And they met 04

Now underway, naked from the waist down and locked-up tight. He listened intently as she gave him directions. Turn there, straight through this light.

“Now we’re home free baby” she said as they started up over the steep hill. As he took in the scenery, he noticed that town was disappearing fast. Soon they were to the top of the hill and there were no more houses, no more stores…just trees. The road narrowed a slight bit and wasn’t as smooth either. They dropped down over the other side of the hill and it was like a different world. Relaxing, quiet, on his way to things he’d, to this point, only dreamed & lusted over with her. Down the road they traveled and she said…

“only a few more mile Charles, just stay on this road”. He glanced over at her and she was smiling, looking him in the eye she reached into that magical pocket again. This time when her hand reappeared she had a jelly vibrator in it, she leaned closer and slid the head of the fake cock against his lips,

“surprise baby, I’m gonna show you a trick.” She turned the end of the vibrator and it sprang to life. She undid her coat and he damn near melted. She lifted her left leg and placed it down on his again growing cock, careful not to bump the wheel. He was already having trouble keeping it between the lines she’d noticed. She slid her right leg farther apart and took the vibe from his lips and slid it across her hard nipples, down her belly and between her wet slit. Using her other hand she spread her cunt lips wide exposing her clit. Tracing the fake cock back and forth across her clit. A moan escaped her lips.

“Soon baby, real soon your mouth will take the place of this piece of plastic. But until it does you’re going to watch me cum.”

His prick was swelling in it’s confines. It hurt, ached. More than it ever had that he can recall. “ohhh Mistress”, he whispered. “pleaseeee”. He heard his own voice, like that of a child pleading for a want. Only he wasn’t sure if his want was to watch her pleasure herself or grant him release. She worked the vibrator back and forth until it glistened with her wetness. And then she slammed the length of it into her greedy cunt. As she did his hips thrust involuntary, as though he was attached to that vibrator, he so wished he’d been at that moment, wished he was the vibrator. He’d heard this over the phone in the past, but to see the look of pleasure on her face, hear her, smell the sex. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to even keep the car on the road much longer. The road began to twist and turn, up a small grade then back down, around another sharp turn. He couldn’t watch her and the road at the same time…he was missing parts of the show. But he heard every little sound. He heard her wetness and she slammed her toy in and out of that tight fucking pussy. Yes, she was fucking that vibrator like he hoped she’d fuck him before he had to go home.

“careful Charles, the road is a treacherous one. We want to get home in one piece. I have plans for that cock and I don’t want it wounded if you miss a turn and hit a tree.”

Her voice was starting to waver ever so slightly. He could tell she was getting close. She worked the vibrator faster, it hummed it’s magic, and her booted foot dug into his naked crotch. Pushing his cock between his legs. The only thing that saved his dick entirely was the gates of hell. The steel rings wouldn’t allow enough give for her heel to do any real damage, the pressure he felt was actually rather pleasurable for him combined with the ache, the need he was feeling. He took a quick glance at her again when the road straightened a little. She grinned wide and moaned loudly,

“I’m cumming Charles, if this was your cock you’d feel my cunt clenching down on that hard prick right nowwwww!”

She fucked the vibrator hard and fast and drew her orgasm out till the last of her spams subsided. He was amazed, and again in one of those states of disbelief. He’d been with this woman all of about twenty minutes and already she’d gone beyond what he was expecting their first meeting to be like. He never half believed what any Mistress talked, bragged about. He thought the majority of them did nothing more than blow hot air…but this one, he laughed inside his own head, yes, this ones a keeper. That dom that he tried hard to keep locked up just couldn’t help himself by times. At that moment he wanted nothing more than to see her on her knees in front of him. Those grinning lips of hers around his hard throbbing cock, sucking him dry. His hands on her head, fingers tangled in that silky hair, pulling her closer as he fucked her mouth. Moaning with pleasure as her warm moist mouth met every one of his thrusts, the suction building. His balls tightening. Until his hot cum pulsed down her throat.

Her voice shattered through his daydream. As if she’d read his mind, and looking straight through him she cocked one eyebrow…

“Really Charles? Lick it clean” she pushed the vibrator to his lips. “lets see how good a cock sucker you are handsome. You know you want to suck my cock as badly as you want to feel it fucking that sweet ass of yours”.

She again, as before, pressed the fake cock to his lips. He, unsure of his technique touched his tongue to the head of the dick like a child tasting a lollipop. He’d licked many a cunt..but never a dick. This was new to him. He got a taste, licked some more. He started to lick more urgently, she saw him, right before her eyes become intoxicated with her cum so she teased. As he tried to get more, she would pull it away. And then she told him to take it all. She slid the big cock into his mouth and he sucked it like a greedy little bitch. She removed her foot from his crotch and with her free hand pulled his legs farther apart. His cock bounced up from between his legs. She saw the tip of his swollen prick was slick with his pre cum. He had quite a puddle going by this time and noticing the familiar landmark to the left, she told him he was to take the next left hand turn he could. And with that her head disappeared to the passengers in the car behind them. Between his legs she went. Her tongue darting in and out between the steel rings. She put her mouth around as much of the tip that was sticking out from the final ring and sucked the sweet liquid off. He wanted to cum so bad, mumbled through the cock she still slid in and out of his mouth. Not sure how he was even managing to keep the car on the road he just wanted to pull off…right there, right then, finish this properly. Long before he was ready for her to stop she did. Looked around and motioned…

“here we are, next drive on the left my dear…we’re home” She pointed in the direction of the house on the hill. He made the turn and up the hill the car climbed to come to a stop in front of the house.

“We made it and nary a scratch!” She laughed. “You’re hired!”

and they met 03

She spied his car in the lot and headed straight for it. Waiting for him to step up and open the door for her. As he did, stepping in front of her she slid her hand across his ass.

“Mmmm, nice ass baby. We’re gonna give that thing a good working out later”

She pulled the leash in such a way that he was forced to turn and face her. His back against the car, she pushed her body against his. He flushed again as he thought of her naked body, so close. Just beneath that coat and again…so close.

“a proper hello is order don’t you think?” she said huskily as she pressed her lips against his. He felt her hand on his still hard cock. She rubbed, squeezed. His whole manhood felt so achy and in want and her working it the way she was wasn’t helping matters at all. He thought he’d cum right there in his pants if she didn’t stop..he’d longed for her for so many months already and this was torture indeed. As her tongue pushed his lips apart he heard the faint click of her undoing the leash and felt the tug on his neck as she pulled his head back with her fingers now entwined in his collar.

“that’s all for now big boy, take me home. You’ll get the rest later”. And she slid the leash back into her coat pocket.

He helped her into the car and hurried around to take his place behind the wheel. She slid the seat back so she could stretch her long booted legs out.

“Now Charles, before you start the car remove those pants and anything underneath them too.”

He looked at her in disbelief. But knew better than to question or dally as he didn’t want to bring down her wrath. He started to undo his fly as he looked around to see if anyone was in the parking lot, although little good it would do him if there was anyone. He couldn’t disobey her. As he slid his pants down and pulled his legs out his hard cock sprang forth. The grin that was on her lips turned into a malicious sneer.

“My, my what a nice package you have for Mistress, all smooth and hard for me. Glad to see you shaved that hairy beast as I ask. That will be to both our benefit”.

She reached into her pocket again and out came a contraption of steel and leather. At first he wasn’t sure what she had, until she dangled it from a hooked finger and it fell loose from it’s jumble. He then recognized the gates of hell he’d so eagerly wanted to wear. They had teased about them for months now and finally he was going to feel that cold steel and warm leather around his cock. She looked at his cock, looked at the steel rings, and back to his cock.

“You know Charles, this is never going to work. That prick is just to hard to even think about this fitting”, she laughed. “You need to lose the hard-on my dear or we’ll never get this on you.” She lit a cigarette, wound her window down and the cool spring air rushed in. Again she laughed.

“well, that should help, little chilly out there isn’t it man with the hard cock?”

“yes Mistress”, he answered. But the cold air wasn’t helping to alleviate his problem in the least. His dick throbbed harder than ever. He just wished she’d give him release right there in the parking lot. He wanted it so bad. But she was not going to make it that easy for him. He made a move to start the car.

“Don’t you dare!” She snapped. “Don’t even think about starting this car till you’re locked away in my gates.”

She drew deeply on her cigarette again, blowing the smoke out the window. She undid her coat just a bit, enough that he could steel a sideways glance at her breasts, he could see clearly the tattoo on her chest that he could only barely make out in photos she’d sent. It was a old tattoo, faded but somehow still fitting for her. He also noticed she wore the locket he’d sent her for Christmas. But now it had two little tiny keys added to the locket that was originally on it. That made his cock uncontrollably twitch as he realized what those keys were for. Her hair looked as silky as it did in the photos. He wanted to feel it to see if it was so, but didn’t dare. And the scent of her was so familiar, it was the same as those panties she’d sent. Ohh, he had to stop thinking this wasn’t helping his predicament at all. He needed, wanted release and bad.

She looked at his crotch again, “well mister, I don’t think you’re trying very hard. That damn prick is every bit as hard as it was before. What are we going do with you? I had a feeling this may happen, so like any good boy scout, I came prepared.”

And with that he heard the most wicked chuckle so far. She flung her butt out the window and reached into that pocket again. He thought, she must have bottomless pockets in that coat. She removes her hand from the pocket and in it has a clothes pin.

“look familiar baby?” She cooed, then laughed again.

“umm, yes Mistress” he stammered, “but really, if we wait just a few more minutes…Owwwww” he hollered. Before he knew it she had put that clip right on his dick, no warning. It was just there. And again she laughed.

“oh really, don’t be yelling like a little girl. People will think I’ve, …ohhh I don’t know, put a clip on your dick or something.” Her laughter by this time had turned into uncontrollable giggles as she watched him squirm in discomfort. “I have more if just one doesn’t do the trick” she threatened with even more laughter. But one was working as she watched him clearly suffering, she almost felt sorry for him…almost. She was having far to much fun to feel to much pity though. She knew what was about to come and he wouldn’t ever remember any little bit of pain he was feeling now.

As the swelling of his engorged cock went down, she ripped the clip free and he again hollered…“Owwwwww, my god that hurts!!!”

“Are you complaining Charles?”

“No – no not at all, just saying is all.”

She places the steel and leather down over his now, very soft prick, retrieves two more leather straps from her pocket, one to lock his balls to the gates and one to go around his cock. She pulls, prods, shifts and gets the straps arranged to her satisfaction. Then back into the pocket and out comes two open, little brass padlocks. And with a glint in her eye she clicks them both shut as she tells him just how owned he really is. And now he may start the car and take them home.

And they met 02

She was thrilled to be finally in the parking lot. The ten minute ride seemed to take hours. She got out of the car and told the driver,

“give me five minutes…if I’m not back out you can leave”.

Through the door she went. The regulars were well on their way to never-never land, drunk already she thought. That’s good, for us anyway. Those guys won’t remember a thing. As she looked around the rest of the bar there wasn’t anyone except for that man she’d waited so long to torment in person. She saw him sitting there, half eaten hoagie on the table, couple empty coffee cups and the collar laying there as he’d been told. When she was satisfied that no one else was in eye shot and the view was his alone. She slowly walked toward him, unbuttoning her coat as she did and pulling it open for him to have a full view. He couldn’t even believe his eyes. Not that he was thinking that she was beautiful…he lusted after her for so long that was a given and she looked just like her pictures. What he couldn’t believe was the fact she didn’t have a stitch on under that coat except those boots. His cock was instantly hard, aching. That same familiar feeling he’d had so many times past, due to her teasing and tormenting.

“Hello Charles” that familiar voice said.

“Oh My God Mistress!” is all he could get out, his voice a little shaky compared to what she was used to hearing.

Her smile widened, “ohh, not even a hello after all this time?”, she chuckled. Mission accomplished she thought. The man was flustered. He stood as she got to the booth and waited for her to sit. He wasn’t sure what was to come next, he wanted to kiss her hello but was afraid to touch her. Not sure that he was allowed to take such liberties. But she solved that problem as she brushed her lips against his cheek and sliding her hand to his crotch to take a feel at the same time. Mmmm, nice she thought. And she buttoned her coat back up as she sat down opposite him.

“Ummm, uhhhh…I-I’m really sorry. Yes, Hello Mistress. You’ve just really taken me by surprise. You know, people say they will or have done this or that when you talk online…but this is…well. It’s totally unexpected. It IS nice to meet you finally”.

“But Charles we’ve talked for a long time now, surely if you haven’t learned another thing about me, you’ve learned that I do mean what I say? In any case I have a driver waiting, so what’s it going to be? Are you taking me home, do you wish to keep your collar now that you’ve seen your owner live and in person? Or shall I go now before my driver leaves and you can head on your merry way back home yourself?”

“yes Mistress I will take you home, definitely”

“then I suggest you pay your bill here if you haven’t already, we have much to do and not much time to do it in. No time for small talk, lets go”.

About that time the waitress appeared at the table. She took notice of the collar on the table and a sly smile crossed her lips. She ask if the lady would like a menu or if she’d like her regular. The lady answered,

“No thanks. I won’t be eating…here.”

She’d not be ordering today. What she wanted wasn’t on their menu. The waitress then gave him his bill and as he stepped up to the bar to pay it he felt his owners eyes watching him. He felt a flush wash over him, like he was the one exposed. When he turned back to the booth, she was standing. Collar in hand. He walked back and she told him…

“on your knees my little sex toy”

A look of shock, horror almost, crossed his face. Not here he thought. Geesh, not that there was that many people in the pub, but still. He lingered just a second too long.

“Charles! Did you not hear me? I said on your knees! NOW!”

“Yes Mistress” he stammered, his face turning red as he went down on his knees, wondering what the drunks at the bar might be thinking. He had his back to them he couldn’t see their faces. He imagined them to be sitting there snickering at the man on his knees. What he didn’t know is those men weren’t even paying attention. And his Mistress was greatly enjoying his discomfort. She pulled the bottom of her coat just far enough apart for him to see her pussy.

“See that Charles? If you want the privilege of worshiping that wet cunt, you’d best be quicker on the draw. And when I tell you to do something you just do it”

With those words she let her coat fall back shut and placed the collar around his neck. As she fastened it she told him…

“Don’t forget who owns you, you’re mine and you aren’t getting away now.”

Then she reached into her coat pocket and out came a leash. She clipped it to the collar.

“On your feet man” she said. And out the door they went. The men at the bar drunk and without a clue, never even noticed.

Part 3}

She spied his car in the lot and headed straight for it. Waiting for him to step up and open the door for her. As he did, stepping in front of her she slid her hand across his ass.

“Mmmm, nice ass baby. We’re gonna give that thing a good working out later”

She pulled the leash in such a way that he was forced to turn and face her. His back against the car, she pushed her body against his. He flushed again as he thought of her naked body, so close. Just beneath that coat and again…so close.

“a proper hello is order don’t you think?” she said huskily as she pressed her lips against his. He felt her hand on his still hard cock. She rubbed, squeezed. His whole manhood felt so achy and in want and her working it the way she was wasn’t helping matters at all. He thought he’d cum right there in his pants if she didn’t stop..he’d longed for her for so many months already and this was torture indeed. As her tongue pushed his lips apart he heard the faint click of her undoing the leash and felt the tug on his neck as she pulled his head back with her fingers now entwined in his collar.

“that’s all for now big boy, take me home. You’ll get the rest later”. And she slid the leash back into her coat pocket.

He helped her into the car and hurried around to take his place behind the wheel. She slid the seat back so she could stretch her long booted legs out.

“Now Charles, before you start the car remove those pants and anything underneath them too.”

He looked at her in disbelief. But knew better than to question or dally as he didn’t want to bring down her wrath. He started to undo his fly as he looked around to see if anyone was in the parking lot, although little good it would do him if there was anyone. He couldn’t disobey her. As he slid his pants down and pulled his legs out his hard cock sprang forth. The grin that was on her lips turned into a malicious sneer.

“My, my what a nice package you have for Mistress, all smooth and hard for me. Glad to see you shaved that hairy beast as I ask. That will be to both our benefit”.

She reached into her pocket again and out came a contraption of steel and leather. At first he wasn’t sure what she had, until she dangled it from a hooked finger and it fell loose from it’s jumble. He then recognized the gates of hell he’d so eagerly wanted to wear. They had teased about them for months now and finally he was going to feel that cold steel and warm leather around his cock. She looked at his cock, looked at the steel rings, and back to his cock.

“You know Charles, this is never going to work. That prick is just to hard to even think about this fitting”, she laughed. “You need to lose the hard-on my dear or we’ll never get this on you.” She lit a cigarette, wound her window down and the cool spring air rushed in. Again she laughed.

“well, that should help, little chilly out there isn’t it man with the hard cock?”

“yes Mistress”, he answered. But the cold air wasn’t helping to alleviate his problem in the least. His dick throbbed harder than ever. He just wished she’d give him release right there in the parking lot. He wanted it so bad. But she was not going to make it that easy for him. He made a move to start the car.

“Don’t you dare!” She snapped. “Don’t even think about starting this car till you’re locked away in my gates.”

She drew deeply on her cigarette again, blowing the smoke out the window. She undid her coat just a bit, enough that he could steel a sideways glance at her breasts, he could see clearly the tattoo on her chest that he could only barely make out in photos she’d sent. It was a old tattoo, faded but somehow still fitting for her. He also noticed she wore the locket he’d sent her for Christmas. But now it had two little tiny keys added to the locket that was originally on it. That made his cock uncontrollably twitch as he realized what those keys were for. Her hair looked as silky as it did in the photos. He wanted to feel it to see if it was so, but didn’t dare. And the scent of her was so familiar, it was the same as those panties she’d sent. Ohh, he had to stop thinking this wasn’t helping his predicament at all. He needed, wanted release and bad.

She looked at his crotch again, “well mister, I don’t think you’re trying very hard. That damn prick is every bit as hard as it was before. What are we going do with you? I had a feeling this may happen, so like any good boy scout, I came prepared.”

And with that he heard the most wicked chuckle so far. She flung her butt out the window and reached into that pocket again. He thought, she must have bottomless pockets in that coat. She removes her hand from the pocket and in it has a clothes pin.

“look familiar baby?” She cooed, then laughed again.

“umm, yes Mistress” he stammered, “but really, if we wait just a few more minutes…Owwwww” he hollered. Before he knew it she had put that clip right on his dick, no warning. It was just there. And again she laughed.

“oh really, don’t be yelling like a little girl. People will think I’ve, …ohhh I don’t know, put a clip on your dick or something.” Her laughter by this time had turned into uncontrollable giggles as she watched him squirm in discomfort. “I have more if just one doesn’t do the trick” she threatened with even more laughter. But one was working as she watched him clearly suffering, she almost felt sorry for him…almost. She was having far to much fun to feel to much pity though. She knew what was about to come and he wouldn’t ever remember any little bit of pain he was feeling now.

As the swelling of his engorged cock went down, she ripped the clip free and he again hollered…“Owwwwww, my god that hurts!!!”

“Are you complaining Charles?”

“No – no not at all, just saying is all.”

She places the steel and leather down over his now, very soft prick, retrieves two more leather straps from her pocket, one to lock his balls to the gates and one to go around his cock. She pulls, prods, shifts and gets the straps arranged to her satisfaction. Then back into the pocket and out comes two open, little brass padlocks. And with a glint in her eye she clicks them both shut as she tells him just how owned he really is. And now he may start the car and take them home.

And They Met 01

{Part 1}

They finalized the plans via instant messenger that morning. She told him to use the side entrance as that one went directly into the pub. She also told him to sit across from the bar, to choose a booth along the wall. This seating arrangement would give her (and him) a full view when she entered to meet him there. He was also to bring his collar, bring it, not wear it? It was to be laying on the table when she arrived? They’d both waited far to long for this meeting to take place and both were excited for it to finally be happening. But she had plans, she would see to it that this was a first meeting he’d not soon forget. After all, first impressions are the most important are they not?

He’d found the pub without any problem. Parked the car, and went to the side entrance as he was instructed. A bit on the nervous side, but over all calm and comfortable. The traffic was a lot lighter than he was used to. And her directions were precise. So the trip wasn’t so bad at all. Didn’t seem near as long as he thought it would. As he went through the entrance he took notice of the smells. Whatever they were cooking did smell good and he was hungry. It was a long drive and in his rush he hadn’t taken the time to eat all day, it was past lunch time. He rather thought he should wait for her. But he was about a hour early. So as he saw where she’d told him to sit he decided he’d go ahead and get a bite to eat while he waited. He may not get fed anyway. They had far to many other things to do besides eat.

There were a few men sitting at the bar, one obviously appeared to live at the bar. Definitely has to be a regular he thought to himself. The waitress was just serving him another beer, they seemed to be on very friendly terms and she grabbed a menu and walked around to where the man had sat down. She ask him if he needed a few minutes to read the menu and would he like a drink in the meantime? He ordered black coffee, much to early for anything of a fermented nature and he wanted a clear head for what he’d hoped was about to take place.

The place was quiet, nice. The few men at the bar seemed to be enjoying themselves considering the early hour of the day. He read over the menu and made his choice. The waitress returned with his coffee, took his order and as he thanked her his mind started to wander. He wondered how many times his Mistress sat at that bar, or ate in this place. He knew she had, she told him as much. He also wondered how it was possible for a band to set up here, let alone people dance. It didn’t hardly seem big enough. He’d tried to imagine his Mistress dancing here, enjoying the music, laughing and having fun with her friends. Seeing pictures of someone, and trying to imagine them in reality was sometimes a hard thing to do when one hasn’t actually met them yet.

The waitress soon returned with a baked ham and cheese hoagie. He had ordered what his Mistress said was her favorite on the menu. She sat the hoagie down in front of him and Mistress was right…the thing was huge, no way he was gonna finish it. Maybe if he was lucky Mistress would share it with him and he could lustily watch her wrap her lips around it as he hope she’d do to him later in the day. He began to eat, it was really good. But as he neared the half way point his hunger was satisfied. Except for the carnal hunger which only grew in anticipation. He pushed the plate aside and ordered more coffee. He removed the collar from his pocket and laid it on the table as she asked him to do. He still wasn’t quite sure what to make of that request. It was almost time. She’d be there soon. He was starting to feel nervous, then guilty for eating without her. Hopefully she’d understand and not be offended by that though.

He looked at his watch, it was two. She had said two sharp. He heard the door open and watched to see who came in. And there she was, although he’d never seen any pictures of her in that long black coat, didn’t even know she owned one. But yes that was her alright, and she was wearing those boots that make him crazy. She didn’t even look in his direction, but she did flash the men at the bar a quick smile. She looked down the bar and her eyes went the whole way around the establishment. She appeared to be taking a ‘people inventory’. Her eyes briefly passed over him and she sent him a most wicked smile for just a split second until she looked passed him and to the other booths to see who else was seated and where.

The Two slaves

It was a warm, sunny day – too warm for the Mistress or her slaves to be indoors. Much better to be outside, naked, having fun, she mused.

But first she didn’t want her slaves running off out of control. She started with the male, tying his hands behind him, and then tying cock and balls tightly with a length of rope, winding it round and round his shaft and the neck of his sac, forcing his cock into a swollen, reddish-purple shaft. Then she placed a clamp on each nipple and tied it with a short cord to his cock, making him bend uncomfortably if he wished to stop the uncomfortable straining on his cock. She told him to kneel, and then tied his toes to his balls with another short length of cord. It was impossible for him to stand.

She did the same for the slavegirl, tying her hand behind her and placing a pair of clamps on each of her labia and linking them with cords to her nipple clamps and toes. If she tried to stand, the cords pulled painfully on her cunt.

Taking a whip in her hand, the Mistress goaded and coaxed them out of the door and across the open yard. Slowly, the two slaves made their way painfully towards the open door of a stable on the far side and crawled in, exhausted.

“Now, slaves, a little task for you,” said the Mistress. When I come back I want you both untied and unclamped. It won’t be easy, but you will just have to use your hands as best you can. I want the ropes coiled neatly in this corner and the clamps laid on top of them. Then I want you, slavegirl, to lie on your back with your legs open. You, slave, are to kneel above her and put your cock in her mouth and your tongue in her cunt. You are not, under any circumstances, to make each other cum. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress,” they whispered.

“Good. I want to find you like that, sucking and licking each other. If either of you cums you will both be very severely tortured. Is that clear?”

Again the two slaves meekly signalled their agreement. The Mistress left them, locking them in the dark, cool stable.

The slaves began their difficult task, shuffling on their knees so that they could reach each other, fumbling in the darkness. Eventually they realised that the slavegirl could be freed more easily, and he managed to reach up and take one of her nipple clamps in his hand. As he opened it she cried out as the circulation returned painfully suddenly, and they knew it had to be repeated on the other nipple, and then on her cunt which drew more cries of pain. However, she could now kneel more easily, and was able to release his clamps, which was no less painful. He then managed to untie her wrists, and she untied her toes and then his wrists. He eventually untangled the tight knot of cords around his cock, and finally they were both free of all the ropes. As ordered, they wound them into neat coils and laid them in one corner, with the eight evil clamps in a row on top.

Without further ado, the slavegirl lay on her back on the floor of the stable and opened her legs, her beautiful shapely body just visible in the dim light. He knelt above her and lowered himself towards her face, and gasped as she took his cock in her willing mouth. She raised her hips and he sought out her cunt with his tongue. She was open and eager, and he buried his tongue inside her, rubbing his face in her hot, wet juices. They were both sweating from their earlier exertions, and now they lay panting in desperation, delighting in the taste and feel of each other’s sex. To his amazement, she squeezed his tongue with her wanton cunt, at the same time sucking him more and more strongly. He could tell she wanted to cum, badly, and so did he – but could he, should he, deny her? And if she was ready to risk herself, why not him?

She removed his cock from her mouth. “Come on, baby,” she whispered, “fill me. Fuck me with your tongue. Fill my mouth with spunk. I’ll swallow it all, promise. No-one will ever know.”

He moaned with desire, and bucked on top of her. He wanted to cum now, really badly, and she was writhing in ecstasy. Desperately he fucked her, thrusting deep in her throat with his cock and her cunt with his tongue, and she cried out in desire. His moans grew louder, mingling with hers, louder and louder as he built towards a shattering orgasm……….

And then the door opened and the Mistress returned.

A Christmas Femdom Santa

It was the festive season the hustle and bustle like every other year but something seemed different at the store this year. Decorations were up and the usual chocolates, plum puddings, and all the other trimmings for dinners and entertaining were on display. The crowds down from previous years but then the economy sucked both plants in town had closed during the year and many workers still had not found employment. Even Mother Nature had not been too cooperative the weather was chilled but the white powder had not fallen in any true amount so the skiers had not even been visiting.

Saturday night before Christmas the snow had fallen yesterday so hopefully the slopes would be open tomorrow and sales would pick up. The usual crowd of teenagers killing time and getting out of the cold walking around the store keeping him on his toes not the time of year to be losing gross due to sticky fingers. Watching them he noticed an empty spot on the bottom shelf, the sugar was missing, the bakers had depleted the stock a good sign making a mental note to bring some more out from the back, he followed the shoppers around making sure that the young folks were not filling their inside coat pockets. Experience had proven that a friendly hello and a watchful eye kept the teenagers from lifting too much and sneaking past the cashier without paying. As they left the store he headed to the back room and loaded up two bales of granulated sugar.

Kneeling down he began to put away the sugar filling the void. As he turned back to open the second bale his reflection shown back at him from the shiniest black leather boots that he had ever seen, every detail of his face reflected back into his mind, as his eyes trailed up the leather wrapped around the calves of a sturdy leg, covering the knee and giving way to a mesh stocking that ended up disappearing under the shortest of black leather skirts with a wide white belt that had the reddest felt top tucked in. The felt top trimmed with the white fluff of what one would think was the lining of a cloud, holding back or restraining a pair of moving mountains, his eyes continued slowly savoring each new discovery as the scent of this miracle before him seemed to unwrap itself the long neck giving way to the soft looking skin of a cosmopolitan cover girl, with the most sparkling emerald eyes. Long curls of dark hair framed this picture of boy hood wet dream fantasy.

His soft brown eyes met hers for the first real time and were locked into a gaze that could not seem to be broken. Her mind seemed to be speaking directly to this kneeling male consuming his every breath through the eyes of a confident magical goddess. Riveted to the spot his spine sturdy, his shoulders squared and with his next breath he sucked in his stomach and just seemed to plead for direction. With a slight nod of her head she motioned for him to rise, and without delay he rose to stand in front of her waiting for the next command. Clearing his throat he stammered, “May, I help you?”

As the sweetest smile broke out on her face she whispered, “You already have!”

With that she reached took his hand and led him back to the store asking along the way, “is there an employee lounge where we can talk without interruption?” “Yes.” Came his reply as he walked with her into the back and up the stairs to the lunchroom, with each step the heat radiating from her hands into his was taking him deeper and deeper into unknown territory.

Reaching the safety of the employees lunchroom he picked up the phone and told the cashier that he was upstairs and would be taking a short nap and please do not disturb him. The smirk of the sensually dressed Santa Lady was enough to make every bone inside his body feel like a burst of radiation had turned them into lava, never before in his entire life had such warmth spread through him so instantly. His male member springing to a heaviness and fullness, that he had not been felt since his late teens, the outline of the package showing through his trousers bringing a warmer smile radiating from this Mona Lisa like beauty. She was controlling her new pet without him even realizing what was happening to his life.

“I came into this store to purchase some treats, but I stumbled upon you,” like syrup the words flowed from her mouth. This simple statement unlocked an inner chamber deeply hid inside his mind. Reading of such dominance before his sheltered life never opened remotely to him believing in such an occurrence. She had entered into his store and with just placing a shining boot between his thighs and looking straight into his eyes had him under a hypnotic like spell. His world was now shaken but at the same time opened to a volcanic like energy source captivating and taking him along the heat wave.

Conversation did not seem to be needed just gestures and looks and within seconds he was on his knees again kissing the top of the boots, making his way up following the seam to her knee, upwards the tongue darting in and out of the mesh tasting the sweet salty flesh of her charm. Moving at a controlled pace edging closer to the edge of the leather skirt the smell of leather meshed with a permeating scent, that of a woman in heat, more alluring than Channel #9. Her hands now taking his head and guiding it away from the treasure with a grip on the ears she raised him up to stand before her. Keeping him at just the right distance she leaned in and softly licked around the outside of his mouth teasing him with a pressure that only the tip of a tongue could exert. The emerald headlights keeping his brown passages, stationary and wide open, letting her gauge the reaction and interior response of her latest actions. An experienced Femdom guiding and directing males to the sweet surrender of submission, she had from the moment he took the plunge of looking at her boots and than lingered up the body to her eyes, knew that he would be a perfect present for herself.

Moving like a cat she captured his mouth with hers opening the lips and playing tag with his tongue, moving her hips in a gyrating motion rubbing against him feeling the arousal so hot, his manhood straining against the fabric of his trousers. Femdom Santa had entered his mind captured his soul and released the submissive pet all in a matter of minutes using not words, not naked flesh, not promises but a confident sensual look and a festive costume that the unsuspecting worker was powerless to fight. As she reached for him the doorbell rang and the dream escaped as the UPS courier delivered his Christmas present.

Time With A Mistress

I let her in, opening the front door as she approached. She looked me over and quietly ordered me to strip. Unexpected, the instruction caught me by surprise, I recovered and began to remove my clothing right where I stood, folding it and making a neat pile on the floor inside the doorway.

Once I was naked she pronounced “that’s better” and stepped toward me, kissing me deeply and gently stroking my sensitive nipples. She then led me to the bedroom and sat me on the edge of the mattress, where I watched as she rummaged in the briefcase of sex toys.

She began tossing a few things on the bed beside me: included were my wrist and ankle manacles, the leather jock she had bought me and an anal plug shaped for retention.

“Put those on,” she instructed, “and rejoin me downstairs.”

Soon I crept down the stairs, still adjusting to the plug, and aware of my exposed body, even though I now wore more than when she had led me to the bedroom. She was waiting on the loveseat, one leg on the ottoman, and a drink in her hand, and her skirt pulled to her waist.

“Lick me,” she ordered.

I knelt and began lapping at her sweet pussy, licking the smooth pubes and tasting her juices as deeply as my tongue could reach. I settled down to begin massaging her clit with the tip of my tongue, then my concentration was broken by the ringing of the doorbell.

“She’s right on time,” my Mistress pronounced as she flipped her skirt down over her legs, “get the door”.

Walking to the door, making sure my ass cheeks squeezed and kept the plug in place. I opened the door and there before my eyes stood one of the most beautiful women my likes had ever gazed upon. She stood there approximately 5foot 7inches tall, long blonde hair shinning in the moonlight, framing a face that looked like an angel just dropped from heaven, a small smile crept across her face as her cat like eyes travelled up and down my naked body, the fact that my jewelery hanging from my wrists and ankles, the leather jock bunched in front restraining my raging hard on, without warning she grabbed the leather jock pulling me to her, her mouth the softness lips like a fluffy white cloud covered mine, her tongue with snake like quickness entered my mouth, the sudden rush of heat, a blast hotter than any blast furnace, burned through from the brush or her softness on my mouth straight to my cock, and igniting all cells in between. A smoothness like honey dripping down a bear’s chin was the taste that assaulted my mouth, all this at the door and in less time then an ice cube melting on a hot summers day. She broke away just as quickly, licking her lips, a seductive smile dancing in her piercing eyes, “the taste of Mistress I presume”, and by the way “happy anniversary tiger”.
Mistress from the other room “whom is it my tiger”?
Hearing Mistress’s voice without a word this Greek goddess steps beside me hooking her finger into my leather jock, and with a single motion of her leg, kicks the front door shut, and leads me towards the sound of Mistress’s call. The goddess walking in front of me covered in the three quarter length London Fog Trench coat, but her undeniable curves, the scent or her perfume laced with pheromones, the only reason I could think of for the increased flow of blood to my engorged penis.
As She led me into the room where Mistress was seated and let go of Her hold on my thong, She immediately went over to Mistress. It was obvious that Mistress knew this beautiful woman and was also expecting Her. I stood there, in silence, as they playfully greeted each other…or maybe I should say ‘intimately’ greeted each other.
“Karinda, how are You Darling?” Mistress asked as She immediately wrapped Her arms around the woman and kissed Her with nearly as much passion as Mistress has kissed me Herself. Standing there. Not sure what to do…I remained silent and just watched. Feeling my cock grow harder then it already was watching these two women in a deep kiss. “Tease I am wonderful. Thank you for inviting me over to play. I am sorry to have called You on such short notice, but this opportunity came up nearly overnight”…as She so casually ran Her hand down Mistress’s back and down over Her ass and staying there just a minute too long. I could tell by the familiar expression on Mistress’s face that She enjoyed it and perhaps there would be even more to come. I really didn’t know what to expect…I just stood there watching feeling my cock get rock hard. It was as if they had forgotten I was even there.

“Here, let Me help you with your coat Karinda” as Mistress immediately loosened the belt on the trench coat and opened it to reveal the most beautiful body hidden under a short black dress that had a slit up the front. I swear it stopped right under Her navel and there was nothing on underneath. I could see Her already wet and glistening slit and my mouth watered for a taste of that beautiful smooth pussy. The two women were equal in beauty, but different. If I were to get lucky enough to ever pick between them…it would have to be an eny meeny miny mo type of thing. Mistress tossed Karinda’s coat at me and simply said “hang it up tiger and return here and kneel in silence in front of the fireplace”. I quickly did as I was told. Returning and kneeling in silence in front of the fireplace which happened to be located just feet from where the two women were still standing.

Turning toward me Mistress said…in Her evil voice I have come to know so well. “Karinda…meet my slut tiger…he is the one I was telling you about earlier”. Keeping my eyes down, knowing better then to lift them to meet either of theirs…I knelt in silence. “Yes Tease. I met him at the door and I tasted you on his mouth…and I must say the combination was most intoxicating”…Karinda walked closer to me…standing right in front of me. Suddenly Her hand slipped under my chin and She was lifting it…forcing my eyes to meet Hers…then before pulling Her hand away She gave me the most seductive smile I had ever seen. My head dropped down immediately and focussed on the floor before Her. “So Tease. This is our toy for tonight? Lovely”.
“Yes, Karinda he is our toy for tonight, tomorrow and for as long as we want.”
Laughing Karinda returned sitting next to Mistress their knees I would swear were touching.
Tiger, go get the bottle of Merlot and another glass and bring it back to Karinda”
Rising to my feet rocking back onto my heels than straight up, trying to impress this woman that Mistress has invited into Her home. Quickly going to the kitchen fetching a glass and the open bottle of sweet merlot that Mistress had in the fridge. My mind exploded, stopping dead in my tracks, that seductive smile, the eyes, change the hair colour slightly, the colour of lipstick from a glossed mauve to the come suck me red that Mistress wore and they could be the same person, but their greeting no could not be.

Returning to the love seat my eyes thought they saw Karinda with Her hand on Mistress’s thigh and Mistress’s hand stroking Karinda’s hair. Coughing to let them know my approach, holding out the glass to Karinda Her fingers touching mine a definite bolt of electricity right to my cock, pouring just a mouthful for Her to swirl and smell awaiting to see if She wanted a glassful.
“Yes, tiger fill my glass” Her voice sounding so lyrical almost like the sounds of a songbird serenading the morning sun-rise.
“Tiger, refill mine”, Mistress commanded Her voice stern, compassionate, igniting the flames inside my soul for how many times have I heard Mistress direct me. Pouring Mistress Her merlot She stroked my bare thigh making sure Her pinkie finger lightly touched my balls. “Hurry back tiger no dilly dolling Karinda and I have plans”
Turning taking the bottle back, the whispers of two lovely women could be heard, the words the meanings a mystery to me. Returning to my post in front of the fireplace kneeling down, before my knees hit the floor, “tiger, lie on your back spread eagle”, the voice of Mistress has spoken without changing direction I laid backwards, my feet slipping outward, my ass bouncing off the floor, both ladies laughed out loud. Spreading my legs as wide as the could go, my back flat on the carpet, my cock throbbing pushing the leather jock straight out, the mushroom head peaking out over top the pouch reaching upwards towards my navel, throbbing with anticipation. “Good tiger, looking a little uncomfortable are you tiger”?
“Yes, Mistress”, I replied, “Mistress, how do I address Karinda”?
Closing my eyes the mind replayed that seductive smile and my cock jumped inside the pouch, a snicker came from close to my side, “ a fuck or a suck for your thoughts tiger” the soft lyrical Karinda whispered inches away from my ear, I silently gazed back into Her amber eyes pleading but silently said nothing for fear of Mistress’s wrath. Laying still spread eagle Karinda on one side now Mistress on the other.
Slowly each women took the time to make circles on my flesh with their nails, almost in unison as if their minds were attached they started at my neck, small circles breaking the smoothness of my skin, both shoulders, down the chest one playing with one nipple the other with the other nipple, then as if on cue they both with ice in their mouths bent and sucked my nipples hard teasing them dragging their teeth as if it were one person with two heads, the sensations multiplied rippling through my veins. Then the clamp not even seeing the nipple clamps then the screws being turned, tears flooded my cheeks from my eyes, never before such pain such concentration all other times it had been one nipple at a time now it was both instant pain pleasure pain. Mistress pulled on the chain first, then Karinda both making sure that I knew their different touches. My skin on fire from their touches, my nipples burning, both women so hot my cock throbbing.

Then Mistress tipped Her wine glass just a bit and drops of the rich red wine splashing it onto my stomach and it pooled in the cavity of my navel. Like two thirsty kittens Mistress and Karinda began to lick it up…and I watched as their tongues licked over my skin then began to dance together. The very tips of one tongue pressed against the other…then back down into the wine. It was so fucking hot to watch them…kissing, but not. My cock was raging by now. My nipples were screaming with pain from the clamps, my cock throbbing with need and the two of them playing with each other over my stomach ignoring my need God I wanted to fuck the both….or have them both fuck me. I didn’t care. At that point I just wanted to cum any way I could. In Her sultry voice Mistress said to Karinda…. “Come over here”.

Karinda stood up and walked over my middle like it was a wet spot on the floor. She lowered herself next to Mistress…kneeling…and looking directly into Her eyes. Damn but they looked good….

Karinda melted against Mistress and touched her lips to Hers.. Pushing her tongue through Her lips and into Her mouth. Mistress moved Her hands around behind Karinda’s back pulling their bodies together. I watched as their tongues explored the insides of each other’s mouths. Mistress’s hands caressed Karinda’s back, running the soft material of the black dress through Her fingers. Mistress kissed Karinda as passionately as She’d kissed me. They broke from the kiss and stared into each other’s eyes.
Karinda whispered next to Mistress’s ear… “I’ve wanted you to do that for a long time” she said. They both stood up. Mistress started to remove Karinda’s dress, but Karinda insisted on doing it for Mistress. She slowly slithered out of her dress to stand before us naked except for her heels. Mistress led her to the other side of the room. Told her to wait there for a minute, and went to get a couple of things. At this point I was not sure they even remembered I was there…I said nothing…I was enjoying this too much to want it to stop.
When Mistress returned, She put a waist belt on Karinda, and cuffed her elbows to it. She then put ankle and wrist cuffs on her, and ran a thin chain between the wrist cuffs and the waist belt. Had Karinda sit in one of the chairs and attached her ankles to two of the legs.
Mistress stood up…and looked over at me. “Tiger…get up!”
I immediately brought my body to a standing position…whispered, “Yes Mistress” and waited for what would come next. Mistress sat on the leather couch…crossed Her legs. And looked from Karinda to me. And back again. “Tiger. I want you to bathe Karinda…with your tongue. And do a good job my tiger. I will be watching”. My eyes opened wide…and I didn’t blind. Just swallowed hard.
Getting down on the floor…I began at her feet. I licked her toes, and ran my tongue over the rest of her sole. My tongue slowly worked its way up her body. Every six inches or so I would nibble her skin, she would open her mouth and moan as my tongue licked at her sweet body. She’d would moan louder sometimes…in obvious pleasure. As I worked my wet tongue, licking towards her now glistening cunt. I bypassed it. I knew better then to lick her there without Mistress telling me I could. Then I licked her tits…and her neck. I paid particular attention to her nipples, spending much more time than she needed on them. By this time my cock was so fucking hard that it hurt.
I ran my tongue down her torso in a wet slippery S shape when the only area left was her cunt. I could smell her arousal. I again began to lick the areas of her inner thighs. God I wanted to taste her. I was so hungry for her pussy I would have begged harder then I ever had. My eyes were glazed…my nostrils flared and my cock oozing with pre-cum…
“Tiger lick her cunt good make her cum for me”…oh my gods yes Mistress I thought but didn’t utter a word.\ I moved my mouth to that sweet dripping cunt and covered it with my mouth and sucked gently, running my tongue around the surface.Finally, I started to work on her clit, licking each side. I worked continuously up and down and over the tip. Then I took her clit into my mouth and sucked on it very slowly. Then sucked her entire clit into my mouth, as far as it would go, I started running my tongue around it while I sucked. I built up the tempo, gradually taking longer and longer strokes. God she tasted good. Suddenly…I brought Karinda to a toe-curling orgasm, hungrily gulping down her cum. I thought she was going to cum forever.

Pulling my head back just letting my tongue funnel Karinda’s cum into my waiting mouth swallowing the sweetest nectar that I had tasted in a very long time, almost as sweet as Mistress’s. Suddenly I felt the leather corset of Mistress along my back, the lace criss-cross pushing against my skin. In Her most deep sultry voice inches from my ear Mistress whispered I have a surprise of my tiger “you did good for karinda” She said. Reaching in front of me She freed my raging hard on slipping the leather jock like contraption off and slowly with purpose replaced it with a black circle with a hinge type joint with the second circle separating and holding my testicles.

“Tiger raise your eyes and watch”

Leaning across me Mistress leaned into Karinda places another set of nipple clamps on Her hardened nipples before they went soft, twisting the screw to make sure they were nice and snug on Her smiling Mistress started to kiss Karinda over top me my eyes glued at the delicate way She butterfly kisses and made a trail of standing goose bumps up the chest of Her friend. Tracing Karinda’s jaw Mistress pressed harder against my back and parted my ass cheeks with Her toe of the right foot. Jamming the boot in and along the ass cheek I felt the touch of leather, Mistress was toying with me the flogger or crop was in Her hand and She was running it up and down my dark hole stopping making sure that I felt it. Still mesmerized at Her kisses on the soft glistening skin of Karinda, I noticed Mistress passing something to Karinda, placing it in her hand. “Karinda this is the control unit for tigers cock and ball ring, if you press it, vibrations or electric shock, so you can control his cock while I taste You my lovely” With that announcement Mistress planted a kiss full on Karinda’s lips my eyes seeing how hungry Mistress’s lips and tongue were feeling my balls swell and the leather moving as fast as Mistress’s tongue in and out of Karinda’s mouth rubbing and caressing my ass Mistress pulled back and must have flicked Her wrist for I felt the sting of the flogger on my ass.
“Tiger you seemed to enjoy Karinda too much, I can’t blame you but you must know pay.”
Suddenly my balls and cock were shocked as Mistress pressed Karinda’s finger on the control sending electric shock into my privates
“ohhhhhhhhhh shiitttttttt ohhhhhhhhhhhh shittttttttttttt” I screamed in agony
“Laughs” Mistress in Her sexiest sounding voice echoed laughter at my pain.
Watch my tiger as She dove back down kissing Karinda all over Her beautiful face down Her long neck across Her shoulders and back up to French kiss, breaking the kiss; make sure you are learning how to kiss U/us tiger. Karinda’s cunt only inches away was dripping oozing nectar out, running down Her thighs, with Her knee Mistress pushed my gaping mouth into Karinda’s cunt, “lap it up my cunt sucking whore”, as my tongue dove inside the burning pussy of Karinda, the electric shock reverberated through my testicles and the shaft of my cock, every few seconds the button on the control was going off Mistress just laughed continuing squeezing Karinda’s hand as she kissed Her mouth passionately. My tongue feeling Karinda close oh so close to Cumming when Mistress pulled my head away, pushing me back, pointing to Her right side, I slid around and watched as Mistress started to eat Karinda within in moments, seconds Karinda tensed and came shuddering Her whole body glistened with Her sweat the control unit changed to vibrator humming along my cock shaft.
“Oh Mistress may I please cum” I pleaded watching Karinda cum wave after wave, watching Mistress swallow and drink Karinda’s nectar. “Please Mistress my cock and balls are filled and humming”
Reaching and taking the control unit from Karinda switching it to shock mode stinging me, “now tiger forget about Cumming until I’m good and ready to let you!” Turning to me she grabbed me by the hair pulling my head to Her and French Kissed me with the same love and force She had just kissed Karinda, tasting Karinda on Her lips and tongue, I felt blessed to be shared by Mistress.

Looking into Mistress’s eyes there was a rush of lust I had never seen before. I could tell She was hot…and horny…. and Her need for domination had yet been satisfied. The way She looked at me made caused chills up and down my spine. Her eyes fixed on mine…Her breath fast. Deep…Her mind working…and me…wondering what I was in store for.

“Yes my Mistress?” I whispered. Her eyes turned to karinda.then back to me. “Do you remember our wager tiger?” Mistress asked. “ You were to bring my a slut to be used as I wanted. Well My slut…I have brought one here instead of waiting any longer for you to get the job done…I’ve brought us Karinda.” My eyes quickly moved to Karinda’s face and I noticed she was not one bit surprised by Mistress’s statement. “And we have been enjoying her, haven’t we tiger?”…And I nodded in agreement and whispered “very much so Mistress, yes”.

Karinda was still lying on the floor not far from me when Mistress decided to take a seat on the leather couch.
“Tiger?”…Mistress said in a voice that had so much lust in it. “Yes Mistress?” She curled Her legs up under Her as She sat on the couch and proceeded to tell me what she wanted. “Tiger…I have not forgotten about our first anniversary. I have something for you my sweet cat. I have brought us Karinda…and yes; we both have enjoyed her delicious body. But more then that my tiger…I am giving her to you for the rest of this evening…or at least for as long as I want to. You will Dom her, my tiger. But don’t let that go to either of your heads…it is for only a short period of time. And only for tonight. If I notice you slipping back into your domly ways…I will whip it out of you before you know it”. Now tiger…and Karinda…entertain me…after all it is my anniversary as well…

Without hesitation I took Mistress up on Her gift…I looked at Karinda in a whole new way now. Telling her to GET IT SLUT. Watching as she struggled to get up…smiling at Mistress…I set my mind in a Dom space.

“Put your hands at your sides,” I ordered. Karinda obeyed, my body starting to throb with excitement. She gasped as she felt my hand on her ass, sliding over the soft flesh, then groaned as it moved over her hip and up her chest to cup one of her full, firm breasts. “Slut,” I hissed. I could tell the word struck her like a blow and she felt her insides twisting , felt her loins quivering and growing heavy, felt the sexual pressure growing inside her. I pushed her forward and under a wide metal bar that hung from a chain. There were two thickly padded leather cuffs attached to either side of the bar. The chain went over a wheel and led down to a crank set against the wall. Karinda looked up at it excitedly, raising her arms high and spreading them out as I lowered the bar slightly. She slipped her slim hands through the restraints and I reached up and tightened them, buckling them around her wrists, then attaching a padlock to each. The padlock wasn’t needed to keep her from escaping, but it did give her an added psychological thrill, making her pussy quiver even more. I pushed her legs apart, and she looked down to see two chains set into rings in the floor, each locked to similar restraints. She watched, her breathing growing rougher as I slipped the restraints around her trim ankles, buckling, then locking each into place. Looking over to Mistress…I could see Her eyes light up. I knew She was as turned on as I was.

Karinda braced herself as I went to the crank and began turning it. She felt the pressure pulling at her wrists, her arms, her shoulders, then grunted as she was lifted off her toes. The chains pulled on her ankles but I continued to turn the crank. She felt her shoulders ache, felt the pain digging into the sides of her chest, felt her back snap and creak. She groaned audibly, her body straining more and more as I continued to slowly turn the crank. Then with a flood of sexual heat rushed through her body. Always when she’d been hung by her wrists it had been to be eaten or fucked or sodomized, or, occasionally, to have belt or a paddle or cane taken to her firm round backside. Her hunger to be used grew and the pains in her back and arms took on new meaning, and her pussy began to throb in anticipation. She began groaning more, gasping for breath, the air puffing out of her open mouth as the pressure grew and the ache turned to need, then to hunger. I stood beside her and my fingers pinched into her jaws, forcing her mouth to open wide. Then I shoved in a thick spongy ball attached to a wide leather cheek piece that covered her from chin to nose and almost up to her eyes. He buckled it behind her then returned to the crank.

Again I turned it, and she sobbed now, staring at her image in the mirror in front of her.
A beautiful woman with large breasts, wide hips, a trim waist, and lovely blonde shoulder length hair. She saw the glistening on her flesh as the pain made beads of sweat stand out on her forehead and chest. Then she cried out as the pressure increased, cried out loudly into the gag. The gag, she realized, gave her another freedom, a freedom to scream at the top of her lungs and not fear anyone hearing, not even fear Mistress would say.

She screamed, then screamed again, feeling her body straining, feeling the sexual pressure building up to powerful levels, her pussy squeezing on thin air, her breasts throbbing. I stood beside her again. Moving slowly around her, hands moving forward, stroking her breasts, her ass, and her pussy mound as my eyes devoured her. Then I moved to a distant cupboard and removed a thin cord, then came back to her. I gathered her hair together, my hands twining and braiding it at the top of her head. Looking in the mirror she saw me tie a thin blue cord to it, then watched as I reached up to the bar and throw the end of the cord over it. I pulled down then, and she felt the tension as the cord pulled at her hair. The tension grew into pain and she screamed again as needles bit into her scalp. I pulled harder and again she screamed, tears spilling out of her eyes and trickling down her cheeks as I tied the cord off. I moved away again and returned with a T shaped leather belt. I slipped the belt around her waist and buckled it tightly in front. The lower portion of the T hung down over her crotch, and she saw that there was a thick leather dildo attached to the inside.
Karinda groaned as I fit the nose of the dildo against her slit, noting at the same time that she was so wet her juices were trickling down her thighs. She groaned in bliss as she felt the dildo sliding up into her, as I drew the belt between her splayed thighs then up between the cheeks of her ass to slip into the back of the belt around her waist. I yanked up tight, jamming the dildo into her, and she groaned, then gasped in new pain as I pulled ever tighter. The belt crushed her pussy mound up, mashing her soft, sensitive flesh. Again looking over at Mistress….She was fingering Her clit…and that made me wild with passion.

Seeing Mistress fingering herself enjoying the pleasure and pain Karinda was experiencing, I decided to switch around and feel the wetness of Karinda and bring the aroma closer to Mistress to enjoy. Moving into a concealed cupboard in the wall opening it I took down the hospital gurney, it had been altered and both ankle and wrist restraints had been properly added to the bed on wheels. Rolling the bed over to the wheel I slowly and carefully unhooked Karinda helping her down face down onto the gurney securing her stretched out back arms and legs onto the bed attaching the restraints to her wrists and ankles. Wheeling the bed to just inches away from Mistress I began to apply Deep Heat to all of Karinda’s shoulders, down her back along her spine down the valley before her delicious perfectly formed ass cheeks, kneading the ass cheeks rubbing the Deep Heat into the softness of her skin smelling the heat penetrating soothing her every muscle that was stretched but the smell nowhere near as the smell of her sex , massaging the cream into her thighs and along her legs long beautiful legs that should be wrapped around my waist pulling my hard throbbing cock deep into her cunt pounding away, possibly later to her ankles so delicate and strong marked red with the restraints of the wheel, along the souls of her feet the Deep Heat burning into her bringing a whole new sensation to the throbbing muscles that have been stretched.
Washing my hands making sure all the cream is gone I unhook Karinda roll her onto her back moving the gurney so that Karinda’s feet spread wide and a clear view of her dripping cunt is at eye level to Mistress. Restraining her again this time on her back tears streaming down her face from the burning sensations of the cream working its way all along her arms neck shoulders back ass and legs and feet. Seeing her beautiful lips contorted by the gag Her facial cheeks being stretched I lean down and whisper just loud enough for Mistress to hear My slut Karinda, My beautiful whore if I remove the gag will you whisper praise to Mistress and me and not scream out in agony. Karinda’s eyes lit up and she nodded her head up and down, so very carefully and slowly I removed the ball gag, and leaned down placing my mouth over hers kissing slowly and gently her lips letting my warm tongue dance inside her stretched mouth, tasting the saliva that had gathered with her screams knowing that those screams were caused by me. Surprising me her tongue and mouth gave me back more passion than I had tasted and felt, the power of Dom suddenly flooded my mind for the passion returned to me was the passion of a sub giving all to her master. Slowly breaking the kiss I reached for the bucket of ice cubes, and started to apply the ice to Karinda’s neck, shoulders, down her arms,her back burning with the suave now her front freezing with the touch of ice, her hips uncontrollably bucking fucking the air in front of Mistress,glancing over my shoulder Mistress had the handle of her paddle buried deep inside her dripping pussy seeing the quick movements of Mistress masturbating herself with the paddle handle drove me further on, my hardness throbbing and the cock ring holding my balls apart and stopping the seed from flowing the blueness and the veins popping out along my shaft must have been a sight for Mistress, seeing her two toys before her dripping wet and throbbing uncontrollably waiting for Her commands.

Tracing down along Karinda’s chest the ice cube melting from the heat of her desires the fire along her silken skin. Grabbing a new ice cube circling the nipples their gorged and filled with blood harder than my cock and more sensitive than her clit the ice freezes the nipples just long enough to put on the clamps with the purple beads and long gold chain Mistress’s favorite clamps on my nipples. Continuing down the stomach to the navel, along the inner thighs, down past the knees and the ankles to the foot and back up ice cube after ice cube melting, putting the shaved pieces into my mouth chewing them into smaller pieces I lean down between Karinda’s spread legs and start to eat the beautiful cunt that Mistress has presented me with, the twist is my tongue and mouth are frozen from the ice, and her cunt is so burning with heat and want. Pushing the ice inside her opening past her pink slit deep inside her cunt the cubes melting instantly the shock of the cold and heat bucking her hips high off the gurney.
“oh Mistress Tease thank you yes thank you for the gift of tiger” Karinda started her praise.
“Karinda that is a weak beginning of praising me” Mistress hissed back at her.
“Did tiger not tell you to praise both of U/us”? again Mistress said between her breaths in such a sexy sultry voice then I felt it Mistress’s hands opening my ass cheeks, the coolness of the K-Y gel being applied.
Without a chance with my head buried in Karinda’s cunt lapping sucking the mixture of melted ice with her hot flowing lava like juice so sweet and tangy. Mistress invaded my ass fucking me with I could not tell, Mistress had stripped for I felt Her nipples burning into my back, and did not feel Her leather corset anywhere on my skin but felt the silken soft feel of Mistress skin against mine from my shoulders down my back and against my legs. Mistress pushing my head deeper into Karinda’s cunt, pushing and pulling something in and out of my ass, fucking my cunt ass just the way She wants making sure I knew She is the dominant not me.
“tiger who owns your ass” the sultry whisper echo’s in my mind
“Mistress Tease does” I scream into Karinda’s cunt
“Karinda who’s eating your pussy” Mistress’s voice floating like a musical note across the room “Mistress Tease’s tiger is” Karinda responded in such a sweet delicate voice.
“Karinda since tigers head is buried inside your cunt” Mistress said this and it sounded like a love song being sung by the robins outside her chambers.
“ I want you to praise your Mistress”

Karinda then moved over to Mistress Tease. She looked into Her eyes without touching Her, or saying a thing. I could feel the desire the need of want from both of them. Karinda lightly brought her hand up to touch Mistress’s face. Mistress closed Her eyes, feeling the caress on Her cheek. She then leaned over to Tease’s ear and whispered, “Mistress it’s now Your turn” I could feel her hot breath on Mistress’s ear, then she kissed Her ear. She then moved even closer to Mistress, gently pulling Her body towards hers. I could see her warm lips caress Mistress, and Mistress kissed her back. Karinda could feel the heat of Her flow though her, as they kissed. Tease reached for her and she signaled for Mistress to relax.

It seemed like Karinda had never looked at Mistress this way…and for the first time noticed Mistress’s face was beautiful. She had soft light skin and long wavy blond hair. Her eyes were a lovely shade of hazel, and she had long graceful eyelashes. Her lips were full, but not overdone. Karinda leaned towards Tease to kiss Her breast. Mistress’s breast tingled at the touch of her lips. She kissed it again, and then kissed the other. She again looked up into Mistress’s eyes. Her look was seductive and sensual, her hazel eyes catching mine. Karinda then circled Tease’s nipple with her tongue. I could feel her hot, moist breath on Tease’s skin as she caressed Her nipple with her tongue and mouth. She took the nipple into her mouth and sucked it hungrily. Mistress’s body was responding. Tiger could see the moisture welling up between Her legs. Karinda came up to kiss Mistress’s lips again and then reached over and touched me.

Her waist was delicate and her hips were gracefully in per portion to the rest of her body. Her hair tumbled over her shoulders and touched the top of her breast. She looked like a goddess to us, with her graceful curves and glowing skin.

Karinda whispered in a Marilyn Monroe type voice “I wanted to show you how good it is”, she said.
Karinda leaned over Mistress, breasts hanging over Her belly, facing Her. She kissed one of Her breasts again, and drew her tongue down Her ribs to Her navel. Karinda paused, kissing Mistress’s navel with her lips and tongue. Mistress was naked before her. Mistress was nervous, but was anxious for what was about to happen. tiger could only imagine what it was going to be like.

Karinda then parted Mistress’s legs with her hands. She kissed Her stomach and licked around Her waist. She caressed the inside of Her thighs with her fingertips, while her nipples slid across my thighs. Mistress was hot and wet.It seemed Mistress had never been so excited. Maybe because it was so forbidden and daring.

Karinda then slid her tongue over the top of Mistress’s pubic hair and slowly towards the inside of Her thighs. Her lips were hot and wet. Tease could feel Karinda’s breath on Her thighs. Then…she lightly kissed Her where She was wet. She paused for a moment…then Mistress could feel her tongue circling the outer rim of Her pussy. Mistress flinched and sighed in delight. Mistress’s body arched and felt Her vaginal muscles lightly spasm. Karinda proceeded to lick Her lightly, teasing Her with tickles of ecstasy. Then Mistress felt her suck Her clit and nibble Her with her teeth. Mistress’s legs twitched, as she sucked and slid her tongue inside of Her. She then slid her finger in Her and sucked on Her clit at the same time, flicking her tongue in a way that made Mistress twitch and real in delight. Karinda twisted inside of Mistress as She panted and moaned. Mistress’s legs tightened and could feel Her insides begin to spasm. Mistress’s inner wells came together over and over again, as She began to softly scream in with ecstasy. The orgasm came over and over as she burrowed her head into Mistress, tongue flittering inside Her. She braced Tease with her arms, around Her thighs, bringing her fingers around to open me up for the taking.

Mistress couldn’t take it anymore and She screamed and panted for Karinda to stop…but she wouldn’t. She held Her down as She scooted Herself across the bed. She then put one hand across Mistress’s belly and thrust three of her fingers deep inside of Her, pumping Her, and licking Her as She dripped with wetness. She sucked it up Mistress’s sweet juices, as Her body wiggled beneath Karinda’s grip. She stopped for a moment, only to turn her around to sit over Mistress’s face. Again Karinda nuzzled into Her muff, licking it with desire.

Karinda’s pussy was just inches from Her face. It smelled sweet, and was wet with excitement. Karinda had shaved all of her hair off, so that she was bare. Mistress put Her hands on her buttocks, and brought her closer.She took a light taste with Her tongue…it was good, and she was soft Mistress licked her again, taking more of her in. Mistress circled the rim of her with Her tongue and kissed her pink lips. Karinda moaned and Mistress could feel her sigh breathe across Her wetness. both shuttered at their touch, and Karinda kissed Mistress’s wetness again.
“Yes” Karinda whispered, “That is how you do it. Keep doing it. Lick me like I’m licking you.”
Mistress did. She spun Her tongue around her, pressing Her lips to her. Mistress burrowed Her head into Karinda, taking in her sweet juices. Watching Mistress nibble her lips and flittered Her tongue across her. Karinda panted and moved her body gracefully over Mistress, like a velvet snake. Karinda grabbed Mistress’s breasts and sucked on Her nipple as Mistress licked her with vigor. They were both panting and purring, like female cats in heat. Karinda put her finger inside of Her and moved it within Her. She screamed with delight, pressing herself into Karinda’s hand and over her face. Karinda couldn’t breath, but she didn’t care. Mistress tasted so sweet and her lips were so soft. All Karinda wanted to do was devoir her and please her. Karinda could feel the muscles begin to spasm as she writhed to pleasure. Her wetness poured out, sweet and sticky. She rubbed into Karinda’s face, sliding back and forth over her tongue.

Suddenly She stopped and turned Herself around to face Karinda. She passionately kissed Her lips and pinched her breasts together as she gyrated her pussy over Karinda’s leg. Karinda took one of Mistress’s breasts into her mouth and sucked it, then licking her way to the other one. Mistress’s hand pawed at Karinda’s pussy, occasionally dipping her fingers deep into her, causing her to flutter. She came again and again, until finally they both collapsed breathless and quivering.

Tiger then leaned over to kiss Mistress what She experienced was tenderness not the expected power, patience rather than passion. The kiss a beguiling whisper against Her mouth soft as thistledown and tasting of the essence of Karinda. His tongue traced a damp, beguiling pattern across Her lips. The feathery brushing of lips, the slow stroke of his tongue, and a gentle nip of his teeth on Her bottom lip was more temptation then proper kiss. More promise than pressure. His mouth was so clever. So tempting. That his lips would be so clever, and his hands moving up and down Her body with such a confident, practical touch, bringing forward Her potent sexuality. Mistress realized that such a melting soft touch was creating intense scintillating heat. Tiger’s mouth tempted, enticed and seduced. Karinda on her elbows watching in amazement as Mistress’s body slowly melted and took on a life of its own exposing the rich liquefying pressure that flowed through Tease, as She let out the breath She’d been holding on a soft, shimmering sigh and twined Her fingers behind tigers neck. Tease loved his mouth, its taste, its thrilling clever expertise,wanting him to let Her feel it all over Her body, doing wicked, wild,wonderful things everywhere in every way till She exploded time and time again. The desires too long untapped rose to the surface draining Her into a steamy, potent, passion; a desire that tightened Her nipples and pooled between Her thighs. Mistress started kissing him back Her mouth greedily feeling as if his were an all-you-can-eat chocolate buffet. Mistress wrapping Her mile-long legs around him, She moulded Herself against his aroused body. Tiger’s mouth raced over Her face, along Her jaw, down the long silk of Her throat, his teeth nipping at the hollow where Her neck curved into smooth, slender shoulders. Mistress was warm,was woman and so hot so damn hot. A strawberry flush rode high on Her cheekbones and the deep V of Her chest, Her eyes were bright as if burning with fever, and Her hands were far from steady as Her fingers brushed across the burning skin that She knew was Hers. Excitement crackled up T/their skin like a flash fire. Mistress tested his penis, he was hard as marble, but much warmer, She felt its weight and thickness and felt the stir beneath Her stroking touch, getting a feminine satisfaction that She was responsible for such obvious desire. The sensual torment continued by trailing his mouth over the fiery trail. Tiger sucked on Her nipples with a hot hungry greed, creating a primal pull deep in Her feminine core. He bit Her shoulder, nipped at the tender cord in Her neck, then closed his teeth around an earlobe and tugged. Kissing Her stomach, the sensitive hollow between Her pelvic bones, then created a hot, wet path through the nest of curls between Her thighs with his tongue. Mistress writhed restlessly beneath his erotic touch, as his lips plucked at the source of all Her moist heat, Her body bucked, arching unashamedly. Mistress’s clitoris was swollen, throbbing with need, the wild, out-of-control hammer beat of Her heart was echoed between Her legs. Tossing Her head back and forth as tiger’s tongue slipped into Her and his teeth began nibbling on ultra-sensitive flesh of Her pussy. Lifting Her hips, pressing Her harder against his mouth as he feasted on the hot juices flowing from Her. Replacing his tongue with first one finger, then two, reaching deep inside Her, stretching Her, rasping delicate inner tissues with clever strokes spiralling the pleasure/pain into a tighter and tighter coil traveling from Her heat to Her toes. Covering Her m mouth with his, slowing Her to taste Herself on his lips, holding Mistress tightly against him, his mouth and tongue tangling with Hers inside the moist cavern of Her mouth as his hand moved between them, his thumb parting the sensitive pink flesh, searching for the hard nub above Her vaginal lips, finding it, pressing down , hard,at the same time, his fingers thrust even deeper, harder, faster, Mistress exploding Her shattering orgasm ebbing through Her whole body, Mistress was limp, boneless, She couldn’t move from this spot.

Karinda reaching over kissing Mistress full on the lips feeling the rumblings, aftershocks of the ravaging orgasm, kneeling up reaching for tigers hand pulling him to her breasts sticking her tongue deep inside him soulfully. Leading tiger off the bed turning to Mistress Tease “Mistress thank you for introducing me to tiger, I’m taking him home with me.”
Whispering to tiger Karinda says loud enough for Mistress to hear her, ”She has many friends and toys to play with if She wants you She knows where I live and can come and get you, but first we’ll have to do this all over again”

Ordeal for two

Kevin opened his eyes slowly. As consciousness returned so did awareness. He found that he couldn’t move. He gradually realized that his hands were restrained and that he was completely helpless, splayed in the form of across, naked and vulnerable.

As his awareness grew he discerned a figure in front of him, which resolved itself into a beautiful blonde woman, tall slender, her gleaming blonde hair caught high on her head in a ponytail that cascaded down her back like a curtain of silk. She wore only an abbreviated leather bra and g-string, elbow length leather gloves and a spiked choker around her neck. Her legs were encased in shiny leather boots that rose up to her thighs.

“Hello gorgeous”, she purred, running her fingers over his chest. “I am Mistress Satin. I’m so glad you could come and play with us. We’re going to have so much fun together. And I’m really really glad you could bring your lady friend with you. She will be able to join in too.” Kevin became aware then of other figures present. Two girls were there holding a third between them. The two girls were dressed alike. They each had on 7” high heel shoes of black shining leather, and wore a leather collar at their throat. Both had their gleaming straight hair loose, falling down their backs, one blue-black and the other a rich auburn with golden lights.

The girl between them was naked. She was a voluptuous brunette. Her hands were cuffed in front of her. A long fringe of gleaming heavy hair fell to her eyes.
The blonde mistress moved over to the helpless girl.
“Hi sweetie,” she crooned, cupping her victims chin in her hand.
“Oh but you have such luscious lips,” she whispered, leaning forward to brush them with her own, gently kissing them as her long slender fingers gently tweaked the brunettes nipples.
“Angela isn’t it? Such a lovely name – such a lovely girl. No wonder Kevin likes you. And I’ve heard a whisper that he particularly likes your hair. Let’s have a good look at it.” At her gesture her two attendants forced Angela around.
“Oh that is such beautiful hair, and so long!” Satin smiled, running her hands down the waist length thick silk. She looked over at the naked male on the cross.
“You just love this hair, don’t you? Let’s see about getting it really nice for you to look at.” So saying, she went to a table and returned with a comb. She then started to comb the helpless girls hair, over and over. With each stroke the hair gleamed even more, shining and moving like a heavy silk curtain.
“Oh look at you’” laughed Satin, glancing at the naked male. He now had a huge erection, throbbing and straining as he watched Angela’s hair being combed.
“Here Jess, you keep on with the comb. I want to go and play with that for a while.” Satin had a gleam in her eyes that promised the play would only be enjoyed by one of the players.
Now the other girl spoke.
“Please Mistress Satin, may I …..?”
“Sorry Mila – of course you may”
Mila smiled, and still holding Angela with one hand slipped the other between the captive’s legs and began to gently stroke her. Obviously skilled in the use of her fingers it wasn’t long before she had Angela squirming and writhing. Jess still continued to comb the beautiful hair.

Mistress Satin was now gently teasing the penis of her naked male victim. A long time expert in the art of sexual teasing, she stroked and tickled him to within a fraction of orgasm, only to stop and watch him drip helplessly before she started on him again.
“My you really have got aroused by that hair’” she breathed to him softly. “It’s such a turn on for you isn’t it? Hmmm I wonder if we could find another use for it though?” A smile appeared on her lips.
“Oh I have such a good idea girls,” she laughed. She went and whispered to them. Their faces lit up with joy.
“Ok girls, lets get started. Get him down from there.”
In a few minutes Kevin was off the cross. Straps restrained his ankles but his hands were free. Angela had been tied to a chair, her long hair hanging over the back. Kevin was given the comb.
“Ok Kevin start doing Angela’s hair. And in case you feel reluctant – Jess?”
Jess appeared with a short wand. With a smile she touched it to Kevin’s genitals. He jerked and screamed. The girls all laughed at his reaction.

Under Mistress Satin’s direction he carefully combed Angela’s hair until it shone like glass. His tormentors laughed at and played constantly with his by now huge erection.
“Ok now my darling boy I want you to braid Angela’s hair. One long silken braid. I’m sure you know how to do that, don’t you?” His captors lounged around watching him as he braided Angela’s long silky hair. Millas hand had found its way between Jess’s legs, gently stroking her, while Jess buried her face between Satin’s thighs, her tongue busy, tickling and teasing her mistress, occasionally resurfacing to watch progress on Angela’s hair.

“You are very good at that,” smiled the blonde mistress watching Kevin. “Perhaps I can find a use for you here. Ok girls put him up again.” In a few minutes the struggling male was again bound to the cross, and this time gagged. The cross was then hoisted high into the air. Jess and Mila then dragged Angela over and stood her on a stool under the naked man. Satin then took the silken braid and looped it around his testicles before pulling it in a tight knot. Angela was held still by the two girls. After the hair had been tied securely, the distressed Angela was taken from the stool and forced to balance on two slender pieces of wood about 30 cm high. Her beautiful hair formed a tight cord of braided silk to Kevin’s testicles. Satin surveyed their handiwork, and at a nod from her the girls released Angela and stepped back “Oh Angela, your hair is so soft and sexy- but now it can do some real damage too. Imagine what would happen if you fell off those blocks. All your weight suspended from Kevin’s balls. We do so hope you don’t loose your balance sweetie. Jess why don’t you see if Angela is easily stimulated?”

While the other two watched Jess knelt in front of Angela and ever so gently began to finger her. As she stroked and teased she watched Angela’s face, a smile of anticipation on her full lips. Soon Angela began to moan and squirm, the slender blocks under her feet beginning to move.
“Oh look’” said Mila, taunting. “She would rather cum than save his balls”
With an effort Angela managed to stop herself on the brink of an orgasm. Jess looked disappointed to begin with, but then smiled and put her face into the balancing girls pussy. There her educated tongue began its work, flickering in and out, stroking and caressing, bringing her helpless victim back to the brink again.

Watching the torment, Mila’s fingers were now servicing Mistress Satin, both of them aroused and wet as they waited for the inevitable to happen. This time Angela could not hold back as Jess again took her to the edge. After keeping her on the brink for a while, Jess then took Angela past the point of no return. She spasmed and jerked and the blocks fell from under her feet. As her hair transferred her weight to his testicles he screamed into his gag, but only muffled noise came out. The three tormentors laughed and taunted the hapless pair. Later Mistress Satin surveyed her two distressed captives.

“Kevin you are so lucky we didn’t have you higher off the ground. You would have lost your balls then instead of just getting them black and blue. But maybe one day we might try that“
“We are going to have so much fun with you two. Angela you will be so useful and entertaining for my girls to practice on. And your beautiful hair can be used against Kevin in so many ways still.”
“And Kevin – you will be my official hair slave. You will be required to care my hair – wash, brush style – the lot. And not just for me but for Jess and Mila too. Of course there will also be my friends too. Yes that would be entertaining. But no cumming for you! Just the frustration of being forced to comb and care for our hair, and the humiliation of getting aroused by it in front of other women. You should provide endless amusement. Now pick up that brush and get started on my hair.”
So Kevin picked up the brush and started to brush her golden hair. In front of him the other two girls now had Angela hanging by her braid from a beam and were enjoying the easy access this offered them to their victims pussy. Angela would cum again soon.

Orginal story by Longbob ©

The Hand

There was a sheet of silk, glistening gold, stretched tight. What was beneath it was unseen, but known. For from out of the center of the silk jutted a male organ. It too, glistened about the head. It was engorged to its limit, veins standing out on the shaft, erect and hard. And yet, it was failing. Gradually, slowly, like a small animal trying to retreat without being noticed, it softened. Over the minutes it shrank back, seeming to be seeking the shelter of the hole from which it protruded.

But it was not to be. There was the faintest whisper of sound and a hand dropped languidly to the retreating organ. Elegant fingers began to stroke it. Long fingers, slim fingers, knowing fingers. Again it engorged as the fingers slowly caressed it. A long fore- finger sought the most sensitive spot and began to move in a teasing circular motion. The perfectly manicured nail gleamed in the light, the light pink polish enhancing the nails beautiful shape. The tormenting finger was moving gently, now spreading the fluid that was leaking out, teasing and tantalizing.

As full erection was reached the hand was withdrawn, leaving the teased organ to throb and spasm, seeking the friction it needed to release. But none was forthcoming. After some minutes it again started to edge towards the safety of the hole in the silk. Again it was forestalled and the teasing repeated, the same elegant fingers working gently to arouse and tease. As they worked there were again whispers of sound- a page being turned, the soft clink of a glass. The sounds of relaxation and leisure.

Again and again the scene was repeated, teasing and tantalizing but never allowing release. But as time passed other things must intrude upon even the most dedicated tormentress. The organ began its retreat. There was a whisper of sound, of movement. No hand dropped.

Quickly now it retreated, abused and wet. Another whisper of sound. A hand dropped. An elegant forefinger sought out the most sensitive spot. The perfectly manicured nail gleamed in the light, the lavender polish enhancing the nails beautiful shape

Orginal story & orginal art work by Longbob ©

The Test

He was helpless, naked against the wall in the silence of the perfumed room.
His arms and legs were spread wide, held by silken cords.
They had been tightened to the point where no movement was possible,fastened at elbows and wrists, ankles and knees.
A leather gag stifled all hope of sound from his lips. And from his naked body jutted his erect penis, rigid and straining. At its base a a narrow strap was cinched tight, cutting into the flesh, preventing the blood from easily exiting the stimulated organ.
The room was luxurious, sensual. Deep piled crimson carpet, heavy green and gold velvet drapes, elegant chairs and lounges. Along one wall was an antique table backed by an ornate mirror.The door opened and two young women entered.

‘Hey look Carol, he’s here just as Linda promised’, smiled the blonde. She was tall and willowy, her thick blonde hair swinging well down her back from a high ponytail.
‘Oh yummy,’ laughed her companion, an Asian girl with her beautiful blue-black hair cut in a shining bob. They crossed the room to where he hung motionless. His eyes followed their progress even though he could not move his head due to the strap around it. Carol then reached out and caressed his naked body, her fingers feathering over his skin. He flinched at her touch.
‘Hey, Sally, I think that he’s ticklish,’ she gloated to her friend.
‘Mmmm, that could be interesting later – but let’s explore what Linda left ready for us first.’
Both girls dropped below his level of sight. He then felt their fingers on his penis, moving it, touching , exploring.
‘Oh Carol he’s just the right size and beautifully shaped. How did Linda find one so perfect?’
‘Well, she has been looking for a while. But I have to agree- this is a perfect pencil dick. It certainly wouldn’t be suitable for much else. Do you want to have first go Sally?’
‘Ok I think I would like to get down to it.’

The helpless male then felt the warm silk of Sally’s hair sweep across his groin, followed by soft lips caressing the head of his penis, sliding over it. There was the soft warmth of the bottom lip at his frenum, the too brief flicker of a tongue tip, then the warm contact of lips again enveloping the head.

‘Well, what do you think Carol?’ The girls were still below his sight level.
‘Oh yes – that’s good. I want to have a go now.’
Again the bound male felt the soft lips caressing his penis head, encircling it, closing on it, rubbing gently against it. ‘How about that?’ ‘No, I don’t think so – it’s not quite right. Let’s try something else.’ He then felt a soft fabric envelope his penis, gently rubbing it, teasing and tickling. At that moment the door opened and another young woman entered the room. She was tall, buxom and her and her shining auburn hair was cut in a classic long pageboy style, resting on her shoulders and curving under.
‘Sally, Carol, sorry I got held up, but I trust you are finding some entertainment’
‘Hi Linda, yes we’re really enjoying ourselves here. We’ve already tried our first sample. What do you think?’
The tree women met in the middle of the room. Linda examined Sally and Carol’s faces.
‘Oh yes, nice for you Sally – not quite yours though Carol. Doesn’t matter though. There are about 30 different ones there and the other girls are all bringing some.’

‘We were just about to try another,’ smiled Sally. ‘Which one do you think?’
‘How about that ‘Carmine Tease’ – that would go great with Carol’s dark hair.
‘Hmm – yes that might go nicely.’
Sally picked up an object and held it up. A gold lipstick tube. She removed the lid then slowly screwed up the rich red tube of colour. Watching the bound male intently, she touched the tube to her lips, and then flicked out her tongue to taste it.
‘Oh I think this will be a nice one to wear. It’s so creamy and rich. Do you like this one?’
She held it up under the nose of the helpless captive. The three girls laughed. Sally dropped down, and he felt fingers around his penis again, then the feel of something cold and creamy gliding over the head. Linda then produced a lipstick brush and bent down to join Sally. He then felt the soft brush joining with the lipstick as the creamy cosmetic was applied thickly to his straining organ. Linda seemed to delight in using the brush under the head, lightly stroking the sensitive frenum. After a minute the two women stood up again.

‘Beautiful,’ smiled Carol. ‘I really like that colour.’ She bent down and again he was teased by soft lips encircling his penis, caressing, enveloping, transferring the creamy lipstick to her lips.
‘Do you have a small mirror Linda?’ Carol asked. One was produced and handed down to her. Shortly after Carol stood up and faced the others. ‘What do you think of this?’
‘Much better gorgeous, much better,’ smiled Linda.
Sally was looking at their captives’ penis. She smiled.
‘Carol, how about some lip-gloss?’
She reached down and her finger lightly touched the end of the penis. When she held it up her fingertip was covered in clear fluid. Carol parted her lips, allowing Sally to gently smear the fluid over them, making them shine wetly.
Again the door opened and four more women entered.
‘Come on in girls and join the fun,’ laughed Linda. ‘We have Carmine on test at present. Might need a re-coat though. Anyone who wants to try it go ahead. Then I’ve got a nice lilac colour with spangles in it that I would like to try.

Orginal story & art work by Longbob ©

New Report
