Erotica & Poems 3

Time with Mistress By Lost Bear ; Walking to the door, making sure my ass cheeks squeezed and kept the plug in place. I opened the door and there before my eyes stood one of the most beautiful women my likes had ever gazed upon.

A Christmas Femdom Santa by Longbear ; “I came into this store to purchase some treats, but I stumbled upon you,” like syrup the words flowed from her mouth. This simple statement unlocked an inner chamber deeply hid inside his mind. Reading of such dominance before his sheltered life never opened remotely to him believing in such an occurrence. She had entered into his store and with just placing a shining boot between his thighs and looking straight into his eyes had him under a hypnotic like spell. His world was now shaken but at the same time opened to a volcanic like energy source captivating and taking him along the heat wave.

The two slaves by Markasub ; It was a warm, sunny day – too warm for the Mistress or her slaves to be indoors. Much better to be outside, naked, having fun, she mused.

and they met 01 by MistressLuna ; They finalized the plans via instant messenger that morning. She told him to use the side entrance as that one went directly into the pub. She also told him to sit across from the bar, to choose a booth along the wall….she had plans, she would see to it that this was a first meeting he’d not soon forget. After all, first impressions are the most important are they not?

and they met 02 by MistressLuna ; She was thrilled to be finally in the parking lot. The ten minute ride seemed to take hours. She got out of the car and told the driver

and they met 03 by MistressLuna ; She spied his car in the lot and headed straight for it. Waiting for him to step up and open the door for her. As he did, stepping in front of her she slid her hand across his ass.

and they met 04 by MistressLuna ; ow underway, naked from the waist down and locked-up tight. He listened intently as she gave him directions. Turn there, straight through this light.

and they met 05 by MistressLuna ; She buttoned up her coat as he reached for his pants. “what do you think you’re doing?” She ask. “you won’t be needing those, and as a matter of fact take that shirt off now too.”

and they met 06 by MistressLuna ; She buttoned up her coat as he reached for his pants. “what do you think you’re doing?” She ask. “you won’t be needing those, and as a matter of fact take that shirt off now too.”

and they met 07 by MistressLuna ; She spread her legs wider and watched with a grin as he shuffled on his knees, careful not to lose his balance and fall over until he got turned and was facing her. She stood, her crotch in his face and she looped a finger in either side of her thong and slowly slid them down her body.

and they met 08 by MistressLuna ; She extended her arms out and snapped her wrists, the blanket floating down like a lazy cloud, landing on the floor behind him and the gentle breeze caressing his skin as it touched down.

and they met 09 by MistressLuna ; he sat down on the blanket beside him. Reaching over she placed a thumb and index finger in the o-ring on his gates.

and they met 10 by MistressLuna ; He woke first, not sure where he was for a moment. He had another wonderful dream of his Mistress and felt his cock growing hard again.

Gates of Hell 01 by Moonstruck ; The meeting penned for Mistress Lunas pleasure:I stared at the hotel room door. My heart pounding. We had finally worked out the logistics of a meeting and I was about to knock on the door of the room we had gotten. In knew she was in there…waiting. The woman who had met me as an equal, had an initial attraction, a failed submission, a flurry of anger, a reunion, my submitting to her…all this passed through my mind.

Gate of hell 02 by Moonstruck ; The shudders of her climax had barely slowed when Mistress Luna grinned and stared down at me. ‘I do love the way the gates of hell fit my cock, Charles. But there are some things that need to be done. I think I did say I prefer my cock shaved, didn’t I?’ As she said this she pulled on the tuff of pubic hair still visible behind the gates of hell. ‘But let’s do this the right way’.

Gate of hell 03 by Moonstruck ; Heaven on Earth: I was still reeling from being collared as Mistress Luna sat back and smiled at her handiwork. ‘I always knew I would have you submit to me’ she laughed and deep inside I knew she was right.

Gate of hell 04 by Moonstruck ; Total submission: Freshly shorn, I lay there in something like shock. Her words still echoed in my head “Never” “Forever”, until it became a litany. But cramping muscles brought me back to reality.

Gates of hell 05 by Moonstruck ; Public announcement: When she untied me, there was very little of the Dom left in me. She had taken my core beliefs in myself, held them in her hand, laughed at them and remolded me to fit her whim. She had used me for her pleasure, every private area, every inch and opening of my body felt her will. She bent me to her will and she claimed her ownership.

Gates of hell 06 by Moonstruck ; Needs fulfilled: The lesson did not take long to begin. Upon entering the room, she told me to strip which I did without question nor hesitation. Once naked, she had me sit in an armless chair that was in the room. Quickly, she tied the collar, my arms and legs to the chair, immobilizing me.

I want to be yours by Mz Pleazd ; She had asked him to be explicit in his list of limits. She had told him once he had given it to her she would respect them but he wouldn’t be allowed to add to the list only take things off the list. He thought about it for a while and sent it to her after about an hour

On my knees by onmyleash ; “for MissBonnie” :You are soo beautiful, your female slave is staked out on top of the coffee table. You command me to kiss her breasts. The sound of a voice commanding someone to give pleasure, it is strange and wonderful. Slowly you direct me to move slowly across her body. Slowly, silently I move down her trunk. She can hear the crop against my skin, she assumes it is my ass and you hear me wince and feel me recoil as you reprimand me for moving too swiftly. I am between her legs now, licking sucking, pleasing.

Miss Davini by petcat ; In her clutches how could he help himself? Mistress Divini wanted her robe 20 minutes ago and is in so much trouble. Lets hope he makes it in time

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