Margarite and bobbie 04

Of course I found out about all of this later, some of it from Ralph, but I also gathered a lot from what I overheard between the women as they conversed. They never paid any attention to me. I was like a lamp or a table. In fact I was often used as a foot stool by one or more of them when they relaxed over tea in the late afternoon. When they were comfortable they spoke very freely with no concern about how I might feel about what they were saying. It was one such afternoon noon when I found out about an important change in my life. I was on all fours in front of the chairs occupied by Margarite and Susan. both of them had their feet placed firmly on my back, while I supported the weight of both of their legs. this had gone on for about 45 minutes and my wrists were numb for lack of circulation. I couldn’t even feel the strapping tied around my balls because of the dull pain my shoulders and neck were generating because of my extreme fatigue.

“I’m sure that you will be careful with my property, Susan. You are one of my very best friends and, after all, you know Bobbie quite well and he adores you.” She pulled on the leash attached to my collar as she said this, pulling my tired, achy head towards them. I tried to smile as I looked at them. I glanced directly at Susan to see her reaction to what had been said and as I did so I could see a vibrant light within her bright blue eyes and a look of anticipation, which I could not mistake. I had been feeling a certain dread growing over the realization that Margarite was planning to loan me out to Susan. My love for my mistress is so profound that any suggestion that I might have to live without her was a devastation to me. But she had said many times that the time might come when I would have to prove my loyalty to her by serving some one else on a temporary or even permanent basis. She had told me that it might be another women, or even a man (though I really never believed the latter). It might even be someone she hardly knew, to pay off a debt or something. She sometimes would joke with me about the possibility of auctioning me off to raise money, and when she teased me this way, I generally thought nothing of it, even though there was occasionally a certain edge to her voice and an impersonal tone which would leave me with a feeling of uncertainty and vague fear. Because of these uncertainties it was a tremendous relief to know that I would be so close to my mistress and be able to see her and continue to serve her from time to time, that I would not be sold- only loaned; and that I would not belong to a stranger or have to put up with indignities from some homo in order to prove my loyalty to Margarite.

After I had cleaned up Susan’s kitchen and returned to the living room, Margarite and Dr. Pam were ready to leave. I was to stay with Susan, though I had taken none of my clothes or other possessions with me. As it turned out I didn’t have to worry about anything. As Margarite was saying goodbye to me, she explained that Susan had decided to provide everything I would be needing and had described it as “the least she could do considering the value of the property she was being lent.” Margarite gently stroked my hair as she explained all of this to me. When her face was so close to mine I always became weak. smelling her perfume, her make up and lipstick put me in a trance. In fact, I valued the time I spent close up to her, in her aura so much that I had trouble concentrating on anything else. She kissed me on the eye lids, on the nose, the cheeks and finally my lips. I felt her finger tips slip under my apron caressing my swollen nipples- sending shivers through my chest and weakening my knees beneath me. My head was swimming in confusion and I was trembling meekly. Because she so seldom kissed me at all, this experience was especially magical for me. It filled me with a conviction to serve her loyally through my service to Susan. As her softly spoken words died away in my consciousness, I could feel her removing the collar I had worn for the last three years from around my neck. Turning me around with a gentle touch on each of my shoulders she presented me to Susan, who placed a new collar there, one which felt unfamiliar and a little uncomfortable. By this time I good feel a tear descending out of each of my eyes and traveling down my cheeks. As Margarite said her final good bye I could hear her voice catch with sadness and maybe a touch of regret. but this was very brief. The three women returned to a busy rush of good bye talking characteristic to their sex and again I had become part of the furniture. Reassuming a demure slave-like position near the door I began to wonder what it would be like living in this new place, with a new mistress to command me. Would she stroke my nipples until a drop or two of cum pushed its way out of my penis? Would she slap me as hard and as authoritatively as Margarite? Would she punish me? And if so, how? I didn’t even consider the possibility that I might be permitted to have intercourse with her, her image was so far beyond any hope I had in my own sexual identity.

I watched Susan, as she slowly closed the door after the departure of her dear friends. She was five feet nine inches tall without heals and had well formed long, languorous legs that pushed up against a taught set of very sexy buttocks. Her breasts I remembered as being about as perfect as any could be. Uniquely uplifted, they were unusually blessed with large erect nipples that seemed to point slightly upward as they bounced along atop their swollen spheres.

“On your knees Bobbie, crawl to me.” I did as I was told. “When you get to my feet, you may lick them.” This was already something new. Margarite had liked to have her feet kissed and her toes licked but always with her shoes off. It was clear to me that Susan had no intention of taking hers off. With her high healed boots on she was over six feet tall and towered above me, a vision of sexual dominance in black slacks and a white blouse that barely contained her incredible breasts. As I began to kiss and lick her boots I felt a rush of excitement and felt myself becoming erect. I was once again in a perfect place at a perfect time with a perfect person doing a perfect thing. I was like a pet who had been moved to a new home with a loving owner. Provided with the necessities of life and the dedicated task of serving my new mistress I was as happy and devoted as a well trained dog might be. In the days and weeks to come I would often think of Margarite, enjoying the memory of the time we had spent together; specific events that had showcased her dominance over me or my servitude to her, would float before my eyes and provide me with refreshing thrills of submission as I realized their shameful significance. But I had much to learn from my new mistress and much to hope for in the way of intimate privileges. Would I ever be allowed to touch those gorgeous breasts of hers? Would she order me to kiss her lofty buttocks? And wouldn’t it be like a trip to heaven if she were to allow me to place my tongue on her precious clitoris and inhale the musk of her exalted cunt while I labored away the hours in sacred duty. I well remembered Margarite’s experiments and demonstrations when I was shown off as a pussy slave, but those moments were not the private intimacies of love and I was a little frightened about what could happen to me in the presence of Susan’s sexual power.

These were the dreams I savored night and day as I worked for the beautiful Susan. I especially enjoyed washing and ironing her expensive lingerie. Most of it required hand washing and careful treatment with a cool iron. As I handled each item I thought of its rightful place on her warm and sensuous skin, I thought of the scent that was uniquely hers. I had vivid memories of oral service to her during those morning coffee klatches several months before, when Margarite was showing me off to Susan and Dr, Pam.

I remembered one day in particular. Margarite had blindfolded me and lead me into the dining room where all the women were sitting around the table, just finishing up the coffee cake I had baked the night before. I could tell from the voices that there were more people present than just Susan and Dr. Pam- at least two of the voices were completely unfamiliar to me. Margarite preceded to remove my apron and told me to step out of my panties. Everyone cheered when my little boner sprung out of its nylon sack and bounced back and forth as I turned my body with my head, trying to figure out what was going on. Margarite grabbed my balls and lifted them sharply upward until I was almost standing on my toes. Bobby has many talents. He is not just a reasonably good domestic. He has a phenomenal ability to identify a person by their scent. In order to demonstrate this talent it will be necessary for you to make room for him under the table. Releasing my balls from her firm grip she told me to get on my hands and knees and crawl under the table. this was not the first time I had been told to perform cunnilingus on Susan and Dr. Pam, but it was the first time I had been made to do it for strangers. I wondered what they looked like, who they were. Did I know them? Crawling under the table I moved forward until I encountered a foot. I gently touched it to orient myself and brought my other hand to the opposite foot. The woman whom I had touched gave out a shriek of surprise, which was followed by a chorus of cheers from the others. They were obviously enjoying themselves. I slowly pushed myself up under her dress and by the time I had reached the top of her stockings I knew that this person was a complete stranger to me. After I had pulled her panties down and placed my tongue in a mound of moist pubic hair I was caressed by a scent that was the apotheosis of cosmetic achievement- a combination of scents actually, layered like an olfactory tort. A tangle of expensive perfume that caused my head to spin, underlain by the bass note of feminine musk that riveted me to my task. I didn’t know who this woman was, but I immediately dedicated myself to pleasing her with all of the artistry my humble tongue could create. While I was busy pursuing her clitoris from every side I thought about the public nature of this event. I was already over the embarrassment of my shameful behavior, so involved was I in the servitude. I nevertheless realized that this magnificent woman, whomever she might be, would probably be inhibited from having an orgasm by the presence of the others. This would mean that I would probably go on for a long time with my labors with no eventual reward. You see, nothing pleases me more than pleasing a woman. And nothing verifies my success more than to witness a full-on female orgasm that I have contributed to in anyway. Of course, I preferred it to be the result of my diligent tongue, but as you already know being cuckolded and abused is quite thrilling enough for me- if it really pleases my mistress. Soon I began to hear short gasps coming from my woman’s mouth and I could hear the others hushing in surprise. Apparently no one expected anything more than a little thrill and a lot of laughs at my expense to come out of this little experiment. I began to feel the pressure of the woman’s thighs against my cheeks. Her garter belt snaps tore at my ears as her voice increased in volume. She began to gasp breathlessly, mouthing fractions of words with long vowels in the middle- trailing off into a guttural humming. I could hear the silence of the others being broken by tentative but encouraging exclamations of admiration. My tongue worked harder and harder, finding every corner of her womanhood, continually finding new receptors of sensation, surprising rhythms with which to tantalize her pulsing cherry. Suddenly it began to shrink and I knew that her orgasm was just coming within reach. I redoubled my efforts pursuing the fleeing clit deeper into the folds of her labia.

Her orgasm went on for several minutes, while the ladies on either side of her held her hands for support. After it was over, Margarite or perhaps it was Susan, placed a bowl of hot water and a Wash cloth next to me on the floor and then placed my hand in the water to inform me of its presence. “Bobbie, do you know this woman?” Margarite asked me. “No Mistress, I answered. “This is Jill, you should thank her for the privilege you just received.” “Thank you Mistress Jill,” I said as I dutifully washed my face. After I finished I moved counter clockwise to the next recipient.

I knew immediately that this was Susan. the singular smell of her designer leather boots rung in my head like a familiar bell. My mouth began to make saliva as though I were one of Pavlov’s dogs, for I knew that her delicious pussy would be a rewarding treat for me. Her female aroma was addictive. On a previous occasion I had been required to finger her clit and then play with her G spot while I licked her. Margarite had wanted to demonstrate the usefulness of a pussy slave to Susan. The scent that remained on my fingers became a treasure to me. It was several hours before I could convince myself to wash it off. And then it was only because I knew it would be the only way I could regain enough focus to complete my chores and avoid an extended whipping session with one of my mistresses’ most wicked instruments. Needless to say I completed my task with the utmost of devotion. Susan’s orgasms were less showy and I am sure that the ladies did not appreciate my effectiveness if they judged by her outward gestures. In this situation I felt a swelling pride because I could feel the deeper responses coming from her clit and from the swelling of her labia as they embraced my mouth like the petals of a flower and there were subtle changes in her aroma that were indescribable to me. I knew that parts of my sensory system were being activated and played with. Buttons were being pushed that I had no knowledge of and I was being even further enslaved to female service by a powerful inner urge that responded to a natural magic that was probably older than the race of man. Even as the contractions in her lower diaphragm continued reaching out to my retiring tongue and pulsed against my lingering fingers I gasped out her name, “Susan!” Several voices called out, “Aha!”, followed by good natured laughter and general exuberance.

This experience was so heavenly to me and so rewarding emotionally that I went on to the next woman’s legs with the kind of anticipation that a dedicated monk might feel as he begins the next worshipful task in his long sequence of never ending service. Each woman had her own distinct aroma, unique taste and set of erotic reactions to my stimulations. But where was Dr. Pam? I could not believe that I had not correctly identified her yet. After slipping off the shear and somewhat moist panties of my next Mistress I returned to my favorite occupation. Her scent was familiar but elusive- I couldn’t quite place it and was feeling like I might end up letting Margarite down. Just when I was beginning to feel pretty confused about this fact, I realized that a familiar feeling was beginning to rise up from the depths of my memory. At first it was only a tentative prodding. I could feel the tip of a shoe nudging at my balls seemingly by accident. The prodding had been growing more aggressive and was now beginning to feel painful. Then I knew it was intentional. The shoe lost contact for a second and then connected again. I was being kicked in the groin with slowly increasing force. Dr. Pam! It’s hard to describe the thrill this gave me. How could I not recognize her? After all of the time I had spent between her legs avidly licking and sucking on her various orifices, how could I not know? Now the kicking was sharp and the pain excruciating. My tongue work increased in energy as I sought to please my tormentor. I was licking twice as fast now, getting 10 or 15 quick licks in between each bursting flash of pain, while her shoe continued to pummel my bruised scrotum. My heart was pumping wildly and I was flushed with joy as a myriad of thoughts occurred to me simultaneously. Of course she would not cum. She never did. Not like any other woman anyway. No, she was working me over good, and enjoying it with all of the adoration that most women would devote to a rattling orgasm. She was listening to me, concentrating on my state of arousal, building me up to a peak of energy and emotion. I had only just got to this realization when I reached that peak. Two more earnest kicks to my balls pushed me over the top and I slunk to the floor in exhaustion. the room went black and I seemed to be swimming in a sea of confusing female voices, high-pitched with delight. the other ladies had heard the sounds coming from under the table and could tell by the movements of Dr. Pam’s upper body that she was moving her leg rhythmically into my crotch. They could also see the stern look of pleasurable assurance and the shine of perspiration flowering on her forehead and upper lip. No she didn’t have an orgasm, she had a mindgasm and it was pretty exciting to the other women. Margarite later told me that she had learned more in those few moments watching Dr. Pam than in all of the months leading up to that day.

That day was very special to me too, for it marked a new level of submission for me. Though my balls were aching I painfully adjusted my nylon panties. After I straightened my apron I began clearing off the dishes so that the ladies could complete their assessment of the experiment and discuss whatever other topics that might be of interest to them. As I went about my work I felt no self-conscious reticence, no embarrassment or shame. Though I could hear them talking about me as though I was not present in the room with them, I felt nothing other than a complete contentment with my total submission to the demands of my mistress. I had correctly identified all of the women I was supposed to know and the two strangers- Jill and Lisa. Lisa was a strict Lesbian who would not permit a man to touch her. I was nevertheless allowed enough close proximity to acknowledge that she was not someone I knew and could identify. It turned out that she was part of the experiment, adding a wild card to the variables. Beyond that I could also sense a certain grudging respect being paid to me by this room full of fairly hardened feminists. Perhaps a man, if he is submissive enough, a good cook and in possession of certain shall we say cunnilingal talents, that such a man might be tolerated, allowed to share the same space and breathe the same air with women, provided that he can adapt himself to their whims, be quick with a glass of wine and, if necessary, become a footstool for the luxury of a pair of lazy feminine calves

Margarite and bobbie 03

Yes, well I do spend a lot of time reminiscing while my wife is out partying and I had thought that Ralph had become her new primary lover but apparently I was wrong because the next evening, I was just finishing up the dishes, when I heard the phone ring. I answered it in the way which Margarite prefers:, “Margarite’s residence, may I help you?” It was Dr. Jones asking for Margarite. Margarite took the phone in the kitchen and as I resumed washing the dishes I could make out parts of their conversation. They were talking about Ralph. I had been wondering what happened to him. Margarite had said nothing about him and it was no concern of mine, but I was just a little curious.
Apparently Ralph was spending some time with Dr. Pam and there was a problem with his education. Later, Margarite explained to me that training Ralph was a much more difficult task than training me because, for one thing, he was a real man, not a sissy. Dr. Pam had volunteered to help. Margarite had explained to Ralph that he would not be permitted to see her again unless he agreed to one condition- the condition being that he would see Dr. Pam for a series of psychological interviews. Ralph was to be taught to do exactly as he was told by both Dr. Pam and Margarite and to remain completely virile during sex. This would be a particularly tricky process, according to Dr. Pam since the amount of testosterone required for a man to perform adequately with a women- to grow erect and stay erect for as long as female desire might demand would complicate the regime of obedience, which would necessarily be required by such demanding women. Ralph, of course, did not know the real reason for the interviews. I would later learn the events, which transpired between Dr. Pam and Ralph.

First Interview:
After entering her office, Ralph hung up his coat and seeing no one else in the office, slowly looked around, taking in the relaxing mood of the quiet, expertly decorated room. Subdued colors dominated the walls along with interesting paintings in costly frames- all with feminist themes. A large canvas covered nearly half of one wall. In it Actaeon was peering through some bushes at a beautiful Diana, who was bathing in a Grecian pond. Ralph, who had little or no knowledge of mythology, was never the less chilled by the relentlessly superior gaze of the goddess and the echo of that gaze in the savage faces of her hunting dogs, who would soon be tearing Actaeon apart as divine retribution for the affront of spying on her nakedness.

The stark beauty of the mysterious painting sent a faint chill of dread though his confident masculine façade. The ceilings of the room were very high and even though Ralph was a full six feet tall and a muscular 210 pounds he felt somehow insignificant as he walked through the eight foot doorway into Dr. Pam’s private office. She stood before him in a black snugly fitting dress that accentuated her startlingly impressive breasts, her narrow waist and long legs. the black nylons and high heals did not present a very doctorly appearance, but Ralph was transfixed by the obvious bulges in the satin fabric covering her breasts, where her very hard nipples protruded. Even though Dr. Pam was very polite, and quite proper in her greeting, Ralph was becoming unsettled as he lowered himself into the chair which was indicated to him. It was a low chair, fairly comfortable but slightly lower than hers. He found himself looking up to her long legs, folded provocatively in front of him.

She began by asking him some routine questions about his background, his childhood, education, work and so on in a gentle, conversational manner. Soon, however, she was talking about sex. He did not find this to be odd, for after all, she was a shrink or at least that’s what he thought she was. He had no intention of asking. Soon he began to relax. In fact, he became so comfortable talking to her that he found himself telling her his most intimate secrets- all of his most private thoughts and fantasies. All the while, she subtly displayed herself to him, occasionally shifting in her chair and revealing a little more of her inspiring thighs so that he could see the part of her upper stocking where the shear material darkened and stretched around a garter snap.

“From the way you are looking at me I suppose you find me attractive?” she said looking directly into his eyes. the color drained out of his face as he realized how obvious his sexual hunger must have appeared.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to be looking at you that way. It’s just that, well, you’re so beautiful, staggeringly beautiful in fact. I’m having trouble keeping my eyes off of you. And, well, I’m really not sure why I’m here.”

“You’re here because Margarite asked you to come here.”

“She didn’t really ask me to see you. She said I had to or I could never see her again. do you know why she might say such a thing?”

“Are you sorry you came?”

Ralph hesitated and then slowly opened his mouth, which was growing dry with anticipation. “No, not at all.”

“Very well then, just relax. There’s no hurry. If you want to have sex with me you may. I can see that you’re aroused. You have charming little drops of sweat on your forehead and a very noticeable bulge in your trousers. You should know that Margarite and I share everything, including men. If this is a problem for you then I would suggest that you leave now, because there is no way to change this fact. We are not ordinary women as I’m sure you have deduced by now. but to learn how extraordinary we are will take you a considerable amount of time. You may be assured that you will never be bored or disappointed in either of us. Would you consider unzipping your fly?”

By this time Ralph was in a daze. He could not reconcile the sexual trance that seemed to enfold his body with the matter of fact tone, the frank words that were pouring out of her mouth. He just sat there, completely captured by her large dark brown dreamy eyes that appeared so honest and open to any possibility and listening to her voice- so soft and certain, spilling from those perfectly formed lips. He could notbelieve his luck, being there in that room with such a sexy creature, seemingly so far above him, so out of his league.

Ralph rose from his chair and approached Dr. Pam. He unzipped his fly as requested and stood before her, while she rode over his body with her determined searching eyes- top to bottom and slowly back up to his bulging crotch.

“Take it out,” she said, softly but firmly. Ralph was captivated by the subtle combination of seduction and domination that filled her voice with a thousand possibilities, all of them pleasant.

Dr. Pam took his cock in her cupped hands like an offering. Slowly she brought it towards her pursed, glistening mouth, parting her lips and sizing the throbbing head of his penis as if to create a perfect fit. As it slid gradually into her mouth, Ralph let out a surprised gasp. He had been fellated many, many times in his life by beautiful women, who were anxious to please him. He had pumped his cum into their throats, splashed it over their faces and covered their plump red lips with laces of sticky white sperm. His head was full of such images because he was a red blooded American male with a lot of sex appeal. He had always been lucky with women and he took it for granted that they should offer themselves up to him in total surrender. but what he felt now was a complete surprise to him. This very professional dispassionate and even somewhat austere women was taking him to an entirely new level, one as far beyond all of his previous sexual experience as a trip into outer space. Her perfect mouth held him with a vaginal grip and slipped up and down his shaft gliding on a magical feminine lubricant. The closeness of her body made him aware of a pervasive musky perfume that seemed to arise from a melding of a very expensive Parisian scent and a distinctly female odor. The effect on his consciousness was supremely over-powering. He was still reeling with a head full of pleasant but confused and conflicting thoughts when he awoke to the realization of his penis pumping madly into Dr. Pam’s Mouth. She seemed to be swallowing gallons of his jism as his member pulsed and jerked in a manner completely beyond his control. It slowly melted into a limp, but very sensitive tentacle still held firmly between her lips.

Ralph felt drained of all energy, empty and small. Yet he also felt that he had achieved something toward which his entire life had been pointed, a realization of pleasure so profound that it seemed to justify all of the time and effort he had lavished on women over the years, all of the practice to please them by studying how to fuck so long that they would melt into paroxysms of joy, how to tongue them slowly until they would almost beg for his penis. He looked up into Dr. Pam’s eyes. He saw her finger move in a slow arch toward her lips, directing him closer to her lips. He moved towards her anticipating a moist, slightly spermy kiss. As their mouths locked in a dreamy wet kiss, their tongues slid between one another like unsated sexual organs. Gradually her tongue began to pump it’s treasure of stored cum through her lips and into his mouth. Ralph jerked his head back, but Dr. Pam held on to it with her right hand and continued to push and pull her tongue back and forth through his lips until his mouth contained more of the sticky substance than he could think what to do with.

“Swallow,” she said, pulling her lips from his and leaving a long thin thread of his elastic fluid connecting them to each other. Without another thought he swallowed it all. More fluid remained in her mouth, which she immediately deposited in his.

He looked into her eyes, trying to read a meaning to what was happening to him. Instead of meaning, he felt her message, direct and unyielding with no necessity for words. Her eyes narrowed slightly, her brow moved, her head tilted perhaps one millimeter. No one but Ralph at that moment in time could have noticed anything of significance in her demeanor, yet to him the signal was clear. He approached her again as if to receive another loving kiss. their lips engaged again, duplicating the erotic dance of the first kiss, but this time his mouth openly accepted the remaining dregs of his offering and his tongue entered her sacred mouth in search of anything that remained, probing and licking her worshipfully. He was trying to prove his devotion to her, though this realization would not become a part of his consciousness for many months.

By the time he arrived at his apartment, Ralph was able to tell himself that he had just had the best sex of his life (which was, of course, true) and that he had conquered another adoring female heart (which was a delusion offered up by his profoundly befuddled ego). He would look forward all week to their next session with the anticipation of a teenage boy, who had just been given his first blow job by the prettiest cheer leader in the school.

Margarite and bobbie 02

The next few days were uneventful. As Margarite and I settled into our old routine I hardly thought of the new man in her life. When I did it was ever so briefly. After all there was nothing I could do about it. In all likelihood, he would not make the grade with Margarite. It was she who would decide his fate and I well knew that nothing he could do or say would effect the outcome of her deliberations. But Friday night came and she announced that she was going out. I quickly selected the bra and panties she wanted and placed them on the counter in the bathroom along with matching hose. After a few finishing touches with the iron, I stood behind her waiting for her to step into the abbreviated black evening dress, in which I knew she would appear nothing short of ravishing. I then placed her right high heel shoe on to her foot and then her left. After a few minutes of intense makeup application she was ready to go. “Now, how do I look Bobbie”? As I looked into her eyes my lower lip pushed up into a firm smile of encouragement. I loved her so much that I needed to let her know that I wanted her to succeed at what ever she was planning to accomplish, whether it was having a few laughs with her girl friends or taking on a train of men in an all night orgy.

After she left I returned to my household chores. It was very comforting to resume my never-ending tasks of cleaning, washing clothes and dishes, dusting and so on. There was so much to think about and dwelling on memories of my submission to Margarite always turned me on as much in recollection as in the original experience. And so as I stood in the laundry room, slowly folding her clothes I called to mind the visit which we had made to Susan’s house on Tuesday.

Susan and Dr. Pam were just beginning to enjoy a cup of coffee, which I had prepared for them. Pamela Jones was a close friend of Margarite’s and a very dominant female somewhat older than either of the other women. Susan was a neophyte to the lifestyle of female domination. Everything she knew about it she had been told by Margarite and Dr. Pam. It had started slowly with these weekday coffee klatches, first with only Margarite and Susan. I was introduced into the sessions almost as a demonstration of the kind of things Margarite was telling Susan. I can still remember the shocked look on Susan’s face when I carefully removed all of my clothes at Margarite’s command and stacked them near the door. The blank look of astonishment remained on her face, even as a tied a chiffon apron around my back and proceeded into the kitchen to begin preparations for the coffee and cinnamon rolls which I was to serve. I don’t mean to imply that I wasn’t pretty excited by the scene myself. On that first day, standing nearly naked in a strange kitchen I was flush with embarrassment and sexual energy.
By now, of course serving these lovely dominating ladies had become fairly routine. There was always a thrill in not knowing what I would be required to do, but there was no longer any fear or trepidation on my part, for I had found that everything I was told to do on their behalf I enjoyed doing to the depth of my soul.
On that Tuesday, as I stood quietly by, my eyes directed downward and my hands demurely folded in front of my apron, Susan was asking Margarite how she had prepared me for the presence of another man in her household. My eyes narrowed slightly as I perked my ears to hear what Margarite would say. “Well, I have Pam to thank for that.” Margarite and Dr. Pam shared a very knowing glance and I began to wonder what that could mean.

“As you know I have required Bobby to keep a rather intense regimen of vitamins and exercise. He eats very little because he knows that he will be punished if his weight exceeds 145 pounds. Pam suggested female hormones so I just added another daily pill to the program about two weeks ago and it worked like a charm.”

“Without telling him?” asked Susan in astonishment.

“I suppose I forgot to mention it,” said Margarite very dryly. All three of the women erupted in laughter. After a few seconds they turned their eyes toward me and seeing my look of surprise and embarrassment they began laughing even harder than before.

At this point a revelation began to hit me. the odd feelings that I had been having, the deeply emotional edge that had come to embellish everyday conversation and unremarkable events. And beyond that, something so amazing that I had not really allowed myself to think about it until now- subtle changes in my body. Not only inside but outside as well. I had noticed a smoothing of my waist along the transition of my chest to my tummy, I hadn’t needed to shave for several days and a tingling in my nipples as they rubbed against the fabric of my clothing that kept grabbing my attention, whether I was horny or not.
“Come here for a minute, Bobby,” Margarite commanded. “Undo your apron.”
Even as I complied with her command I could feel the thrilling rasp of the diaphanous fabric as it slid along my nipples.

“Tease your nipples bobby.” I ran the tips of my fingers along my nipples slowly, to make them erect.

They were a least double in size. I could feel myself coming to life with a sexual energy that was uniquely different from anything that I had felt before and looking downward at my fingers as they bounced lightly over my substantial nipples I could see their changed appearance. the areolas had darkened to rich brownish pink and spread outward in larger circles. My breasts were not much larger at all, but the effect of these pubescent nipples was so surprising that I immediately became overwhelmed with a rush of thoughts.

Many times before, I had been worried about some aspect of my submission to Margarite. Had I gone too far in doing this or that for her? Was I so degraded by my debasement that I may not be able to regain any respect for myself? Each time these thoughts had come to my mind in the past, they had been replaced with even stronger feelings of rectitude in my service to her. So strong was my attachment to her beguiling charm and dominant female chemistry that the floods of joy I experienced in my service to her always overcame the doubt. And each doubt, once overcome, would never occur again. In fact these events, of doubting and confirmation, became like stepping stones in my slow evolution into slavery. Even so, as I stood there, mildly chilled by a draft of air I felt on my exposed chest, and stroking slowly these profoundly sensitive new-found pleasure buttons, and feeling the silent gazes of the three beautiful women whom I respected so completely, I was flooded with fear. My hard-on was pushing a little pole into the front of my panties. How long would I be able to do this? I knew that now, finally I was in a situation that may be completely beyond my control. that I had gone beyond a point where my safety was somehow a sure thing, to a level, where I could not possibly predict what would happen next. Did she want me to become a women? I had never desired such a thing. Sure, I liked to cross dress. but this was only a part-time pleasure. I liked being a man. the betrayal that I felt was shattering to me. I had not asked what the pills were for. I am so used to doing what I’m told that it didn’t even occur to me. I probably would have taken them even if I would have known, for I have never refused Margarite anything. I was proud of my compliance to such a proud and beautiful women. But did she think so little of me that she could throw away my manhood without a second thought? I was flooded with a feeling of emptiness. The floor beneath my feet could hardly convince me that I was standing.

“Look at me little man!” said Margarite. As I turned my head to meet her eyes, I felt a sharp slap across my face and then another from her other hand that rang me like a bell and left a deep tingling sting of redness on both of my cheeks. Instantly I felt my emotions subdued and a familiar rush of feeling spread throughout my body. It was the feeling of acceptance, that marked each step of submission to my beautiful but stern mistress.

”You will continue to take the hormone pills until I tell you to stop. Is that understood ?” As I slowly nodded my head in humble submission I could feel a stirring in my cock that reminded me of how addicted I was to such humiliation and even though I knew now that I was going to continue to take the pills and that I would be happy as I always was in my submission to Margarite, I felt a pang of sadness as I realized that my penis, as small and ineffectual as it might be, would be turning into a useless remnant of my lost masculinity.

When we returned home that night, she called me to her bed side and very politely thanked me for my loyal service. Once again I had proven my dedication to her, and yes I was going to suffer the loss of my masculinity for as long as she chose to deprive me of it. but we both knew that it would be no deprivation. I was already smiling dreamily as she began to slowly pinch and twist my engorged nipples and I opened myself to the realization that I was going to spend another blissful night at Margarite’s feet savoring a dreamy yearning that would stretch into the midnight hour, long after my beautiful mistress had turned away her magnetic gaze and drifted into sleep

Margarite and bobbie 01

I spend a lot of time by myself, not intentionally. I like people and I love my wife very much. But my life requires a great deal of commitment. Not that it’s difficult for me, I am very devoted and seldom get board with my duties. My wife is very demanding and because she realizes how much I love her, she knows also how much she can expect from me. This has always been true, beginning with our first date. It must have been clear to her from the way I looked at her or from some subtle clue in my body language, or perhaps it was because I didn’t flirt or tease her even in the beginning, when such behavior is expected. I couldn’t bring myself to pretend that I wasn’t completely infatuated with her. I couldn’t pretend that I didn’t believe every word she uttered.

I was right to trust her, she has never lied to me. But she amazed me when, After we had been married a year, she informed me that I would not be having sexual intercourse with her any more. She told me she knew that I would be amply satisfied if I were occasionally allowed to kiss her ass. I laughed when she said this- I thought she was kidding me, but she wasn’t. To this very day, some ten years later, I have never once put my cock into her vagina, not even for a few seconds. As it happened, she waited several weeks before even allowing me to kiss her ass. I was surprised to learn how totally enthralled I felt, kneeling before her rear end, while she bent forward, thrusting her two tanned and alluring cheeks in my face. As I licked her perfectly formed rectal lip, I could feel myself falling. My eyes lost their focus and my nose was adrift in the sea of womanly scents, which led me into a haze of forgetfulness. I guess you could say that I am addicted to Margarite and have been since the very beginning.

Of course, I knew she needed another man, someone who could be more masculine than I. He would be taller, probably weigh more and have more body hair (I have very little). Margarite would often laugh at my chest and say, “Where is your chest hair?” Finally she would find a few hairs between my breasts and pull them hard. A few at a time, nearly all of what hair I used to have on my chest is now completely gone. The rest of my body I keep shaved because that’s the way she likes it. It was not difficult to do what Margarite told me to do. It was very easy and it got easier all of the time.

As time went by I got used to her dating other men. After all she always came home eventually. Every woman needs someone to take care of her, to do her laundry and cleaning, her ironing, her gardening and, of course, money to pay bills. For several years we lived happily together, just she and I, with very few visitors. Her boy friends were men I never met and only knew through her detailed accounts of their love-making. This all began to change one weekend not that long ago.

I was waiting for Margarite to return as usual on Saturday night while she was out dancing. I was alone most Friday and Saturday nights. I would usually try to get caught up on my chores. While I was ironing the dresses and blouses which she had chosen to wear during the coming week, I was wondering if she would come home at all. I knew that If she found someone whom she liked, they would go to his place and fuck. In the morning Margarite would return about nine O clock and make a big scene over how good she felt (having been fucked by a real man). Next she would tell me what to prepare for her breakfast and begin taking off her clothes. Sometimes I could see love stains on her panties when I picked them up for the laundry and sometimes parts of her body would glisten with dried semen. The signs of her adultery stabbed me in the heart and I would have a weightless, sinking feeling, as though I was falling into a bottomless pit. It was a frightening feeling, but it was also thrilling in a strange way. Gradually I became used to it. Now I find myself savoring that poignant sense of loss that still clutches my gut, because I have become so conditioned to expect that thrilling feeling of betrayal that sweeps over me, accentuating my subservience to this beautiful and powerful woman. I know it’s hard to believe, but when I see her gloating over her latest conquest, so happy and so sexy, the pain of her betrayal begins to melt away and I begin to fall in love with her all over again. My hurt feelings gradually dissolve after a few hours as I mope by myself or if she smiles at me or just glances over her shoulder as she steps into the shower and gives me a bright confident look. Then I can resume my slavery to her. Typically I begin picking up her soiled party clothes, still feeling a pang of nostalgia for those times in the past when we were intimate together as equals. Margarite never hangs anything up, never folds anything. I often wondered if she even knows where the dirty clothes hamper is. well, it doesn’t matter, because I am always there to pick up her clothes and I love to do it.

One Saturday night I was still ironing her lavender chemise, when I heard the door open and a soft excited laugh followed by a deeper voice. “Be quiet Ralph,” she said as she took off her shoes. I heard them drop on the hard wood floor. “We don’t want to shock Bobbie too much. Bobbie!” she called to me. “Come down and fix us a drink!” I walked slowly down the stairs trying to keep my eyes looking downward as I knew she expected me to. Still I wanted to see what this stranger looked like. Was he someone to be frightened of? Would he be someone that Margarite might have trouble with? And, I wanted to see Margarite. Standing 5 feet 8 inches in her stocking feet, 115 pounds of curvaceous woman, her 36” bust pushing out of a low cut burgundy evening dress, flashing hazel eyes and natural blond hair. Her face was flushed and her eyes were glazed over with that faraway amorous look that I recognized from a time when I had been able to please her physically, or thought I was able to at any rate.
“Two gin and tonics bobby. “ As she said this Ralph, a tall muscular man with a five o-clock shadow and heavy dark hair, was already reaching into her blouse with a smooth, assertive movement. When I returned with the drinks they were both nearly undressed. “Is he going to watch?” asked Ralph. “Is it a problem?” Margarite looked at him with a superior gaze, which I knew very intimately. I would have immediately shut up and said’ “no Margarite”. “Well alright baby if that’ll make you happy, ‘so kay with me.” He’s getting the picture, I thought. After drinking the gin and tonics, they began to get serious. Just before I left the room to refill their drinks Ralph began to suck on my beautiful wife’s left breast, while pinching and caressing the nipple on her right one. A few minutes later, walking back into the room I nearly dropped the glasses when I saw her mouth extending over the top of his cock. Long and broad, the stiff member pushed out from his reclining body a good eight or nine inches. She was leaning forward, with her gorgeous red lips pulled tightly around his cock. Slowly she worked her head up and down his cock. His left hand cupped her head, bunching some of her lustrous blond hair, as he guided her head down over his pulsing cock.

She had never done that for me. She said It was too insignificant to bother, and beside, it was my place to serve her- not the other way around. It wouldn’t be right for her to lower herself to such a level with me. Her dates were different, of course. She liked to treat them like men, to encourage their masculinity so that they could perform better for her.

As I stood there watching them I realized how much I loved and needed Margarite. I felt thrilled for her, when I saw the look in her eyes, as she slipped up and down his cock, spreading her silky saliva over his shaft. Then I noticed that she was looking at my crotch. I looked down at the bulge in my panties. Her mouth tightened quickly into a brief smile. I realized that she had noticed the wet spot over my stiff little penis (sometimes Margarite just called it a clit- saying it wasn’t big enough to call a cock).
Soon Ralph was on top of her, thrusting his huge member into her cunt. He fucked her for about fifteen minutes before falling back on the couch to rest. During this time Margarite’s eyes had defocused in a trance of pleasure. I had never seen that look on her face before- it was way beyond the look I thought I knew and it made me feel very inadequate to see it now, now with a man she hardly knew. It confirmed what she had been telling me for some time. As far as sex was concerned, I wasn’t much of a man. They coupled again with Margarite riding Ralph, working her body up and down his cock with increasing speed. When they were finished I watched Margarite closely as she recovered from a tremendous orgasm. Normally I wouldn’t have dared look directly at her, especially under the circumstances. but she had become so lost in her ecstasy that I knew she would never notice me standing there gazing directly at her. Actually, I was so transfixed with awe that I couldn’t have helped myself anyway. When they had both recovered from their strenuous efforts, I handed him his drink and gave Margarite hers. As she took the glass she motioned me to come closer. then her finger pointed straight down to the floor, indicating that I must crawl. I dropped to my knees and moved toward her. Pointing to her cunt, she slowly dipped her head pointing to her dripping vagina with her satisfied, yet still assertive eyes. I moved my face closer. “Quickly!”, she said. Without thinking I began to lick her cunt. Because of the huge amount of love juice it took me several minutes to completely lick her clean. By this time I was extremely embarrassed. I could see the look of disgust on Ralph’s face as he watched me devour the elixir that contained so much of his own cum.
“Did you finish all of your washing and ironing, little man?” “Yes Margarite,” I said lowering my eyes and licking the remaining juice off of my lips. “You may come two drops.” This was all I was ever allowed to cum. Usually it was just one drop, but she was feeling generous. I knew this and was very thankful. I was never allowed to touch myself without her permission. After all it was really her cock, not mine. We both understood that. “Here, now?” I asked, dropping my eyes humbly. By this time Ralph was fascinated by what was happening. Instead of the contemptuous look he had just shown me, now there was a look of combined curiosity and puzzlement that showed me that he was probably not a dangerous person- that he might have a soft side..
“Ralph, you don’t mind if Bobbie gets a little relief, do you?” Ralph quickly jerked his head back and forth nodding in short strokes as she turned back to me. “Go ahead Bobbie, Milk my cock a little, just a couple of drops and then show Ralph what you do with it.” “Yes Margarite,” I said in meek trepidation. And I began to touch the tip of my little penis very lightly. I knew that it would go very badly for me if I accidentally had an orgasm. Orgasms were forbidden for me. I hadn’t had one for some time- nearly a year. I was not allowed to make love to Margarite. She said that my penis was so useless, it only tickled her. By the time I would shoot my wad she was just getting a little turned on. It was just too disappointing for her. I understood this and was very happy to lick her to orgasm whenever she would allow it. Occasionally she would let me cum one or two drops, as long as I didn’t begin to twitch and jerk- a few drops and no orgasm. I know it sounds wickedly mean, but I was used to it by now and I have to admit it kept me constantly interested in serving Margarite and serving Margarite made me very happy.
As soon as I could feel a single drop forming in my shaft I stopped. This only took a few minutes. I allowed the drop to fall on to my left hand and looked up to her meekly. I glanced quickly at Ralph and saw his mouth hanging open in disbelief. A second drop joined the first. I slowly licked the cum from my palm, savoring it as I swallowed. I didn’t particularly like the taste of it. Sometimes it was ok, other times very sour tasting, with a whiff of Clorox to it. This time it actually tasted pretty good since it was mostly pre-cum and the long anticipation of seeing Margarite in her glory had sweetened it somehow, into something I felt very privileged to consume- in front of her, as always, and in front of anyone she chose to witness. I was pleasing her and anyone who knows what it feels like to be completely submissive will understand how I felt.
Tonight Margarite was being very gentle with me. Usually, after my milking, she would do something like dig the heel of her shoe into my balls or tell me to get the nipple clamps or a paddle. I think she was afraid of freaking Ralph. I could see that she liked him. She probably wouldn’t have brought him home if she didn’t have some feelings for him. He may not have wanted to see her again if she appeared to be too cruel.
“Would you like some coffee darling,” she said to Ralph, smiling her most beautiful smile- very confident and a little shy at the same time. It was the language of sex, spoken by her to her lover in a way that was unique to her. It probably didn’t even matter what she said, because her expression, her subtle facial changes, the pervasive chemistry, all of which were having their effects upon Ralph, spoke a higher language to both of us, and even though he didn’t know it now Ralph was beginning to inter the alluring circle Margarite’s personality. Soon perhaps he would be spiraling downward into the depths of self abasement. Or perhaps he would be like me and feel himself rising into a freedom unknown to the majority of people. Silently, I rose from my knees and started for the kitchen. Margarite liked her coffee brewed from scratch.
While I began pouring the de-caff coffee beans into the grinder I could hear she and Ralph talking softly to each other. It was obvious that they were hitting it off pretty well. When I returned with their coffees, Margarite told me to go to my room so I didn’t hear anything else. Latter, I heard the bell ring, which she used to call me with. I came to her bedside and shyly looked upwards and into her deeply dreamy, very satisfied eyes.
“On the floor, little man.”
Things would be very different from now on. As the night progressed I could hear the soft sounds of Margarite comfortably breathing. Occasionally I heard a languorous sigh escape her mouth and I knew she was dreaming about some aspect of her perfect life, a life I helped to make possible for her. Sleeping on the floor and listening to her magical sounds made me feel very humble and very happy. I would not sleep with her on this night and my demotion to the floor had filled me with a crushing shame, a shame that thrilled me with awe.

In the morning I awoke quite early, even though the heavy carpet in her bedroom is very comfortable (in a pet bed sort of way). Ralph came out of the bathroom fully clothed and ready to leave. Seeing him suddenly made me remember everything that had happened the night before. The humiliation, which I had felt was so shocking that I hadn’t even had a chance to know what I was feeling. I knew it was overwhelming and I knew that a new chapter had been started in our lives. I could already tell that, as so many times in the past, what initially shocked and frightened me, would eventually become a perfectly natural everyday experience. In this way I had progressed from a slightly passive attitude during sex in the first few months of our relationship, to a mode of complete submissiveness, a submissiveness so profound in the tenth year of our marriage that no amount of humiliation or degradation even, could do anything but bind me closer to my mistress. And so I could have remained there, comfortably ensconced at the foot of her bed, dreaming about what my roll would be in our new life, but it would not go well for me if she were to awake and not smell the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. So I rose and crept quietly into the kitchen and began to prepare her breakfast.


He could still remember the day she told him that she wanted him to be her slave. It was one of those long late summer days that dissolved itself into a magical evening aglow with the lingering colors of a splendid sunset. The windows were open and they sat together both of them nearly naked, looking out towards the low clouds their blurred edges lit with pinks and yellows. Janey was leaning back into her chair with her chest elevated, her beautiful C cup breasts just starting to sprinkle with a few chilly bumps from the gentle breeze caressing them. Dan was exhausted from the incredible sex they had just shared. He could not believe his luck in finding such a wonderful woman. At 5’ 8” Janey was exactly his height and her sophisticated looks, extraordinary shape and daunting sexual chemistry made him wonder why she had chosen him as her lover, rather than a taller, better looking and more powerfully masculine man than he. That he could satisfy such a woman sexually was still a thrill so deep for him that his ego was always in full gear with her near him.

They spoke to each other in that soft after-sex tone that always followed their intimacy. Her husky whispers were mesmerizing to him and so full was he with satisfaction of every sexual need that he could hardly understand her words. Sexual slave? Sure he thought, why not? Wasn’t this one of his many fantasies- to serve a sex goddess, who wants only sex of every conceivable kind from him? As the evening progressed, she continued to caress him with the soft whispering details of her desires. He listened in awe of her honest confessions while she related sexual needs and kinky desires beyond any woman of his experience. By the time they went to bed that night Dan was completely committed to being her servant, for at least a month, as they had agreed in laughing innocence.

As time went by and his love for Janey continued to grow, he found himself becoming more and more dependent on her emotionally. Not that he was a weak man or that they faced difficult times in their lives. It was just that from day to day there was less in life that interested him that did not involve Janey’s bright confident smile, her strong independent carriage and her breathlessly exciting body. He laughed at first, when he was handed the apron. He had never been the type of guy who felt embarrassed about feminine attire. In fact he had enjoyed the trips to the lingerie department to find the sexy gifts he had given her on many occasions. So on that first day of servitude he was very light hearted and nonchalant about tying the apron around his naked body and struggling with the ties as his hands began to negotiate the unfamiliar motions of making a bow in reverse. When she noticed a bulge in the center of his apron, Janey laughed out loud and pointed at his erection. He saw a look in her eyes that he had never seen before. Not a different look exactly, more of a natural extension of her confident, knowing attitude that made him love her all the more. What she did next surprised him completely. She slowly shimmied out of her panties and stepped out of them leaving them in a small heap on the floor. “Put them on”, she said. Her voice was steady, not harsh or commanding, but no longer the soft whisper that had seduced him so completely before. Without thinking or hesitating, he picked them off of the floor and squeezed into the pink silk panties forcing his now very stiff member into their confining folds. “You have much to learn,” she told him in the same easy voice, “and you are going to enjoy it more than you can now imagine.” She caught his penis between her thumb and finger, squeezing him firmly through the shear material. He felt an urgency there that seemed to come out of nowhere. Janey lessened her grip, tightened and then lessened again. Dan’s breath went out him as he slumped into a helpless cringe. Janey held tightly to his cock as he pumped cum into her panties. He felt himself falling in space, past a limit he hadn’t even recognized as more cum poured out of him. A small amount had dripped onto her thumb so she calmly raised it to his face and softly smudged it onto his opening lips, then turned on her heel and walked quietly out of the room leaving him to think about what had just happened and everything that she had told him. His penis was now small and his thighs were wet with dripping cum. He felt cold standing there in wet panties. He felt humiliated and somehow used. But all of these feelings were buried within him as he stood there still enthralled with Janey’s power. That’s why, when he began to cry softly he didn’t understand the reason and brushing his tears away, he decided that his love for her had simply overwhelmed him with its passion and he continued putting her laundry into the washing machine separating the colored from the white and the delicate from the more durable items.

It seemed that every day was new and filled with new thoughts and feelings as Dan slowly grew accustomed to Janey’s rules. A month was nearly up but neither of them talked about what would happen on the first of October when the 30th day arrived. Dan wondered what would happen then. He had used the knowledge that it was just one month to silence any doubts he felt as time went by and he assumed more and more duties as Janey’s servant. Now he felt himself wanting to continue serving her past the one month deadline. He now had seven sets of panties, a separate set for each day of the week. He hadn’t worn his own underwear for weeks and wasn’t really sure where it was, so involved had he become in pleasing his beautiful mistress. On the last day of the month of service, Janey sat in the large chair in their living room. She wore her black teddy, black garter belt and shear black nylons, Dan was on his knees huddled over her black high heeled shoes and devotedly licking her shoes and feet. Janey broke the silence that hung in the air between them. If you desire Dan, you may continue to serve me for an extended period of time. “Dan, did you hear me?” Dan looked up from his position beneath her and gazed at her with a look of mild confusion. “Dan, did you hear what I said?” “Yes,” he said, his voice very soft. By this time he had developed a real fear that their contract would expire and they would return to their previous habits or worse, that she would say that it had not been working to her satisfaction and perhaps they should go their separate ways. So it was fear that made it hard for him to fully comprehend what she was saying. But a flood of joy ignited within him as he realized that he had passed the test. He really could satisfy this gorgeous and imposing woman.

During that amazing evening they sat together, she comfortably settled in the large wing chair and he kneeling before his goddess, while she carefully outlined the exact nature of what would be their life together. “You will continue to serve me. You will quit your job. We will have plenty of money with what you have already put in trust for me. You will wear a collar, panties and an apron and nothing else from now on. We will no longer be having sexual intercourse, except in rare instances. You will not be having orgasms any longer. If you cannot control yourself, I will buy you a chastity device. Your whole life will be devoted to serving me. Your name is now Dani. As you can understand, people named Dan don’t wear panties, do they?” She laughed lightly, her gaze fixed on Dani with a knowing certainty which robbed him of his objections before they reached his tongue. Finally he managed to ask her why she no longer wanted to have sex. She had reached her hand down to his chest and started to gently pull on his nipple, rolling it between her fingers with a lingering pressure which made it even more difficult for him to think clearly. “I don’t intend to stop having sex, Dani. I just won’t be having it with you. Oh, I may require your tongue occasionally, especially on my feet, and maybe on my ass…” Looking down at Dani, who now seemed crestfallen with the news of his new place in life, she smiled. She smiled that gracious smile of acceptance and benevolence that seemed to make everything perfect. Looking up at her beautiful red lips, her knowing and warm hazel eyes he listened to her describe how she would be dating other men, who unlike Dani, were much better at making love to a woman. Of course, they weren’t good servant material. Only Dani met that high standard of behavior and for that she would be eternally grateful to him. Only she could really appreciate the great sacrifice he was making for her. As she leaned back into the comfortable depths of her chair, she pointed her right forefinger at the dark wedge that shown through her shear black panties and Dani rose between her thighs with his hungry tongue, still bruised from an hour of lapping at her nylon covered ankles, eagerly poised above the center of his universe, dazed with the smell of her perfume, combined with her natural scent to which he was now hopelessly addicted. His only thought now was a question. Would he taste her hidden mysteries tonight? Would he bathe her cunt with his devotion, wrapping his tongue around her pulsing clit until she shuddered with a heavenly force of nature. Then, in a smooth motion she reached behind her, catching the top of her panties and quickly slid them down her legs leaving them for him to pull gently off of her ankles. He was now trembling with anticipation. Taking her panties out of his hands she placed them over his head and pulled them down around his ears leaving only his tongue sticking out. “Perfect,” she said, as she pulled his head forward to her cunt and closed her thighs around him. She giggled softly to herself as she noticed his body jerking with pleasure. She new he was coming all over himself and far from being disappointed in him she was basking in her success, He did not stop licking as he continued to come, ignoring his humiliation while his still new panties became soggy with his wasted sperm. Janey sighed deeply and felt a quick acceleration to her pleasure. Dani was so good at eating pussy, she thought. I am so lucky to have him as my slave.

Mistress Divini

run down the hall panting, Mistress Divini wanted her robe 20 minutes ago and I am in so much trouble. I careen around the corner, almost out off breath, skin shining, and shoulder length blond hair clinging to my neck from perspiration. As I round the last corner I slow down to catch my breath. Upon reaching the door I raise my hand and bring it down hard three times. “Mistress I am here with your robe!” I say in a strong, yet submissive voice. Through the door I hear a whistle, the kind you would hear someone use to call their dog.

I enter her bath area, averting my eyes to the ground for such as we can not look up in this place of beauty.

“Where have you been.” I struggle for an answer, but there is none that I can offer my mistress.

“I had trouble finding them Mistress.”

I hear her as she makes the water slosh back and forth getting out of the tub. Keeping my eyes averted I can hear her coming closer, in response I hold the robe open so that she can slide in. She takes the robe from my grasp and there is a silence as she situates the robe on her body and ties it off.

“I asked you a question and you didn’t answer me!” she says coldly as she smacks me sharply on the face.

Starting to cry. I answer through tears, “I did not try hard enough Mistress, please forgive my laziness.”

Another long silence, I tense waiting for another blow, but there is a touch like none I’ve felt since the last time I was with Merry and Gabriel. My mistress strokes the side of my face looking at the beads of sweat running down my neck.

“Look at me slave, ” she orders. I tentatively raise my eyes to meet here gaze; she is beautiful. Dark chocolate skin, gray eyes, long slender physique, perfect beauty, what I have come to expect of the Vampires that I have been made to serve.

Saying no more, she comes down hard kissing me, instinctively I kiss her back and to my surprise she does not pull away. Running her fingers through my hair, she whispers, “Tonight I will make you mine, my pet.” She throws me to the bad with such for that the wind is knocked out me. Then she leaps upon me, biting down hard on my neck, drawing blood, but she does not use her fangs and she does not drink. Frightened I try to throw her off, but with just a slight shift of her weight she pins me, and bites down even harder. I struggle for what seems hours until I give into her. Sensing that I have submitted myself “ totally to her she eases the grip on my throat and sits up. I can see my blood running from the corners of her mouth. “You are mine now pet, as are Gabriel and Merry. I will give you my protection as long as you serve me well. Along with this you have earned new rights as well.”

Looking into her eyes I ask “what rights may your slave have Mistress?”

Taking a moment to gather her thoughts, she says “to lie with me tonight.”

Again with the sheer speed only the immortal posses she throws me on the bed, pinning me and kissing me, all the wile unbuckling my shirt, my pants. She puts her hand inside my open pants but above my under garments. She starts to massage me through the fabric, and I moan under her touch “ you like that don’t you my pet, ” she whispers. All I can retort with is an involuntary purr coming from deep with in my wereleopard frame.

The pleasure becomes unbearable to stand, and Mistress Divini would be horribly disappointed if I reach the peak before she gives me permission, so I bit my lip hard as she continues her caress.

Taking her hand from me she moves to the side of the bed “GET UP!” I hear, and quickly obey as the commanding tone had returned to her voice “STRIP!, ” she continues *licking her lips*. “All the way!” she demands pointing at my now exposed underwear. Moving as swiftly as I can I start to reveal my self to my mistress. Piece by piece, sliding my shirt of off to expose my already erect nipples, slipping my pants down to my knees, exposing my well defined flank, and finally my underwear exposing myself all the way to my Mistress who looked on approvingly.

Now she returns to that sweet toned vice that I rarely ever hear “come to me my pet, I won’t hurt you; unless you disobey me.”

Doing as she asks I walk to her, but she holds up a finger, stopping me. “Kneel before me, I will ask you one question then we will begin.” Moving with the grace that I have been taught, I positioned myself in-between my Mistress’s legs. “Do you give your self to me willingly?”

“Yes Mistress …. I do.”

“Then please me, ” she commands and grabs me by the chin the draws me up to her open jaw and seal us to each other together, breathing in each other’s air we were equal. She grabs the either side of my head and pushed me towards her neck. Moving with swift kisses and flicks of the tongue I move down to the side of her neck and zero in on one spot licking, sucking, and biting her not as hard as she did me but enough that I could hear moans escaping her. Moving my kisses further down I move to the valley between her breasts, leaving a trail, and blowing on it to make her skin freeze and for her to shiver letting another moan escape her lips “you are a tease” she tells me under her breath but I pay no heed and continue my assault on her. Moving to the base of her left breast, I start flicking with my tongue in a clockwise motion from the base to the top, all the while my mistress has taken her other hand and started to massage the other side moaning louder now. Stopping just before I touch her peak I hover over it blowing alternating breaths of hot and cold air on it. She moans in pleasure, and then again in anticipation.

Giving my Lady a few for moments to relish the wait, I plunge down on her taking her into my mouth, making her buck. Bucking so hard that my Mistress almost throws me, she lets out a scream of pleasure.

Continuing through her screams I move my body weight over her to reduce her thrashing, I remove myself from her breast as she becomes silent, panting heavily. I wait until she gives my hair a loving caress before I continue. Moving down her stomach rubbing my hands down her back barley touching her skin, I reach the base of her abs. I find a knot that she has and take it onto myself to massage it out.

“You are talented my little kitty” she moans as I move down to where she wants me. I move to the side and continue down her leg. Massaging and kneading all the way to her knees taking all the tension out of her legs. My Mistress makes a begging moan and I know its time to please the place where women are made to be pleased.

Grabbing her by her firm butt I drag her to the edge of the bed so I can gain better access to her. Kneeling down in front of her I start on her inner thigh kissing again, putting suction back and forth across her, inching ever close to her flower. After a few more stokes I come face to face with her woman hood, I take a breath, my mouth salivating causing my own phallus to be grow aggravated at the delay, but I know she must come first. Leaning forward I brush the sides of her lips moving around her opening several time’s but making sure not to touch her . She is openly whimpering now and I take a moment to relish the only point of control that I have. Without warning she grabs my head and shoves me into her, I am overwhelmed by her, and instinctively start licking and sucking on her, with the pressure she puts the back of my head, and the pressure on her , she is panting and speaking gibberish, swearing at me, while I continue my massage of her. I move lower to her base, letting my tough slide through her seamlessly, and then returning to the tip of her mound. “Now my pet, take me now!”

I move into position without hesitation, steadying myself on my hands as I position myself. Seeing that she has been teased enough I let myself slide into her, moving slowly, as gasps escape both of our mouths. She is sweet to the touch as I enter, starting slowly, I lean forward and take her lips that were made for kissing into mine never halting my movements.

“Are you ready mistress?” I ask softly. She can only nod her head in approval and I to pick up pace. My mistress writhes on the bed and clamps down on me as I speed up, faster, and faster. I take my thumb and put it on her , rubbing it and causing her to scream yet again in ecstasy. Faster and faster, her moans mix with mine, eternity slips away and we are equals in life, in death and in sex. I can feel myself at the breech but I can’t go until she goes one more time. I renew my efforts rubbing against her at the top of her mound pressing hard and caressing fast and with a scream that reaches to the heavens we both exploded into an ecstasy of lust, love and relief.

For a moment my vision is weak, and as it returns I can see my mistress has a tear running down her cheek. “Why do you cry Mistress, ” I ask.

Looking at me with nothing but love in her eyes her, knowledge of my servitude forgotten momentarily she says, “Because you made love, like I have never felt before, with love.”

On My Knees

You are soo beautiful, your female slave is staked out on top of the coffee table. You comand me to kiss her breasts. The sound of a voice commanding someone to give pleasure, it is strange and wonderfull. Slowly you direct me to move slowly across her body. Slowly, silently I move down her trunk. She can hear the crop against my skin, she assumes it is my ass and you hear me wince and feel me recoil as you reprimand me for moving too swiftly. I am between her legs now, licking sucking, pleasing.

“If she doesn’t cum when I tell her I will swat you right in the sack” you tell me, as you tap my right nut sack with the crop and watch it tighten up. I find new enthusiasm in licking her pussy. I can tell I am doing a good job by the gentle moaning. Of course she hasn’t been given permission to cum yet. It is odd how being told not to makes you want it that much more. You pull blindfold off her face. She sees me for the first time. I am handsome and built well. She glances between your slaves legs expecting to see my penis, but instead she sees a hard plastic cage. The CB 3000 has encased my member and you can see that it is red and throbbing within the mechanism that prevents your slaves erection. You tell her to kiss his cage.

your slave lowers himself above her. eager to feel something, even her breath against him the heat the moisture anything. How many times has he been in this position. When was the last time he came. You tease his balls as they are the only thing outside of his cage. He is entranced.

Then comes the soft sting of the crop on the inside of his thighs. One two three four. First the left then the right.

She tortures us gently with pain and with pleasure over every inch of your bodys. Then she asks us both if we want to cum. She gets a resounding yes.

You tell your slave to take the condum and put it on. Then you take a little gel put it in the tip and tell your slave to put it on. You make him masterbate with the condum for a few minutes as your slave takes your clit in his mouth. He knows better than to cum with out permission. You put him on his knees between her thighs and tell him to mount her. Both of the slaves are wearing waist belts with rings and you use a carabiner to connect the two of us. One on each side she draws the belts tight, pulling him further inside of her. she gives just enough slack for him to move but not enough to pull out.

She begins to warm their asses with the crop. Gently but enough to get your attention. First him and then her. They are fucking with an intensity rarley seen. After a few minutes when she is sure no one can hold back any longer She gives them both permission to cum. He begins to buck like a horse gone wild deep and long hard and primordial he uses all of his strength. How long has it been. She cums and cums again and then everyone becomes aware of his exasperation.

“You better cum” She says “It might be another month before you get the chance again” He digs deep and trys some more but for all his trying the orgasm evades him. He looks at her in disbelief, The female slave is certainly satisfied by now and maybe even a little sore.

She shows you both the gel she used to lubricate the inside of his condum. “Oral Gel Maximum Stength”

She laughs a little bit and you bite the female slave bites her lip so not to laugh. . She disconnects him and chains him to the wall. Spread eagle and erect. Then she makes him watch as she puts a chin dong on the female slave and makes her kneel between her thighs and cums hard as the feeling begins to come back into my loins.

I Want To Be Yours

She had asked him to be explicit in his list of limits. She had told him once he had given it to her she would respect them but he wouldn’t be allowed to add to the list only take things off the list. He thought about it for a while and sent it to her after about an hour. She rejected it and told him he hadn’t thought it through well enough. He read through the list, what had he forgotten. He hated to ask her but he couldn’t imagine what wasn’t on the list. He sent her a polite note inquiring to what she thought he’d left off. She smirked when she read his note. This might send him the other direction and fast.

She wrote back, “May I castrate you?” “Maim or kill you if it’s my pleasure?”

That’s all she wrote. When he read it his eyes widened. Certainly she was joking; no one would go that far. This was just for play he thought and then he thought again. She had told him to think his decision through thoroughly if he accepted he would belong to her completely, if she said jump his only response could be how high? The thought thrilled him. She wanted to own him completely.

First though he’d have to make it through the inspection and meet with her approval. He could accept she would have other lovers than him. She’d been explicit she wouldn’t be his but he would be hers. At first he was jealous. If she could have others why couldn’t he. Then as he got to know her better his interest had waned in others and the thought of seeing her pleased really pleased by someone grew. His thinking had radically changed.

He sat down again with the list and he tried to imagine any situation he might object to and as he visualized he became aroused. He could see her doing the vilest of things to him and he would accept it thank her even for giving him her attention. He revised and sent it to her the next morning, this time she accepted it. He got a return note telling him she had made reservations at a nearby hotel. He would arrive at 1:30 checking in and paying for the room. She wanted him prepared for her and the room as well. There was to be fresh flowers waiting, the ice bucket filled and plenty of bottled water on hand. She expected him bathed and completely hair free. If she found a hair she guaranteed him he would not like how she would remove it from him. She would give him one hour to be ready. When he arrived at the hotel and checked in the desk clerk handed him a sealed envelope saying it had been left for him earlier in the day. He wanted to open it right then but decided seeing the flourished script he’d better wait knowing it was from her he didn’t want to embarrass himself in the lobby with a hard on. He put away his credit card, signed the receipt and tucked the room key in his pocket. He handed back one key to the clerk explaining it would be picked up by her later. The clerk nodded and watched as the man walked to the elevators. He saw all kinds of things working at the hotel; he could tell when someone was nervous. It must not be his wife joining him he thought.

The elevator took him to the fifth floor and he walked to the end of the hall. It was the last room and the floor seemed otherwise deserted but it was 1:30 in the afternoon he thought. The other guests normally wouldn’t be checking in until 3 or later. He fumbled at the door inserting the key backwards the first time. Calm down he told himself. He took a deep breath and entered the suite. Nice he thought. Not what he had expected. He set his small bag down and his coat he grabbed his keys and headed back for the car. The clerk thought nothing of his leaving but when he returned a few moments later carrying the flowers and the plastic grocery bag he just smiled. Definitely not a wife he thought.

He put the vase of flowers on the round table in the corner of the room. She could see them then when she entered and know he’d remembered. He lit the two lavender candles and set them on the nightstands on each side of the bed. The first whiff reminded him of her scent, a flowery musky smell. His dick twitched. He picked up the ice bucket and headed back down to the lobby. Filled with ice he returned. He settled it on the table next to the flowers and began to disrobe. He hung his clothes in the closet then remembered her note. He sat on the edge of the chair not wanting to muss the bed and opened it.

As he read his dick deflated. She wouldn’t be there until 4 and he wasn’t to leave the hotel. He got up and paced. She wrote more but at the moment he was stuck on the fact it was 115 and all he had left to do was to shower. He sighed, blew the candles out and picked the note back up. He read on. He would be a little busier than he thought. She had given him some explicit instructions of a few things she wanted him to do in the meantime. He set about making the first happen. He began stroking his dick. He was to send her a picture via his phone to hers every 25 minutes of his cock hard. He wasn’t allowed to let it go down and he wasn’t allowed to cum. Fuck he thought now he had to stay hard for nearly three hours waiting for her too. He snapped the first picture and sent it off to her.

He started to turn the television on but then remembered her note said no other distractions. He was to stay focused on what was happening today and nothing else. He walked into the bathroom and adjusted the shower. A long hot shower would kill some time. He set his body wash on the ledge and pulled the razor out so he could touch up any spots he might have missed at home before stepping under the hot spray. Once under the jets made his skin tingle and he thought of her long red nails dragging over his back. He’d felt that already. She had reached under his shirt one night beside the car when he’d walked her out and she had clawed him. His prick had twitched then just like it was now remembering. How could he be so aroused at the thought of her hurting him he wondered?

He went about washing himself and ran the razor carefully over his balls and pubes again feeling afterward to make sure there weren’t any strays left. He smoothed his hands down his legs they too were hair free now. That felt so strange to him. He wondered if she would require him to stay that way. Going to the gym would be different. He could imagine the looks he would get being hairless everywhere. Lastly he ran his hands over his head. It was stubble free thanks to the magic shave she had recommended.

He turned the water off and reached for the towel. His dick was semi hard now so he pulled on it a few times to return it to full mast. Reaching for his watch he realized it was time for the next picture. He snapped it and walked into the outer room. Someone had been there while he was in the shower. There was a package lying on the bed. He looked quickly at the door. Damn he hadn’t put the safety lock on but then he knew he couldn’t she would be letting herself in. He walked over and shook the box. It wasn’t too heavy but there was definitely something inside that clunked from side to side. He pulled the paper off. Inside there was a large black plug and a note. He read the note twice she wanted him to suck it then slide it in his ass? No lube? He shook his head then picked up the silicone phallus and brought it to his lips. He felt foolish sucking the butt plug. Her orders were exact five minutes fellatio on the plug in front of the mirror then inside him. She wanted a picture of him looking in the mirror at himself as he sucked it and she wanted a picture when he slid it in his ass. He folded the towel and hung it over the rack. He knew she was a hard ass about him keeping things tidy. She had refused to speak to him for four days after the first time she was at his home because he had left his shirt on the back of a chair. There were a lot of habits he had broken getting to know her.

He put the plug in his mouth and wasn’t pleased to find in order to take it all the way in as she asked it slid to the back of his mouth and into his throat making him gag at first. He tried to calm his reflux and then looked in the mirror. How had it come to the point that doing anything for her made his prick twitch? He snapped the shot for her and proceeded to fuck his mouth and throat with the plug as she asked, the full five minutes. When the time had lapsed he returned to the outer room and sitting on the edge of the chair with his knees open wide and his thighs splayed he pressed the rounded tip to his puckered hole. He pressed but it wasn’t sliding in. He brought it back up and spit on it. Working one of his fingers inside himself first he finally was able to press the plug into place. It wasn’t terribly comfortable. In fact it was quite uncomfortable. He positioned his phone between his open legs and snapped the photo and sent it off. It wasn’t but a moment and she told him to bend over and shoot one from that angle. That was tougher for him and he found he had to take several before he could get one showing the black base snuggly held in place between his ass cheeks. It was in the picture he spied the stray hairs.

Back to the shower and soaping up he carefully shaved with the plug in place. It wasn’t as easy as it would have been had he removed the foreign object from his bowel but he left it as she said and shaved around the base. When he finished he checked the time. Damn it he missed sending her the cock shot by three minutes. His dick wasn’t hard either. He pulled on it stroking himself as he normally did. It wasn’t happening. He was about to give up when he thought about her standing behind him her hands on her hips and looking down on him as she had the last time he’d knelt asking her for more. That brought his cock to life and he shot the photo his hand pumping his shaft and messaged it to her.

Her reply was he was late. For the inconvenience of making her wait he would be waiting now as well another thirty minutes was added to his sentence.

To Be Cont’d

Gates of Hell 06

The lesson did not take long to begin. Upon entering the room, she told me to strip which I did without question nor hesitation. Once naked, she had me sit in an armless chair that was in the room. Quickly, she tied the collar, my arms and legs to the chair, immobilizing me. My cock was still hard from the drive and firmly encased in the Gates of Hell. She grinned at me, seeing my powerlessness and vulnerability. She began to undress and I looked at the hard points of her nipples, the slight reddening of her body and finally the glisten of her wet pussy. I looked at a woman who was very horny and who knew exactly what she wanted and how she was going to get it. I was unable to move as she sat on my thighs and held my cock and balls, stroking, caressing, and demanding their utmost arousal. I opened my mouth to speak but she stopped me by saying ‘You utter one word and I swear I’ll make you sorry you ever spoke’ She squeezed my balls hard as she said this and my silence was greeted by a very evil grin. ‘I might make you sorry anyway!’ but that was a passing thought as she drew the key for the Gates of Hell from around her neck. She freed my cock which sprang to a hardness that I was surprised at. I could feel the heat from her crotch as she leaned in and kissed me, thrusting her tongue into my unresisting mouth, her hands stroking my thighs. A predator’s groan escaped her and she lifted herself and pushed back from me, kneeling between my legs. Taking me into her hand she moved me to her mouth, to be met with the tip of her tongue swirling around the head which caused a jolt of pleasure felt all throughout my body. Then a drawing in and my shaft was sucked into her mouth, her tongue playing on my senses. The pleasure was extreme as she worked her magic on me. Licking, sucking, now all in her mouth, now just her lips running down the sensitive underside of my cock. She took my balls into her mouth and sucked and licked. She was a true virtuoso and I responded in the only way available to me, opening my legs wider to her exploration and enjoyment. She built us both to a frenzy that was unmatched in all my experience and then halted, warning me not to cum. I struggled to comply as she returned to her enjoyment of my cock and I was hard pressed not to cum. It was a symphony of pleasure and frustration which she played and I was her willing instrument. Sensing my inability to take move, she got up and straddled me. Sitting on my thighs until I was under control and then she lifted herself and used the tip of my cock to trace the folds of her hot moist pussy. We both groaned as she dragged my cock across her clit. Then she held me at her opening and then, ever so slowly, she lowered herself onto me, her silky smooth wetness enfolding me, her muscles welcoming my cock as she pulled me into her. Our hips met and she ground down onto me and I felt the core of her as she felt mine. Grabbing the chair back, she began to raise and lower herself onto me, now deep and slow, now fast and short, then slow again. Each move brought a gasp of delight to our lips and I inhaled her breath as she kissed me. Our hips began a more insistent pace and I could feel her sweet nectar seep out of her, covering my cock and increasing the pleasure for us both. I looked at her, her mouth slightly open, her eyes staring into mine, a look of pleasure on her face. Her body opened to me, drawing me even further in until we were as one – Mistress and her submissive. Her urgency was met by my own as she began to wildly thrust herself onto me, her body aflame, her need booking no delay. The feel of her was exquisite as she began to tense, nearing her climax. A primal need drove us both and we willingly surrendered ourselves to the pleasure, the need and the lust. She pressed her breasts to my lips and I kissed and sucked on each nipple as they were offered. I could feel her shudder as I fought to please her every need. Then slowly, as if drawn unwillingly from her, a groan escaped her lips and then ‘Come for me Charles! Now!’ and I complied, thrusting and shooting deep in her as her pussy clenched my exploding cock deep in her. Her groan became a sigh of pleasure as our bodies thrust to each other, the unimaginable friction of cock and pussy melded into an overwhelming sea of pleasure. ‘I am yours Mistress!’ I gasped as my body shook from the climax that had overwhelmed me. She kissed my sweaty forehead and said’ I know, Charles. All mine…forever’

Gates of hell 05

When she untied me, there was very little of the Dom left in me. She had taken my core beliefs in myself, held them in her hand, laughed at them and remolded me to fit her whim. She had used me for her pleasure, every private area, every inch and opening of my body felt her will. She bent me to her will and she claimed her ownership. She ripped me open psychologically and left me wanting more. The process had me doubly scared – once as how easily she had been able to dominate completely a life – time Dom and the second was by how much I wanted and needed to be owned and dominated by her. All this passed through my head as she released me and when I was finally free of the ropes, I realized how truly tied to her I was. In a way, I was disappointed that she had released me but the Gates of Hell was still in place, retraining my cock and her collar was still around my neck – restraining my will. She seemed aware of all these thoughts as she began to step out of the harness and told me to dress. My heart fell, fearing I had failed or disappointed her but she again showed how well she knew me when she said ‘We’re not done yet Charles. I just need to get something’ she moved to me and slowly took my balls into one hand the ring on the Gates of Hell in the other. ‘Now that they are here, my cock and balls are not getting away for a long time yet, so get dressed’. A light squeeze to my balls told me to obey, which I did immediately. We dressed in silence and we were soon standing by the door ready to go out when she turned to me and told me to open my pants. I complied and she took a ‘training leash’ from her purse and clipped it onto the ring at the front of the Gates of Hell. The metal links looked fragile but when she tugged on it and it pulled my cock, I knew that these tiny links were stronger than me. I was told to re-do my pants and the leash came out of the top of my pants. ‘Did I tell you that you will be wearing this whenever we go out? ‘ She adjusted the leash through a belt loop and adjusted it to look like an old fashioned watch fob as she continued to talk to me ‘Charles, whenever I ask for this leash, you will give it to me. No matter where we are or what we are doing. This is not something you have any choice in, understood?’ ‘Yes, Mistress’ I replied as my heart raced. She smiled and leaned in, kissed me and tugged on the leash ‘Did I also forget to tell you how wet I am knowing this cock is mine?’ She laughed and pushed me away but held the leash and led me from the room. I thought I had gotten accustomed to the collar and the Gates of Hell but now standing I realized that I had not. The weight of the collar pressing down on my neck and the newness of that sensation had me thinking of what it all meant. Not to mention how the weight of the Gates of Hell pulling and restraining my cock and balls underscored my feelings of vulnerability, helplessness and how much she owned what was encircled by them. We got into my car and drove in an almost random fashion until we came to a small restaurant. She told me she was hungry and we pulled into the parking lot. When we got into the restaurant, she requested a private booth in the back and we were soon seated side-by-side with the table between us and the rest of the diners. After we ordered, she calmly asked for the leash. As I fumbled to unloop it from my belt , she snapped her fingers and told me to hurry. Once she had it, she told me to undo my belt and open my pants. She laughed at the blush that spread across my face as I complied and she said ‘Did you think that being my sub would be a cute little secret just between us? Now hurry up or you’ll be walking around here being led by your leash!’ Fully exposed, she took her time adjusting my cock and balls until she was satisfied as to how they were. The combination of being exposed in public, her closeness and her total disregard for everything but adjusting my cock, made me feeling both vulnerable and excited. The hardness this caused, even restricted by the Gates of Hell, made her laugh and spend even more time adjusting me. ‘I’ll be doing this all night if you keep moving around’ she laughed and began to rub the tip of my cock between her thumb and forefinger. A gasp of pleasure escaped my lips and her muttered comment about how much of a slut I was added to my tension and growing need. She stopped and draped a napkin over me when she was the waitress returning. I have no idea what we ate or spoke about during that meal. All I could tell you was that the leash was laying on the table and the occasional tugs she gave it kept me in a state of excitement I had never experienced before. Not satisfied, she placed a cord with a ‘d-ring’ attached in the middle on the table. She grinned knowing that I was very curious about it but unable to ask her what it was. It stayed there until we paid and she allowed me to close my pants. Once back in the car, I was instructed to pull my pants to my knees. I complied and then found out what the cord and ring was for. She leaned over and lifted my balls then placed the d ring under them. She tied the cord around the base of my cock, thus holding the ring in place. She worked the leash through the two rings on the Gates of Hell and then attached the leash to the d ring. She pulled on the leash and my entire groin was stimulated by that one simple tug. She grinned at her handiwork and told be to drive back, as she settled herself across my lap, my cock in front of her. She stroked, caressed and tugged at my cock and balls as I drove back, occasionally leaning to use her lips and tongue . I was going out of my mind by the pleasure and need to stay focused on the road and she redoubled her efforts to distract me as I drove. I was moaning and gasping almost constantly from her attention and was soon on the edge of climax when she stopped, holding me until I was not ready to cum. She then started again , and then a gain throughout the drive, alternately driving me to the edge and then letting me go. She did not allow me time to recover from one edge before she started again. By now it was dark but I am sure there were times when it was evident to other drivers that I was distracted and by what. Especially truckers who went by but I did not care. All I could focus on was not cumming, which she warned me not to do, the extreme pleasure she was causing and the need not to drive off the road! When we arrived back at the hotel was the first time she paid attention to our surroundings. By then I was in agony from the need to come. She knew this and simply said ‘No“ and got out of the car. I hurriedly followed her, buckling and redoing my pants as I struggled to keep up with her. We went up the back stairs to our room and she turned to me when she got there and told me to pull out my cock. I was stunned and did not respond so she looked at her watch and said ‘Every second you make me wait results in a minute of me being unable to find the room key. You already are 5 minutes in?’ That snapped me out of mu stupor and I soon was standing, exposed. She took the leash in one hand and began to tug and sway with it as she looked at her watch and said ‘8 minutes’. She began to time me standing there and tugged the leash and said ‘No!” when I went to cover myself with my hands. I stood there hoping no one would come down the hall while I was there and tried to close my eyes but again the tug and ‘No!’. Finally, she said ‘Time’s up!’ and began to search for the key. I was frantic to either go in or cover myself when she told me to stand still so she could find the key. I did so and eventually she found it and opened the door. I tried to step in but she held her hand up and stopped me. She then took the leash and led me back into the room. She closed the doors and turned to me and said ‘Charles I am very horny now and it is time to start your next lesson’.

New Report
