Margarite and bobbie 14

This brings me to the present time and in concluding my story what I have to relate may seem to be even more cruel and heartless than anything I have written up to this point. One day I entered Margarite’s bedroom to remove the sheets from her bed in order to wash them. As I came into the room Ralph suddenly became quiet and Margarite was staring directly at him with a haughty and reproachful look. “Your telling me that you lost your job? And that it’s been two weeks and you haven’t told me?” Margarite was spitting the words at him with a fierceness that was not at all ironic. Unlike the studied arrogance she used in her domination (tinged with hinted sympathy) her demeanor was brutally straightforward. “I’m going to call Dr. Pam and we will settle this matter tonight. Now get out of my sight Ralph. Get your things packed right now and put them by the door. Then get down those stairs to the basement and wait there until I tell you to come up. Do you understand me?”

Her words both frightened me and thrilled me. Not because I harbored any ill will towards Ralph. In fact I liked him and enjoyed his company. I would be sorry to see him go and adjusting to a new lover might be difficult for me. But the sudden fiery response and split second decision from my wife thrilled me with appreciation for her splendid power. Secretly I knew that she could do exactly the same thing to me at any moment if the whim came to her. Quickly looking down demurely I proceeded to accumulate the sheets into a bunch, emptied the pillow cases and clutching it all together in my arms I silently left the room resolved that she would never find my service wanting or my dedication and selflessness to be in question.

When I arrived at the laundry room I found Lindy there leaning against the wall by the East window in tears. She had known about Ralph’s being sacked and she and Ralph had discussed telling Margarite, but days had passed without any ideas coming to the front about how to placate Margarite. So nothing was said and gradually the tension had been growing especially for Lindy who had fallen for Ralph in a very serious way. Now all was apparently lost and Ralph would have to leave. “you!” she said to me, “You. You’ll be around for ever. She’ll never get rid of you, she’d be crazy, you’re such a sniveling little slave to her.” This cut me deeply because it was not said as part of our D/s play and there was nothing sexual about it. Still I was feeling very sorry for both her and Ralph and I instinctively gathered her in my arms and hugged her like a daughter. “I guess I’ll be next,” she said looking up at me and trying to smile. “You still have Margarite and you still have…” “Oh shit,” she said wildly swinging her arms at me. She slapped me several times and an automatic response leapt up within me instantly. I was barely able to stop myself from putting a right cross into her sweet little face. While I stood there shaking with fear about what I had almost done to her, she let loose a kick to my groin which left me doubled up in pain on the laundry floor and then she stormed out of the room. Laying there in pain I was able to remind myself of the difference between love pain and hate pain. Why were they so different? They both hurt the same and did equal damage but one was Heaven and one was Hell.

Dr. Pam arrived at our house at 7 O Clock. Ralph’s luggage and a few boxes of his things were still piled up by the door when I ushered Dr. Pam through the living room and into the dinning room where Margarite was waiting for her. I served cocktails and snacks and stood silently by the kitchen door waiting for any further instructions. I was surprised at how little was said between the two women. Dr. Pam was putting her signature on a check and tearing it out of her check book and Margarite was signing some sort of document, which Dr. Pam, in turn, also signed.
“Bobbie!” Margarite said curtly. “Sign as witness.” “What is it Mistress?” I said.
Margarite stared me coldly in the face and said again, “just sign it!” Biting my lip I witnessed the document with my signature and took a couple of steps back to my waiting position. “Get Ralph.” Quickly I turned and hurried through the kitchen to the basement stairs. “Ralph”, I said “Mistress wants you right away.” Ralph turned to me with a hang dog look in his eyes and asked me if I thought he had a chance with her. I looked away and pretended not to hear. “Hurry and don’t make her any madder than she already is.”

When Ralph arrived at the dining table where the two ladies were finishing up their cocktails and conversing softly with each other he stood before them for several moments before they acknowledged his presence and this was done with only the briefest of glances. Finally Margarite looked directly at Ralph with a cold disinterested gaze and said, “Strip.” He stood there for a moment while the words sunk in. You could tell he was arguing with himself. Was he really thrown out or had she just been kidding? Did she want sex, maybe a ménage a trois with Dr. Pam? ‘I must be dreaming,’ he thought to himself. Margarite looked right through him and said “Your damn right you’re dreaming, now strip!” As Ralph stepped out of the last of his clothes and tried to look comfortable standing there naked, Margarite slipped the gold necklace holding his chastity key from around her neck and handed to me saying, “unlock him Bobbie and give the keys to Dr. Pam.”
I was still on edge from all of the tension in the air and fumbled with the key as I tried to position the locks to receive it. Finally the device sprung open and his package unfolded from its prison. Dr. Pam rose from her chair and approached the slave with her right hand extended tentatively. Taking him in her hands she squeezed with a gentle almost loving pressure and her eyes lit up like a little girl. This hardly seemed like the hard and cold dominatrix, the calculating hypnotic manipulator of male sexuality I knew her to be. As it gradually sunk into Ralph’s thick scull that he had been sold outright to Dr. Pam a look of astonishment crossed his face, which in turn filled in red with embarrassment. Now the two of them were staring at each other with the contentment of childlike innocence. Margarite rolled her eyes and said, “Jesus Christ Pam, I though this was just a simple monetary transaction. You get this hairy dead beat and I get 10 Grand.” Dr. Pam placed the locks back on the chastity device accidentally crimping Ralph’s scrotum in the process. “Ouch,” he cried. “Sorry Ralph” she said and pinched him through the side of the pouch. “Ouch” again. Now both women were laughing and Ralph’s face lit up with a simple smile of recognition. I could see the sun coming up in Ralph’s dim intellect. He was now truly a slave. He had just been sold by some one whom he cared very much for in a cold cash transaction to a woman whose sex drive was perhaps the greatest he had ever known. He had no job and no responsibilities except to carry out the slightest wishes of a beautiful and powerful woman. He turned to me and smiled and I returned the smile with a knowing look. We were two of a kind now. Both the helpless slaves of beautiful and very demanding women and we both felt at home with our positions in life.

After I helped Ralph carry his luggage to Dr. Pam’s limo and the two love birds (or should I say sex birds?) had left the driveway I heard Margarite talking quietly to Lindy, consoling her on her loss of Ralph. “I know you were very fond of him, Lindy, but men like him are a dime a dozen and you will meet another and another if you stay here with Bobbie and me. You’ve got to learn to kiss ‘em and leave ‘em if you want to be my slut. Right Bobbie?” “Yes Mistress.”

By the end of the week Lindy and I were working frantically to get Margarite ready for a Friday night date. There was no talk of Ralph as I laid out her under wear on the bed. There was no look of uncertainty in her eyes as she leaned intently into the mirror placing the finishing touches to her eye makeup. Lindy was putting the final creases in Margarite’s pleated black skirt and humming to herself happily. Because of her little rebellion, Lindy had been told to share the maid duties with me and surprisingly she reacted with a grudging acceptance and eventually total acceptance of her new role. So this was how it would be for now anyway. Lindy and I faithfully serving our gorgeous mistress and as we closed the door after Margarite we turned to each other with excitement. We were free to play with each other for as long as we wanted assuming that all of the chores were done to Mistress’s satisfaction when she returned. Of course I was not allowed to penetrate or to have orgasms, but Lindy was still allowed to tease me and tease me she would do. Mistress has given us a list of rules which we follow religiously.
Why would you want to break a rule in a perfect household managed by a perfect Mistress whose knowledge of your personalities is complete and never questioned?

Everything has settled down now at our house. Lindy and I are happy in our endless servitude. It’s been several months now and we have heard very little about Ralph. I’m sure he’s happy with Dr. Pam. We did get a post card from him saying that he is working on one of her properties in Colorado, the “Jones Sky Ranch”. He works hard and stays healthy and looks forward to visits from Dr. Pam every month or so.

The absence of a permanent live-in lover has changed my life back to the way it was before Ralph came to live with us. Most of Margarite’s date nights are a mystery (just as before). I never know exactly where she is going or who she is seeing or what they will be doing. Lindy and I do look forward to those lucky evenings when Margarite returns early enough to share her fortunes with us. We usually sit at the foot of her bed while she changes into sleep ware, tossing her soiled clothing on the floor and chatting about the latest sexual adventure. Lindy gazes up at Margarite with lustful admiration and dreamy contentment while I, still with remnants of spousal pride, sting at each revelation of betrayal, but soaring with dedication as I measure my devotion to my mistress with each moment of suffering she offers me

Margarite and bobbie 13

The next few weeks were among the happiest of my life. I was back living in “my own” house, with my beautiful wife and her retinue of slaves, of which I was growing fonder every day. There were a few times when I was forced to perform homosexual acts with Ralph or other men whom Margarite wanted to entertain. This was very difficult for me at first, since I had never desired to have sex with a man. Margarite understood this and took special care to explain to me how much it would amuse her to see me sucking a cock. She told me that sucking a boisterous cock to an explosive orgasm was an act of devotion that was perfectly suitable for a submissive sissy like my self. She pointed out that my feminine hormone treatments had been going on for nearly a year, my budding breasts were now peaked with bulging aureoles and my nipples stood at perfect attention even sometimes when I did not feel aroused. My little clit-like penis had not been used to please a woman in….ever? So, really, what was the big deal. Ralph was even more reluctant than I to yield to such an act. After all he considered himself to be a 100 % all-American man and even though he was very tolerant of what he considered to be deviant behavior in homosexual men, he was nevertheless very proud of his own purely hetero machismo. But Margarite knew exactly how to deal with Ralph. She got him drunk, then stoned and simply sweet talked him through the whole process.

Margarite entered the room wearing her black panties, black guarder belt and stockings with matching high heals. Her high rounded buttocks were mesmerizing as she walked across the room. Her sheer black dickey hugged her perfect 36” breasts, its fabric bunched over her stiffly erect nipples. Her movement can not be adequately described- so fluid and sexy yet not at all exaggerated. Ralph had been sitting in a chair lazily stirring his scotch and soda when he looked up to see this vision. Immediately he stood up and nearly dropped his drink, which I quickly saved and placed safely on the end table. As I stood there looking at Ralph and Margarite I knew that they were going to have sex and I found my self hoping that I would be able to watch it happen. Its hard to explain how a cuckold feels in this situation. Since I was never allowed to have sex myself, I craved the opportunity to experience it vicariously by watching. I could also see by the look in Ralph’s eyes that he was helplessly drunk and befuddled by the commanding beauty of Margarite and would do anything if she would allow him to fuck her. She then surprised me by saying, “Bobbie, kneel in front of Ralph and unzip his fly.” I stood frozen for a moment while the implications of her command washed over me in a flood of dread. I had, of course known that this moment would come, but in Margarite’s house I lived every minute as it came and never thought about what would come next, so happy was I to do exactly as I was told and to perform my duties without a care. Her face suddenly lost any pretense of seduction and gained a focus of will that was magnified by all of her feminine attributes. I immediately dropped to my knees and unzipped his fly. “Now reach in and take out his dick!” I carefully tugged at his large penis, made even larger by the heavy apparatus that encased it safely with the brass lock, the key to which was hanging on a necklace and dangling between Margarite’s breasts. After I did as I was told, she said, “crawl over to me.” When I arrived in front of my wife, she began to apply lipstick to my lips. “I think Ralph will be more comfortable if you look more like a girl.” At this moment Lindy walked into the room and did a double take. “O boy, is this going to be good,” she said softly and plopped backward onto a pillow to watch. After taking the key from my wife I crawled back to Ralph and unlocked his penis. Now Margarite merely crooked her left index finger to Ralph and he quickly turned toward me, his penis bouncing and swaying from side to side as if happy to be free again, growing more erect as he continued to stare at her gorgeous body. I turned to Ralph and quickly placed my mouth over his cock. I had no desire to see that look on Margarite’s face again, for it was a look that said, if you don’t do as you’re told I will abandon you in an instant. I knew in that moment that I would suck a thousand cocks to keep her in my life. Ralph began to move in reaction to my sucking- all the while staring at Margarite’s lovely breasts. As he stared dreamily at her he fucked my face harder and harder and she began to talk to him in her most seductive and playful manner bringing him closer and closer to orgasm. He was so drunk and so drunk with her that he hardly thought about me, a man, or at least a sissy, sucking and licking his dick. Just as he was about to come, she told me to stop. Ralph shivered to a stop and groaned as a few little spits of come erupted from the tip of his cock and dribbled down my chin. “Lick the come off your face Bobbie.” Which I did. “Now, guide his cock into me.” She leaned back in her big easy chair and let me bring Ralph’s cock up to her pussy. It had been many weeks since I had been this close to her succulent vagina. With my left hand, I cautiously spread apart her swelling pussy lips and with my right hand I carefully guided the cock into her pussy. Some of the jism from the interrupted orgasm appeared at the mouth of her vagina as pressure from the swollen cock pushed it out. Margarite then cast a superior gaze on me and mouthed the words, “kiss my feet.” I spent a very long time on my knees, kissing her stockinged feet. As her feet moved around in response to the pleasure she was receiving I struggled to keep my mouth on them. In the mean time my tied-up balls ground against the carpet. Occasionally, my lovely wife would cast a glance in my direction, and seeing me writhing around on the floor with my balls grinding painfully against the floor while I kissed and sucked her toes and the bottoms of her feet with a mouth half full of her lovers sperm, she smiled that special smile that always kills me and I could see her falling back into the slow burning ecstasy that sets her apart from all other women in my mind.

When, after an hour of nearly constant fucking and several orgasms, Ralph rolled off of my mistress and came to rest in a drunken heap on the floor, Margarite did not seem to be tired or even a little spent, but instead, had that glorious look of surfeit and superior accomplishment that she often had after achieving another of her sexual goals. She then turned that same index finger in my direction waving it around and pointing to her cunt. I swiftly rose to her still swollen mound and began to lick the voluminous come that welled up in its center. The smell was sharp, a combination of perfume, sweat, wifely secretions and male spunk. Finally I was finished licking and swallowing all of the juices. My face was sticky and a little raw. Margarite then stood up majestically, picked up her panties and placed them over my head completely covering my eyes, walked over to Lindy with her hand stretched out to her. Lindy caught her hand and rose up to follow her into the bedroom. She was finished with me and finished with Ralph and now Lindy would be blessed with her attentions.

As I remained kneeling before her empty chair, my eyes covered with the soft fabric of her fragrant panties I could already hear Ralph’s sleepy breathing. Was I a homo? I didn’t feel any different. My devotion and intense sexual desire was directed to Margarite and to no one else, man or woman and even though I had vigorously sucked cock and swallowed mouthful after mouthful of jism until my whole face was sticky and raw with its residue, I felt relaxed and somehow fulfilled emotionally in that singular way that serving my beautiful mistress always caused me to feel. I remained there for quite a while, my face stuck to the inside of her wet black panties, savoring the feeling until sleepiness overcame bliss and I climbed down the stairs into the basement and curled up on my mattress still wearing my mistresses gift

Margarite and bobbie 12

The next morning began in a glow of soft sunlight that filtered through the gauze curtains on the East side of the house. It was after eleven before either of the women were out of bed. I had completed nearly all of my cleaning and had the preparations for the afternoon meeting well underway, when I decided to take a break and get in the shower. It was another ten minutes and I was carefully shaving my face, chest and genitals. this didn’t take long, due to my reluctant body hairs. I splashed a bit of body powder onto my scrotum and tightly wrapped the nude colored stretch tape around their base. I continued this process until they were bulging straight out in front of me and the words, “Douche Bag” could be plainly seen. I then clipped the ring in the tip of my penis to the higher ring that hung from just below my navel, stretching the penis painfully until the two rings snapped together. In just this much time enough blood was pumped into the penis to relieve the pressure and by the time I pulled my balls out of their hole in my full cut shear panties so that they would be properly displayed my penis was throbbing with desire. For the first time in many weeks, perhaps because of the stimulation of the previous evening I felt the urgent need to relieve the pent up sexual stress that had gone unsatisfied for many months. For a few moments all of my momentum drained away as I tried to catch my breath and choke back a sob of disappointment that bordered on a feeling of despair. A slave has occasional moments like this, when suddenly he or she loses track of the source of their happiness and briefly feels adrift without motivation to continue. Suddenly, life seems pointless and I wonder what I am doing here in this house ignominiously serving these hedonistic egotists, who care nothing for me as a man.

My head was facing downward while I moped about my situation and my eyes were slowly filling with tears. Then, through the haze of liquid, my fuzzy eyes focused on a pair of Margarite’s panties (the pink satin and lace ones), that had been thrown casually onto the bathroom floor. Automatically, I bent down to pick them up and, gathering them into my fingers, I lifted them off the floor and brought them up to my nose as I have always done, since the first day of my slavery. My nostrils filled with her fragrance, so complex and womanly, as well as the foreign but familiar smell of other men‘s spunk. The mixture of the two scents was powerful and disturbing, but it only served to capture my imagination once again. Gradually the magic of her allure flooded into my brain and I could feel the power of her presence permeate into my being. One by one, the switches clicked on in my mind as energy was restored to me. I quickly finished combing my hair (downward all around- like a little Dutch boy, because that’s the way she likes it) and pulled open the bathroom door. Suddenly I was full of images of her dominating feminine being. I felt lucky to be small and insignificant before her and lucky to be her servant. If semen were to rise up from my shaft it would be at her willing. My throbbing desire would be relieved or not as she wishes. Suffering and joy were again suffused. Pulling on my apron I went about the final preparations for the tea. The women would be arriving by three O Clock.

There were twenty six women in the room, and, like any group of women, they seemed to be talking all at once. The room was alive with their humming conversations and the air punctuated with the occasional sound of wine goblets striking the side of dinner plates. I was quietly resting in a chair next to a vacant podium, dreamily listening to the magic of the feminine communion going on around me and breathing in the air-born aroma of their combined perfumes. Dr. Pam was scheduled to begin speaking at around five o-clock. I was to be the topic of her speech, or the subject of her demonstration- which ever approach she chose to take. I was not concerned about what would happen next. I was well aware by now that such things were none of my business. Soon I was alerted to the sound of Dr Pam taking her place at the dais and adjusting the microphone for her stature.

“Good afternoon ladies,” she began assertively, “I hope you have enjoyed this marvelous repast with as much appreciation as I. Thank you Margarite, for all of your hard work preparing for this occasion.” I looked over at Lindy and caught the subtle rolling of her eyes. We both knew, in fact, everyone in the room knew full well that Margarite had done nothing to prepare for this event. Margarite did absolutely no work in this house, nor did she ever intend to. We would do the work; she would receive the praise. Lindy had not completely adapted to this idea and still struggled like a child to rectify the injustice, which she knew ran counter to her submissiveness. I, on the other hand basked in the feeling of insignificance, which washed over me during such a public snub. A depraved spark erupted in my mellow mood as I listened to learn in what direction my fate was headed in the next few minutes. “I wish to demonstrate for you this afternoon the astounding success of our esteemed Mistress Margarite. Sitting to my left is Bobbie, whom you all know because of his many skills, not the least important of which, is his quiet accepting demeanor in the face of any and all demands- whether fact or fancy- if indeed they are the product of a feminine mind and represent the feminine will. Many of you may not know that Margarite and Bobbie have been happily married for twelve years.” At this point a few gasps good be heard coming from the back of the room. “But you all know that Margarite is a very sexually active women. She contends to me that save for the early cuckolding of Bobbie, the achievement we are celebrating here today could never have occurred.” The room then filled with the thunder of determined applause. “Step on to the box, Bobbie.”

As I stepped on to the wooden box that stood in front of the crowd of women I could feel the pressure of their beautiful assertive eyes looking through me with the relentless knowledge of my abject servitude. Dr. Pam signaled to Lindy to begin the demonstration. As she approached me I could see that she was reaching for my balls, which, of course , were protruding out of the front of my panties. “As you all know the typical subservient male is driven by his sexual desires. Therefore, he must be kept in a constant state of unfulfillment. As soon as he is allowed to ejaculate, his pathetic little worm after twitching and squirming for a few seconds recedes back into the lazy comfort of his scrotum and all interest is lost in being submissive. Of course, this cannot be allowed, or we would all end up doing our own laundry and house hold chores.” Laugher erupted nervously from the ladies, who were all too aware of the dangers posed by such a breech of behavior. “However (and now Lindy was rapidly stroking my penis) Bobbie’s training has been so thorough, his humiliation so complete, that such is no longer the case for him.” Now Lindy was relentlessly jacking me off. I could see that she did not intend on stopping- as she always had before, per Margarite’s explicit instructions. As the semen began to rise in my shaft I was flooded with shame and disappointment, for I knew that I would fail to prevent an orgasm. The feeling was so foreign to me by now that I felt nothing like the hopeful expectation you might expect. Instead, I felt only fear and shame as my penis began to twitch and spurt under the expert fingers of Lindy’s hand. She had not lowered my see-through panties, but merely stretched her hand under the elastic of the leg band and gripped my penis from below. Now she pumped the semen with vigorous demanding strokes, until my panties were soaked with come and the penis withered and useless. Then she slipped the panties down my legs and I stepped out of them. Quickly she wiped all of the remaining jism from my cock and balls and stood up directly in front of me. Open, she motioned with her lips, and I opened my mouth to receive the gooey mess in my mouth. Shut, she whispered, and I shut my mouth. Wash!, she mouthed the word and I began swirling the thin cum-soaked panties around in my mouth, sucking away the semen as ordered.

“Now you will see that in bobby’s case there is no reduction in slavish devotion even after a complete and uncontrolled ejaculation- this despite the fact that it has been many months since he has been permitted to have even a modest male orgasm.” At this point Lindy, who was already standing beside me on the platform, turned away from me and bent over, sticking her rear end out while keeping her feet close together. This bunched her buttocks provocatively. Next she lowered her panties and reached around for a handful of my hair, which she gripped tightly, pulling my face up in front of her rectum. Without any apparent effort, she placed my nose exactly in her ass hole and, keeping her eyes directly in front of her, gave a little shrug and let a shy smile spread broadly across her face as she relaxed into a pleasurable stance. Behind me, Jane approached, wearing leather chaps and cowgirl boots. It was only the surprised sounds of the crowd that alerted me to her presence, and I could not see what she was wearing or what she was doing at that time as I was staring at Lind’s ass cheeks. I did see Dr. Pam descend from the podium briefly to place her empty water glass between my legs. Then I felt Jane working Vaseline into my ass, pushing extra gobs of it upwards into my colon. Next came the insistent head of a rather large strap-on dildo, and I quickly became aware that it was bigger than anything that I had been trained to accept in the past. Deeply it was being thrust into me and smoothly, but too fast at first, for I could not adjust my self to fit it. Instead, it adjusted me, continuously pushing, deeper and deeper inside of me.

“Now you will notice that Bobbie continues to react as a male might be expected to. Once his prostate is adequately stimulated his penis will begin to drip semen.” The pain was excruciating and I could not feel any sexual feelings as Jane kept up the monotonous rhythm of anal assault . Even so I began to feel the familiar tug of gravity as my penis began to grow and the heavy ring in its tip resisted with its substantial weight. I was next aware of the delighted whispers as the women in the nearest chairs began to point out the large drops of cum that gathered in the water glass between my legs. Dr. Pam ‘s demonstration was proceeding with the precision of military exercise- even though the main exhibit had no knowledge of what was supposed to happen.

Jane continued her probing in a steady rhythm, pushing deeper and deeper into my anus. The pain was gradually building, but she was an expert at fucking submissive men. Each time my tolerance managed to catch up with the pain, she would push a little harder, always staying ahead. I could feel the cum draining from my body as my prostate reacted to the insistent milking. As all this was happening I could still hear the speaker’s voice as she continued to expound on the methods of Margarite’s training of her slaves. The words had dissolved their meaning into distant sounds of an unknown but vaguely familiar language. Jane was ramming my ass violently now and my nose was bouncing in and out of Lindy’s rectum. Still, I valiantly maintained the position of my head in between the succulent cheeks of her young and beautiful ass. Finally the fucking stopped and I was overwhelmed with a wave of dull but powerful pain- so much that I felt myself begin to faint. Swaying uncertainly, even though the pressure and the probing had vanished I thought I heard a hushed gasp coming from the spectators as I collapsed on to the platform, the room reeling around me. The pain slowly ebbed and was gradually replaced in my consciousness by the sweet pleasure of embarrassed pride as I began to take in the degree to which I was being publicly humiliated by these minions of my wonderful Margarite. I was beginning to realize that this was the single most humiliating thing that had ever been done to me- I guess because of all of the women who were witnesses off it. It is typical for me to imagine humiliating or painful situations orchestrated by Margarite for her entertainment, and I always wonder if I would have the fortitude to behave as I am expected. But as I lay there on the platform, half asleep with pleasurable emptiness, a quiet smile spread across my face as I slowly realized that I was strong enough and sincere enough to complete any task that she might require.

I opened my eyes to the sight of a nylon stocking covered ankle, which looked very familiar and was attached to a beloved foot that nestled into a strikingly sexy high healed shoe. An awareness came over me of exquisite joy as I realized that Margarite was standing over me and might bless me with some form of attention. I can honestly say that I enjoyed in one way or another any and all privations and punishments I had received this day and all previous days by Lindy, Dr. Pam and others authorized by my beautiful wife to entertain themselves at my expense, but these experiences, as pleasurable and exciting as they may be were pitiful shadows of any act of her will and power administered directly. Now it was with this kind of infatuated awe that I watched as she removed the shoe from her right foot and placed the foot in the up-turned glass that contained a surprising quantity of jism freshly milked from me by the merciless lesbian with her strap-on dildo.

“Place the butt plug,” said Margarite to Jane. My awe was then punctuated by the insertion of a plug that was plunged to the hilt in no more than a single second. I opened my mouth in surprise at the renewed pain and saw the tip of Margarite’s foot, drenched as it was in my own spunk, moving toward my face. Then she deftly removed the soaked panties from my mouth and first spreading them upside down, place them over the top of my head, where they covered my eyes and nose, but left my mouth free to receive her foot. “Suck it clean Bobbie!” The sound of her voice was like a song sung only to me. I waited my whole life for her next command and felt generally deprived because of the long periods of time I would sometimes have to wait to hear the comforting authority of her voice again. My mouth fitted over the toes of her foot like a glove and I felt the wet texture of my milk. The simultaneous feeling that grew within me was the joy and abandonment which always accompanied my act of fulfilling her desires. This was the fountain of my pleasure as I moved to my knees and dutifully sucked and then licked her foot until no taste of my ejaculate remained on the shiny surface of her nylon glad foot or the shiny patent leather of her shoe.

As soon as the universal applause died slowly to a respectful anticipation, Dr. Pam completed her remarks by saying, “This man’s training is now complete. You may think of Bobbie as a model slave, consider his besotted state of complete humiliation a worthy goal, but Ladies, I must warn you, do not be too disappointed when you discover that your subject is lacking in the dedication and fortitude shown here today. Such a slave is rare and should be much valued.” The final applause ended and the crowd of women turned quickly to other concerns. Individual conversations erupted with enthusiasm as new topics were broached and I quickly realized that I was again being completely ignored as though my very existence had evaporated. I slowly rose to my feet, noticing, of course, the stiff appendage that remained lodged in my ass and limped happily into the bathroom.

I worked late into the night, picking up all of the dishes and folding chairs. It was nearly midnight when I was able to go to bed. Climbing under the sheets of my simple mattress on the bare floor of the basement I could finally shut my eyes. I felt completely content with my special place in this household. Upstairs Lindy had long since gone to bed (to get her beauty rest), and I knew that Margarite was waiting up for Ralph who would return any moment from his business trip. He would be tired but I knew he would still want to fuck my beautiful, sexy wife, and I knew that Margarite was very hot. I knew my darling wife inside and out. The power and pride she displayed at the meeting was just the surface of her feelings. The articles of clothing I had collected from her bedroom floor as she changed into Ralph’s favorite black lingerie, included the panties she had worn that day, which were dripping wet at the crotch. This was my reward for all of my toiling in the kitchen and at the tables and the total pain and humiliation, which I had suffered during the demonstrations. I lifted the precious fabric to my nose and inhaled the glorious scent of the mistress of my world

Margarite and bobbie 11

Six months went by. I was so busy with all of my duties that I hardly noticed the time passing. Margarite and Ralph were spending a lot of time alone together. Most nights their bedroom door was closed by seven O Clock and only opened after that to receive drinks and snacks. Lindy and I would sit together in the living room watching TV and listening to see if either of us was needed for anything. Lindy had been taken to the piercing studio shortly after our last group get-together and had both of her nipples and her labia pierced. This was very painful for her and many weeks were spent nursing the sensitive and angry red looking nubbins that had been so alluring when I first saw her. Each time the pain subsided Margarite would change the gauge of her nipple rings, gradually making them larger and larger. several times I noticed that she was quietly crying in the near darkness of the living room. but I said nothing because I could see that see was trying to hide her reaction to the pain. It was sad to see the powty skin beneath her eyes that was visible during the day when she was doing her chores and not seeming to notice the pain. Her beauty had been so unmarked and innocent, only recently. Her skin had been so smooth and tender, with vestiges of baby fat. Now she seemed much older, probably because she couldn’t bring herself to use any make up at all. Neither Ralph nor Margarite had called for her sexually in many weeks, except occasionally to make her watch them making love. Lindy said that Margarite liked to see her nipples try to swell in response to the visual stimulation. also, the tender red skin around and above her labia would swell in tumescence when she became aroused. A confused look would crawl across Lindy’s face as she struggled with the conflicting feelings of deep sexual arousal and irritating pain from the piercings. When she told me this I could picture Margarite’s face, the curious blend of emotions as she watched the effects of her domination of a slave. On one layer it said, “I am your ruler and your goddess, suffer in your devotion to me.” On another it said, “I understand and honor your commitment,” and on still another it said, “I suffer with you and feel your pain.” I’m not sure that Lindy understood all of this but it is testimony to my enslavement to Margarite that hearing her tell me these things made me feel something much stronger than sympathy. It made me feel jealous.

It was not very long before I was given the opportunity to suffer in much the same way. It delighted me when I was told on a Sunday to be ready to go to the Violet Wand for piercing on Wednesday. I was not told what would be pierced and did not ask. This was part of the perfection of my devotion to my Mistress. Her will would be done and knowing or not knowing was immaterial. It was only in the waiting room that she told me that the upper flange of my penis would be pierced and fitted with a ring that exited at the mouth of the penis. A second piercing would be made at my belly button. With rings attached in both places, the piercings would serve as an ornamental chastity device. She emphasized ornamental as a reminder of what she had said about me in front of the others, that I, of course didn’t need to be prevented from having sex because I was essentially a eunuch anyway. She whispered all of this in my ear and grasped my balls firmly with her right hand as she spoke to me. There was no question of my refusing; I had not said no to Margarite since the day I met her and since our marriage I had obeyed every wish and every command.

After carefully reading and signing a disclaimer and looking through some literature describing after-care, I entered the “operating room” and lay down on the table. I was completely naked at Margarite’s command. She wanted to watch my complete reaction to the event and consider my entire skin surface to be the blank canvas of my emotions. The embarrassment of lying there naked in front of a stranger, who did a double take when he saw the size of my nipples and areoles and smiled knowingly when he noticed my shaven penis and balls (not to mention the tattoo), the fear of the pain I was about to be subjected to, and the uncertainty- all were sending various messages through my body. Demurring blushes and goose pimples competed for space on my body. My genitals were small and bluish, when the piercer grasped my limp penis and stretched it toward him, placing the tip in a clamp that held it tightly from both sides. He then slid a lubricated, but very cold device about one inch into the tip, while I shuddered with the unfamiliar sensations. Looking to my left I gazed up at Margarite, who was clearly enjoying herself. Normally this procedure involves a local anesthetic, but I was given none by her orders. She said that she was interested in seeing if I would cry or not. “On the one hand,” she told Ralph and Lindy, “He’s a real pain slut- I’m sure he’s going to enjoy himself. On the other, he is a little wimpy and there is a good chance he’ll start feeling pretty sorry for himself sooner or later.”

I was already very close to that point when the piercer looked at Margarite, as if waiting for her OK and, after seeing her nod slightly, closed the sharp end of the device tightly into place, quickly piercing through the skin and cartilage in the flange of my penis. It was several seconds before I started to feel anything. But the pain grew steadily from zero to one hundred, coming on like a freight train, tears were running down my cheeks within a minute. A bright flash went off and I turned toward Margarite in time to see her lowering her camera. We’ll all have fun with this little snapshot,” she said, chuckling. I looked over at the piercer and noticed that he had a very sober look on his face. I think he was feeling guilty for having caused me so much pain. With the efficiency of a surgical nurse he continued with the cleaning and bandaging. He wouldn’t let Margarite talk him out of desensitizing the area around my belly button. He told her that he had seen enough and would not continue if she refused to let him anaesthetize me. reluctantly she acquiesced, and the piercing was completed.

Almost a month went by during which I could do very little in the way of bodily movement without considerable pain. I began to wonder how I could have desired such a thing. Again, Margarite insisted on enlarging the piercings. This was something she could do herself. Fitting the larger ring into the opening in my skin was thrilling for her because she could feel me twist with pain at the slightest push of her fingers. Very delicately she slid the ring into the hole and pushed at a rate that she could see was tolerable, but even then the pain was extraordinary. Finally, after several weeks, we achieved the diameter she wanted and the entire device was fitted on to me. A substantial nickel ring bit into the flesh below my navel. A steel chain of three links was connected to the nickel ring in my penis by a small lock. My penis stretched upward and lay flat against my lower belly like a gooses neck. It looked pretty silly and Margarite loved it, although she said that metal was probably over-doing it for someone like me- a pink ribbon would be more appropriate.

After my piercing were healed Lindy and I were both called into Margarite’s bedroom frequently. She and Ralph would perform sexual acts with each other exaggerating their bliss in order to torture Lindy and I. First we would be commanded to insert butt plugs into each other, which was exciting in and of itself. then we were required to kneel beside the bed and watch as Margarite would suck Ralph’s cock very slowly and seductively. First she would lick the shaft languorously from every side, then carefully fit her lips over the huge glistening head and suck in her cheeks to touch it everywhere at once with the inside of her mouth. then slowly she would descend the shaft with one smooth stroke, until her mouth rested snuggly against the mound of his ball sack. Up and down his shaft, she would slide her mouth, pumping harder and harder. If she glanced at me and saw me struggling with a pulsing hard-on and on the verge of tears from the pain, she would flash a quick look of triumph and return to her task with renewed enthusiasm. I would suffer like this for hours as she and Ralph traded positions, replacing one orifice for another. Lindy was over her pain, but was given a new challenge- that of not cuming for an indeterminate time. So, she suffered more from frustration than anything else. Occasionally I would see her chuckling at my predicament, but I could see that her enthusiasm was thin, she so wanted to be a part of the action. The two months since her piercing had been the longest she had gone without an orgasm since she was in high school. After the two love birds completed every act their imaginations could come up with and their bodies could achieve, they would rest peacefully together, gazing off into contented space, while Lindy and I would remain in our kneeling positions nursing our pain and frustration. “You two sad sacks may go to bed now.
And Bobby, your leaking cum. Clean yourself up and swallow every drop, honey. Good night slaves.”

Margarite and bobbie 10

As I lay in bed the following morning, I was aware of some discomfort around my anus and scrotum. I remembered the candles and the hot wax and was relieved that I knew the cause of the irritation in my rectum. Tentatively I lifted the sheet covering my body and looked at my genitals, which of course were black and blue from the blows administered by Dr. Pam. Small specs of tissue were stuck to the surface of my balls and spatters of dried blood were also evident. It looked as though a tattoo had been needled into my balls, but it was impossible to identify it. I couldn’t remember anything like that happening. Touching my scrotum delicately, I felt a knife-like pain shoot through me. Shifting my body uncomfortably, the pain subsided a little. What ever it was I guessed it would not be fatal. Later, Lindy told me that the tattoo had been her idea.

We were drinking coffee in the kitchen, when Lindy explained that the tattoo spelled “Douche Bag” with one word over each ball. “I thought it would be sweet if when you were all swelled up and excited, you know, when you’re licking my ass, or Margarite’s, or, well, licking cum out of our cunts, we could see the tattoo. Margarite said that you would have to keep your balls tied up whenever we play.”
I can’t describe how small it made me feel to have Lindy say these things to me. It was hard for me to believe she knew what she was doing- that she had any idea what her statements were doing to me. I was used to being humiliated by Margarite, and loving every moment of it. Margarite had given me to Lindy as a slave. Margarite owned Lindy and made the wheels turn in our little world. Everything went back to her. In bearing this treatment I was serving Margarite. At least that is what I told myself, and I liked Lindy a lot. I like pleasing her and worshipping her body. I thought about her smooth tanned legs, so perfectly shaped- as though she were wearing panty hose when she wasn’t wearing anything at all. If she just wouldn’t speak, I could imagine her to be like Margarite or one of her sophisticated girl friends- haughty and remote, wise in female mysteries and, well more worthy of my services, instead of a mere girl- still a teenager really.

I was filled with these kinds of thoughts and staring quietly at the floor, when Lindy seemed to recognize something in my demeanor, something that made her quickly angry. When I looked up at her, she was smiling slightly. Her full lips displayed an irony beyond her years and she no longer looked like a naive young girl. She reached her right hand toward my chest and pushed her fingers under the edge of my apron. Grabbing my left nipple, she first focused her eyes directly on mine and then began to twist mercilessly. My pupils opened in surprise as I felt the color drain from my face. Staring at her unflinching blue eyes, I could see deeply into her soul and what I saw there was frightening. Tiny movements of her eye lids, flecks of light from her changing irises and infinitesimal shades of her baffling smile were sending a million thoughts through my mind. Here was a force to be reckoned with, a power that would grow and become more inspiring as time goes by. She moved her beautiful face closer to me, still focused on my eyes. Slowly she began kissing my lips with hers, spreading fresh lipstick over my mouth and darting her hot tongue on to mine. Looking up to her, looking into her fathomless blue eyes, I felt the pressure on my nipple grow even more relentless. Now both of her hands were grasping both of my nipples, twisting and twisting until the pain caused a tear to grow in the corner of my eye. “Margarite wants us all in the living room at 7:00 tonight,” she said in a flat, smooth, even sexy tone. The message didn’t mean anything to me as I was still floating in a separate solar system, still mesmerized by the pain of her finger tips and the vacuous depths of her amazing eyes. “Seven O clock tonight, she wants to talk to us all about how things are going to be around here, about the house rules I guess.”

After this, Lindy let go of my nipples, turned away from me and strode out of the room at her full height, which was about 5 feet 6 inches, in the half heals she was wearing. This left me sitting at the kitchen table in a daze. This women was for real. regardless of her age, she understood everything. No wonder Margarite had gone out on a limb and made a place for her in our house. I was afraid that she had gone a little nuts with first Ralph and then this little nymphet, but a new feeling was flowing through me now. As the pain in my nipples faded, I was flushed with the familiar buzz I felt as submission overcame my inhibitions. I suppose I should be embarrassed that I am so simple and even predictable, but the certainty of my place in this female empire, even as small and insignificant as it was, filled me with overwhelming joy. Margarite would still provide the justice and order, continuity and meaning in my life and the others would never be a problem; they might even make things better, or at least more interesting.

At 6:45 I was kneeling in my usual place in the corner near the closet. The living room is a large room with pinkish white deep pile carpet. Our old furniture had long since been removed from the room. “There is only one ruler in this house,” Margarite liked to say, “there should be only one comfortable chair.” And so, of course, there was only one chair of any size and it belonged to Margarite. It was a unique piece of furniture designed to meet her specifications- tall back with full, high arms and long legs. There was even a small stool in front that allowed her to mount the chair and sit in it as though it were a throne. In about five minutes, Lindy entered the room from the hall carrying her small velvet toy bag and wearing a loose-fitting, see-through Arabic pajama set. I was instantly enthralled with her bouncing breasts that seemed to roam around under the diaphanous blouse liked trapped balloons. Her perfect legs filled out the thigh-high stockings that stretched to meet the garter belts attached to a cincher that tightly encased her waist. Bending down where I was quietly kneeling on the floor, dressed in my sheerest panties and skimpiest apron only, she handed me a short list, that consisted of Margarite’s immediate requirements for the evening. Seeing that it was written in Margarite’s distinctive handwriting and personally signed by her, I instantly jumped up and began to fulfill my mistresses desires. These consisted of drink orders for everyone, including me (water), snacks (which I may or may not be allowed to eat) and a short list of instruments, which she planned to employ during the evening’s activities. I could tell from the toys she selected, that tonight would be extraordinary in every respect. The last item on the list was, “Cut a hole in the front of your panties so I can see your tied up balls with their new tattoos.”

As I placed the tray containing the drinks on the low coffee table in the middle of the room, I could see that Lindy had taken up her position kneeling before the throne on the left side. I was wondering about Ralph (would he be late- that wouldn’t be a very good idea), when Margarite entered the room like a queen. In most respects she was just as she always was, a tall commanding beauty with classic features enhanced by impeccable makeup. She had always been an assertive women, but her usual confident stride was changed. It was slower and more relaxed as though there could now be no reason to question her right to do and say the things she was about to do and say. Looking upward at her, I briefly glanced at the full length of her body. I was expected to always keep my eyes lowered and would never think of breaking that cardinal rule. However, it was possible and even necessary at times to briefly flash my eyes above the floor and even to look at Margarite for an instant. I even think she liked to catch me doing it, if in the process she could see that my eyes were timidly rushing away from her gaze. This gave her a little rush of power and sent at subtle shiver of servitude through me.

She was dressed in black as always when important things were to be accomplished. A black boostier and push-up bra supported her two glorious breasts. Black satin panties hid a garter belt attached to black single-seam nylons. Her shoes were black patent leather with long, stiletto heals and tied at the ankle with black satin ribbons. I took in the full vision of her presence in a brief glance and then returned my eyes to their normal demure stance. I closed my eyes in a slow blink, savoring the image that burned in my mind and becoming aware of that exquisite scent that memory told me to yield to- lavender was the middle note. Above it was a fruit or mint feeling… and below was the almost entirely imaginary base note of splendid sexuality that clung to Margarite like pears to a tree. I thought to myself, “This is the strongest part of my addiction to her; at the base of my desires, this powerful and seductive scent that wafted into my nose and through my brain all the while making delicate adjustments to my mood (all of them good). From the depth of my sexual meditation I recognized my name, my new name, being called. “Hello my darling…. douche bag husband.” said Margarite slowly reading the douche bag part and showing a playful surprise and finally admiration of the tattoo, for which she congratulated Lindy. “I like the way you have tied up your balls,” she said reaching down for a squeeze. Very nice Bobbie. Please stand.” I stood up and thrust my pelvis forward, elevating my cock and balls so that she could evaluate the effect. “Very nice. You may kneel.”
Turning back to her throne, she acknowledged Lindy, who knelt in front of the chair facing towards it. “You look very lovely Lindy. Your collar is perfectly shined, your hair fresh and innocent. Do you feel like sucking some cock? I hope so because Ralph is looking forward to doing a little showing off with his new slave. Ralph!” Margarite called out.
Very soon, Ralph walked into the room a little hesitantly I thought, at least for someone who was looking forward to “doing a little showing off.” I have to admit that he looked pretty good standing before his new family, tall and reasonably muscular, his dark hair short but dramatically cut and his handsome face freshly shaved. He was smiling confidently but showed very little pride in his new slave. He was really a pretty nice guy with no hostility or anger in him at all. That’s one reason why the events that soon occurred seemed so ironic and ritualistic. “Oh…, very good. Yes, oh, and I like the oil,” she said dragging her right index finger across his chest just above the nipples and leaving a faint trail that shone only slightly less. “Nice job Ralph,” I remember thinking. “Ralphy,” Margarite purred. “Step out of the shorts please and let’s see how your chastity belt is working.” He unzipped his shorts and shyly dropped them to the floor, stepping out of them awkwardly. His new belt was a black leather thong that was sewn to a clear plastic cup that completely covered his cock and attached at the top at the belt in two places with small brass pad locks- small enough to be unnoticeable under most clothing. He stood there before us looking quite sheepish and I could tell that this would be a delicate moment for him. But I trusted Margarite’s judgment. She certainly knew the right time to close the trap on a man and how to do it in such a way that he would thank her for it. She withdrew a small key from her purse and unlocked and removed the two little locks, undid the belt and dropped it to the floor.
“You see Ralph is a real stud. Look at this cock,” she said, lifting the shaft and caressing it from the bottom. Holding the tip snuggly against his belly as she spoke, “Ralph is too much of a man to trust in these matters. Without the belt he might waste valuable masculine energy fucking Lindy or jacking off.” Ralph winched noticeably as he heard her words. “Bobbie, on the other hand, can be relied upon to be a little sissy slave, helplessly devoted to his owners. I don’t think he could maintain an erection long enough to push it into a woman anymore. You’d squirt sperm all over the place long before that happened.” At this, Lindy burst into laughter and even Ralph smiled slightly- happy that some of the attention had been taken off him and that he’d been paid a compliment of sorts about his masculinity. “So here we are and everyone has something new. Ralph has his chastity belt, bobby his new tattoos and Lindy…I almost forgot. Lindy, come here,” she motioned with her left hand as she leaned over to her purse with her right and found a gleaming clear glass butt plug and jar of petroleum jelly. “Bend over dear.” Lindy turned away and bent at the waist thrusting her beautiful bottom towards Margarite. With a healthy gob of jelly on the tip and sides, the plug slid smoothly into Lindy’s bottom a full seven inches. “This is not quite the size of Ralph but close. I wanted to leave a little stretch for the last inch. Slowly she twisted the plug in circles carefully seating it in Lindy’s rectum. Now, we all have something new to occupy our thoughts. Lindy, get on your knees and take Ralph in your mouth.” As they approached each other, my sweet wife turned to me and said, “I want you to watch this closely bobby. Look at the size of his cock. Is there any wonder why I prefer it to your limp little weenie?”
“No Mistress, I understand completely.” A secret thrill ran through me as I realized the extent of my subservience to her. I wondered if Ralph and Lindy were disgusted with me or if they would want to compete with me to see who could give the most to Margarite. They were certainly doing as they were told. I watched the long shaft of his penis push slowly between Lindy’s full lips as she delicately squeezed them together and watching him with her big round eyes turned upward in anticipation.
“Think of Lindy’s mouth as my vagina, bobbie. Oooo that feels good. You can’t imagine how it feels to a woman to have such a cock between her legs, to have it pushing wetly into her cunt. Sometimes I feel like I have the whole man in there working overtime just to please me. So I squeeze him tightly, just like Lindy’s mouth is doing. I squeeze and squeeze until… oh I’m getting hot.” She settled back into her throne, spreading her legs and pushing aside the lace trim of her panties. Now she was stroking her clitoris with two fingers and watching Ralph as he increased the speed of his cock, pushing it in and pulling it out rapidly. This went on for some time until Margarite was rocking back and forth and Ralph and Lindy were exchanging groans like animals. I gazed longingly at Margarite’s cunt. Watching the juices dripping from between those familiar lips made my breathing shallow. Lovingly, I looked at my mistress, trying to speak to her with my eyes. “Please let me lick your pussy. Please may I put my unworthy nose deep into your pubic hair and inhale the aroma of my greatest pleasure and swallow your nectar.” But Margarite was lost in the ecstasy of watching Ralph’s huge penis pulsing and thrusting into Lindy’s virginal lips. A deep feeling of disappointment began to overwhelm me as I realized that there was no place for me in Margarite’s mind. Even her finger was better than my devoted tongue, which wanted to spend itself in feverish licking for her pleasure. Suddenly he began to shoot sperm into Lindy’s mouth. You could tell by the worried look that flashed into her eyes that her throat was quickly filling up with milky goo and she would soon have to make a decision. She strained forward as if to swallow, but she couldn’t swallow until he withdrew his cock and he was still pumping it too fast. Finally she closed her mouth and squinted hard as she swallowed the huge load of jism and Ralph’s cock crashed into her closed teeth pushing a big bulge in her cheek. Margarite laughed shortly, obviously too preoccupied with her own orgasm to invest too much energy in the humor of the moment.
After things had settled down, Margarite worked her panties down to her feet and motioned me to crawl over to them. When I reached her feet, she stuffed the panties into my mouth and pushed me away. I knelt before her dutifully holding her wet panties in my mouth as she pulled Ralph away from Lindy and guided him into her. Then I watched as the man who replaced me in my wedding bed proceeded to fuck my wife harder than I had ever seen anyone fucked, except in porno movies of course. I couldn’t believe the energy he used on her, way beyond anything that I had ever thought possible. No wonder, I thought to myself. In those few moments I learned to understand my mistress and her needs in a way which I could only have guessed at before. soon cum was running out of her pussy and he was still thrusting. With each thrust my beautiful wife was crying out with joy. the tone of her voice continued up the scale until I thought she would pass out from the stress, but finally she collapsed backward with one last gasping sound that held so much contentment in it that I felt a rush of happiness for her. To see someone I loved so much experience such joy transported me with ecstasy. By this time I had closed my eyes, experiencing my own little sexual thrill, when I awoke to hear everyone laughing. I opened my eyes to see that they were all looking at me kneeling there with panties stuffed into my mouth and cum making a big wet spot in my own panties, dripping down to the whole where my balls were pushed out on display.
We continued on playing Margarite’s games until we were all very tired. Ralph fucked Lindy in the cunt and in the ass. Then he fucked Margarite in the ass. I had to go from one woman to the next performing my role as douche bag. Lindy tied a leash around my balls and yanked on them strongly each time she needed cleaning up. Then she passed the leash to Margarite, who kept a tight hold until Ralph pulled out leaving cum running down the inside of her thighs, finally rewarding me with the honor of licking her clit. I lavished her pussy and rectum with hungry licks, trying to give some pleasure as I mopped up the milky mess. But it was hard to tell if she even felt me after the boisterous orgasms she had experienced while being fucked and fucked and fucked.
We all fell asleep together that night, draped over chairs and couches and on the floor. I slept soundly and sweetly, savoring my new life of devoted slavery to Margarite and Lindy.
In the morning I was up early though, there was much work to do, making coffee and preparing breakfast, and of course cleaning up the mess of our party. Before doing anything, I quickly showered and put on clean panties and a newly ironed apron. Moving about the house in my “uniform” so early made me feel essential to the household. Going about my work and trying not to disturb my sleeping family, I was full of happiness and joy contemplating my servitude to Margarite. What would happen next? I had no way of knowing. What ever it would be I would be ready to give myself completely. If it made Margarite happy to see me lapping water out of a dog dish, I would do it. If she asked me to sit quietly in a dark closet all afternoon I would do that. As long as I was fulfilling her wishes I would be happy

Margarite and bobbie 09

I was nearly unconscious by the time I realized that I was nearly upside down. My body was bent and my genitals hung over my face, dangling their contorted fruit in front of me. At this point I began to here the sounds of people entering the room. Because of the hardwood floors their shoes made very distinctive sounds. Most of the people were women, but some were obviously men. Before long the room was buzzing with whispers and I could make out scraps of conversations. I could tell that few of the crowd were paying any attention to the spectacle in front of them. They seemed cordial and relaxed, conversing like old friends, but keeping their voices soft and slightly reverential. Suddenly they all became silent. Dr. Pam continued to massage my nipples in a pulsing, hypnotic motion, which kept me calm despite what would normally have been a crushing humiliation.

Margarite had entered the room with Ralph and Lindy. My head could not move to either side now, so I could only see out of the corner of my eyes. My knees were close to my head and my body hung over me like a canopy. A photo flash lit up the room suddenly and then another. Margarite walked directly toward me. I could ear her footsteps coming closer. I knew her walk, I knew her shoes- every pair and the sounds they make when she walks. Soon I smelled her perfume and could feel the palm of her hand pressing the bottom of my thigh (now the top). She said nothing to Dr. Pam, communicating with eyes probably. as she turned, I felt a comforting slap on my rear, not sharp, but firm enough to register some authority. I heard her sit very close by and then Ralph and Lindy joined her.

Dr. Pam spoke out in a calm, projecting voice, “Welcome, all you, who come to day to be with us to celebrate the binding of two slaves to their Mistress and the confirmation of a third to his accomplished submission. Mistress Margarite, my dear friend, will you step forward to accept the honor of chastising this slave?”
I heard Margarite come closer and pick up a whip from the tray that surrounded the chair. After a couple of seconds I felt the whip (more a riding crop than a whip) come down solidly on my ass cheeks. the sweet sound of the air rushing aside from her whip and the loud slap of the end on my skin made instant contact with my wonderful memories of Margarite, my wife and owner and all of the blissful, intimate moments we had spent together. The sharp edge of the whip bit into my flesh, but my mind was manufacturing a narcotic stronger than pain. Each stroke of the whip was evidence of Margarite’s love for me because it was the product of all of our time together. She knew exactly how fast to move the whip and at which angle, to maximize the effect without injuring her arm or traumatizing my flesh a whit more than she precisely intended. After stroking my backside and thighs she dipped the tip of the whip in some substance and passed it to another person. When the whip came down again its cut was sharper ( because of the liquid). The whip came down several more times, each time a little sharper as the new person attained mastery of the instrument. then there was a brief pause, which I was very grateful for. It gave a chance for the adrenaline and endorphins to catch up with the pain, finally flooding over me in grateful tranquility. The whip was handed to the next participant and the next until I lost count of my tormentors. Some of them I recognized by their style, by which I mean their rhythm or the places they tended to enjoy striking. I recognized Dr. Pam, Susan and Margarite (of course). I even recognized Lindy by her childish giggle- she was overcome with enthusiasm that apparently built during her administration of my pain, until she could hardly contain herself with the increasing passion. The entire company gasped with admiration when they heard her excitement express itself.
After everyone who wanted to had had a go at my posterior, and my ass and under-thighs were crisscrossed with welts, and after Margarite had covered each of them with a mentholated salve that burned and soothed at the same time in such a way that I could not decide whether the process was creating more pain or more pleasure, Dr. Pam approached me again and said to me, “We shall have to examine you Bobby to determine if you have cleaned yourself to Margarite’s specifications. I then felt a dab of Vaseline on my rectum and a very insistent rubber-gloved finger reaming me in a very businesslike manner. Deeper and deeper she probed into my ass with first one finger and then two. “You have done well Bobby, you do your mistress proudly.” Before I knew it her fingers were gone and a much larger object was being pushed into me. Later I saw what it was in the photos- A three candle candelabra. I heard the matches being lit and after the third one the lights were turned off leaving the room bathed in candle light that emanated from my rectum. Next I felt drops of hot wax landing on the bottom of my scrotum. I could hear the footsteps and whisper of many people as they crowded around me, apparently each with a candle, lighting it from the candelabra and dropping wax on to my tender skin. Each drop landed in a slightly different place, either more or less sensitive. Some I could hardly feel, others stung me with extraordinary pain. Quickly the wax built up on my underside and finally I could feel other candles being fixed to my body by contact with the still soft buildup. The photos revealed a virtual birthday cake effect, the entire room being lit by the accumulated flames of my individual candles.
By now I was practically unconscious, the valium that Dr. Pam had given me had taken full effect. So too my passionate response to the painful and humiliating treatment I had received had fogged my brain to the point that I hardly knew when some new insult was being dealt to me. My body and my mind were welded together by the warm glow that seemed to permeate everything, The photos showed the faces of my friends and family looking at the spectacle of my upside-down, folded over body with expressions that were ambiguously brimming with compassion, encouragement, tenderness and sadistic anticipation.
the ceremony was nearly over now and I could feel Dr. Pam slowly working the pediment of the candelabra out of my ass. When she had completed the task and my empty rectum spasmed with the feeling of space, making me afraid that I would embarrass myself by having a bowel movement then and there. but I needn’t have worried because Dr. Pam and Margarite had anticipated every moment of the night’s proceedings. the fasting and the enemas had accomplished their mission and I was perfectly safe. Lindy’s name was called out solemnly by Dr. Pam. “You must learn to milk your slave, Lindy. This will relieve the tension that naturally results from not having an organism. Of course Bobby can produce individual drops of cum on demand, within about, oh I think two or three minutes if I remember properly- few slaves are so talented. Never-the-less, you need to certify your knowledge of this procedure as part of your training. I soon felt the soft tentative fingers of Lindy’s left hand as she braced herself on the inside of my thigh and next felt the round end of her probe inter my ass. “That’s correct, now slide it slowly forward until you encounter the prostrate.” Suddenly, the very official dispassionate voice triggered a laugh that started deep within me as I saw the humorous side of this activity. A very dignified, though, of course, extremely sexy Dr. of medicine was standing in a nearly dark room with a crowd of perverts huddled around her directing a still adolescent seeming girl-next-door ingénue as she tried to masturbate me by sticking fingers into my ass and stroking me from the inside.
Gradually a feeling of joy rose through me, through layers of pain and pleasure that had been deposited by powerful forces of nature, namely a series of extremely kinky women who could invest me with punishment the way that time creates the mountains and the plains. I never quite laughed but by the time that Lindy had found and began to stroke my prostate, I was thoroughly happy and though I didn’t feel any trend towards orgasm, the pleasure that she was giving me was pervading my thoughts. Suddenly a milky stream came dribbling out of the tip of my penis and splashed onto my face. Again, everyone gasped to see the heavy white jism as it streamed out of my penis and onto my nose, mouth cheeks and chin. Someone produced a spoon and began scraping the cum towards my mouth. I looked to one side and caught a glimpse of Margarite as she bent down to follow the progress of her work. For me this was the epitome of the evening. Seeing her beautiful eye looking after her task, feeling the center of her attention for the first time in many months filled me with indescribable ecstasy. A confusion of emotions played through my head and I was afraid that all would peak together and I would explode. Margarite knew me so well I shouldn’t have been worried. Quickly she thrust the spoon into my mouth and I closed my lips tightly over it. she pulled it out and whacked my penis very hard with the spoon, creating another rhythm in my head- a counter point of pulsing, very personal pain that instantly balanced out the crescendo of joy that threatened to pull me into the abyss. The spoon was back on my cheek, scraping another mouthful of cum toward my still gasping throat.
In this way, Margarite, my beautiful mistress fed me my own spunk in front of a crowd of semi-anonymous people. I thought of Lindy, standing there watching this happen; she and many of the people present I hardly knew. But this was for Margarite. I was again fulfilling her desires as industriously as I could. I hoped she realized my devotion to her, I was sure that she did, how could she not? I heard her laughing at various times, while she fed me. She may have been panning to the crowd at times, because I could hear them laugh in response to her. I was not very much to her, but who else could do this for her? She has other slaves and will have still more. But who among them will be so thrilled with the look on her face when she expresses her pleasure? Who will be so fulfilled by hearing her laugh, when they are the focus of her ridicule? Looking back on it now I think that night was the single moment when I knew the rectitude of my service to Margarite and felt designed by providence to play this role with her, to be her object of loving scorn.

The ceremony continued for a least an hour after this, but the whole thing is a hazy dream that seems very familiar but vaguely painted. The details are there in my memory but run together as though my brain had been overloaded, stopped processing events and, instead, allowed them to continue unsorted and unevaluated. Ralph and then Lindy had been collared and each had made their pledges to Margarite but the actual sequence of events were told to me afterward along with the details of a quite elaborate party, most of which I have no real memory of

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By the end of that day I was exhausted and also I have to admit, a little confused. Was I to be allowed home after the ceremony. Should I go by Susan’s and pick up my clothes. I guess it wouldn’t matter much one way or the other, for I had few pieces of clothing: two aprons, seven pairs of panties, one set of “acceptable street clothes” and no other possessions really, unless you count a few legal pads, in which Margarite would sometimes insist that I write pledges of my devotion to her, and some pencils. It amused her to read what I had written to her friends and lovers; she liked to see the enthusiasm with which I accepted my slavery to her.

As it happened I ran out of time anyway and just barely was able to make the required final drops of cum to complete the requirements of “sperm day” before it was time to shower and put on my street clothes. I arrived at Dr. Pam’s office exactly on time. Actually I was three minutes early, but stood outside of her door waiting until the appointed time. I had learned to do this in order to avoid being scolded for being too early. I felt a little uncertain, when I realized that no one else was there. I knew for a fact that Margarite and all of my new family would be present this evening, as well as many of Margarite’s friends. I had even seen a contract laying on Margarite’s night stand that outlined the terms and conditions for photographing the event, signed by a local photographer, who is know for his fetish compositions. I sat quietly by myself until Dr. Pam came into the room, dressed in a black evening dress that clung to her body, revealing a remarkably youthful sexuality that was further encouraged by high heals, seamed stockings and impeccable makeup.
“You’re wondering why no one is here.” I looked up at her uncertainly, not knowing what to say. “The ceremony doesn’t start for two hours. It will take that long to prepare you according to Margarite’s specifications. Follow me into the theater, but first lose the clothes, everything, except the panties.” As she said this to me her voice was growing heavy with anticipation, a tone which I was intimately familiar with. The final word was invested with an energy that instantly changed the calm and socially light feeling that had been the mood up until that point. Handing my clothes to Dr. Pam, who let them drop to my feet, I humbly followed her into the surgery theater and found my self surrounded by tiers of observation seats, like those in a movie theater, enough to hold a least one hundred spectators. In the center was a medical chair of some sort that was articulated into several parts and connected by small, hydraulic rams. the upholstery was black and polished to a dull finish. A scent of freshly oiled leather hung in the air. In the dimly lit room I could hardly distinguish between parts of the apparatus or determine any purpose for the stainless steel and chrome joints and patent leather straps that seemed to festoon from the device. So this was where Dr. Pam performed her magic. I had heard about the theater. It was a place where at one time noted surgeons from all over the world, would assemble to see the newest procedures. That had been in London, from which she had the theater removed and then refurbished and reassembled in her offices. Its more recent history was more interesting to me since I had heard stories about it from many of Margarite’s friends. The sophisticated appearance of the oak paneled walls and the richly treated drapery created a contrast to me, between such comfortable austerity and lingering imagery of debauched sex fiends performing unimaginable acts that I had constructed out of the bits of conversation that spilled from the lips of my female superiors. Once, and I am still not sure whether or not they may have been teasing me, I heard them talking about the castration of several men that was performed on Valentines day in order to evoke the old Roman ritual of Lupercalia. the men were beaten for several hours with two-inch wide strips of goat leather that had been dipped in milk until they were covered in pink traces from head to toe, like striped apes (I thought they said) and then given wine and some narcotic that made them rather forgetful about things. Each of these men had been athletes in their teens and successful business men by thirty. By the following week they were mincing around in printed dresses serving tea to their wives. Telling the story, I think it was one of Joan’s friends, turned and looking directly at me, pulled an imaginary knife across her lower belling, laughing suggestively.

These sorts of thoughts were piling up in my mind as I continued to follow Dr. Pam’s orders dutifully. After climbing into the “chair” I settled back and relaxed, though I briefly glanced at her with a look that must have seemed frightened to her. Looking at me softly, she moved her face closer to mine and spoke to me in that hypnotic, vaguely German manner of hers and her voice was velvet and smooth and very certain. “They’re all true, you know…….the stories.” It was as though she had been reading my mind. I instantly raced through the past, sorting out the fragments of a dozen conversations, and remembering finally, the contract that I had signed with Margarite almost eight years ago. It had been an experiment that she suggested, in which I would put in writing all of my little pledges, made to her verbally from time to time in order to display my devotion to her. things like, “I love your powerful aura and will worship your monarchy until I die.” I even remembered a phrase: “I would give you my manhood on your whim”. There were hundreds of these statements, some awkwardly romantic, others just stupid, but some were more focused and I realized that they could constitute a contract. Margarite agreed with me and declared that she would write one using all of my pledges and would I sign it? There was no way that I could refuse her at this point. What had been a gradual reshaping of our relationship, putting her more and more in charge became, that day, a fate accomplished.
The realization that I might be the victim of ritual castration during the upcoming ceremony made my muscles begin to swell under the leather straps that had just been secured around my arms, neck, chest, thighs and legs. Adrenaline coursed through me in a fleeting bid for safety and I lunged forward with a force that was alien to me. The leather straps held firmly, but I could tell by the mock look of surprise on Dr. Pam that I had startled her. “You’re being very manly, Bobby. At least for a sissy, who signed away his family jewels a long time ago. Or have you forgotten? No, I suppose you’ve just remembered. At any rate, you may continue to struggle or you can relax. the end result will be the same and I assure you that you will enjoy most everything that occurs here tonight.” I felt the sultry gaze of her erotically powerful eyes resting on me and turned to look directly at her. Finger nails and then finger tips were grazing the tops of my nipples as I looked helplessly at her serenely confident face. Twisting the nipples between her thumb and forefinger she slanted her head slightly to the side as if asking for a response to the pain that she was inflicting on me. My nipples were much more tender than before the pills and her fingers were closing on them like vices, wrenching them down with greater and greater force. I could feel the blood pumping into my penis and the its modest head poking a tent in my pink nylon panties. Producing a pair of scissors she began cutting off the panties, starting very close to my penis. I froze at the sight of the sharp blades cutting away so near my genitals. “That’s right, it will be a lot safer for you if you don’t struggle. we wouldn’t want to present you at the ceremony in a coat of fresh blood.”
Sweat was forming on my forehead and a tiny bead of it dropped into my eye causing a stinging sensation that distracted me from my more immediate worry. Dr. Pam had my genitals gathered into her left hand in a fist and was pulling them upwards. She appeared to be sizing them up for something, turning them to the left and looking, then to the right and looking. Next she removed a small black strap from a drawer somewhere beneath the chair and tightened it around the base. Grabbing my balls, she repeated the procedure, squeezing them mercilessly. Tying a one inch strap around the base of my balls, which left them standing straight up like a bicycle seat, she continued by attaching a leather shoestring on to the strap, passing it between the balls and cinching it down to the other side of the strap. This left me looking at two purple, aching gonads, displayed like table fruit. My helplessness was turning to embarrassment and humiliation and I had almost forgotten about the pain when she slapped the bobbing pair squarely with the flat of her hand, sending a shock of incredible pain up through my body, which reverberated in a dull pulsing way. WHAP!. Again she rang the fleshy bell and the pain returned with a vengeance. I cried out loudly, but I was already far away from reality and now I could realize it. My groans sounded slightly provocative and even a little feminine and I could see how they might encourage more abuse. WHAP! another slap on the balls and another distant girlish cry. While I was still vibrating she began again on my nipples, twisting and twisting them as though they were ends of a dish cloth. the pain and humiliation were intense now and my cock was filling with cum. I didn’t think it would be possible since I had milked myself three times as ordered. but still I found myself closer and closer to orgasm with each twist.
Sensing my dilemma she stopped stimulating and almost as though nothing out of the ordinary was happening, she reached into her purse and withdrew a pack of cigarettes. Placing a lighter in my right hand, she bent down with a cigarette in her mouth and without the slightest hesitation, I lit it for her. After slowly taking a long drag, she removed it from her lips and blew an impressive plumb of gray smoke into my face. “You may be the best-trained slave I have ever seen. I’m not sure whether you’re a good student or just a very bent young man. Either way, it’s encouraging to see how humble you have become.”

I felt her clasp the middle of my penis, bending it harshly. She let a large dollop of clear liquid dangle on to her fingers, and placed the fingers in front of my face. “Open,” she said. I opened my mouth just before the jism reached it, catching the splash on my tongue. Meanwhile the smoke from her cigarette was curling around my nose and irritating my eyes. “Keep it open!” She said, sternly. A much larger drop of saliva fell from her mouth into the mixture of secretions overflowing my tongue. My mouth closed automatically and I lurched forward to the extent that my straps would permit, trying to hold the load. “Swallow,” she said softly, and “enjoy.” You may think her words were absurd or possibly sarcastic. But my will did not exist. I obeyed her gladly. First I swallowed the mass she had deposited into my mouth. Then after considering her command, I felt a tide of submission and a wonderful falling sensation as I succumbed to it. Savoring the slightly smoky blend that lingered in my mouth, I inhaled deeply (I had been so carried away with our activities that I had forgotten to keep breathing regularly). I settled into a flood of contentment as I realized that I had completed the task with perfection, and pleased this very special friend of my Mistress.
At this point I felt the chair moving very slightly, bringing my knees up toward my face. A tiny electro-mechanical sound accompanied the motion. The twisting of my nipples began again. As she twisted them, the pain, turning to pleasure, was mounting again. “This time Bobby, you won’t have to worry about accidentally squirting your little wad. when I see you getting close, or if you sense that you might have to orgasm, and say……please, I will put your nipples into enough pain to erase any erotic feeling that may have urged you to disappoint me. “Please,” I said slowly. Her fingers became a vice and clamping down tightly, created a wave of sharply building pain that magically turned my hormones into adrenalin.
Overtaking the pain in my emotional turmoil was a feeling of astonishment that continued to build as the pain faded away leaving no trace of the imminent orgasm that had nearly pulled me into its chasm. This woman, this gorgeous, sexy genius was reading the back of my mind like a cereal box and controlling my body, my mind and each of my emotions with the power and precision of a goddess.
Twisting my nipples again almost immediately, she handled them with such smooth authority, that I relaxed into pure sexual pleasure, hardly feeling the pain. the pleasure continued as she kneaded and rolled them between her fingers. No orgasm threatened to end my endless ecstasy as pleasure and pain did their ecstatic dance in the theater of my soul. I was in awe of my captor, who had changed from a mere dominatrix to an impresaria. What ever was to happen tonight, would be a beautiful thing and neither I nor any of my superiors could break the spell. Dr. Pam was in charge and the ceremony would be realized in every detail of Margarite’s plan

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When I arrived at my old house (of course it was hardly mine anymore) I noticed that quite a lot of mail had accumulated on the entry table. I opened a small box that was addressed to Margarite and was mailed from a company called “Restraining Orders”. It contained two new black leather slave collars, one male and one female. New paraphernalia always turned me on so I carefully tried the male collar around my neck, after removing mine first. But the collar was considerably too big for my 15” neck. After measuring the collar with yard stick that was always kept in the nearest closet, I decided that it must be for someone quite a bit larger than me. As the thought came into my mind I was astonished to realize that it must be Ralph’s. I had been able to see Margarite’s magic working on Ralph for some time, but to think that now, after only a few months, he might be willing to wear her collar was amazing to me- especially since I figured that she was attached to his masculine sexual skills. Of course, some men could be a slave and remain masculine. Not everyone was like me, a timid little sissy with aching nipples and a penis that was four inches long when fully erect and throbbing. Still, this was indeed thrilling for me. To see the power of my mistress exercised so skillfully reminded me that I too had been “broken” by Margarite. I was once a typical man, with the desire and intention of mastering a woman, with an ego over-blown with my own importance- until those marvelous days of early dating and subsequent matrimony with my mistress. I felt a tinge of pride when I realized that my submission had taken much longer than Ralph’s. Well, maybe not much longer but longer none the less. Of course Margarite was older and wiser. She was now fully aware of her considerable power over men in general and submissive men in particular so I could see that now she made very few mistakes with men and wasted very little time with distracting details. It was very likely that every single word or action, which she used in her relationship with Ralph was designed to lead him step by step in a direction little known to him but greatly prized by her. And now for the coup de gras- a collar for the big boy.

I was putting the collar back into the box along with the smaller one, which I assumed was for Lindy, the new girl, when I saw the envelope addressed to me from Dr. Pamela R Jones MD. Opening the letter I read the following: “Slave Bobbie, Your presence is stipulated at my office on Friday, June 14th at 6:30 PM. Thursday will be a sperm day per your Mistresses’ protocol. Be at my office with a clean colon and freshly shaved by 6:15 and prepare to serve as a demonstration object for the collaring ceremony to be held that evening at 8:00, when Ralph Burns and Lindy Snow will become the permanent property of Ms Margarite Collings, your owner and the eternal object of your deepest devotion. I chuckled when I saw how it was signed, “Dr. Pam”. This was very out-of-character for her and it showed a touch of comradery and affection for me- and I was very grateful for it. This would be a wonderful event and we were all going to be part of it- even someone like me, who was relegated to obscurity, cleaning and serving, nearly anonymous in “my own house”.
After finishing all of my chores at the house I returned to Susan’s and quickly prepared her meal before jumping into the shower. By the time she returned from work, I was standing by the door in a clean pair of panties and my apron, holding a cold glass of white wine, my eyes dutifully fixed on her feet. “Don’t forget, tonight is Joanie,” Susan reminded me. How could anyone forget Joanie- the beautiful, athletic, tall, Germanic lesbian nymphomaniac, who visited Susan almost every week and always left her exhausted with sated lust. My job would be easy; I would not be allowed to participate in the lovemaking in anyway. I was merely to be available to serve drinks and food as needed, maintain a suitable format of music for the two infatuated lovers and, of course, clean up any and all accidents. This was fine with me; tomorrow would be a day of semi-starvation as I would masturbate three times and devour as much of the ejaculation as I could produce. Thinking about what was to come on Friday would occupy all of my day dreams.

Joanie arrived after dinner and I served dessert and coffee to the two sexy females, who paid no attention to me, their eyes locked on each other with a smoldering rapture. The taller Joanie was the more assertive as she initiated intimacy with delicate insinuation, sliding the tip of her finger down the side of Susan’s neck and bringing her mouth to Susan’s cheek, kissing the blond whisp of hair that curled between her eye and ear. At this point I retreated to the kitchen, where I could hear my name if it were called and began to do the dishes. It was better not to watch, although they didn’t care a whit whether I did or did not. I didn’t need anymore stimulation than I was already certain I was going to get in the next couple of days and there was plenty of work to do.

Joanie decided to go home around 2:00 AM. She woke me up where I had fallen asleep on the couch and told me she needed a cup of coffee, which I quickly made for her. While she sat in an arm chair yawning and drinking her coffee, I picked up all of her clothes from the bedroom floor and arranged them for her. Then I helped her dress and watched as she moved toward the door taking comfortable, satisfied steps. Exhausted, I fell into bed in my little room under the stairs, which Susan had converted for me from an old walk-in closet. Tomorrow would be a difficult day.

I sprang out of bed at 7:00 and began putting together Susan’s breakfast. I found the matching skirt and blouse, bra, panties, stockings, shoes, belt and handbag, which she wanted to wear and laid them out for her after touching up the skirt and blouse with the steam iron. As soon as she was served her breakfast, dressed and out the door I began my preparations for the day. I lay on my side on the fluffy rug in the bathroom and administered the first of two enemas, which I would need to take during the day. After completing this rather uncomfortable little chore, I washed up and began to stroke my penis lightly with my left hand. I quickly reached a point where the throbbing little cock was engorged with semen. Immediately I stopped stroking and waited while the jism continued to rise. I held my hand under the tip and let the two or three drops puddle in my hand, then licked it clean. This would be it for the day- breakfast, lunch and dinner. I know how disgusting this must sound, but I was quite used to it by now and even enjoyed it a little. It took the edge off, even though there was no orgasm. Afterwards I was able to concentrate on other things. there was much cleaning to do at Margarite’s.

When I arrived “home” I could see that there had been a party last night. Empty glasses, half empty glasses, even full glasses were everywhere. Asleep on the floor by the couch, curled up like a child and quite naked was one of my new fellow-slaves, Lindy. Her lithe nineteen year old body was smooth and tanned, except where white shadows of her bikini top traced around the curve of her breasts. Slowly she awoke and seeing me, made a broad smile of recognition. She knew exactly who I was and as it turned out had been anxiously awaiting the day we would meet.
“I’m happy to see you’re on time this morning”, Lindy said in a teasing manner. “Mistress says you’ll have to work hard to finish in time for the ceremony.” She sounded her age with no pretense. She was very feminine, soft and sexy, with peach tinted skin and perky, medium-sized breasts that rounded taughtly, seeming to balance very pink and quite solid looking nipples. Her aureoles were modest and colored a slightly lighter pink. “I better get started,” I said and began to open the closet, where my apron was hung. After I had folded my clothes and tied my apron strings I turned to look at the messy room. where should I start? At this point Margarite came into the room. Her eyes had that soft and sleepy look I remembered so well. Even though she had just awakened, she wore pink medium healed shoes and walked in smooth sexy strides. As she glided into the room my heart rose up into my throat and I missed several breaths as I stood there admiring my beautiful wife.
“Haven’t you forgotten something, Bobbie?” I looked down and scanned my clothing, or rather my apron, for I had nothing else on except, of course, a pair of sheer panties. I returned my eyes to Margarite and saw the drowsy contentment drain from her eyes- replaced by a narrowing look that focused on me from her slightly down-turned head. Immediately I dropped to my knees as the stress of uncertainty evaporated. I must always greet my mistress from my knees. This had been ingrained in me many years before, but in the blissful moment of seeing the object of my devotion I had spaced it out. Now I was where I belonged and felt a flood of comforting nerve endings as I remained in my kneeling position with my eyes pointed downward and focused distantly. I always did this to avoid looking cross-eyed. “That’s better, Bobbie. Your here just in time to bath me“. She turned and walked over to the couch, pointing a cocked finger straight down. This meant follow on my knees, which I, of course, did. Since I knew that Margarite always showered in the morning, it was obvious that she had something different in mind. by the time I reached her, she had her legs spread and her lavender silk robe opened. Her prominent breasts pushed upward from a matching boostier. She signaled to me again in the same way as before, indicating that I was to begin licking her pussy. Aware that Lindy was watching and only having just met her i should have been embarrassed, but wasn’t at all. I was completely consumed by the feeling of submission that always took over when Margarite was in charge and I had not imagined that I would be so lucky as to serve her in this way today. As my face moved closer to the bare flesh of her vaginal lips I could see that drops of her juices were emerging from a spot just below her clitoris. Her pungent aroma nearly overwhelmed me as I continued to sink into the haze of my addicted love. I began licking and immediately realized that the juices were not hers, at least not hers alone. “Don’t forget to swallow, Bobby dear.” I dutifully swallowed the first mouthful. There in the familiar tasting fluid, flowing from her vagina, were the clotted lumps of cum deposited deeply within her during sex with some other man, presumably Ralph. the acrid-tasting mixture slid down my throat as I continued to lick her. “And when you’re finished with me, do Lindy too.” I took a quick breather to acknowledge her command with a compliant “yes mistress” and continued to remove all traces of his spunk from her pussy. When I finished swallowing the last mouthful she turned and pointed to her ass. As she bent slightly forward and pulled her ass cheeks open, I could see a single drop of pearl-white jism cresting the lower rim of her rectum. I quickly licked it off and swallowed. When I had cleaned the outside, I thrust my tongue deeply into her ass and felt the silky mass of sperm still remaining within her. Slowly I worked it out with my tongue, until she was completely clean. “God you’re good at that,” she said as she turned and walked away. “thank you mistress Margarite,” I said, and meant every word of it. I then crawled over to Lindy, who was chuckling to herself. She then rolled on to her stomach indicated that I was to begin with her ass. As I cleaned the beautiful young woman I considered the irony of me being on my knees licking a woman’s rectum, a woman, whom I had just barely met, but a woman nevertheless, who would exercise complete power over me. I wondered if she had been fucked by a different man. So much cum could surely not come from one man, even Ralph. I said nothing, as I was very well trained not to speak unless spoken to, and my silence was the only remaining act of will I could lay claim to. By this time I could tell that sperm day would not be the usual day of starvation. I had already consumed the minimum daily requirement of protein, and I had two milkings (of my self) yet to eat. I enjoyed servicing Lindy very much. I could tell that we would be compatible, not just because I enjoyed being bossed around by women and she was obviously going to be very demanding. Her odor was unique and very arousing, less pungent and womanly than Margarite’s, but her personal aroma blended sweetly with her perfume, and together they were mildly hypnotic. Her vagina was surprisingly large for a young innocent-looking girl next door type and I soon found that it was as filled with ejaculate as Margarite’s had been. Something about the shape of her vaginal lips and the breadth of her hips made it possible for me to put more of my tongue into her than I had ever been able to do with any other woman. This I continued to do with the zeal of an exploring dog. Probing deeper and deeper into the moist and milky chamber. I nearly began laughing as I realized that I now knew her cunt more thoroughly than her face, or even her name (for I only knew her first name- not her last).
It didn’t take long to finish cleaning Lindy. I knew that I was not expected to pleasure her sexually, so I avoiding licking her clit, concentrating on vacuuming up all of the foreign substances in her vagina. As Lindy stood up she said to me, “You are about the nicest looking douche bag I ever used.” She tried to look stern and aloof as she said this, but she was still a kid, really and could not carry it off. A burst of giggles erupted from her pouty lips, and I felt deeply stung, in that school boy way that makes boys so vulnerable to girls during the high school years. This feeling caught me by surprise and wounded me in a way it’s difficult to describe. but the moment passed and I dutifully moved toward the mess of dishes and glasses on the coffee table to start my chores, secure in the knowledge of my place in this house, (at the bottom). I would have to get used to her teasing and after a few minutes of thinking about it I knew that I would learn to enjoy her humiliations of me, just as I had learned to savor any and all previous insults that were thrown my way so casually. Actually, there was so much to do, cleaning the house, vacuuming, washing and ironing I had little time to think about anything. And the time I did have I spent dreaming about Margarite and the pleasure she grants to me so easily.

Margarite and bobbie 06

Late in the afternoon, on the following Tuesday, I returned home late (to Susans’s house) after cleaning at Margarite’s. With Ralph living there now, there was quite a bit more work to do. He was pretty typical in a lot of ways. He had obviously never learned to throw his dirty clothes into the hamper, bus his coffee cups or clean his ash trays. Of course Margarite was messy by design; she knew how much I treasured her slovenliness. I always felt as though she had tossed each pair of soiled panties thoughtfully on the floor or slung her used bras lovingly across the back of a chair- expressly for me to see and gather them. There were now twice as many dishes to wash and the floors took a little longer to vacuum. So I was pretty tired when I walked in the front door. Susan was quietly sitting in the living room smoking a cigarette and looking very beautiful as usual. She was so strikingly sexy and sophisticated that I often found myself in total disbelief that I could be her consort in even the most menial and insignificant capacity. This evening she was especially attractive. Her hair was perfectly quaffed in a youthful flip. A slender shock of provocative blond hair laid suggestively across her forehead, eye brows and dreamy blue eyes. Her makeup was carefully applied, as Margarite’s was each time she got ready to go out on a date, so I assumed that Susan would be leaving soon after I served her dinner. But I was to find out that she was staying in and planned to spend the entire evening with me.

Susan stood up and turned toward me. She was wearing a white camisole, which fitted her closely, accentuating the uplift of her 36” breasts. She had a casual way of blowing you away with the staggering effect of her fabulous body. Her panties were white nylon briefs with delicate lace that followed the pattern of her pubic area down to her inner thighs and around behind her ass, which bulged with promising symmetry as she turned to show herself in full effect, her long taught legs shaped by the balancing stress of four inch heals. Even her hose and garter belt were white. she stood before me like a goddess, examining the effect of her presence in my devoted gaze. I guess my mouth must have dropped open because she said, “You can close your mouth Bobbie, I’m all yours tonight.” She then told me to jump into the shower and join her in the living room. Its funny how quickly exhaustion can turn to exuberance. Fifteen minutes later I was standing next to Susan in a fresh pair of panties and a clean apron, handing her a a cold, sweating glass of Sauvignon Blanc.
She told me to sit down on the hassock in front of her chair and looked at me softly. With a low and very serious tone she told me that she loved me very much and that the last few weeks of having me as her slave would always occupy a special place in her heart. At first it had only been a lark, a chance to play with Margarite’s property and get some free cleaning and laundry services. She also confessed to a fondness for my tongue and its athletic abilities, but she could never have predicted how attached she would become to me. “When I look into your eyes and see the devotion and love and selflessness I find myself melting. At first I didn’t know what it was, a little thrill, a flutter of excitement and then I realized I had a crush on you. I was falling in love with an impotent little panty-waist pansy!” She tilted her head and wrinkled her lovely smooth forehead just over her sympathetic eyes as if to apologize. My heart began to sink. I hate it when a woman begins to feel sorry for me. It makes me feel like I’m with someone who has no idea what goes on inside of my mind- a kind of lonely feeling. Susan understood immediately.
Reaching down to me as I kneeled in front of her, she took my un-naturally large and sensitive nipples between her thumb and forefinger and began to roll them, gradually tightening the pressure. I looked up to her with a very pleased look on my face and was instantly slapped very hard. And then again with the other hand, her nails grazed my cheek and I felt a burn where they tore the surface of my skin. The pain was less powerful than the shock. Yes she could feel a little pity for me, but it was only brief and condescending. she moved closer to me and stood over me with her left shoe resting heavily on my balls, which quickly began to ache with a dull thrill. My eyes were filling up with tears as the pain increased. Directly in front of me was the image of a 27 year old woman, her pussy clearly visible through her shear white panties. the smell of her perfume was hypnotic and the undercurrent of her femininity was just as strong. Turning away from me she pressed harder on my balls and I let out an anguished cry. As the pressure was released I looked up at her beautiful ass cheeks facing me. they came to within a few inches of my face as she leaning forward, resting her elbows on the mantle.
“Lick”, she said
“Your ass or your pussy, mistress?
“Put your nose in my ass and lick my pussy! and don’t drip all over the place.” She shifted her hips a little each way and inched her panties down to the top of her thighs, where they fell to the floor. “There’s a condom on the table.”
I removed the wrapper and pulled the rubber over the head and shaft of my cock and tucked it back into my pink panties. then I placed my nose directly in the middle of Susan’s rectum and began to lick her pussy. With my nose in her cherry ass hole I could barely reach her vagina so I wondered how she was going to enjoy the licking. As I stretched to find her clit my nose pressed further into her ass hole. My cheeks were flat against her ass cheeks as I licked her harder and harder. I needn’t have worried about Susan. She knew exactly what she was doing. Her moaning began slowly and I knew that half of her pleasure was knowing the position that I was in- kneeling behind her with my balls aching from her footstep, my nose deeply into her ass and my tongue stretched desperately over her cunt only occasionally tapping her clit. She dripped onto my tongue and I tasted her womanhood as I continued licking.
More than twenty minutes went by as I licked and licked, my tongue and whole mouth was getting sore. My nose was numb from bumping into her rectum. Her moans were growing faster and more high pitched now, becoming vaguely unattached. I knew she was about to cum and this thrilled me with joy. When you don’t have orgasms yourself, at least male orgasms, and all of your attention is directed at making someone else have one, the feeling is beyond description. You experience the orgasm as the other half of an expanding universe. The object of your attentions looses contact with reality while you remain grounded. Then you realize that you are not grounded at all; you are suspended in air with the earth falling below you. You might think that I felt sorry for myself, but you would be mistaken. I had no self to feel sorry for. The Domme’s ego grows large; the sub’s becomes microscopic, or disappears all together. I was happily gone in a miasma of taste and smell, my mouth full of her wet silky texture, my cheeks gooey with sweat and vaginal nectar, my spirit soaring with sustained sexual excitement and my ego melting beyond recognition.
Susan dropped onto the hassock and continued with her orgasm as she lay on her stomach with her ass in the air. I couldn’t look away from her perfect body as it heaved in quick strokes as she kept shifting her weight against the furniture.
“Lick my ass slave”, she said in a sleepy tone, short of breath.
I leaned forward and continued to lick her beautiful ass, my tongue dancing around the edges of her rectum. After a while I began to push my tongue into her rectum, at first softly but with more and more urgency. In a few minutes I was fucking her ass with my tongue as hard as I could and she began to moan again, slowly building with emotion. After she had completed another complete orgasm, lasting a least ten minutes, she lifted her right foot and pressed it into my chest, slowly pushing me away with the sharp end of her heal pushed into my skin. I looked down at my crotch and saw that I was still erect.
“Let me see your dick, Bobby,” Susan said, looking back at me over her shoulder, that gorgeous shock of blond hair hanging over her eyes. She had a devious smile and perspiration glistening on her brow and cheeks. I pulled down my panties and showed her my lazy little penis, with its condom white with cum at the end.
“I didn’t tell you could cum, slave.”
“I didn’t cum, I mean I didn’t have an orgasm. I just…. leaked a little.”
Susan reached down to my cock and grabbed it, squeezing tightly, pulling me forward on my knees. She pulled off the rubber in the same smooth movement of turning herself around and facing me. First she held up the condom to the light to see how much jism was in it. then she tilted her face forward and gave me a stern look. I didn’t tell you to make a drop. And you made two or three, unless I’m mistaken. My eyes lowered in shame and humility. then she slapped me across the face with the sloppy condom. She repeated this flogging, which didn’t hurt, but was very humiliating. “Open your mouth!” I looked up at her in disbelief. “Open your mouth!” she repeated. As I opened my mouth I instinctively closed my eyes and soon felt the full condom being pushed into the opening. “Suck it out, wash your hands and get started on dinner, bobby. I’ve worked up one hell of an appetite.” As I felt my raw tongue come in contact with my own milky discharge I melted with shame because of the humiliation I was receiving. My head hung down as I slowly mouthed my humbling meal, swallowing each lump of sperm as though it were some over cooked vegetable that I was unfond of. But even as I knelt there, belittled in shame, I could not resist looking up at Susan as she bounced up on to her long and beautiful legs and strode out of the room to get ready for dinner, her heals clicking confidently on the wooden floor, her shear white panties fitting tightly once again against her perfect ass.
As I began to serve her dinner, Susan told me not to bother with a second placement. “this will be a sperm night for you bobby. Since you are so careless with making drops whenever you please, you will just have to be satisfied with your own spunk! You can have all you can eat” As I stood at attention by her side, she consumed her dinner in slow deliberate motions, savoring every bite. When she was finished she told me that I could make two drops of cum, but I must face her while stroking my cock. this I did as instructed, dropping the two drops into my right hand. Susan wanted to see me jack off with my left hand- as a diversion, just to see if it took any longer. I then raised the palm of my hand to my mouth and licked up the sperm as directed. Later, after we had watched a movie on TV and I had served her another glass of wine, she had me do it again, this time making as many drops as possible. By this time I was pretty thoroughly milked. I licked up the last of the cum and tucked my penis back into the panties, sighing sleepily. It had been a long day and I was very tired. Luckily Susan would be sleeping in because Wednesday was her day off. I would still have to get up early, since there was a lot of work to do. I could get two loads of laundry done before I had to make her coffee. then I would head over to Margarite’s and start on her ever-growing pile of dishes. Soon the pile would be even higher because of the new slave. She was expected to move in any day now.

Margarite and bobbie 05

One day I was cleaning Margarite’s house and it was getting late in the day. It was almost time for her to come home from work. I was expected to have all of my work completed by 4:30 and return to Susan’s, but I guess sentimentality had overcome me as I was vacuuming her bedroom. I could remember how happy she had been when I purchased the bedroom furniture for her, how comfortable and serene the room had become after Margarite had added her personal accents. Now I stood before her bureau dusting it’s top and my heart crept up into my throat as I gazed at her many strands of necklaces draped carelessly over the small lamp shade and smelled the complex aroma of her missing self. So much of what I loved about Margarite was still present in the room without her actual person being there.

I was just leaving when I heard the sound of her car pulling into the driveway. The car door slammed and I listened to the sound of her heals clicking up the walk. I was nearly in tears from the memory of the many times I had done the same thing, waiting for her to come home late at night, perhaps from a date (I never really knew where she went). Then all of a sudden I would hear these same sounds unfolding, the same progression of events, which always led to the happy moment when I would see her smiling, confident face, blessed with the flush of some newly found pleasure. I was very surprised when she greeted me just as she had in the past. After I had kissed her feet for a minute or two, she told me to stand. I slowly rose up before her, keeping my eyes lowered as usual, expecting to be slapped several times for my tardiness. In fact she only slapped me once and was about to repeat the act, when she looked at me softly, tilting her head as if in sympathy and putting her arms around me, gathered me into her presence and enveloped me with kisses until I was covered with lipstick and the heavenly aroma that always identified her true essence to my most vulnerable inner self. It was good to be home and it was good to feel so a part of the place and of her life again. Of course it was only for a while. But it didn’t take Margarite very long to regain the place of prominence, which I was always so eager to give to her. After getting her a glass of Pinot Grigio I first knelt at her feet, and then as she directed, placed myself in the position of a foot stool and received the pressure of her feet and calves on my back. It was then that she began to tell me why she was so cheerful. She had just come from Dr. Pam’s office, where she had witnessed Ralph’s second interview from behind a two-way mirror.

“you know Bobbie, that I like Ralph very much and it is very important to me that he pass all of the tests and complete the interviews with Dr. Pam. You just can’t imagine how wonderful it is to have a lover like him. His penis is almost perfect and its shape and the way he moves it, well it fits me like a glove. And Bobbie, well you know of course, he can fuck for hours. I get wet just thinking about it. He’s the first man whose cum I’ve swallowed and not gagged on it. I feel just like a teenager, waiting until my next date with him, thinking about how I’m going to pull his throbbing cock into me and dance on it for hours, thinking about how I’m going to let him pump every orifice I have full of that lovely sweet jism of his.

Well anyway, you should have seen the way Pamela was dressed. My god she was sexy and so feminine. She is amazing, so many different sides to her personality, such a talented woman- a great friend, a social wizard, a professional success. One moment she can be a stern and very dominant mistress and then suddenly she can appear as feminine and appealing as any vanilla vamp on the block and lure a man into thinking that he is the only thing in the world that she needs. It was clear that she was already having a positive affect on Ralph. He was dressed nicer than I’ve ever seen him. I had never noticed those slacks before, they were probably new. The shoes matched his sport coat and he was freshly shaved, even though the interview was at 3:00. After the usual battery of questions- that personality profile that she is working up on him- and by the way- Pam said that everything is looking good. You don’t know what a relief that is to me. Well, after the question and answer session was over you could already see the look on his face of anticipation. You know that kind of blank stare he gets, so open and childlike, but so obvious, like, you know I’m just about to get the biggest tastiest slice of grandma’s pie.

“That’s right Ralph. It’s time for your reward, she said. It just killed me to see him looking at her so eagerly. Pam was reclining on the couch, dragging her two hands smoothly up the inside of her thighs, slowly spreading her legs so that he could just barely make out the crotch of the black shear panties she was wearing. Ralph stood up and it was obvious that he couldn’t decide whether to jump right on top of her, or to take his pants off first. His coat was already off and his left hand was playing with the top of his pants’ zipper, but he just couldn’t decide which way to go. Then Pam said, “Oh, I need your cock sooo bad.” And, you know, it was no act. I’ve never seen her like that before. She was a purring cat, a real slut, as tantalizing as any center-fold you have ever seen. Everyone thinks that she is so professional, so cold and calculating, I’m sure that no one would be surprised to find out that she is a dominatrix. But she is more of a woman than any one woman has a right to be. She had him pushing his rod into her panties like a humping dog. He was beside himself with lust. His penis bent up against her belly, slid back down as he withdrew and pushed into her again. I could see the fabric of her panties being pushed into her vagina by his hard-on, again and again, until he had spread pre-cum all over the front of her panties and up on to her stomach below her belly button. Back and forth, again and again until I thought the material would grind his cock down to a little nub like yours. To emphasize her point Margarite pushed her heal into the top of my shoulder with enough force to create a sharp spike of pain. But no, he just went on and on. Finally she pulled the fabric over to the side and his cock buried itself in her up to the hilt. I heard her gasp with pleasure as he sunk it into her depths. She reached around behind his cock and gathered his scrotum together between her finger nails, digging into him from behind the sack. You remember how that feels Bobbie. I used to do it to you until you started shooting sperm all over the place every time I did it. But he didn’t flinch a bit. You should of seen them rocking back and forth with her one hand guiding him into her and the other drawing long scratches down his back. She was gradually working him up to where I’m sure he could feel no pain. Pretty soon her hand was so tight with her nails dug into his ball sack that I don’t think he could have cum if he wanted to. But he is too big for her to control. His thrusts, I mean, he was going his own speed, but she was pushing and pulling him like a swing. the sweat was running off of both of them and their faces were becoming transfixed with the building tension. I could see the muscles on her arm stress and release as she worked her nails into his scrotum. Her juice was flowing out the sides of his cock and running down the crack of her ass on to the Italian leather sofa. This went on for about 20 minutes until their faces were red and shiny with sweat. Finally she began to spasm and her diaphragm flinched again and again as her pelvis continued thrusting. He was pumping sperm into her and jerking his head backwards as though he were riding a rodeo bull and she was bucking underneath him. Shoot it all over me, she said, and he withdrew his twitching penis sailing white spurts across her breasts and neck, Give me more, she said. And he began to stroke his cock violently as though it were some kind of Army mortar or something. and more jism shot up and sailed over her. She kept grinning and watching the droplets fly above her like fireworks. then she grabbed his cock and stuffed it into her cunt again. All this time, her orgasm was continuing to carry on. Now her cunt pulsed against his cock, squeezing it tightly in quick reflexive waves and he continued to squirt his juice until finally she had that look on her face. You know, you’ve seen it on me, when I’m like, so full of sperm I want to explode. She looked like she couldn’t believe what had happened or what was still continuing to happen. It was something wonderful to see. And, you know Bobbie, I was thinking of you about this time. I think I know now why you enjoy watching me make love so much. It’s really a privilege, isn’t it?

I shifted my weight under the weight of her legs, which were crossed at the ankle allowing one heal to bear most of the stress. Her heal gouged into my shoulder blade as I tried to redistribute the pressure. Instantly I felt a fiery sting against my buttocks as Margarite surprised me with a fierce swing of the crop. this was one of her favorite positions for punishment since it permitted very little movement on my part, having to continue supporting her legs with my back as she made quick, sharp cuts across my ass with her riding crop. She then began stroking me slowly, gradually increasing my pain, building it expertly. It was a long journey for me to be whipped by Margarite and I appreciated the tremendous effort she put into the process. It took a lot of time for her to put her mark on me. Layer after layer of emotional diagrams were drawn on to the surface of my skin as the pain and the pleasure continued to build simultaneously. And then, when she had erected a structure of endorphins within me that was quite complete and created a confidence in me that I could bear any amount of beating she could give me, just at that moment when she knew that I was most confident that I could experience all of the pain as pure pleasure and savor it in bliss, she began to tear down the edifice which she had created. At this point it would only take a slight increase in severity, or merely an increase in the frequency of the blows to make me realize that I was losing ground and the pleasure of one blow would not quite arrive before the pain of the next had replaced it with a fiery sting. Which would it be? This time it was severity. Each cut went just a little bit deeper and I began to feel her picking away at my presence of mind as the fear begin to arise from deep within me, fear that I could not take what she was about to give me. Whap, whap whap, I could feel the full force of her yearning for sex with Ralph. The stings came quicker and quicker, closer together and ever so slightly harder until I knew that she was making welts on top of welts. My breathing was very fast and shallow and I was on the edge of hyperventilating. Tears began to well up in my eyes as I began to gasp spasmodically. Margarite knew me very well. She knew when it was time for me to start crying even before I knew it. But she did not stop the beating. Masterfully, she gained control of herself. She continued on at a much slower pace, allowing just enough time for me to recover before delivering the next staunch blow. Now the blows were coming slower but at the same brute force so that each had a life of its own starting with the swift whisper of air, then the loud whap as the crop collided with my flesh. then the flash of pain that spread through me like an explosion, its tendrils fading into pleasure at the end. then silence and the next blow would follow.

Finally she stopped, sighing quietly and dropping her right arm to her side. The sudden silence was something that we shared. I was so detached from my self that I could hardly recognize the sounds of my own gasping sobs. they seemed so far away, far away from where my mistress and I lay in our pleasure court listening.

“Now, pull up your panties and get in the kitchen Bobby. Ralph will be here in one hour. After you serve us a nice dinner, you may have the privilege of watching him fuck me.”

As I started to prepare the dinner the tears were still wet on my cheeks and of course my ass was very very sore. It always amazes me to realize the depths of my submissiveness. Even now as I sliced scallions into a sauté pan my nipples were so erect that the feeling of the fabric of my apron glancing across their tops sent shivers into me, focusing my lust in slavish devotion. I would prepare the best dinner possible with the ingredients at hand. I would serve it respectfully. I would huddle in the kitchen in between courses, eating bread and milk unless told to do otherwise and I would say nothing unless I was asked a question directly. I would be a perfect slave to my perfect mistress and I would watch her in all of her glory, a beautiful alpha female taking her pleasure in grandiose measure.

Two things stick in my mind from that evening. One, of course, was the marvelous actions of Margarite obtaining everything she desired. From me she took the last ounce of my self respect, wringing my soul into tearful and finally grateful servitude. then she took Ralph by the wiles of her feminine allure and milked him for all of the energy he could deliver. And that was quite a lot. She made him repeat virtually every act that he had performed with Dr. Pam. She sawed away at his back. She dug into his scrotum with the same fierce ownership. She encouraged his pyrotechnic ejaculations and swallowed his cum with seeming devotion. The time she spent caressing his cock with vaginal spasms was reminiscent of a Kama Sutra engraving, so lovely her tilted head, so timeless her blissful smile. the second thing was even greater still. I saw myself being welcomed home. A new beginning, a new place for me and a new level of submission and devotion to measure my future self against.

The next morning, after Ralph left, Margarite took my hands in hers and brought my face close to hers. Kissing me on the lips dreamily she began lightly pinching my nipples. It was very difficult for me to keep my focus when she would do this. “Did you enjoy yourself last night watching Ralph and me?” “Yes Margarite”, I answered with what little breath I could muster. the room was dissolving around me as Margarite continued teasing my nipples. Then she swung her foot forward gently pushing it into my crotch. Again she kissed me luxuriously as she pinched the nipples tighter. Again, she kicked me. Looking deeply into her large soft pupils I could hear her throaty words. I clung to their sound amid the spiraling effects of her attentions to my chest and balls. There was no more significant sound to me in the whole universe, than the familiar tone of my mistress’ voice as she directed my existence. A final blow to the balls took my breath away as I kneeled before her awaiting my fate.

“You may make three drops of cum today Bobby, but not at the same time. Make it one every two hours, just for fun. And don’t touch your cock. It will take a lot longer that way and you’ll enjoy it more.”

“Yes Margarite, thank you very much.”

“I suppose you’re wondering how long you’ll be staying with Susan. I wasn’t going to tell you this so soon. I thought it would be fun to think of you over there fretting over your fate. But the truth is I kind of miss you. I love just sitting here watching you grovel at my feet.” Dropping her eyes and lifting her chin confidently she said very matter of factly, Kiss my feet now, while I’m talking to you.” I placed my nose just below her left ankle and began to gently and slowly kiss the little indentions between her meta tarsals. “I really didn’t know how long it would take to get Ralph adjusted to things and I was very lucky to acquire a new slave, a young female, whom I know you will love as much as I do, Bobbie. But it all happened so fast. Dr. Pam knew exactly how to handle the situation, and I have been following every one of her suggestions. She is an absolute marvel. Lindy will be moving in soon. She has been told that she will be the lowliest member of this household, except of course for you, Bobbie. She is nineteen, five feet four, 110 pounds, auburn hair, hazel eyes. I will still be head of this household. Ralph and I will share Lindy and Lindy will have you to play with as she sees fit. You are to treat her as if she were me, do exactly as she says and make her feel like a queen. Dr. Pam says this will make her submission a smoother and easier process. She already told me that she can’t wait to humiliate and torture you, a 34 year old man. “He’s almost twice as old as me and he’ll have to do exactly as I say,” she told me. What an evil little gleam she had in her eye when she said that. I think you’ll be the answer to her prayers.” In two or three weeks, after she’s settled in, you can come back. You’ll sleep in the basement and stay there unless you’re granted permission to be with us upstairs. Lindy will have your old room and Ralph will sleep with me.

Don’t worry we won’t forget about you down there. You’ll still do most of the work, the cleaning, laundry and so on. there will be quite a lot for you to do. Margarite reached down and caught the head of my penis between her thumb and forefinger as if to pinch it. Instead she softly stroked it on the underside. Within ten seconds or so I felt a large quantity of cum pushing its way up the shaft. Sensing this herself she stopped abruptly, leaving the hot spot suspended in the shaft. Then with her right hand she squeezed my balls, pushing the drop upward through the head of my penis. The glob dropped into her left hand. “Eat it,” she said. Gratefully I licked the gooey cum off of the palm of her hand and continued to clean and lick her fortune lines in the same tender way that I had been kissing her feet. “Thank you Margarite.”
“You’re welcome Bobbie.”

New Report
