sickly bow.
Tobias liked his table it was in a secluded area that he took all his toys, he instantly ordered for the both of them, making sure a liberal amount of posh potent wine was ordered, he found a bit of dutch courage never hurt in order to clench the deal. Small talk continued through out the starters and right up too the desert.

“Mr Dale i am not stupid, i am not qualified in any type of typing or secretarial work, i believe we both fully understand that, i assume my position is one of a personel nature, which i do not have a issue with but i expect you to have discretion” Miss Smith softly but firmly said. Tobias nearly choked on a ice cube from his scotch “well, i am in need of a secretary per say it goes with the job, but yes i in all fairness i… well you do…. ok i knew you had an attraction to me and i think you would improve my image in certain areas and if you have no issues with use having extra relations, well that would be mutually of benefit so to speak” he excitedly somewhat nervously and very queitly said. In a breif second he had realised he was truly blessed, the dream was about to come true a tart that under stood her place and accepted it.

The desert was a rushed affair and coffee was a not even throught of, this prize was going to be unwrapped has soon has possible, he had longed for it, hell he deserved it and he would be saviouring it very soon.
The drive back was again made instantly private, but this time full of innuendo and bravado boasting of past conquest, also how the company was his play ground, even included the firing of his last secretary due to his wife finding a lip stick mark on his bottom. He informed her discretion was always key, he had had to pay for therapy which he admitted had worked really well, he forgot to mention the regular beating he had issued out due to her making him look else where.

Within no time they was in the lift, up to the office and into his massive private lounge with has he informed her a rather splendid ensuite bathroom that had been the pools rest room before he saw fit to have it converted. Tobias went straight to the drinks cabinet and poured two very full glass`s of vintage scotch then went and sat on the overly big sofa with the already sat Miss Smith.

“Thank you Mr Dale may i just pop out and collect my bag from my desk” soft and seductively she said “why” somewhat a bit sharply.“

“Well i presume we are going to envelope on are relationship in the near future and a lady likes to be a bit fresher if you get my drift” very seductively explained. “oh yes yes of course, erm carry on” bit more sheepishly.

Miss Smith sprang up with a cheeky spin followed by a graceful hop all the way out of the lounge, how had he been so dam lucky this was better than any scenario he had ever played out, whilst contemplating this thought the intercom buzzer sounded, a rage of annoyance instantly replaced that happy thought. He moved to the intercom “this better be good, very good you little shit” he bawled into the intercom. “Yes sir, whilst you were at lunch new urgent paper work came directly from Mr Steel-Wade it needs your checking and signature” . This was just what he didn’t need, Miss Smith then again entered the lounge, “look Miss Smith i have some work to check and sign, so please stay i will be a hour or so” he informed her, “oh, ok, but i thought that fool Andrews checked the papers, could you not just sign whilst i get sorted in the bathroom….. then we could get on with that new relationship if you know what i mean” it was in the most seductive tone Tobias had ever heard, “ok i will see be back in 5 minutes, my sweet” he replied.

He re situated himself in his office were the paper work lay, pushed the intercom “Andrews have you checked every detail of this paper work” he urgently inquired, “of course, it is reference…..” “i don’t care you idiot, you can brief me tomorrow all the copies will be signed, come collect them in 10 minutes and make sure absolutely no one disturbs me again today” very annoyably.

He quickly signed each then performed a slight jog to get to his office, Miss Smith was still in the bath room, he downed his scotch and quickly poured a fresh one while undressing some what clumsily. The door to the bathroom slightly opened and a slender leg with suspenders and a black with silver high heel was exposed. Tobias instantly imagined if the leg was any thing to go by he would be romancing a goddess in a very short period, this made his boxers suddenly less roomy. “oh, Mr Dale i am going to treat you like you have never been before” she matter of factly informed him has she fully presented herself in the light from the bathroom.

She glided toward the trying to stand Tobias, stopping just short, from behind her back she revealed a pair of police style handcuffs, “i found these in the bathroom, throught i could use them on you whilst i use you then you wont be able to hurt me….. YOU being such a strong man” sweetly explained with a slight glint in her eyes. She was a goddess, by far the most sexy women he had ever seen, never mind had the chance to play with, he held his hand together in front of himself, “oh, no hands behind it will give you lift” quickly corrected. He turned round and put his hands behind himself, click click, she then floated around his shoulders until she was face to face then placed her lips next to his hear and whispered “it all changes today….”, in the same split second of confusion a ball shattering knee to the testicles was received. Pain, confusion and pure untold fear shot through ever cell of his body, “YOU PATHETIC JOKE FOR A HUMAN, TODAY YOU WILL BEGIN TO PAY FOR ALL YOUR SINS” she loudly informed him, quickly followed by another sharp kick to stomach. “now you just lay there whilst i go collect my other toys from the bath room, bitch, and please try to think of all the horrible things you have done has i know everything about you” this was sinisterly delivered followed by another swift kick. She then turned slowly giggling to herself and marched off to the bathroom.

Tobias was in a complete state of shock what, how, it was a nightmare of pain and where had it come from, he knew on one thing for sure he must get help, but how, ha the intercom. He still in unbelievable amounts of pain got to his knees, his genitals like a bag of hot coals roared with pain, tears were all ready trickling down his face, he managed to get to his feet still doubled over , he stumbled to the intercom button, just managing to bounce his head off the switch followed by “Andrews quick help…”. Tobias was suddenly pulled by his hair, thrown across the room , “now your going to get fucked you slag, help will be here in a moment and your only bitch will be the lesbian that uses you in jail” he yelled at the devil that towered over him.

She lowered her face near to his tear stained face “really”, at the same moment Richard burst in to the scene, “what the hell is going on here” he oddly inquired. Tobias smuggly but still struggling from the pain said “what`s it look like you arse hole, she forced me in here took my clothes then went mental, kicking me and hitting me, get the police so the bitch can rot in jail, your fucked slag”, Miss Smith then spoke softly “hi, hun, i was just educating this slime ball…… you now trying to get him to use some manners, come here you stud” with the flash of foot again kicked him in the balls while reaching for Richards tie pulling him close and kissing him passionately.

Richard looked down at the fool and tutted ” you had no idea, you stupid (quick glance at his semi exposed privates) little man, you will truly regret today“ he then punch Tobias in the side of the head. Pain was at the forefront of his entire being at this point, but the situation was even more agonizing, they know each other, the unanswered questions all flooding into his head it was almost has painful has the punch.

The pair hugged and kissed passionately with each other moving to the sofa, Tobias was semi conscious but could see Richard being undressed, the sounds of passion were all that could be heard, except perhaps Tobias quiet whimpers. By the time they got to the couch Richard was exposed full bar his briefs, Miss Smith then spoke with pure venom, “hey you piece of shit get on your knee and face me and this real man”, Tobias didn’t move, “if i have to come over there, your balls will be getting stamped on with this heel ”, the silver heel was waved at him off the once elegant black suspended foot. Tobias with all his remaining strength did has ordered, “at last he may be getting it” she said sweetly, she then got up and walked slowly over to Tobias, circling him a few times, stopping next to him. “Okay you jerk lets see what you have….get into a begging position like a dog” she then roughly pulled him up on his knee, whilst pushing his pants down to the bend in his knees, the pair started to tittered.

“Richard come over here and see this”, Richard stood up and walked up right in front of Tobias, saying nothing his expression said it all, “well Richard please do him a favor and show him a real cock….after he has never really seen one”, Richard paused for a second.

“Please Richard it makes me hot, very hot” she play fully teased, “sure babe”, he pulled his breifs down to his ankles and picked them up, “babe pass me them pants”. She then continued to wipe the inside of the pants all over Tobias`s face, focusing on his nose and mouth, Tobias was terrified this was the worst place or things that he could ever imagine. “Got to get all these girly tears cleaned up” this was spoken in a matter of fact tone.

The pants were then placed right over his head and lift to dangle around his neck, she then glided over to couch and laid down full length, “this Toad is how it will go, i will tell you to do some things and you will hop too it so to speak (a girly giggle), if you fail to follow my order, delay or do such order not to my satisfaction, well lets say your lovely wife will need to divorce a fellow female” she softly informed him. “Do you fully understand, bitch”, Tobias was numb he didn’t know what to say, that was all changed, when Richard delivered a long sweeping slap too Tobias`s face, “i would learn to answer when young Lady Steele-Wade Smith speaks to you” informed Richard. “Oh did i not mention i am Mr Steele-Wade Smiths little princess and our little conversation at lunch, in the limo etc is on this tape in my bag” a sweet tone was used “my family don’t like people who abuse there position, and oh what was it, oh yes use work has your playground, daddy would have your balls but if you do has your ordered, only i will use your balls, oh and maybe a few friends ” a final tone of utter victory.

“Today was the last day you ever had the chance to do the right thing you piss stain and from this day your my bitch, my little toy to use abuse and always remember to address me has Lady you little shit”

Cockold Mistress

I arrived at the appointed time, rang the doorbell, and waited for Mistress to let me. I was more nervous than usual because today was to be special. Today, Mistress would be playing a most unusual role; today, Mistress would be my wife.

When Mistress answered the door, she was dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt. It was what I might have expected from my wife on a sunny fall afternoon. She smiled at me knowingly and said, “Hi, honey. You’re home from work early. Are you excited about tonight?”
“Oh yes, dear,” I responded. I’m not sure that my voice had the right enthusiasm. I was nervous as hell and I wanted to get this right. I was there for “my wife’s” pleasure, not mine.
“Come on then,” she said turning toward the stair, “I’m going to need your help getting ready.” We walked downstairs to her “dressing room” and I left her tribute on the side table as she locked the door behind us.
“You are such a sweet hubby,” she intoned as she smiled at me. The smile was just a little wicked and told me that her comment was not one of respect. “I love that you like to help me get ready to go out. It’s so much more fun when you help me choose my clothes and pamper me before a big night of partying.” I was warming a little at the enthusiasm in her voice. I knew that my wife did truly love this part and it made me want to please her even more. “Do you love me, sweetie?”

“Oh god yes I love you. You are the best,” I responded. It felt genuine. It hadn’t taken long for me to fall in line and accept Mistress in her role as my wife. “I so much want you to be happy. It always makes me feel good to share your joy and pleasure.”
“I love you too, sweetie. And tonight I’m going to show you just how much. I am going to give you everything you want and then some.” I smiled guiltily. I knew what she meant and I knew what was coming next.
“You know you are a really special husband.” Her words made me blush. “There are so few guys who would do for their wives what you do for me. And you not only do it but you enjoy it.” At her own words, she laughs. “You take such good care of me and I love you for it. I also love to hear you say it. Tell me what you’re going to do for me tonight. Please?” She wasn’t begging; it was a tease.
“Well I’m going to help you get ready to go out tonight.”
“Oh you can do better than that. Tell me what we’re going to do tonight.”
I gulp slightly. In most of our years of marriage, she had treated this part of our relationship as something personal and private. I knew what she had been doing but it was unspoken. Recently, though, my “wife” had gotten bolder and now I was expected to be an active participant. I swallowed hard, but my words came out as barely more than a whisper, “I’m going to help you get ready so that you can go out and fuck your boyfriend.” Her laughter made me feel two feet tall. She knew she had me. “That’s right,” she said. I was glowing bright red. “I’m going to go out with a man who can do what you can’t. Think about it, sweetie. I love you but that little cock is useless to me. But you manage to take care of me anyway, don’t you?”

I knew she was right. There was barely enough cock to put into her and when I just kept popping out she had decided it just wasn’t worth the trouble. She was okay with me using my fingers and my tongue to get her off but she needed more. So I didn’t resist when she started dating other men. The way things evolved just seemed natural. I smiled weakly and said, “Yes ma’am I will always take care of you. That includes helping you get the kind of sex you need and want.”
Her laughter spoke volumes. She loved me but she knew I was hers to use. “So what does that make you, sweetie?”
“That makes me a wimp and a sissy and a cuckold,” I choked out. I knew it but it was still hard to say.
“Whose wimp are you?”
“I’m your wimp, ma’am. I’m yours to use anyway you want to. I’ll do whatever you want to make you happy. What would you like me to do you for you now?”
“Well for starters, you can get out of those clothes. Those are a man’s clothes. You’re not a man are you?
“No, I’m not a man” my reply was tinged with shame.
“Prove it,” she chuckled.
I took off my shirt and lay in on the settee and then kicked off my shoes. Looking at my feet, she asked, “Now what are those?”
I wasn’t wearing socks and the feet of my panty hose shown below the hem of my jeans. “Those are panty hose,” I admitted.
“Oh you are my sissy boy aren’t you?” she giggled, “Okay, off with the pants.”
I unbuckled the belt and let my jeans drop to the floor. Kicking them aside I stood there in just the panty hose, my panty hose, as she stared at my crotch.
“Good sissy, I see you haven’t tampered with my property.” She was looking at the locked cage on my cock. “It’s so small and useless I wouldn’t want you wasting any time playing with it.” Even as she said this I felt myself shrivel inside the device. Jerking off was the only way I might satisfy myself but she figured my time was better spent focused on her. “Now why don’t you help me get ready for my date?” “Yes, ma’am,” was all I could muster.
“Help me out of these clothes,” she instructed as she started to pull the sweatshirt over her head. Standing behind her I took the sides and pulled upward as she let it slide off her body. Pulling her arms out, I took it and set it on the table. With little make-up and an everyday plain white bra holding her ample breasts, Mistress was the spitting image of my wife. The illusion was complete. “Fold it properly,” she instructed, and I proceed to make a neat package of the garment. “Now the jeans.”
I fumbled to unbutton and unzipped the tight jeans. “Don’t get too excited and don’t touch,” she stated firmly, “there’s nothing there for you, sissy.” Carefully, I hooked a couple of belt loops and started to slide the jeans down her legs. Sitting down on a side chair she lifted her legs. “Remove them,” my “wife” demanded. Kneeling, I slipped off the sandals she was wearing and pulled the jeans off her legs. Not needing to be told a second time, I carefully creased and folded them and set them with the sweatshirt.
Wearing only the plain bra and a mismatched pair of bikini briefs, the vision of my wife sat there and raised one foot. “Massage it,” she commanded. Kneeling again in front of her, I took her foot and began to message her lovely appendage. When she switched feet so that I could message the other she saw me take an extra breath. I was intoxicated by her aroma. The fragrance of her feet was mixed with her bodily smells of sweat and sex. I am sure she had been masturbating before I arrived. “You like that don’t you? Get your nose in there and smell them.” I put my face to the sole of her left foot and breathed in deeply. She giggled.
“It certainly doesn’t take much to make you happy does it?” She was right, I was in heaven.
“No ma’am,” I replied between deep breaths that pulled her scent into my nostrils.
“Clean them.” I looked at her confused; there was nothing to wash with close by. “With your tongue, silly wimp,” she laughed again. Her amusement was contagious and I was pathetic; I gave her a silly grin and began to run my tongue over her bare foot. “Suck my toes clean, too!” One by one, I took her toes into my mouth and swirled my tongue around each of them. When I was done with that foot, I repeated the procedure on her right foot. As I sucked on her big toe, she shocked me with her comment. “You are very good at that sissy boy, I bet you would like to suck a cock, wouldn’t you? I didn’t and I shook my head no.
“Oh come on. I do it all the time. Just not yours. Suck on my big toe like it’s a hard cock.” I was about to resist when she followed up with an imperial, “Do it!” Putting her toe back in my mouth, I gently move my tongue around. “No, no.” she implored, “do what I do. Give that cock nice long strokes in and out.” I began to bob my head up and done on her foot moving from the tip to the base with my lips, sucking hard as I moved up the shaft of her toe. Laughing again, she chortled, “Good sissy, good girl, that’s the way to do it. You’ll be ready when I bring you the real thing. Tell me you want it!”
I was about to say no but thought twice about it. I’m a sissy and this is what my wife says wants me to do. So I complied, “Yes, I want it.” “Oh, you can do better than that. Tell me in all the detail what you want and what you are going to do. And I want to hear lots of enthusiasm.” She had one hand resting on her breast and with the other she was tracing small circles on the front mound of her panties. I wanted to panic and reject the images in my head, but clearly this was turning her on and I didn’t want to deny her.
Slowly at first, I told her, “I want you to bring me a guy with a big cock to suck.” She smiled as I paused to consider the words I had just spoken. I may have thought about what it would be like to suck another man’s cock but I had never uttered those words out loud before. “I want him hard and wet from fucking you.” I not much of a man I remember; so what the hell.
“Yesssss!” She hissed. Her hand was moving faster.
“His cock will be a lot larger than mine and he’ll stretch my lips as I suck up and down on the shaft with the head completely in my mouth.” It wasn’t something I wanted to happen but my little cock was swelling and making the cage bob. She notice and giggled.
“Well that certainly turns you on! Tell me what he does.”
“He puts his hands on my head and begins to fuck my face. He’s too big so I put my hand around his shaft to make him feel good. I know that you will like to watch me jerk him off and it will keep him from trying to put his monster down my throat.” “Good girl. You learn quickly. Don’t you just love sucking cock? Tell me you do.”
“Ummmm,” I moan. In my head I’m getting into it. I take her foot and hold it like his cock and begin to make vigorous sucking and pumping motions. Pausing, I managed to say, “Yes, I love it. I love sucking cock. I want to feel him cum in my mouth.” I go back to my sucking. In my hand I feel her foot go rigid and she pushes it into my mouth, hard.
“Suck it. He’s cumming in your mouth. Moan like a horny sissy slut.” I moan in earnest. I am lost in the mixture of humiliation and hedonistic pleasure. Pleased with my performance, she pulls her foot out of my mouth.
“God you’ve made me hot. I need to get fucked so badly,” my “wife” says. She is my wife. Any pretext of role playing is gone. “Sit there and help me decide what to wear.”
My wife gets up from the chair. She is strikingly beautiful even in her boring everyday underwear. She walks over to the table and picks up a lingerie set. It’s black and lacy, a low-cut bra that would barely contain her, with a matching garter belt. She has a red thong and the stock tops are tinged with red as well. “Don’t you wish I would wear something like this for you?”
I know the right answer. “Oh, no! That’s too good for me. You should wear it for your dates. It will get them really turned on. It turns me on just thinking about it and but I would be a waste of your time.”
“Yes, I’m afraid you are right. Seeing your little thing get hard would just make me laugh. This outfit is for getting the big dogs panting. Too bad for you, sissy boy. But let’s look at some other choices and you can choose for me I want something to make my guys really hard before I suck cock.”
She proceeds to hold up several alternatives, including a 50’s style foundation garment. The bra and girdle and bottom are all one piece and there are hooks on the back for closure and hooks on the crotch for access. Nylon stocking tabs dangle from the bottom. Oh god, I want to see her in that and she knows it. My dicklette is throbbing again. In the end, I choose the black lace with the red thong. “Why didn’t you choose the fetish wear?” she asks. She calls it that because no woman in their right mind would wear that stuff today except for its effect on poor pathetic wimps like me. I would wear it. She knows that too. Once I conceded to her that it turned me when she fucks other men, everything unraveled. I had to tell her about my cock cage and ball stretcher and show her my own collection of lingerie. Now she was using my kinks to control me. She was most amused to discover that her infidelity was my biggest thrill.
I was into her preparation now. “I want you to wear something that will really turn your date on,” I encouraged. “You need something to get the juices of a real man flowing. You want to make him hard and hungry. That lace outfit will do the trick.”
She smiles at me. “Good answer! You do love me don’t you?”
“Yes dear, I do love you. I love you more everyday. And tonight I want you to get the fucking of a lifetime.”
“Oh I expect to,” she says calmly, “You will love this. I’m going out with two studs tonight. Think about it sissy. I get two and you get none.” Then she added, “Well, it won’t actually be nothing for you. My pussy will be twice as full when you’re down there with your tongue later on tonight.” She gives another one of her cruel laughs and says, “I bet you wait up for me! You’ll be so horny but you won’t be able to do anything about it until I get home. As your reward, I’m going to tell you all the juicy details … while you go down on me and clean me out.”
My heart is pounding. After letting me imagine all those secret liaisons, she is finally letting me on the details. I should be mortified. A normal man would have left her years ago. But I’m not a normal man. I’m a wimp and a cuckold. Her wimp. And it turns me on to think of her fucking and sucking handsome guys with big cocks. I take my satisfaction in knowing that she still comes home to me.
But we aren’t done yet.
“Turn around,” she says, “and put your hands behind your back.” Doing what she says, I feel the cuffs being placed on my wrists. “I don’t want you getting any ideas. And don’t turn around or you will be punished beyond your imagination. This would be something new for my wife; she was never into to discipline despite my efforts to encourage it. But I know the woman standing behind me is capable of intense cruelty. I am not going to tempt fate.
I hear the rustling of clothing behind me. I imagine that she has removed her day underwear and she is naked. It has been so long since I have seen her completely naked but as much as I want to I don’t dare look. Behind me she says, “Say ahhhh.” Doing as I’m told she reaches around and shoves something in my mouth. I realize immediately from the taste and smell that she is gagging me with her panties. It’s just one more humiliation. She knows that the more she torments me the more I want it. I feel a leather strap being added to hold the wad of cloth in place. I’m sure I feel a naked breast against my back as the strap is cinched tight. She says she’s tired of listening to my pathetic whining talk. She’ll do the talking from now on. “Do not turn around,” she commands. I obey.
I can hear more rustling and shifting. She is certainly taking her time. When she tells me I can look, I turn and see her standing there. She has on the black outfit with the red thong. The stockings attached to her belt make her legs look like a million dollars. She has put on her trademark red lipstick; a color that says fuck my mouth … if you dare. Only a real man would take that bet; she can cut the rest of us down to size with a simple glance. Her hair has been brushed and the fuck-me pumps nearly complete the outfit. All she needs is the dress. But she’s in no hurry. We have time before her date arrives. My wife is happy to use the time to play with me.
“Let’s see that pathetic dick of yours. Take off you pantyhose.” My hands are still cuffed behind my back and she laughs hysterically at the dance I do trying to get them down and off. I grunt and moan through the panty gag. And that makes her laugh harder. The exertion makes me salivate and that makes the panties even wetter. I can taste her in my mouth. Now I am sure she has masturbated before I got “home.” She wants me to know exactly what I am going to be missing. Silently, I thank her. I am pathetic.
With the pantyhose gone, she reaches for the combination lock that holds the cage pin in place. Turning it to 0-0-0 it opens for her. She removes the cage and the pin but leaves the cock ring in place. I know that this is only a temporary reprieve. “Look at that thing,” she says, “I marry a great guy who is smart and takes care of me, but he’s got nothing useful between his legs. You know that don’t you!” Her tone is demanding of an answer and I nod my gagged head to offer a sad yes. “You know that’s why I have to fuck other men, don’t you?” For awhile, she went through a period of feeling guilty, but that didn’t stop her from needing it, or getting it. Now that she knows I’m her willing cuckold, she wants my affirmation to assuage her guilt. This time I nod my head more vigorously. I want her to be happy; I don’t want her to feel guilty. “I fuck them to help you; isn’t that right?” I try my best to smile with the gag in my mouth and make an, “uh-huh,” sound. “You want me to do it, don’t you?” Another “uh-huh.”
“You know what else I have to do, don’t you?” Again, I know what’s coming. “Nod your head if you understand.” I nod. “You want this don’t you? I nod. “I wouldn’t need to fuck other guys if you had a real cock. You’re a great guy and I love you but your cock is useless.” She gives it a swat with her open hand and the sting resonates through my body. My “uh-huh” has a little higher pitch this time. “Your cock is the problem and we need to punish it. You understand that don’t you?” Again I nod my head. I hate my little cock. I want her to punish it. Then I hear her chuckle again. “I’m going to enjoy this.” I think torturing my dick gets her even hotter for her date. It certainly lets her take out her frustration with my inability to service her properly. She goes to work with her CBT tricks, squeezing my balls and whipping my cock. For the next half hour clothes pins and vibrators alternate with whips and ice and lotions. The taste of her panties turns me on and makes me hard for her treatment. Those same panties muffle my screams when the torture becomes too much. At some point she puts ear buds in my ears and blindfolds me. I am listening to gothic organ music drown out my thoughts in the medieval dark. I have no idea what is coming next. She never fails to surprise me. She wants me to know that it’s all the fault of my cock. If I had been a real man, she wouldn’t need to go elsewhere for an orgasm. She’s not punishing it … we are. I want her to do this as much as she enjoys doing it.
Occasionally the pleasure of the pain brings me close to my own orgasm, but she always stops short. I don’t give her orgasms with my cock, why should she give my cock any she figures. We agree that what makes her happy is my encouragement to fuck other men. The more my cock suffers the less useful it is. Punishing it before she goes out seems to help justify her dating for both of us. When she’s done I don’t feel like I want to fuck anyone or anything. My own hand isn’t appealing. She’s horny, I’m useless; we both know she needs a real man now. But she’s just getting warmed up for the night. This is a big turn-on for her. She’s ready for hands on her breasts and deep tongue kisses. She wants to suck a cock … a couple of cocks … and fuck until the orgasms won’t stop. Tonight she tells me, pulling an ear bud from one ear, she’ll have a cock in her pussy and another in her mouth. Thinking about it makes her hot and she punishes my useless dick with gusto. I feel ice against my cock and balls. I shrivel up into my usual nothingness. She takes off the blindfold and removes the ear buds. Picking up the pin and cage from the table she reassembles it around my limp dick. Holding the lock she turns the hasp around and pushes down. Then she spins the dials for the combination. This is the reset position. She doesn’t bother to look at it; she just hooks it through the pin, locks it in place, and gives the dials another spin. I was on the honor system when I came “home” with the 0-0-0 setting but now I have no idea what the combination is. Neither does she. She chuckles at the startled look on my face.
“You don’t need it anyway,” she’s smirking again. My eyes readjust to the light. Damn, she’s beautiful. And in that underwear, she is eroticism personified. “How would you feel about having it removed?” she asks looking at my crotch. “Get rid of some hair, well a lot of hair, put you on hormones, and we could make a passable woman out of you. You are more like a sister or a girlfriend than a husband anyway.” Outwardly, I am horrified. But inwardly there is a certain appeal. Right now, battered and caged, I don’t feel any masculinity down there. “Instead of being a woman with a sissy boy husband, we could be a couple of sexy girls out picking up guys.” She has removed the leather strap and pulled the damp panties out of my mouth. “Do you like that idea? Tell me how much you want it.”
She is pulling on the sexiest leather dress over her naughty lace undies. I should be turned on but instead my emotion is jealousy. And not jealousy of the guys who will fuck her tonight; I’m jealous because I want to be in her shoes. Lost in my thoughts, I blurt out, “Oh god yes that would be wonderful. I want to be a woman just like you.”
Her laughter is genuine now. She is thoroughly amused. She has extracted the ultimate confession.
She steps out of character and is again my Mistress. “Get dressed sissy boy. I can see why your wife likes to fuck other men, but she must really love you to keep coming home. She doesn’t want a girlfriend, she wants a husband. You better take good care of her, not get jealous if she does fuck other guys, and be thankful for whatever she gives you.” Picking up the panties off the settee, she hands them back to me. “Here’s a present for you, put these back in your mouth and don’t take them out until you get home.” I wad them up and force all the material back into my mouth. They are cold and damp now, but they are still rich with her scent.
“Good luck with that cage. If you don’t get it off before your wife gets home, your wishes may just come true. As for the panties, I have worn those during the day for the last couple of days. I’m sure that they are full of my juices, some piss, and my boyfriend’s cum. Knock yourself out.” She’s still laughing as the door closes behind me. If she reads this she’ll know I sucked on those panties all the way home. I knew I was tasting Mistress, but in my mind the juice and piss and cum were those of my well-fucked wife.

The Baroness

knew that I was in for a rough time as soon as her hulking bodyguard slugged me into unconsciousness outside the embassy gate after she had me ejected for snooping around. I had almost discovered the secret of her arms dealing apparatus , and then she had turned the tables on me……………….Baroness Fontaine now had me in her grasp.

I was hauled to her penthouse, where I was stripped , tied to a chair, and had electrodes attached to my penis and testicles. as I awaited my fate, the Baroness strutted coolly into the room.her bodyguard placed a plush love seat in front of me and she regally sat down. she was attired in a gold lame robe and matching turban. her tanned, sexy body was practically on display, as the robe was loosely tied. on the table next to her was her cigarette case, a gold cigarette holder, and an ornate crystal ashtray. there was also a switch box that was attached to the electrodes on my groin. her bodyguard produced a lighter upon seeing that she was placing a thin brown cigarette into the holder. she exhaled a thin stream of scented smoke into my face, and her bodyguard slammed his fist into my face. the Baroness chuckled lightly at my pain, and asked me what I was doing at the embassy. I instinctively kept my mouth shut, as I had been trained to do in the event of torture. she peered into my eyes, trying to gage my tolerance for pain. she told me how interesting the testicles were, that they were the cause of the greatest pleasure. she inhaled and blew more smoke into my face, telling me that they were also the source of the greatest pain. she then pressed the button on the switch box at her side with the mouthpiece of her cigarette holder. waves of untold agony surged through my body, accompanied by the Baroness’ evil chuckling. she instructed her bodyguard to bring her a glass of champagne, as it seemed like she and I were in for a long, nasty session. three hours later, when I was pitifully sobbing over my devastated testicles and begging her to kill me , I agreed .the Baroness then instructed her bodyguard to draw her bath, as she was going upstairs to sexually enjoy her girlfriend and would be back down in about five hours to continue my destruction. as the hulking bodyguard left, she stood and slowly ground out her cigarette on my tortured penis. I merely accepted this additional pain as part and parcel of what remained of my pitiful life. the Baroness was now my Deity, having the power to decide on a whim the moment of my merciful demise. I could hear the click of her heels on the hardwood floor as she strutted away…….

Mr. Johnstone secretary

Sitting alone in his darkened office, his large desk only lit by a small lamp and the glow from his monitor, Mr. Johnson dutifully signed yet another document. Placing it on the small stack in his out box and pulling another from much larger stack from his in box. He couldn’t wait to finish the seemingly endless stack of paperwork before him. He knew his wife would be waiting for him at home. She had winked at him as she kissed him goodbye this morning and told him tonight would be special. It seemed as though it had been forever since… Clack, clack, clack. The echoing sound of heels on the hard floor of the hallway were a common one to Mr. Johnson, but not this late at night. His thoughts about home now faded with the distraction. Soon the clacking had entered the room and approached his desk. “Alexandra, it’s late. You should go home.” Mr. Johnson said without even bothering to raise his head.

“I would, but I’m afraid that there is work here that needs to be done before I leave for the night.” Ms. Alexandra said in her usually soft demeanor.
“There’s nothing to be done here that can’t wait until tomorrow. Go home, get some sleep.”
As he raised his head he quickly noticed Ms. Alexandra was dressed rather strange. She was always a snappy dresser, very professional, but not tonight. Her short tight leather skirt barely covered the tops of her lace stockings, and her tight blouse barely concealed her black leather bra.

“I’m afraid this just can’t wait…” Her heels clacked on the floor as she walked around his desk and plopped herself into his lap.
“I’m flattered. I truly am, but I’m a married man.”
“I know.” she giggled.
“I have no intentions of sleeping with you.”
“Y-y-you don’t?” Mr. Johnson stuttered in confusion.
“No, I don’t. I know all about the belt your wife makes you wear.
All the girls know that bulge in your pants isn’t your manhood. Why do you think we’re always so giggly!” she taunted with a devious smile. Mr. Johnson’s face went pale as he heard her words and realized the repercussion of such rumors amongst the employees would undermine his authority. “I have no idea what you’re talking about” he quipped as he unsuccessfully tried to stand and push her out of his lap
“That’s funny, your wife does!” Alexandra’s words had struck a never as she pulled the key hanging from her necklace out of her blouse. “She told me all about your belt, how you can’t even get hard. *giggle* She also told me all about your little secretary fantasy too.” The soft coo of Alexandra’s words had caused Mr. Johnson to restlessly squirm in his chair beneath her. The fantasy she spoke of could only be one thing. But why would his wife share this with his secretary? His fantasy was the reason his wife had locked him in his cage in the first place…

“You remember don’t you? The one where your secretary would get under your desk. Slowly she would caress and fondle you while you’re on the phone to an important client. Soon those caresses and fondles would turn into kisses and licks, until finally she popped your raging hard cock into her mouth…” “We both know that isn’t going to happen though, don’t we.” she teased as she run a hand across his face. Mr. Johnson’s face had now become two shades darker than the pinkish red lipstick on her soft pouty lips. His cock raged harder against it’s tiny prison. He knew he should do something, say something, anything, but he couldn’t focus. His charm and quick wit had failed him, all he could think about was her. How her eyes were beautiful, her perfume sweet, and her soft voice drew him in. “We can still play a game though. You wanna be my secretary?” she said as she opened the drawer on his desk and removed the large dildo his wife had given him.

“She told me about this too!” Alexandra’s offer caused him a moment’s pause. He knew he couldn’t, he’d have to face all the women in the building in the office come Monday morning. The rumors about the belt would be bad enough. Knowing that every time they whispered and giggled that it was because … No, it was just to much

“I’ve never even seen that before. Now I better get home to my wife. She’ll be waiting for me.” He snorted as he went to get up. Alexandra hopped to her feet and watched as he headed for the door.
“Awww, that’s too bad. Perhaps another time…” Mr. Johnson paused with his hand on the door knob. He knew that tone in her voice all to well. He knew she hadn’t finished.
“Until then I’ll just have to keep the key your wife gave me. Don’t worry, she won’t really be disappointed. She figures it’ll be a few months before you succumb.”

He turned back to see her skirt on the floor. The dildo was now in her harness. A wicked grin had spread across her face, she knew she had won.

Sitting alone in his darkened office, his large desk only lit by a small lamp and the glow from his monitor, Mr. Johnson dutifully signed yet another document. Placing it on the small stack in his out box and pulling another from much larger stack from his in box. He couldn’t wait to finish the seemingly endless stack of paperwork before him. He knew his wife would be waiting for him at home. She had winked at him as she kissed him goodbye this morning and told him tonight would be special. It seemed as though it had been forever since… Clack, clack, clack. The echoing sound of heels on the hard floor of the hallway were a common one to Mr. Johnson, but not this late at night. His thoughts about home now faded with the distraction. Soon the clacking had entered the room and approached his desk. “Alexandra, it’s late. You should go home.” Mr. Johnson said without even bothering to raise his head.

“I would, but I’m afraid that there is work here that needs to be done before I leave for the night.” Ms. Alexandra said in her usually soft demeanor. “There’s nothing to be done here that can’t wait until tomorrow. Go home, get some sleep.” As he raised his head he quickly noticed Ms. Alexandra was dressed rather strange. She was always a snappy dresser, very professional, but not tonight. Her short tight leather skirt barely covered the tops of her lace stockings, and her tight blouse barely concealed her black leather bra.
“I’m afraid this just can’t wait…” Her heels clacked on the floor as she walked around his desk and plopped herself into his lap.
“I’m flattered. I truly am, but I’m a married man.” “I know.” she giggled. “I have no intentions of sleeping with you.” “Y-y-you don’t?” Mr. Johnson stuttered in confusion.
“No, I don’t. I know all about the belt your wife makes you wear. All the girls know that bulge in your pants isn’t your manhood. Why do you think we’re always so giggly!” she taunted with a devious smile.

Mr. Johnson’s face went pale as he heard her words and realized the repercussion of such rumors amongst the employees would undermine his authority.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about” he quipped as he unsuccessfully tried to stand and push her out of his lap. “That’s funny, your wife does!” Alexandra’s words had struck a never as she pulled the key hanging from her necklace out of her blouse. “She told me all about your belt, how you can’t even get hard. *giggle* She also told me all about your little secretary fantasy too.” The soft coo of Alexandra’s words had caused Mr. Johnson to restlessly squirm in his chair beneath her. The fantasy she spoke of could only be one thing. But why would his wife share this with his secretary? His fantasy was the reason his wife had locked him in his cage in the first place…

“You remember don’t you? The one where your secretary would get under your desk. Slowly she would caress and fondle you while you’re on the phone to an important client. Soon those caresses and fondles would turn into kisses and licks, until finally she popped your raging hard cock into her mouth…”
“We both know that isn’t going to happen though, don’t we.” she teased as she run a hand across his face.

Mr. Johnson’s face had now become two shades darker than the pinkish red lipstick on her soft pouty lips. His cock raged harder against it’s tiny prison. He knew he should do something, say something, anything, but he couldn’t focus. His charm and quick wit had failed him, all he could think about was her. How her eyes were beautiful, her perfume sweet, and her soft voice drew him in. “We can still play a game though. You wanna be my secretary?” she said as she opened the drawer on his desk and removed the large dildo his wife had given him. “She told me about this too!” Alexandra’s offer caused him a moment’s pause. He knew he couldn’t, he’d have to face all the women in the building in the office come Monday morning. The rumors about the belt would be bad enough. Knowing that every time they whispered and giggled that it was because … No, it was just to much.
“I’ve never even seen that before. Now I better get home to my wife. She’ll be waiting for me.” He snorted as he went to get up. Alexandra hopped to her feet and watched as he headed for the door.
“Awww, that’s too bad. Perhaps another time…” Mr. Johnson paused with his hand on the door knob. He knew that tone in her voice all to well. He knew she hadn’t finished. “Until then I’ll just have to keep the key your wife gave me. Don’t worry, she won’t really be disappointed. She figures it’ll be a few months before you succumb.”
He turned back to see her skirt on the floor. The dildo was now in her harness. A wicked grin had spread across her face, she knew she had won.
“Welcome home dear, I trust you got the key from your secretary?” Mrs. Johnson said with a smug grin as he walked through the door.

Story and Artwork Saucy ©

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