Want to find out more about polyamory?

Links aimed at therapists and health-care professionals who want to learn more about polyamory are at the bottom of the list. You can find an additional on site list of books to read on the  Poly bookshelf

Polyamory Weekly
Headquarters for the Polyamory Weekly Podcast, a weekly talk show on all things poly. Includes listener call-ins and interviews with many people in the poly community.

Alan’s List of Polyamory Events
Compiled by the same person who does Polyamory in the Media below, this is an often-updated list of polyamory-related conferences, workshops, and events going on all over the globe.

The Inn Between: Polyamory Pages
Essays, safe-sex articles, advice on “coming out” poly, and other resources for polyamorous people, written by a partner of mine.

Poly Group Registry A user-updated list of local polyamory social and support groups throughout the the world. If you’re looking for a local poly group, this is a good place to start!

Poly Events All Over
A user-updated list of polyamory-related conventions and events worldwide.

Love Is Infinite
Frank, open, personal blog about polyamory and poly-related experiences from the inside.

Polyamory Practically
Pragmatic, hands-on blog of poly-related information, such as polyamory and religion, polyamory and the law, and polyamory and children.

Dear Polly Amorie
Blog of a poly woman in Canada, covering everything from advice to legal matters affecting Canadian polyamorists.

Poly in Pictures
A polyamory-themed Web comic and blog, following the adventures of a poly stick figure.

Web site for the Tampa, Florida-based poly group.

Polyamorous Percolations
An extensive “portal site” containing articles, links, a poly message board, forums, and so on.

The Ordinary Extraordinary
A Weblog and journal of a polyamorous couple and their lives.

Poly Friend Finder
A dating and matchmaking Web site for people seeking honest, ethical non-monogamous relationships.

Polyamory Chat
Web-based chatroom for polyamory discussion.

Poly in the Media
This blog tracks references to polyamory and articles about polyamory in news media.

The Polyamorous Misanthrope
Rants, Raves and Polyamorous Edification for the Whole Family. An often-updated collection of essays on practical, no-nonsense, hands-on polyamory.
Loving More
The only nationwide magazine dedicated to polyamory, Loving More also hosts conferences and poly retreats throughout the country.

Polyamory for the Practical
Large and frequently-updated site maintained by the members of a long-term poly family. Includes a poly Web comic, and RSS feeds. Note: Still available but no longer updated.

Unitarian Universalists for Poly Awareness
A Web site an organization for Unitarian Universalists interested in polyamory; the UUPA also runs an email list.

Musings on Bisexuality, Polyamory, Jealousy, ActivismSome
clear, intelligent thoughts on polyamory, jealousy, and related issues.

Polyamory Index
The polyamory sextion of sexuality.org. Resources, writings, and so on.

Some Thoughts on Polyamory
A balanced, well-reasoned rant on the subject–if “balanced” and “well-reasoned” can be said to go along with a rant. Includes a bit of ranting on the subject of some people who claim to be poly but shouldn’t.

poly southeast
A Web site designed to foster increased communication, networking and support between polyamorous folks in the southeastern US.

Polyamory Society
News, information, discussion, and resources, particularly for people who aren’t necessarily poly but know people who are.

Polyamory.com Forums
A large, international online forum for people interested in polyamory.

Poly Meaning
A personal essay on what polyamory means, and the distinction between polyamory and swinging.

A poly-focused dating and forum site.

Site for PolyCamp NW, a large annual poly get-together.

Creating a Line-Family A site with information for folks interested in multigenerational line families.

Links of interest to therapists and other professionals

How to Educate your Therapist About Polyamory
Guidelines for talking to a counsellor or therapist about poly-related issues.

What Psychology Professionals should Know about Polyamory
PDF file put together by the NCSF to educate psychology professionals about polyamory.

Therapy with Clients who are Bisexual and Polyamorous
Written for therapists, this page discusses therapy in a bisexual and poly context.

Legitimizing Alternative Sexualities in Psychology
A short overview of the Community-Academic Consortium for Research on Alternative Sexualities (CARAS) and its role in helping therapists deal with non-traditional relationships.

Poly-Friendly Professionals
A searchable database of poly-friendly professionals of all sorts, from medical to legal to clergy.

Working with polyamorous clients in the clinical setting
Article published in the Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality about therapy involving clients who are in ethical non-monogamous relationships.

Many thank you’s for the links © Franklin Veaux – All Rights Reserved. More than two: Polyamory from a Practical Perspective

Related On site links: 

Polyamory – The basics of Poly
Polygamy – BDSM Relationships: Is Polygamy Compulsory?
poly_relationships – An Introduction to Polyamorous Relationships
Poly resources – Want to find out more about polyamory? Links also aimed at therapists and health-care professionals who want to learn more about polyamory
Poly bookshelf  -what’s on your poly reading list?

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